Infinite Mage

Chapter 165: A Dangerous Deal (1)

Chapter 165: A Dangerous Deal (1)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu




"Huh? The government controls access? But the Galiant government and the native self-governing district have separate administrations. If we decide to go in, what can they do?"

"It's true that it's mostly just nominal control, but I think there must be a reason they're so adamant about it. Sorry if it sounded unnecessary."

"No, it's fine. We didn't know that, either. But our decision to go hasn't changed. Of course, that's if you guide us, Zis."

"Of course! Who else but Zis to be the guide?"

Confidently thumping his chest, Zis gasped in pain. It took a while for the pain to subside before he could continue speaking.

"But, with the state I'm in, I'm not sure I can walk around properly."

"Don't worry about that. Tomorrow, we'll go to the healing mage Mr. Freeman recommended. Most external injuries can be treated there."

"A healing mage? Isn’t that going to be incredibly expensive?"

Zis's eyes widened in surprise, and Amy looked at him sleepily, saying,

"It’ll probably be cheaper than the guide fee you suggested."

Zis scratched his head. That comment made him realize just how much he had tried to overcharge them.

"Haha, why bring that up now? That’s all in the past."

Shirone sank into a plush sofa.

"Anyway, we should rest today. Mental fatigue can be recovered with sleep, but Rian and Tess will be uncomfortable until they receive healing magic."

"Huh? No, I'm fine. My injuries are already healed."

Everyone turned to look at Tess. Indeed, the cuts on her cheeks and arms had healed cleanly.

"Wow, how did you do that? Is it something similar to what Mr. Freeman did?"

"Yep. I set my second schema to focus on mitochondria."


"It’s a cell organelle that produces energy. Using a mitochondria schema dramatically boosts basic physical abilities like reflexes, regeneration, and stamina. That’s why less talented swordsmen often choose it as their base build. Probably, soldiers and mercenaries in the kingdom use mitochondria builds a lot."

"I see, but what's this about a second build and base build?"

Having been lynched by swordsmen during a previous encounter with the Parrot Mercenary Band, Shirone wanted to learn more about schemas.

The aspects of magic combat were indeed different. With the potential dangers in the ruins unknown, it was best to gather as much information on combat as possible.

"A build refers to a technique tree. People usually say to imagine a virtual body when explaining a schema, but the sensation is different when you actually train it. As the cells in your body awaken, they expand in clarity. So here’s the question. How do swordsmen overlay multiple builds?"

Amy and Rian knew the answer but remained silent. Tess had the highest understanding of schemas here, so they left the explanation to her.

"Maybe. If it's about virtual schematics, maybe it's about developing parts like arms and legs?"

"People usually think that. It’s not impossible, but that approach doesn’t allow for balancing the body. For example, if you keep developing only the nervous system, your muscles might burst. Conversely, if you only develop muscular strength, your fists could shatter when you swing them."

"I see. I've always wondered how they balance enhancing the body."

"It’s similar to magic. You probably have a systematic method to handle your spirit, too. Something like a special pattern."

"Yep. It's called the Four Way Formation. There’s also something like a Sequence Method."

"Swordsmen are the same. That’s what a build is. Imagine creating several layers of virtual schematics and stacking them. For example, you might lay a mitochondria schema at the very bottom, then a muscle strengthening schema on top of that, and then a technique for the eyes on top of that. By completing the base like this and climbing the technique tree, the risk of the body collapsing due to imbalance is significantly reduced."

"Ah! I see."

"The most efficient is the base schema. If the efficiency of the schema at the bottom is 100, the second layer is 50, and the third is 25. You can switch the order, but unless you're a master of the technique tree, it’s hard to apply it directly in combat. However, there are a few exceptions, notably a technique called Reversal."

"That’s the technique used by Mr. Freeman that Amy mentioned, right? Does it create a specific pattern like the Four Way Formation?"

"No, a schema doesn’t work like that. To put it simply, Reversal is possible because it allows changing the perceptual timing of the schema."

Tess reached out over the table and mimicked the movement of shuffling papers.

"For example, let's say you stacked three sheets of transparent paper. When you look down, your gaze penetrates the papers in order. If we label these 1, 2, 3, then Reversal means flipping the view from bottom to top, like 3, 2, 1. Besides this, there are many techniques related to the technique tree, like Deviation, Penetration, Folding, Crossing, etc. All these considerations are what we call building a schema."

Shirone was impressed. He had thought swordsmanship was just about physical enhancement, but it was as technical as magic.

"So Tess, you’ve placed the mitochondria schema as your second technique tree. Its efficiency is half that of the first."

"Right. Although the mitochondria build is popular, it’s somewhat wasteful to concentrate physical activity in the schema with 100% efficiency unless it’s a physical confrontation. So, those who perform the sword properly choose the schema that best fits their technique. In my case, I chose a nervous system build because precision is critical in handling a rapier."

Shirone now understood. If two swordsmen with the same rapier skills and schema abilities fought, the nervous system build would overwhelmingly overpower the mitochondria build.

"The mercenaries we met in the Room of Achievement and Sacrifice were quite something, choosing builds other than mitochondria. It seems warriors chose muscle strengthening builds and archers sensory builds."

"Huh? Are the nervous system and sensory builds different?"

"They are similar, but they enhance different parts. Think of it as the difference between internal and external senses. My nervous system build focuses on internal senses, which allows for extremely precise control of my body’s movements. Conversely, a sensory build focuses on external senses, like the primary senses of eyes, nose, ears, and the close senses of taste and touch. Archers naturally train their primary senses, so their vision, smell, and hearing are much more sensitive than others. Of course, my third build also adopts a sensory system."

"Ah, so that’s why it’s tough to tail an archer."

"Right. The important thing is to find a build that suits you. Of course, diligently refining each schema is essential. Even if you choose a mitochondria build, if your practice is lacking, your physical abilities will be inferior to a swordsman who chose mitochondria for their third technique tree."

"Now I understand what a schema is and why it’s called a body diagram."

"Think of it as another self-image. For example, phantom limb pain. People who have had an arm amputated might still feel pain where the arm used to be if there's an object in that space. That’s the actuality of a schema."

As the conversation continued, like Shirone, Amy also felt she was learning a lot. She had assigned Tess to explain because she thought it would be simpler from a swordsman's perspective, but as they delved deeper, even she found herself discovering new information.

"So Tess, how many schemas has my dad overlapped? I remember he had lots of techniques as a child. If the efficiency decreases with each layer, isn't building beyond the fourth layer almost pointless?"

"That's usually the case. But there’s a way to make the efficiency of the second technique tree 100."

Intrigued and already deeply interested in schemas, Shirone asked eagerly,

"Oh, really? How’s that?"

"Swordsmen call it mastery. Like I mentioned, to explain a schema, imagine the shadow of your own body. Opening a schema means clearing away the black parts of that shadow. But honestly, how many people can perfectly understand their own body? I mean, someone who has peeled away every black part of a single schema."

"That sounds tough."

"It requires immense training and genius talent, but there are people who have achieved it. They become so transparent that they ultimately merge with their own body. So, someone who has mastered a specific schema eventually acts as if that layer isn't there at all. If someone has mastered five schemas, the efficiency of their sixth schema is 100. But this is a matter of time and effort. Talent can shorten it."


Shirone let out a breath he had been holding. Although he had always dreamed of becoming a mage, he had realized the infinite potential of the sword during his real combat with Rian.

Mage and swordsman. Spirit Zone and Schema. Indeed, there was a reason these powers divided the world.

"That's amazing, Tess."

Touched by Shirone's sincere compliment, Tess blushed.

"Ah, it's nothing. I've been learning this since I was a child. I did explain a bit extensively hoping it would also be helpful to you, a magical poet."

"Yes, it's been incredibly helpful. Now, in situations like today, I can respond better than before. So, Tess is already healed, and tomorrow it'll just be Zis and Rian who need healing magic."

Shirone spoke casually, but Tess suddenly stiffened, realizing something.

Come to think of it, despite the discussion about swordsmanship and schemas, Rian hadn't interjected at all.

Tess discreetly glanced at Rian. He was listening impassively, but his gaze lingered on his own body.

His body was in complete disarray.

Although he had ultimately overwhelmed Falcoa with an imagined schema, his failure to master the schema was a significant flaw.

He wasn’t just failing to heal; it felt as if his injuries were getting worse.

"Damn it! Why can't I..."

Tess looked at Rian with pity, but her heart also raced with tension. She felt guilty as if she had inadvertently hurt him.

"His pride must be hurt. He must be the most upset about this."

Realizing his friends were watching him, Rian quickly adjusted his expression. As if nothing had happened, he flashed a bright smile and thumped his chest.

"Haha! I'm fine. I don't need healing magic. I'm tough."

Indeed, Rian was thumping his chest with tremendous force, yet his expression didn’t change, nor did he show any sign of pain.

But everyone knew. He was enduring through sheer superhuman willpower.

While his mental strength was indeed astounding, his combat effectiveness would significantly decline if his injuries weren’t treated.

Still, no one urged Rian to receive healing magic again. They understood the misery of having to show weakness.

But Shirone was different. During this trip, Rian had seriously carried out his duties as a guardian knight. If Rian was serious, Shirone thought he should treat him with the same commitment.

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