Infinite Mage

Chapter 153: The Second Encounter (1)

Chapter 153: The Second Encounter (1)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



"We're definitely close. Just about a kilometer more to go..."

Just as Amy was about to explain, a ferocious noise erupted from the forest, and a ball of fire shot out.

"Ambush! Scatter!"

Shirones party scattered in different directions. The flame that hit the ground devoured the air, growing in size before dispersing into heat.


"Amy! Be careful!"

The second and third attacks came simultaneously.

However, Amy didn't dodge. Instead, she took a battle stance and pierced through the fireballs with an equal number of Flame Strikes.

"Show yourself! Cowardly attacking from ambush!"

"You're quite skilled. It wasn't just luck that brought you this far."

Shirone's party turned to look back at the trail. A man emerged from the forest, about the same height as Rian but with a noticeably lean and agile build.

Despite having no eyebrows, his slicked-back hair exuded confidence, and his pale complexion resembled that of a serpent.

"Who are you?"

"The Vice-Captain of the Parrot Mercenary Corps. Agado Freeman."

The word Vice-Captain' brought tension to the faces of Shirone's party. However, it also implied that their destination was not far off.

"Shirone, I'll take care of this. When I give the signal, take Rian and Tess to the cliffs."

"That's too dangerous."

"And what about you? Jumping into traps alone, have you forgotten? Are you going to keep underestimating me like this?"

"It's not about underestimating you. He's not alone. There are about 20 of them hiding in the forest."

Amy had already confirmed this through her Spirit Zone, but that was exactly why she wanted to send Shirone ahead.

Being held up here would only give the first checkpoint's reinforcements time to arrive.

As Amy tried to convince Shirone, she pointed at Freeman.

"Shirone, look at that man's weapon. It's a gun."

Shirone too turned to look closely. The man held a weapon identical to those described in books.

While a bow needed arrows to be replaced, a gun was specially designed to use only Mana Bullets.

It fired a small amount of Mana Bullets forward, and its design suggested that it was a revolver capable of rapid firing through the rotation of the cylinder.

"See? You know what a gun is, right? It can reload faster than arrows and is a direct fire weapon. Unlike arrows that explode after impact, it fires in an already activated state, making it specialized for medium to long-range combat. Probably all those hiding in the forest are using this weapon too."

Shirone understood Amy's point.

"Alright. I'll leave this to you."

Rian and Tess looked puzzled. Hearing about the gun only made them think the situation was even more dangerous. Why then was Shirone so willing to leave Amy behind?

"I'll use a Fire Wall to buy us some time and prevent their pursuit. Break through in that moment."

"Got it. Rian, Tess, be ready."

Rian followed Shirone's lead without question. Although it felt wrong to leave a comrade behind, this was not the time for debate, and Tess also braced herself, ready to spring into action.

"Now! Go!"

Amy shouted with wide eyes, and as Shirone took the lead, Rian and Tess followed on either side.

As expected, flames shot from all directions in the forest, courtesy of the guns.

Amy cast a Fire Wall in a massive circle around her.

The ground bubbled like boiling mud, and flames erupted from beneath her feet, charging fiercely into the forest.

Then, amplifying her mental power, the wall of fire roared, obstructing the enemies' view.

At the same time, Shirone, grabbing Rian and Tess, initiated a spatial transfer. Although its range was shorter compared to that of a high wizard, it was enough to disappear from the enemies' sight in a blink.

Hearing the noise of the spatial warp, Amy finally ceased casting the Fire Wall and gasped for breath.

The Fire Wall, known as a mana-eating parasite, required continuous mental effort to maintain its barrier.

Despite its powerful effect, it wasn't considered overpowered due to the high cost of casting it.

However, Freeman was purely impressed. The girl standing before him was barely in her teens.

To his knowledge, it was extremely rare for a mage of her age to cast a Fire Wall of such magnitude.

"Commendable. To sacrifice for your comrades."

"Hmph! Sacrifice, my foot. I sent them away because I can handle it myself."

"Is that so? You seem quite exhausted, though. Sorry, but we're in a hurry and can't afford to wait."

As Freeman finished speaking, his subordinates appeared.

The fact that none tried to extinguish the burning forest indicated the absence of mages among them. However, they were all Schema users, like Freeman, and held guns.

The combination of Schema and magic in combat. Such individuals were known as Gunners on the battlefield.

Having never witnessed a Gunner's battle, Amy could only imagine. She too could wield long-range magic and Schema simultaneously.

Freeman's men opened the cylinders of their guns and loaded Mana Bullets. It seemed each cylinder could hold at least six Mana Bullets.

With twelve rounds in total and twenty enemies, the cycle of their firepower was two hundred forty Mana Bullets.

"Sorry, but your reckless adventure ends here."

As Freeman spoke, his subordinates raised their guns.

Certainly, the subordinates reflected the character of their leader, unlike those under Falcoa's command.

They showed no complacency or bravado, focusing solely on eliminating their targets.

Amy couldn't help but smirk. While Shirone had been the main contributor to their battles so far, she hadn't expected such a low estimation of her abilities.

"Only twenty of you for a shootout with me?"

Amy concentrated, drawing her legs together as if channeling strength to her lower abdomen, and began to cast a spell.

A whirlwind swirled around her, lifting fist-sized stones into the air around her, which then ignited with a whooshing sound.

"You've picked the wrong opponent this time."

Amy's eyes blazed red.

* * *

Even as she ran, Tess kept looking back. Though she trusted and followed Shirone's lead, the plan seemed reckless.

Gunners might be weaker in firepower compared to mages, but they matched swordsmen in physical prowess.

The thought of Amy fighting among them made Tess's stomach clench.

"Shirone, shouldn't we go back now? I'm worried about Amy."

"It'll be fine. Delaying only puts us at a disadvantage. We might be pursued by the forces that survived the first checkpoint. Our priority is to reach the hideout as quickly as possible."

"But what about Amy? Wouldn't it have been better if you took out the enemies and came back?"

Understanding Tess's concern, Shirone gave a wry smile.

"It's not like that. A mages strength isn't simply measured by their power. It varies with the situation and the type of magic. Against Gunners, Amy is far stronger than I am."

Tess seemed unconvinced.

She knew Amy was a senior student, but the feats Shirone had performed since arriving were nothing short of incredible.

Could there really be a situation where Amy could outshine Shirone, who had already proven himself to be exceptionally powerful?

"Is that possible? No matter how skilled, there's something to be said for numerical superiority."

Tess, thinking like a true swordsman, placed emphasis on physical strength.

Indeed, in battle, the total physical force represented by numbers is a critical factor.

However, when it comes to magic, the scenario shifts slightly.

For mages, who manipulate countless phenomena through the combination of knowledge and omnipotence, the number of opponents isn't as critical.

What matters more to them is the ability to manipulate situations to maximize the efficiency of their finely honed skills.

"The properties of photons differ from those of flames. Moreover, the strategies of the Four Symbols are distinct. Amy specializes in long-range magic, maximizing the advantages of her Red Eyes. No matter how strong the enemies in the forest might be, if Amy confronts them in her element..."

Shirone stated confidently.

"No matter their numbers, they stand no chance against Amy."

Tess swallowed hard. Normally, she felt like she was looking after a stubborn younger sibling when dealing with Shirone and Amy, but in the heat of battle, they turned as cold and calculating as ice.

"You guys are truly amazing. How can you be so resolute?"

"That's a misunderstanding on your part. If anyone's amazing, it's you, Tess."

"Tch, what have I done? You were the one who breached the fortress, and I didn't even lend a hand."

Shirone didn't see it that way. The paths of swordsmen and mages are inherently different from the start.

While the mental arts can see individuals surpass age-related expectations, physical growth supports the swordsman's path, typically leading to their prominence emerging somewhat later.

Tess and Rian would grow stronger over time, each carrying their convictions upon their swords, forging their unique paths.

"Shirone, we've arrived."

Emerging from the forest, they were greeted by the sight of the vast blue sea churning below a magnificent cliff.

To the east of the cliff, a brick house was visible, likely their hideout. Yet, reaching it required passing one final obstacle.

Squad Leader Falcoa awaited Shirone's party.

Tess furrowed her brows in confusion. Given her assessment of his character, Falcoa should have long since charged into battle.

"What's going on? He's still here?"

"Kek, smashing you right from the start would have been fun. But, I have my orders."

Falcoa's compliance was driven by Marsha's directives. Although it went against his temperament, he followed them, for it was she who transformed him from a societal pariah into a hero of the battlefield.

"Well, you've made it this far. The leader was right. The woman you're looking for is inside that building. Try going in and taking her out."

Falcoa mockingly stepped aside, but Shirone's group remained stationary. The lethal aura that had been absent in the royal palace now barred their way, dense and overwhelming.

Tess empathized with Amy's position. Facing a master of such caliber necessitated a level of risk-taking from their side as well.

"We're being baited. I'll handle this with Rian. Shirone, go inside and bring Yuna back."

Shirone nodded without hesitation, understanding the plan. Tess realized why Amy had smiled; rather than feeling slighted, she felt a warmth of trust.

'So this cold world has its warmth, too. Is this what being trusted feels like?'

With Shirone's skills, escaping alone was hardly a challenge. After a brief pause, he executed a spatial warp, vanishing in a flash of light.

Yet, Falcoa didn't even glance in his direction.

Tess realized then that Falcoa had intended to let Shirone pass from the beginning.


"Well, I have my orders from the leader, and frankly, I prefer the company of the ladies."

Drawing his sword, Falcoa pointed it at Tess. His murky aura was unmistakable, yet the drunken instability was gone.

Without taking her eyes off Falcoa, Tess relayed the strategy to Rian.

"He's a Schema user. I'll hold him off; you attack."

Judging by his stance alone, Falcoa's prowess was evident. As a fellow Schema user, Tess taking on the defensive role seemed the best chance for survival.

"That won't do. I'll defend; you attack."

"Are you crazy? How could you possibly hold him off? I hate to say it, but you can't handle him alone."

"If it's impossible, then so be it."


Tess was incredulously wide-eyed, but Rian was serious, not showing any sign of giving up the fight, merely standing his ground.

"We're here to defeat him, not just to survive. Fighting just to save our own skins isn't the point."

Tess couldn't argue.

"You might buy us time, but you know it's not enough to win. We'd both end up dead. So, I'll hold him off. You focus on the attack."

Rian's logic was sound. Sharpening the blade, not fortifying the shield, was the essence of victory, even at the cost of life.

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