Infinite Mage

Chapter 143: The ‘Parrot’ (1)

Chapter 143: The ‘Parrot’ (1)

Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Chapter 143: The Parrot (1)

In the royal tavern, there was a secret space accessible only to Falcoa, even within the Freeman organization.

This place was the Lupe manufacturing site.

"Those insolent brats! Think this is the end?"

Standing beside Falcoa, Zis's heart was racing. He had witnessed Falcoa's eccentricities for a long time, but the current situation was far from normal.

'What is he planning? Why did he suddenly bring me here?'

Zis, who had just finished his usual day of beckoning customers at the port, was grabbed by Falcoa's men and brought here.

A day had passed since Shirone's group caused a stir in the tavern and left, yet Falcoa's anger seemed to have not subsided.

"Ha, just wait and see. I won't let them get away with this."

Falcoa laughed ominously, his face twisting into a grimace. The faces of the infuriating Shirone and his group haunted his mind.

Amy was, of course, the one he despised the most.

Falcoa nearly drew his sword on the spot when Amy defiantly downed the drink laced with Lupe and flaunted her red eyes.

Zis glanced at Falcoa, feeling terrified.

Falcoa was fiddling with a device that ground Lupe into powder.

By compressing the roots of Lupe and extracting the juice, then grinding it until all moisture evaporated, only a fine powder remained.

But could this really be called a drug?

Traditionally, the proper use of Lupe was to chew the root and neutralize it with saliva. However, what Falcoa was creating was nothing short of a potent chemical toxin, designed solely to maximize its effects.

"Zis, we need to make another visit."

"Where to?"

"To that girl, Amy. It worked once, so it should work again. Don't tell me it's impossible. You've seen my condition; you know what I'm capable of."

Zis swallowed hard. He had anticipated Falcoa's desire for revenge, but he hadn't expected it to go this far.

Zis suspected Amy belonged to a prominent family. If Falcoa targeted her, it wouldn't be long before Galiant Island itself faced dire consequences.

"Are you planning to get her addicted?

"Addiction? Foolish boy. That girl will never become addicted. As if the Red-eyed Ruler of the continent would fall to something as trivial as Lupe."

"Then why bother? It's just stirring up trouble for nothing."

Zis tried to persuade Falcoa, clinging to a sliver of hope.

But Falcoa seemed beyond reasoning.

"You imbecile. Can't you see? Because she won't get addicted, this plan will succeed."

Falcoa packed the refined Lupe powder into greaseproof paper and poured it all into a pre-prepared cup of water.

Zis's breath caught in his throat.

He had never used Lupe, but he knew how it was consumed.

Typically, one root was enough for two hours of chewing. But Falcoa had just mixed in three times that amount into the water.

Moreover, being in a liquid form meant that the effects, which would normally take six hours to manifest, would hit all at once.

"You can't mean..."

"Yes, that's exactly what I intend. I'll make her drink this again. She'll confidently accept it, thinking it's harmless. But with this amount of Lupe, she won't stand a chance. You understand, don't you?"

"Why would you do that? If she dies, you can't sell her."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Just bring me her corpse."

Falcoa bottled the Lupe solution. When the solution mixed with the soda in the bottle, it took on the appearance of a pretty jade-colored cocktail.

"Here, take it. It's simple. Just lure her out saying you have something to discuss, then make her drink this. Load her into the carriage and bring her here. Can you do that?"

Zis stared at the glass bottle with bloodshot eyes, trembling with fear.

Amy wouldn't refuse it. And if she took even a sip, it would be over.

"What are you waiting for? Don't want it? Or do you want to drink it yourself?"

Falcoa's murderous intent weighed heavily on Zis, feeling like a tangible hand gripping his throat.

"Stop it, you filth."


Falcoa doubted his ears.

Was the effect of Lupe still lingering? That couldn't be. He had become desensitized to Lupe's effects, thanks to his constant use.

"What did you just say? Say it again."

Sometimes, when faced with an utterly absurd situation, one might find themselves eerily calm. That was Falcoa's state now.

His anger was secondary; first, he needed to confirm if this greenhorn really meant what he said.

Zis found himself unable to repeat his words.

This might have been his last chance. If he apologized now, he might get away with just being half-dead.


Zis couldn't bring himself to kneel before Falcoa.

"I don't dislike kids like you."

The words Amy had said to him in the carriage, smiling, rendered Zis immobile.

Why? All he had to do was admit his weakness.

The moment he begged Falcoa for forgiveness, it felt as if he would be betraying Amy, turning her into a liar, so the words wouldn't come out.

"Stop it, you disgusting creature. You're not even human anymore, drugged up and unable to distinguish right from wrong! You're such a piece of trash that calling you trash would be a compliment!"

Zis felt dizzy. The mix of euphoria and fear was overwhelming, making it impossible to maintain his composure, and his consciousness began to fade.

Yet, he spoke out.

Just like Shirone would. Like someone who believed they had no future.

Falcoa's fist swung towards Zis's delirious face with lightning speed.


Darkness enveloped him, and he finally grasped his reality. A grim future awaited Zis, one that could only be described as hellish.

"You crazy bastard! What's wrong with your head!"

Falcoa finally showed his true colors, brutally beating Zis.

It wasn't just a beating to intimidate; he was kicking Zis's body as if he truly intended to kill him.

Had Falcoa activated his Schema, Zis's body would have been mashed like meat hanging in a butcher's shop.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Zis couldn't even scream.

The feeling of his body being smashed was fleeting; soon, he felt nothing. Only the shock beyond the realm of pain reached him.

"Huff, right. Killing someone like you wouldn't even be fun."

Falcoa regained his composure, but this only signaled greater misfortune for Zis.

"Cough! Cough!"

Falcoa grabbed Zis by the hair and lifted him up. The sensation of his neck vertebrae cracking was the least of his concerns, given his battered state.

"Alright, then I have a plan too."

Without Zis, Falcoa couldn't trap Amy, but he had grown tired of considering such trifles.

"Touching, Zis. To think a lowlife like such courage. Seems like you've taken a fancy to that girl, but I'll grant your wish. I won't touch her. How about that? Are you happy now?"

"Please... just this once, have mercy."

Zis was in tears. He knew what Falcoa was planning.

"Yuna, was it? Your sister's name. From now on, you'll regret the decision you made today for the rest of your life."

"Please, not Yuna... just spare her... Cough!"

Falcoa threw Zis's head to the ground as if he were discarding a useless toy. Zis's face bounced off the floor with a thud, then plummeted down again. That single blow knocked him unconscious.

"Ha, this turned out to be quite entertaining."

Falcoa had no intention of sparing Amy even though he had shifted his target to Yuna. He planned to bring Yuna to his hideout and torment her, then use her to blackmail Zis. Threatening him with his sister's life would leave Zis with no choice but to comply.

"Bring that girl Yuna to the hideout, now!"

Falcoa roared at his subordinates with rage, then bit into a whole root of Lupe, chewing it viciously.


By the time Shirone and his companions arrived back at the villa, midnight was drawing near. Given the distance, they had stopped for dinner on their way back.

Although they didn't achieve their primary goal in the Room of Achievement and Sacrifice, they learned a lot.

Their conversation never waned, and soon they began to share stories close to their hearts.

"Oh, you want to become a soldier?"

Hearing about Amy's aspirations, Tess was surprised, having never imagined that Amy would aim for a military career.

Given that Amy was a fire mage and had honed her sniper mode, she was perfectly suited for a combat mage role.

However, Tess knew Amy as someone who, contrary to appearances, was delicate and kind-hearted. The thought of such a person heading into battle and taking down numerous enemies was unimaginable.

"I'm actually worried. I thought Amy would be more suited for a feminine profession."

"Eh? Me in a feminine job? I've never heard that before, not even in school."

Tess could guess how spirited Amy must have been in her school days. But being good at reading people, she knew Amy's true nature.

"Hehe, I have a knack for espionage, you know. The girl Amy is actually very delicate and feminine."

Amy smiled subtly. She had never considered herself feminine, but she couldn't completely deny it either.

No matter how spirited she was, the military was predominantly male, and she wasn't sure she could adapt.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I chose fire magic because targeting is my strength. That led me to the most suitable profession given my major. Of course, I have a positive view of the military. Being a soldier isn't just about fighting on the battlefield."

"That's true. There are supply officers, and if you join the strategy command, your future is bright. Wait! What about this?"

Tess clapped her hands as if struck by an idea, and Amy looked at her curiously.

"Yes? What is it?"

Tess extended her index and middle fingers, mimicking someone walking on a beach at night, targeting someone.

"What about becoming a spy? With your cognitive skills and long-range attacking as your forte, Amy? Plus, you have the most important weapon for espionage."

"The most important weapon? What's that?"

Amy's eyes sparkled with curiosity. Considering her career worries, learning about an unknown strength was exciting.

"Your beautiful face. For a female spy, beauty is essential. No man in the world dislikes a beautiful woman."

Tess teased with a mischievous smile, causing Amy to turn her head away, looking dejected.

"Ah, that's it? I got my hopes up for nothing."

"Hehe, sorry. But it wasn't entirely a joke. Appearance is a priority when selecting national spies. Your look would definitely work in dealing with people. So think about it seriously. I'll strongly recommend you to our family."

"No, that's okay. I'll trust in my magical abilities."

Amy's face flushed red. Though she responded gruffly, she didn't seem entirely displeased by the compliment.

'Aw, how cute. See, how feminine she is?'

To Tess, Amy was a friend who provided endless amusement. She pondered how to tease her more when a genuine question crossed her mind.

"But what happens after graduation?"

"Ah? We take the official exams and look for jobs, of course."

"No, I mean Shirone."

"Shirone? Why bring him up?"

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