Infinite Mage

Chapter 132: Priority (2)

Chapter 132: Priority (2)

Chapter 132: Priority (2)

Certainly, Amy's abilities were beyond doubt. However, Shirone had a different concern. Just 30 minutes earlier, Marsha had informed him of how dangerous the island was.

The street hawkers had their own power. Especially the ones from the streets were said to be the underlings of a powerful organization.

"Marsha warned to be wary of someone like Zis. Even if that's not the case, the island is a closed and dangerous place. Things that can't even be imagined on the mainland can be easily dealt with here. There are many nobles who go missing on the island. We can't just assume Amy is safe."

Rian equipped his straight sword in its leather scabbard.

"There's no need for a long explanation. Let's go, Shirone. Lead the way. I'll take care of any troublemakers."

"Thanks. It's actually my fault for being late."

"There must have been a reason for that too. First, we need to ensure Amy's safety."

Tess watched the two boys. This was the conversation of those bound by a knight's vow. Though it was just an imitation for now, it was an enviable sight for her, who dreamed of becoming a knight.

"Wait a minute. I'm coming too. It's not just you guys who are worried about Amy."

The three of them left the villa and headed down to the beach. However, once there, they were at a loss where to start looking.

Faced with the vast expanse of the sandy beach, Tess's confidence waned.

"Where do we start looking for Amy? At this time, the only place Zis could have taken her is the commercial district. Should we split up and search there?"

"That doesn't seem like a good idea. We can't cover the entire commercial district even if we split up. Besides, we don't know the area well enough."

"Then what do we do? We have no way to find her. We might as well look for a needle in this beach."

Shirone pondered with his chin propped.

"Let's head to the harbor instead. Marsha said there's definitely an organization. If that's the case, we can ask a member of the organization for Amy's whereabouts."

"The harbor? That's to the south, isn't it? Wouldn't it be faster to search here than to go all the way there? Besides, Amy won't be at the harbor. It's not a tourist spot."

"No, heading to the harbor is the right choice. If we break down Amy's situation, there are two possibilities. First, Amy is safe. Second, Amy is not safe. If she's safe, there's no harm in us going to the harbor. But if she's not safe, we must go to the harbor. If Amy is not safe, it means there's a conflict with Zis's organization. So, in any case, we need to head to the harbor first and make contact with the organization members."

"That... makes sense."

Tess nodded as if under a spell, surprised by how much faster he spoke than she thought.

Rian didn't hesitate. The moment Shirone suggested heading to the harbor, he was already renting a carriage.

After paying the coachman, Rian gestured for Shirone and Tess to hurry. They sprinted and jumped into the moving carriage.

The coachman laughed heartily and sped up.

"Ah, to be young. Got something urgent at this hour?"

"Yes. Please hurry!"

"Alright! Let's give our horses a real workout for a change! Hyah!"

The roads were quiet at night, and with gold as motivation, the coachman drove the horses hard, making the carriage rattle.

They reached the harbor in 20 minutes, and the coachman boasted about setting a record for the first time in five years.

The trio rushed to the harbor.

Most ships were docked, and light seeped through the windows, probably as sailors played card games inside.

Although they were suspicious of ships floating nearby, it was too late to check every corner on foot.

Shirone focused on searching the pubs at the harbor. Most looked like organization members, but many were actually sailors.

"What do we do? Can we find her like this?"

"We can find her. There must be at least one person here."

Shirone persistently inquired at the pubs and finally found a clue in a small tavern.

They were unrecognizable at first due to swollen eyes, but they were definitely the hawkers who had been with Zis, drinking.

"Those two over there! You were with Zis, right?"

"Looks like it. Leave the rest to me."

Rian walked forward, rolling up his sleeves, knowing that in situations like these, appearance is more effective than actual strength.

"Hey, remember me?"

"What? Looking for trouble? I'm in a really bad mood right now... Eek!"

The boy, slurring his words in anger, stood up in shock upon recognizing Rian.

Rian's imposing figure was intimidating, but the real shock came from knowing what Zis had gone off to do, having been caught by Falcoa.

"Um... well... that is..."

"I know everything. So let's talk somewhere quiet. I tend to get violent in crowded places and calm in quiet ones. What'll it be?"

The hawker glanced at his seated friend. Their eyes briefly met, and without a word, they bolted for the door.

"Damn it! Run!"

They ran frantically, but the door seemed to get no closer.

'What's going on? Is this a dream?'

It was only after the adrenaline of the escape wore off that they realized their feet were dangling in the air.

"I'll give you one last chance. Come quietly, or do you want to be planted upside down right here?"

Rian, holding one boy in each hand, extended his arms to show off his strength.

The boys were terrified. To hold the weight of two men with arms outstretched was beyond mere strength; it was almost supernatural.

"We'll go, we'll go. Please, just don't use your strength."

From there, things went smoothly. Rian took the hawkers to the breakwater, where they roughly explained the situation.

"So Falcoa told Zis to bring Amy, is that it?"

"Yes. Zis got beaten to a pulp. We nearly died too. You better not mess with Falcoa. That guy's a complete lunatic."

"Doesn't matter. There's no lunatic who's stayed sane after taking my punch. Where did they take Amy? You know the place, right?"

"Really, I don't know! Please believe me!"

"Is that so? Then I'll ask your friend. You're choosing to let only one survive by giving up the chance for both of you to live."

The two boys looked at each other fearfully. Honestly, they lacked the mental fortitude to withstand torture. But Rian was only using his words to overpower them, thanks to the interrogation techniques he learned at the swordsmanship school.

"Really, we don't know. But we have a guess."

Shirone and Tess moved closer. Rian stopped pretending to be a clumsy investigator and shook the hawker's collar.

"Where is it? Speak up!"

T-The Royal Court."

"The Royal Court? What are you talking about?"

"It's a tavern's name! The biggest tavern in Galiant! Any carriage will take you there! Please, you mustn't say we told you this! If they find out, we're dead!"

Without a chance to respond, Rian turned around. Shirone and Tess were already prepared to run.

Exiting the harbor, they saw a carriage waiting. Coincidentally, it was the same carriage that had brought them here.

"Sir, coachman!"

The coachman, who had been sitting in the cargo area smoking a pipe, turned around. His horses and the thrilling ride they had given these passengers seemed to have impressed him.

"Ah, finished sightseeing already? You're quick at running as well as at looking. Hahaha!"

"Sir, we need to leave now! It's urgent!"

"Aye, youth is always in a hurry! Come on, get in!"

The coachman jumped down from the cargo area with youthful enthusiasm.

Once the coachman got the horses moving, he looked back, shouting as the wind made his voice louder.

"Where to this time?"

Shirone, Rian, and Tess shouted in unison.

"To the Royal Court!"


The Royal Court Tavern.

The tavern, grand enough to justify the name 'Royal Court', was one of the most dazzling places on the island.

The four-story building was a testament to what real waste of money looked like. Decorated with all kinds of gold and silver treasures that reflected light, and with magical crystal lamps that commoners couldn't even dream of affording, illuminating the place.

Shirone and his companions were overwhelmed by the wealth emanating from the building. It felt like they had arrived at a place they were not supposed to enter.

As Shirone approached the tavern, as expected, a bouncer blocked their way.

"Hey, you can't carry weapons in here..."

Rian didn't even wait for him to finish and pushed the bouncer's throat. Though they were similar in size, the bouncer couldn't match Rian's strength.

Gasping for air and flailing about, by the time the bouncer regained his senses, Shirone and his companions had already entered the tavern.

Inside, the tavern was filled with people's voices.

Women, barely clothed, danced around, while profanities, obscenities, and lewd jokes filled the air.

Tess frowned in disgust. During the day, Galiant might seem like a peaceful resort, but at night, it transformed into a whirlpool of murky desires.

"Could Amy really be in a place like this? It's so crowded, and what's with these women? Aren't they ashamed?"

"Exactly. This certainly isn't Amy's type of place. But since she followed willingly, she must have been prepared for this. And be careful, in places like this, don't expect security to intervene no matter what happens."

Having heard about the island's situation from Marsha, Shirone was certain. Although the usage differed, this place was also part of a secret deal with the government.

Failing to find Amy on the first floor, they moved to the second. A tense gambling scene unfolded there.

The third floor had a cross-shaped corridor with rooms lined with iron doors, and the fourth was a VIP room reserved for high-ranking nobles.

Having scoured each floor, Rian let out a sigh of disappointment.

"It's going to be tough at this rate. She's not in the hall or the gambling area. It's impossible to search every room on the third floor, and the fourth is swarming with bodyguards."

It was time to make a decision. Whether to politely ask for permission to search room by room or to cause a real scene.

Naturally, their decision was the latter. Knowing Amy was dragged here under a malicious plot, they had no intention of leaving quietly.

"There they are! Those guys!"

The bouncer they had roughed up at the entrance pointed at Shirone and his group. Then, a man from the back rolled up his sleeves and approached.

Rian had to tilt his head to meet the man's eyes. The man was a giant, his head nearly touching the ceiling.

"A troubleshooter, then?"

A shady establishment like this always screened its customers. Normally, the bouncers at the door would handle it, but some customers bulldozed their way in, causing havoc. It was the troubleshooter's job to deal with such people through violence.

"What's this? A bunch of baby-faced brats? But wait, this girl isn't just any brat."

The troubleshooter looked down at Tess, smirking as he wiggled his nose. His high vantage point allowed him a clear view of Tess's ample attributes, unlike ordinary people.

"Hehehe, you'd fit right in here. Let's see, shall we? Shall I give you an evaluation?"

The troubleshooter's hand reached out towards Tess. Just the sight of his palm felt like a net being cast in front of her.

Tess quickly grabbed the troubleshooter's middle finger and bent it upwards with all her might.


The giant's frame contorted comically. His arm was fully extended, and the middle finger was bent back to touch the back of his hand.

"It hurts! It hurts!"

"Hmph! You should have been more careful. Even if I'm a woman, my arm strength is greater than your middle finger, you know? This is what happens when you rely on your size and act recklessly."

"Aaaargh! You little brat!"

Before the troubleshooter could finish his cry of pain, Tess released his finger, twisted her body with lightning speed, and swung her elbow.

A crisp short strike hit the troubleshooter's chin. The timing was so perfect it felt as if he had intentionally moved closer to get hit.

The troubleshooter's brain rattled, disconnecting his consciousness. As Tess stepped aside, the giant's body fell like a dead tree, thudding heavily to the ground.

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