Infinite Mage

Chapter 127: The Galiant Island (3)

Chapter 127: The Galiant Island (3)


Chapter 127: The Galiant Island (3)

Shirone and his companions rented a carriage outside the harbor and headed to a resort on the west side. The beach, with its expansive white sands, was beautiful even from a distance, lined with numerous shops and accommodations built along the mountain like a hillside village.

Rian had rented a villa halfway up the mountain. True to its noble exclusivity, the property was spacious enough for the four of them, and the view of the ocean was satisfying from every angle.

From the terrace, Shirone admired the sea. The blue waves crashed onto the sandy beach, creating foam.

Watching people leisurely enjoying the beach made it easier to momentarily forget the unpleasant confrontation at the harbor.

After settling in and lighting the fireplace, they gathered in the living room to relax from the journey.

Having skipped proper meals since morning, they were all hungry.

As Tess pondered over what to eat to make a good impression, an idea seemed to strike her.

How about we cook ourselves?

Rian looked at her in surprise.

"What? You know how to cook?"

"Of course, I do. Did you think swordsmen can't cook?"

"I was worried it might be some kind of military ration."

"Don't be ridiculous! I can cook for real, you know?"

Rian was genuinely taken aback, not having expected the boisterous Tess to be confident in her culinary skills.

This was precisely the reaction Tess had hoped for, seeing it as an opportunity to show Rian a different side of her during this trip.

"I'll prepare the most delicious meal, so just bring the ingredients. What do you say?"

"Hmm, should we? It does seem a bit much to go out on our first day. Shirone, what do you think?"

"I'm fine with it. Food always tastes better when you're outside, right?"

Amy tentatively offered her help.

"Should I... help with the cooking?"

All eyes turned to Amy. While her prickly nature might suggest otherwise, no one doubted her ability to cook.

Tess sensed Amy's underlying motive.

'Is it for Shirone? Despite appearances, she's quite endearing.'

Tess was all for it, hoping this could be a chance for the two to reconcile.

"Great. Let's have a cooking showdown! Rian versus Shirone! You guys get the ingredients, and we'll prepare to cook. Sound good?"

With everyone in agreement, Shirone and Rian took the shopping list from the girls and headed to the market.

Once the men had left, the atmosphere softened.

As they washed dishes side by side, Tess, with a playful glint in her eye, asked Amy.

"Is this your first time?"

"First time for what?"

"You know. Your first fight with Shirone? Despite the argument, you seemed flustered, it was obvious."

Amy quickly diverted her gaze to the dishes.

"It wasn't a fight. And definitely not our first, nor a lovers' quarrel."

With a typical mage's triple denial, Tess burst into laughter.

Mages may be cunning and secretive, but in moments like these, they seemed rather adorable.

"Still, you were quite thorough with the shopping list. Are you maybe feeling a bit... nervous around Shirone?"

Flustered, Amy stopped washing the dishes to ponder. Since it was just the two of them, there was no harm in being honest. Eventually, she opened up to Tess.

"Shirone sometimes feels... distant."

"Distant? That's quite poetic."

Amy chuckled at her own description.

"But it's true. It's like he becomes transparent. As if he could disappear at any moment. Maybe it's because he sees the world differently from others."

"Differently? He doesn't have extra eyes somewhere, does he?"

"Maybe. Most people see the world from their perspective. But some can expand their view to include others' perspectives. Such people are often called paragons of virtue."

"Hmm, if that's the case, I'm definitely not one. I can't understand others' thoughts at all."

"Neither can I. But Shirone is different. He's kind, considerate, and I think his unique perspective is the biggest factor."

Tess smiled, having an 'aha' moment.

"So, you're upset because he didn't take your side against those thugs? Is that it?"

Amy awkwardly scratched her cheek.

"Well, maybe... But if he were just a simpleton, I wouldn't have thought much of it. Shirone is different. In a way, he has a perspective that even goes beyond that of a paragon of virtue."

"Beyond that? What else is there besides that perspective?"

Amy pointed upwards with her index finger, indicating something beyond.

"Is it like an omniscient viewpoint?


"Yes. When Shirone starts seeing the world from an omniscient point of view, he becomes faint to us. He becomes different, not just from us, but from any other human. It's probably because he has such an extremely high perspective that even his own existence seems like just a dot."

Amy vividly remembered the moment Shirone had opened the Immortal Function without hesitation to save the entire school. How could he do such a thing? It was different from suicide. Sacrificing one's life for others was thousands of times harder than choosing death due to personal suffering.

"When Shirone becomes transparent the boundaries between himself and others dissolve. He becomes just another human among others. What governs Shirone when he looks down upon the world from that point? I think it's balance. If the scale tips even slightly, Shirone would not hesitate to step on the opposite side to balance it, even if that scale represents death."

"Ah, come on. That's impossible. How could someone like that exist? That's literally a sage."

"But it's true. Because I'm one of the people who benefited from that balance. No, all the students at the magic academy were saved by Shirone."

Tess couldn't close her gaping mouth. One student saving the lives of the entire school how much more astonishing could Shirone's story get?

A wistful emotion flickered across Amy's face.

"I just thought that when Shirone stopped me, maybe I was just another small dot from his high viewpoint. Shirone is different from me, from anyone. That's why he's an exceptional mage, but sometimes it feels disappointing."

Tess gently shook Amy's shoulder.

"Don't think like that. Shirone truly cares about you. That's why he asked you to come on this couple's trip, knowing well what it was. You're not just another person wandering the streets. You'll always be Amy Karmis."

Encouraged by Tess's sincere words, Amy smiled. However, her thoughts didn't change.

How much could Shirone, who could coldly abandon even his own life, truly value the existence of others?

"Amy, just tell Shirone. Ask him why he didn't take your side. Tell him you're so upset and frustrated that you can't sleep. Just talk to him about it."

Amy chuckled and shook her head.

"Shirone knows. He didn't argue because he understood. Don't worry too much. It'll be resolved soon. It's just awkward because it's the first time."

Tess, with her straightforward nature, was frustrated. If feelings were hurt, why not just confront the person involved and settle it?

But Amy ended the conversation by saying there was nothing left to discuss since they both understood each other.

"Sigh, I can never understand the way mages think."


Shirone and Rian arrived at the alley of miscellaneous shops. Since their shopping lists differed, wandering through the maze-like market would likely take until evening.

Shirone thought it best to split up.

"Let's part ways here. Once we've bought everything, we can head back to the villa."

"Are you sure? Can you carry everything yourself? It might be heavy."

Shirone looked incredulously at Rian. Surely he wasn't concerned about carrying basic items like garlic, onions, and pepper? While he appreciated Rian's concern stemming from his knightly oath, he didn't need him worrying about grocery bags.

"It's fine! I'll manage on my own, so just don't get lost. Remember, it's a cooking competition. The loser does the dishes."

"Alright! I hope you enjoy doing the dishes with Amy. You'd better hope to lose if you want to make up with her."

"Make up? We didn't even fight."

"Didn't you argue at the harbor? And now it's all awkward between you two?"

"Argument doesn't mean fighting. We just had a difference of opinion. It's natural to exchange views from time to time."

"Ha! You're such a fool. That's what 'fighting' means."

Shirone stopped talking. As before, being called a fool by Rian strangely made him feel incompetent.

"Anyway, I'm off to buy the vegetables first. See you at the villa."

"I'll start with the meat. See you there!"

Shirone watched Rian dash towards the butcher's shop, imagining the amount of meat he would likely purchase.

Checking the note Amy had given him, Shirone saw nothing particularly difficult to find on the list.

Though the variety of ingredients was greater than Rian's, he needed to move quickly to keep up with time.

After about half an hour of shopping and sightseeingsince the resort area had many unique and interesting shopsShirone had nearly completed his list.

The commercial district was bustling with entertainment, including vending machines offering games and various street performances, indicating a continuous influx of tourists.

Indeed, the streets overflowed with people, their laughter painting a picture of freedom not found on the mainland.

"Wow, there are so many interesting shops here. I should have fun here tomorrow."

With his shopping done, Shirone headed back to the villa.

Suddenly, a shop door burst open, and a woman stumbled out, falling to the ground.



Puzzled by the unusual scream, Shirone tilted his head but quickly approached to help.

The woman, in her mid-twenties with bobbed hair and bangs, had an attractive face that didn't seem ridiculous despite her peculiar hairstyle.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong?"

Rising, the woman shielded her chest with her arms, wearing a low-cut dress typical of a barmaid.

Her eyebrows were thin, and her eyes sharp, yet her expression in front of a towering man was meek, like a herbivore.

"Come on, why the fuss? Let's have some fun together."

"I'm not that kind of woman!"

"So what? Wandering around a tourist spot dressed like that, it's obvious. Just come and have fun with me."

The man intimidating the woman was Gamos, a well-known wealthy figure on Galiant Island.

His enormous size was more from fat than muscle, especially noticeable around his abdomen.

But his wealth apparently made up for his appearance, as he was flanked by imposing bodyguards.

"Come on, while I'm asking nicely. Honestly, you're not in a position to refuse."

"Help me, please! Someone, help!"

As Gamos dragged the woman by her wrist, no one intervened.

Tourists didn't want to get involved in trouble far from home, and the locals feared Gamos's influence.

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