Infinite Mage

Chapter 109: Back to Everyday Life (3)

Chapter 109: Back to Everyday Life (3)


"So what are you saying I should do? Admit to being brainwashed, and everything changes?"

"Well... You both would be acquitted."

Canis's expression turned blank. He had followed Arcane to Inferno and helped a criminal escape. He was also the main culprit behind endangering the lives of hundreds at the magic academy. Even if he wasn't the mastermind, an acquittal was an impossible verdict.

"Acquitted... us?"

"Yes, if you admit to being brainwashed. Anyway, the Association is currently focusing on the possibility of brainwashing."

Admitting it meant freedom. He could start a new life, and so could Arin, as if nothing had happened.

For once, even Canis felt drained. More bizarre was the Association's decision. Why release criminals they should be capturing?

"Oh, and one more thing."

Sakiri rummaged through his files as if he just remembered. Perhaps he really had. After all, Arin couldn't read the investigator's emotions.

"Arcane's personal lawyer sent a document. He requested anonymity, but it's been notarized. Take a look. It contains his will, property details, and inheritance documents."

"A will?"

Sakiri slid the documents across the table without a word.

Canis went through them with trembling hands. Arcane's will was unremarkable. Written in a calm hand, it merely listed affairs to be handled posthumously.

Among them was this clause:

[Document] All property bequeathed to Canis


He didn't think Arcane was secretly kind or cared for his disciples in secret. Rather, he had always been forthright about his beliefs, and there seemed to be no deceit in how he treated Canis.

Arcane proved this with his will. Though he seemed indifferent to his disciple's life, he regarded Canis as his only disciple.

After putting down the will, Canis reviewed the property details.

Real estate, including various dungeons, physical assets like magic equipment, valuable artifacts, rare herbs, and bank deposits, were neatly listed.

'1, 10, 100, thousand, ten thousand...'

Canis counted the total amount listed at the end.

'4.8 billion gold...'

It was a huge sum, fitting for the wealth amassed by Archmage Arcane over 150 years. Faced with such an amount, Canis couldn't understand his current situation. First, they declared him innocent out of nowhere, and now he was the heir to 4.8 billion gold.

Sakiri scratched his head as if perplexed.

"But there's a bit of a problem. Arcane's bequeathing his fortune to Canis was surely a gesture of recognition. But the Association believes it's a kind of brainwashing, right? A false identity was implanted. Ultimately, they think Canis was deceived by Arcane. Otherwise, why would you commit such atrocities? That's why the Association is considering acquittal. But if that happens..."

"I won't receive the inheritance? Because I'm not Arcane's disciple?"

Sakiri smiled warmly for the first time, though his first stage showed no change.

"Yes. That's the issue. The brainwashed Canis is the intended heir, not the unbrainwashed one. So, this money will be deemed illegal and confiscated by the Association. Before that, we wanted to hear your thoughts. If you admit to being brainwashed, you'll be acquitted. And you just need to sign here."

Sakiri presented another document. Canis looked at it with empty eyes.

A waiver of inheritance.

Admitting to being brainwashed would clear him of charges, as he would be just a victim used by Arcane. But then, Arcane's fortune would entirely go to someone else.

The Association had chosen the tangible benefit of 4.8 billion gold over detaining two nobodies.

"You can take time to decide, but it might work against you in court. It indicates suspicion of voluntary crime. Does that make sense? Obviously, you were brainwashed. Otherwise, would you and Miss Arin commit such heinous crimes?"

Canis's mind went blank. He thought he wasn't afraid to die fighting. But now, the investigator was declaring them innocent. It seemed wrong, yet they were being told it never happened.

'This place is no different from Radum.'

The outside world wasn't a sunny greenhouse either. It was a battlefield swirling with giant desires, cloaked in the guise of law.

Canis hesitated to respond, and Sakiri clicked his tongue, standing up.

"Then I'll give you some time. Maybe an hour..."

"I'll sign."

Sakiri, halfway to standing, paused, then sat down again with a smile.

"Good decision. Here..."

Sakiri handed over his fountain pen. Canis wrote his name in the waiver's signature field.

The pen scratched across the paper.

 Sakiri, with a satisfied smile, took back the pen and checked the waiver.

"Congratulations on regaining your freedom. It's over now, but you made the right choice. Things would have gotten more complicated with a lawyer."

A lawyer. Canis hadn't even thought of it. Maybe he should have hired one?

No, Sakiri wasn't lying.

If the Association were lenient, they wouldn't have pushed for the waiver in the first place.

"What do we do now?"

"Well, you can just leave. You're free."

Canis and Arin were left with nothing. But Sakiri, as if it was none of his concern, gathered the documents and turned to leave.

"What about the release procedure..."

"There isn't one. Just go."

With an attitude like shooing away an annoying salesman, Canis realized the truth.

The Association never cared about them. They had just spent two hours to recoup Arcane's fortune.

More humiliating than wounded pride was the Association's unassailable power. Arcane, who had boldly faced nations across the continent, must have been a formidable man.

Canis regained his composure. It was now clear. He was a battle mage, and knowing how to fight, he wouldn't hesitate any longer.

"Hey, you."

Sakiri turned at the door.


"You're a mage too?"

"Hmm, you could say that. All employees of the Association are."

"What grade?"

"Officially 5th grade."

Canis could imagine the level of his enemies. An Association investigator was 5th grade, and such a man he was.

"I won't end here. I'll never just collapse like this."

"That's right, as you should. Well, I'll be going then."

"Someday... I will make you my subordinate."

Sakiri's hand, turning the doorknob, paused. Then, after a moment of thought, he turned back to Canis with a thin smile.

"You'd better study hard for that. This position itself wasn't easy to get; the competition was fierce. But if that situation ever comes..."

Sakiri put his right hand on his chest and said,

"Then, I'll be in your care."

Despite the investigator's unusual attitude, Canis remained unfazed, only realizing how thoroughly pragmatic Sakiri was. Bowing his head wouldn't cost him anything. After all, no one knows what the future holds.

After Sakiri left, Arin smiled at Canis. They were acquitted, which was a relief. Its better to be free than rot in jail clutching 4.8 billion gold, right?

"Canis, you made the right choice."

"There are many strong people in the world..."

A faint smile formed on Canis's lips. With a new goal, his heart pounded as intensely as when he first met Arcane.

"Arin, let's become stronger."


Arin looked at the door Sakiri had exited through. Canis knew they would return here someday. This was not their end, and so she, too, could move towards the future.

Having left the interrogation room, Sakiri headed straight to the Inspection Office. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the situation, the matter was resolved quite easily. Arcane's death played a big part. There was no legal conflict, and Alpheas's confession was crucial.

The Inspection Office was a luxurious room with marble flooring. The man known as the legendary "Iron Inspector" of Division 3 stood with his hands clasped behind him, looking out the window.

"Inspector, here are the documents for this case."

"Leave them on the desk."

Sakiri placed the file on the desk. Normally, he would have left, but this time his curiosity got the better of him, and he turned back at the door.

"Is everything alright with the Alpheas case?"

"Why? Do you think there will be issues from above?"

"A six-month suspension does seem light. But it's unlikely to raise concerns. It was an incident from 40 years ago, without malicious intent, and considering 4.8 billion gold as a settlement, it seems fair."

"But why do you ask?"

His question implied the answer was as expected. Feeling he might have stirred unnecessary trouble, Sakiri swallowed hard. But now that he had started, backing down would be a bad move.

"I was wondering if it was meant as a penance."

The Inspector was silent for a while. Then, slowly turning around, he looked at Sakiri.

"I did wrong to Alpheas. But I've never let personal feelings dictate a criminal's punishment."

"I apologize. I misspoke."

"Leave now."

Sakiri hurriedly exited the Inspection Office, flustered. Though a fearsome investigator to criminals, within the Association, he was just a mage wary of his superiors.

The Inspector opened the file and meticulously reviewed the documents before bringing out his fountain pen for the final approval. Memories flashed through his mind. Now a white-haired old man, he still felt a twinge in his jaw from the blow he received at Alpheas's house.

"Tsk. He should've taken the gift."

He never visited Alpheas again after his mistake with Erina, but he lived without accepting defeat.

But over 40 years, the Theory of Photonization evolved and revolutionized, transforming the world even now.

He finally had to admit Alpheas's genius achievement at the time.

"Ha, a belated gift then. The Gold Circle was rightfully yours."

The Inspector engraved his signature onto the document.

Saroph Ardiano.

The end of the semester, the most nerve-wracking time for magic academy students, had come. Half a year's work was condensed into a single piece of paper. Promotion or failure hinged on a daunting cut-off line.

Alpheas received a six-month teaching suspension from the Magic Association. It would take effect the following semester, and currently, Coli, the oldest teacher, was acting as the interim headmaster.

Alpheas, weeding the flower beds, straightened up and smiled. His adorable students were approaching from a distance. Shirone, Yiruki, Nade. They were troublemakers known by everyone at the school, but that made them all the more promising.

"Hello, Headmaster."

"Haha. Didn't I tell you not to call me that? I'm just an old man doing some chores now."

"Come on. You'll be the headmaster again in half a year."

Alpheas just laughed. He appreciated his students' continued support, but felt undeserving of it.

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