Infinite Mage

Chapter 102: Vajra Ascent (1)

Chapter 102: Vajra Ascent (1)

Lets not jump to conclusions about Shirone. Currently, we lack information about Unlockers.

Alpheas found agreement with Ethella, who added her thoughts.

Shirone entered the Immortal Function three months ago. And in this battle, he opened it to an extreme degree. The Karsis Order recognizes the Immortal Function as a process of mental sublimation. It might be a matter separate from life itself.

What are you saying? We're not here to hear the stance of the Karsis Order. We want to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

Some teachers didnt understand Ethellas point. The Immortal Function is not about level, but a state of being. Even the most learned teacher can't confidently claim to have deeper insight than a street beggar in the realm of enlightenment.

The teacher who had rebuked Ethella addressed Alpheas directly.

Headmaster, please reconsider. With all due respect, this whole situation started because of your past. There's nothing more important to us than the academy. If we continue like this, the worst-case scenario might unfold.

Alpheas looked around at his audience. Dozens of eyes were silently pressuring him.

The worst-case scenario? What exactly do you think is the worst-case scenario?

The academy could be shut down.

No, thats not the worst-case scenario.

A teacher, frustrated, hit his chest as he spoke.

I cant understand your stance, Headmaster. What could be worse than the academy shutting down?

The worst-case scenario for an academy is when all the students and teachers are dead.

The meeting room was engulfed in silence. The gazes towards Alpheas shifted.

If it werent for Shirone, no one would have survived. And that list of the dead would have included you all as well.

Alpheas was disappointed with the teachers who, instead of honoring a student's death, were only trying to exploit it.

Isnt there a sliver of possibility left? Even if its less than 1%, he's a child who sacrificed his life for us. Shouldn't we at least try until we can? Even if the academy shuts down, shouldnt we as teachers do our utmost for Shirones return? Isnt that our duty?

But Headmaster, what does the academy mean to us? Its sad about Shirone, but if we shut down like this

The academy wont shut down. I will take all the responsibility. So please, do your best for Shirone. Shouldnt we make this sacrifice for him?

The teachers couldnt argue against Alpheas. Regardless of the reason, the fact that a student had saved their lives was undeniable.

After the meeting, the teachers left the room with gloomy expressions.

At the Magic Academy Student Council.

In a large meeting room, student council members from each class had gathered. Unlike the teachers, worried about their own futures, these sensitive students felt betrayed by Alpheass past.

Good day. I am Amyra, the Student Council President. Ive convened this meeting to deliberate on the current situation. Please, let's have a constructive discussion.

Amyra, a Class Two student, and a Climate Magic major, declared the meeting open from the podium. At twenty-two, she was the top candidate for graduation.

As a representative of the student council's leftist faction, the atmosphere of the debate was predictable. Unsurprisingly, the first to request speaking rights were conservatives defending the academy's position.

Im Sharelle from Class Three. Theres a serious criticism against Headmaster Alpheas within the academy. However, we must be cautious. The academys honor is the same as that of the students. Attacking the teachers in this situation could negatively impact the advanced class students.

Kas from Class Four here. I see some merit in Sharelles opinion, but this issue is about the moral conduct of the teachers. Even if it happened 40 years ago, it was still a crime. If the academy doesnt take responsibility, I believe it has no future.

Naturally, Amyra agreed with Kas. But, as the chairperson, she simply nodded instead of openly showing support.

This is Olivia from Class Six. The main issue now is Shirones death. As we know, Shirone is dead. However, a minority of students and teachers are distorting this fact. This has led to the academy missing two suspects who colluded with Arcane and delaying the prosecution of the Headmaster. This is a clear avoidance of responsibility, and the student council should step in.

Amyra was also angered for the same reason. The teachers were delaying Alpheass prosecution under the pretext of uncertainty about Shirones condition.

Sharelle countered.

Isnt that an overinterpretation of the teachers' intentions? Shirones heart is not beating, but theres no decay either. As far as I know, the Ivory Tower is discussing the aspect of him opening the Immortal Function. Considering these factors, the teachers judgment is not incomprehensible.

The students responded indifferently. The Immortal Function, hard for even teachers to grasp, was beyond their understanding. Some students didnt even know what the Immortal Function was.

Amyra was no different. The ultimate state a mage could aspire to. But what did that mean, exactly?

Magic is a knowledge-based phenomenon. Claiming something as the pinnacle while it remains elusive and abstract makes it hard to appreciate its significance.

Excuse me, Im Veronica from Class Ten.

A girl, only eight years old, raised her hand. In the student council, class representatives were chosen regardless of age, so her opinion carried equal weight.

Yes, go ahead, Veronica.

Did Headmaster Alpheas do something wrong?

Her voice, on the verge of tears, made Amyra furrow her brows and sigh.

This is why I proposed separating by class.

Veronica continued, sobbing.

Even if Headmaster Alpheas did something wrong, cant we forgive him?

Thats not possible, Veronica. This is about the academys honor.

But everyone makes mistakes, right?

The atmosphere in the meeting room stirred. Veronica's innocent yet profound statement had certainly caused ripples. Seizing the opportunity, the conservatives paid close attention to her words, observing the unfolding situation.

I often get scolded by my mom too. But she doesn't scold me too harshly. She says that everyone can make mistakes. Headmaster Alpheas made a mistake, but he has led the academy well so far. Cant we forgive him?

Seeing his chance, Mark from Class Seven raised his hand and stood up.

Im Mark from Class Seven. I agree with Veronica. Of course, those who commit crimes must be punished. But we, who have so far trusted the academy's security and advocated for maintaining the status quo, should not overstep our bounds. If the teachers arent trying to neglect the situation, then the student council should also have the wisdom to wait.

Well done, Mark.

Sharelle gave a thumbs-up under the table, and Mark nodded back in acknowledgment.

With this turn of events, opinions were sharply divided.

Amyra calculated the votes based on everyones statements. Generally, the lower grades were siding with the academy, while the graduating class was critical. The higher grades votes were split.

This might not go well.

Without a way to accuse Alpheas, the situation would remain unchanged. But turning the tide against the relatively younger students of the lower grades, who were more emotionally driven, was challenging.

Im Fermi Ardino from Class One.

All eyes turned to Fermi, who had been silent until now. As the top student in the graduating class and a future graduation candidate, it was natural to be curious about his thoughts.

Sharelle watched Fermi with unease. A young man with neatly combed dark brown hair and a professional look, but his authoritative appearance hid a mischievous streak.

Despite being capable enough to graduate, he had repeatedly failed, and even though he was a likely candidate for the next student council president, he had withdrawn, leaving the position to Amyra.

Honestly, it was hard to understand what he was thinking. The only clear thing was his penchant for stirring trouble and enjoying conflicts with everyone.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Shirone. If it werent for him, we would have been dead by now. Therefore, there are surely those among us who cannot accept his death.

The students grew solemn. They were aware of how hard Shirone had fought for the entire student body.

But Sharelle became more anxious. As far as she knew, Fermi was not the type to feel grateful to anyone. The reason for his sudden talk about Shirone was a mystery.

I am grateful to Shirone too. But the teachers are using him as a shield. Therefore, our judgment is not overstepping. Its a struggle to protect Shirones spirit.

What do you mean by protecting his spirit? Shirone isn't dead yet...!

Its been five days. Shirones heart isnt beating. Everyone here must miss Shirone, dont you?

Most nodded. Even if they didnt think so, mourning someones death wasnt a difficult task.

We all miss and are grateful to Shirone. So, let me ask again. Does anyone here truly believe Shirone is still alive?

Sharelle realized Fermis strategy. By separating emotions from logic, guilt disappears and reality becomes clearer. The students would make a cold judgment.

Of course, no one does. Its not cruel, its common sense. Yet the teachers still claim Shirone is alive. Its like some kind of cult.

Sharelle stood up, banging the table.

Thats not true! There are certainly strange aspects to Shirones condition...!

What's so strange? Ive read the report on the Immortal Function. But it has nothing to do with the biological death of a being. Weve also received intel that Shirones body has been preserved.


It was Alpheass directive. If the Immortal Function involved the spirit, then physical decay must be managed here with foresight.

How Fermi had accessed such closely guarded information was a mystery.

Amyra sharply asked, her eyes flashing.

Preservation? Is what Fermi said true?

Sharelle glared at Fermi, annoyed at his innocent smile.

That bastard. Stirring trouble for no reason. He just wants to cause chaos.

Sharelle, please answer.

Sharelle sighed. A fight they could have won turned uncertain due to a momentary lapse.

I invoke my right to remain silent. If you want more answers, I suggest formally convening an inquiry.

Remaining silent implied consent, but saying it outright was a different matter. The importance of silence was leaving room for argument. There was no need to prematurely seal ones fate when the situation could still turn around.

Amyra didnt waste time. The mood had shifted again, making this the best point for action. She moved to the vote.

Let's begin the secret ballot now.

The outcome... was as Sharelle had expected.

Alpheas, resign! Undergo an investigation by the Oversight Department!

Proceed with Shirone's funeral! Playing with the dead is not what teachers should do!

About a hundred students who joined the student council's decision were demonstrating in front of the infirmary, holding pickets and protesting.

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