Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 40

C40 – Dwarf Clan

With Huamo blazing the trail, Qiang Nantie and his group effortlessly sliced their way through the enemy lines.

They found themselves in an expansive cave, a labyrinth of passages that branched off in all directions, leading to numerous locations.

“Stay together,” came the cautionary advice.

Their numbers were limited, and unity was their safest bet, especially since no one could be sure if more formidable creatures lurked among the Goblins.

The Goblins inhabiting this particular cave were swiftly vanquished. The cavern’s depths revealed a living space, likely where a portion of the Goblin community had resided, complete with an array of household items.

Among the spoils were animal hides, weapons, cotton fabric, and linen garments—none of which were particularly fine. However, Qiang Nantie’s true interest lay in the transported iron ore and the sites of weapon forging.

Still, he gathered all the items. Though he had no use for them, he was aware that many Lords were in dire need of such goods at this stage.

He was not one to squander any resources.

“Let’s check elsewhere.”

Navigating the interconnected caves was a complex task, requiring them to methodically explore each one.

Thanks to Bi Yu’s exceptional Mental Strength, she could memorize any path they traversed, ensuring they never had to worry about losing their way.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

For this, Qiang Nantie commended her, as his own memory was not nearly as reliable.

Meanwhile, the Goblins had initiated a search for the intruders. Huamo, leading the charge, engaged in combat with the Goblins once more. Their feeble resistance was quickly overcome, and they were promptly dispatched.

After traversing several caves with little to show for it, aside from the numerous Goblins they had slain and the substantial Soul Coin rewards they had reaped, something caught Qiang Nantie’s attention.

“This passage seems unusual.”

He noted a larger tunnel and upon closer inspection, discovered the distinctive marks of a lone wheel’s passage.

“This way, everyone.”

They were likely closing in on the Goblins’ weapon forging site, so they hastened their advance.

They encountered numerous Goblin guards with considerable strength and weaponry that surpassed that of the average Goblin.

Suddenly, a chilling arrow zipped towards Qiang Nantie, aiming straight for his forehead.

“Lord, watch out!”

With swift reflexes, Le Cili whipped out a vine and deftly swatted the arrow away.

Even without Le Cili, Qiang Nantie was never in any real danger. He remained vigilant, constantly aware of his surroundings.

They spotted several Goblin archers concealed behind the boulders, launching an assault on Qiang Nantie and his group.

“Attack, take them out!” commanded Qiang Nantie.

Bi Yu swiftly employed her Mental Strength, rendering them unconscious. Following that, Le Jun and Le Kuihao stepped forward and dispatched the Goblins.

She gathered several bows and arrows.

Despite their preference for melee combat, he stored these weapons for later use.

The cave was teeming with Goblins; they encountered numerous Level 16 Goblins along their path. But the disparity in strength between the Goblins and Huamo’s group was immense, leading to the Goblins’ swift demise.

Before long, they noticed the cave’s temperature rising and heard the unmistakable clang of metalworking.

“This must be the forge!”

Qiang Nantie was elated.

They had reached the Goblin’s weapon forging site.

Upon entering the forge, they were met with a sight of Goblins wielding whips, overseeing a group of chained Dwarves from the Dwarf Clan.

The area was strewn with various ores and completed weapons and armor.

“Dwarves, here?”

Qiang Nantie was astonished.

He quickly pieced together the situation.

The Goblins, lacking the skill to craft weapons themselves, had enslaved the Dwarves, forcing them to produce arms and armor for the Goblin Clan.

“Eliminate those Goblins!” Qiang Nantie instructed.


The Goblins stood no chance against Huamo and her companions, quickly succumbing and scattering in retreat.

The Dwarves had long suffered under Goblin tyranny. Seeing rescuers arrive, they assisted Huamo’s group by hindering the fleeing Goblins.

The Goblins were rapidly exterminated, yet the Dwarves remained fearful, uncertain of Qiang Nantie’s intentions towards them.

Qiang Nantie approached and inquired, “Who among you is the leader? I wish to speak with you.”

A Dwarf with a long beard, burdened with a heavy chain, stepped forward to face Qiang Nantie. He spoke with reverence, “Esteemed human, I am the chieftain of the Dwarf Clan. We are profoundly grateful to you for vanquishing these greedy and cruel Goblins.”

Qiang Nantie swiftly perused the profile of a member of the Dwarf Clan.

Name: Peritas

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Race: Dwarf Clan

Grade: A

Level: 18

Charm: Unknown

Luck: Unknown

Strength: Unknown

Physique: Unknown

Agility: Unknown

Spirit: Unknown

Talent: Forging

Skill 1: Unknown

Skill 2: Unknown

“He’s a Grade A Dwarf,” Qiang Nantie noted.

His own ranks were filled with Grade S individuals, a testament to the Rainbow Lord’s evolutionary prowess.

Encountering a high-grade race was a rarity; for a Dwarf to achieve Grade A status was exceptional.

Beyond the innate forging talent of his race, the details of this Dwarf’s abilities remained a mystery.

Yet, the fact that the Dwarf patriarch possessed two skills was a clear indicator of his considerable prowess.

The Dwarves bore scars, clear evidence of the Goblins’ frequent lashings.

“Why have these Goblins taken you prisoner?” Qiang Nantie asked urgently.

The Dwarf patriarch exhaled wearily, “They raided our village under cover of darkness, laying waste to it and slaughtering many of our kin. We were all captured. They spared us for our forging skills, but make no mistake—they’re brutal and avaricious.”

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Qiang Nantie nodded. “If you’re without a home, would you consider pledging your loyalty to me? I am a Lord, and you’ve seen the caliber of my followers.”

“Serve me faithfully, and I’ll provide not just a safe haven but a life superior to your previous one.”

He had the opportunity to recruit such a valuable race directly.

However, the loyalty of those freshly recruited was often tenuous, necessitating strategies to bolster their allegiance.

The Dwarf Clan’s aptitude for crafting equipment was formidable; each individual held immense potential value.

“If you can aid us in vanquishing these Goblins and avenging our people, we will pledge our loyalty to you,” Peritas said, his eyes alight with anticipation.

They yearned for vengeance, eager to eradicate the rapacious Goblins with their own hands.

“Absolutely,” Qiang Nantie assured him. “We never intended to spare those greedy Goblins.”

Bi Yu urgently reported, “Lord, a large wave of Goblins is headed this way.”

Huamo volunteered eagerly, “Allow me to confront them.”

Qiang Nantie declared, “Together, we’ll eradicate these Goblins.”

He shattered the iron chains binding the Dwarves’ limbs, and they promptly volunteered to join the fray.

Qiang Nantie was reluctant to put them in harm’s way, knowing the loss of a Dwarf would mean losing a skilled blacksmith.

Yet their eagerness to fight was undeniable, and ultimately, he consented.

Still, he strategically held the Dwarves back, positioning them to witness the prowess of his territory’s heroes, a move sure to bolster their allegiance.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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