Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 24

C24 – The Resource Monster

Shortly thereafter, a notification for a new message from a friend appeared.

Currently, his only friend was Tung Quanpan. He opened the message to read it.

“Friend, do you have any food left? I urgently need a large supply. I’m willing to pay 2000 spirit coins for each wild monster!”

Qiang Nantie was puzzled. Hadn’t he just provided her with plenty of wild monsters the day before? How could she be out of them by this morning?

He quickly typed, “How did you go through them so quickly?”

Tung Quanpan’s reply came in a flash, “I didn’t anticipate their appetites would grow so much after leveling up.”

Qiang Nantie responded, “Okay, I’ll get some food for you. How much do you need?”

“The more, the better,” Tung Quanpan answered. “You might have to help me with food for the whole month. It seems I can’t grow any crops here, perhaps due to this place.”

Tung Quanpan was at a loss for words. She had obtained a Spirit Spring yesterday, hoping it would speed up the crop growth. But even after watering with the Spirit Spring, there was no sign of growth.

When she dug up the seeds, she found they had turned black.

That’s when she realized this cursed place was an exceedingly rare land of death. The soil here was deadly for the growth of ordinary seeds.

“Your luck is incredibly poor,” Qiang Nantie said, feeling downcast. Where had she been randomly teleported to?

“Let’s not talk about it. I’ve had the worst luck.”

Yet, this place wasn’t entirely disadvantageous. The item drop rate had doubled here—killing one monster yielded the loot of two.

Naturally, she kept this detail to herself.

“Looks like ordinary small animals won’t cut it anymore,” Qiang Nantie remarked.

“Just be cautious. It’s dangerous beyond the mist.”

Tung Quanpan was eager for more food but didn’t want Qiang Nantie risking his safety.

“Rest assured, I’m young and not looking to die anytime soon,” Qiang Nantie assured her.

“Wishing you luck.”

With that, their conversation came to a close.

Qiang Nantie had taken care of everything in his territory and was already planning to go monster hunting.

Although the spirit coins Qiang Nantie earned from hunting monsters paled in comparison to those from selling Spirit Spring Water, he could still pursue both ventures simultaneously.

“Huamo, let’s get moving!”

This time, Qiang Nantie was fully armed, donning an array of gear, ready to take on the wilderness’s monsters with gusto.

He intended to open the chest that evening and check out the new offerings in the mysterious store.

Yesterday, they had embarked from the territory’s main gate on the east side.

Today, they departed from the territory’s western gate, curious to discover any new rewards that might await them.

They quickly found themselves enveloped in mist, which gradually dissipated as they pressed on.

Monsters lurking within the mist launched their assault.

But the duo was ready, swiftly dispatching the creatures.

He had slain a Level 3 black monkey, earning an additional 4 Soul Coins for his efforts.

The creature was a primate-type monster.

He was certain Tung Quanpan wouldn’t fancy eating such a beast.

Yet, in a world so vast, summoning beast-type Lord-class monsters wasn’t uncommon. Such creatures were in high demand.

Qiang Nantie decided to put the monster up for sale, setting the price at 5,000 spirit coins.

A notification from the territory soon followed: “You have sold the corpse of a black monkey in the National Exchange Hall, receiving 4,750 spirit coins.”

“Why did my goods sell so swiftly?” Qiang Nantie mused, somewhat disheartened. It hadn’t been long since he’d listed the black monkey’s corpse.

Qiang Nantie wasn’t overly concerned with the number of people tracking his sales. With hundreds of thousands of Lords in the territory, there were bound to be buyers for his wares. His items selling out in a flash was to be expected.

Thus, Qiang Nantie had no doubts about his ability to sell such monsters in the future.

Soon after, they faced another onslaught from a different beast.

An agile Shadow Hunting Leopard leaped from a tree, its jaws gaping as it dove toward Qiang Nantie.

In a brilliant flash of his blade, Qiang Nantie wielded the Sky Jade Sword from his Seven Stars Sword collection, slaying the beast with a single, decisive stroke.

Qiang Nantie had vanquished a Level 5 Shadow Hunting Leopard, netting 6 Soul Coins.

“A Level 5 monster!” exclaimed Qiang Nantie, taken aback by the encounter.

He hadn’t anticipated encountering a Level 5 monster.

Given his Level 2 status, he stood no chance against such a formidable creature under normal circumstances.

However, with his equipment and skills, he was capable of taking it down in a single blow.

Each time he leveled up, he gained 12 attribute points, 10 of which he could allocate as he pleased—several times more than a Lord of equivalent level.

With his attributes as they were, he could hold his own against monsters of Level Eight or Nine.

“This leopard is significantly larger than a rabbit. It’s worth at least 20,000 spirit coins.”

A Lord could reap greater rewards in the wild than within their own territory.

They soon encountered various monsters, including Level Three Burrowing Mice and a herd of Level Four Deer.

“There must be dozens of Deer here. We’re in luck.”

Qiang Nantie and Huamo charged at the Deer, which did not shy away but instead attacked.

Qiang Nantie honed his combat skills using the Seven-star Sword Technique.

“Lord, you have slain a Level Four Deer, earning 5 Soul Coins.”

“Lord, you have slain a Level Four Deer, earning 5 Soul Coins.”

“Lord, you have slain a Level Four Deer, earning 5 Soul Coins.”

Minutes later, Qiang Nantie and Huamo had wiped out the entire herd. Qiang Nantie swiftly cleared the battlefield, taking all the Deer carcasses and treasure chests with him.

He scored several Black Iron Treasure Chests this time.

They continued slaying monsters in the fog until noon, covering a vast expanse of the Fog Zone. The monsters they stumbled upon were increasingly powerful.

After finishing their provisions, they delved back into the Fog Zone.

Before long, they came across a peculiar group of monsters.

“These creatures are odd. They seem to be of the wood variety. I’ll check their attributes first,” Qiang Nantie said, examining the monsters’ details.

“Monster: Vine Demon.”

“Quality: Elite.”

“Level: Level 5.”

“Special: Resource Monster.”

“Introduction: These unique Resource Monsters, once defeated, transform into usable lumber.”

“More Elite monsters!” Qiang Nantie exclaimed in surprise. Just yesterday, they had found monsters yielding stone, and today, they discovered monsters that produced vines.

Their luck was off the charts.

“Huamo, you truly are my lucky charm!” Qiang Nantie complimented her wholeheartedly.

It might very well be that Huamo was the source of his good fortune.

Huamo felt a surge of joy upon hearing this.


“Lord, you have slain a Level 5 Elite Vine Demon, earning 10 Soul Coins.”

“Lord, you have slain a Level 5 Elite Vine Demon, earning 10 Soul Coins.”

“Lord, you have slain a Level 5 Elite Vine Demon, earning 10 Soul Coins.”


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