Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 21

C21 – Selling Water to Make Money

After sowing a variety of seeds, both Tung Xinghan and Huamo found themselves caked in mud, yet Tung Xinghan was brimming with happiness and contentment. He relished the agrarian life shared with Huamo. To safeguard this lifestyle, he knew he needed formidable strength. Without it, should he encounter a ruthless warlord on the Lord Continent and lack the might to defend his territory, their idyllic existence would be shattered without mercy. Strength was the key to protecting all that he held dear. Only with enough power to instill fear in his enemies could he freely pursue his passions.

As they approached the Spirit Spring, Qiang Nantie suggested, “Give this spring water a taste.” Washing his hands in the spring, he was amazed at how quickly the water cleansed the dirt from his skin. “Such incredible power!” he exclaimed with a smile. Cupping the water in his hands, he took a drink, savoring the sweet, refreshing taste. By comparison, all other waters paled and were unworthy of even being mentioned.

“This Spirit Spring water is exquisite!” Huamo exclaimed, lavishing praise after a sip. “If only we had something to collect it with, we could sell it.”

A spark of inspiration hit Qiang Nantie. He headed to the trading hall in search of a container, typing ‘bamboo’ into the search bar—currently, the only suitable vessel for holding water. “There it is!” he thought. In a world as vast as theirs, there would always be a demand. Fortunate individuals would always surface. Astute Lords would have their subjects harvest bamboo for sale. In the Whispering Land, with its teeming population, there was bound to be a need for such items.

He reviewed the prices and found them to be fair. Several Lords had set reasonable rates, and one even displayed their territory name openly. Most sellers, however, opted for anonymity regarding their territories, a practice Qiang Nantie himself adhered to when making sales. The price listed by a Lord named little poppet struck him as the most fair: 10 spirit coins for a single bamboo, with a stock of 100 available. Not wanting to bother with adding little poppet’s contact information, he decided to purchase the bamboo outright.

A territory alert announced, “Someone has purchased 100 bamboo in the National Exchange Hall, spending 1000 spirit coins.”

Having acquired the bamboo, Qiang Nantie retrieved them from his Overlord Space.

Elsewhere, a Lord named little poppet was astonished by the alert.

She hadn’t anticipated that the bamboo she’d listed without much thought would sell out instantly.

Delighted, she chose not to raise the price, opting instead to continue offering the bamboo at the same rate.

Clearly, bamboo wasn’t in high demand.

After a brief wait, she noticed the buyer hadn’t made any further purchases.

Undeterred, as she could easily gather more bamboo, she instructed her residents to harvest additional bamboo for sale.

Qiang Nantie sectioned the bamboo and instructed, “Huamo, fill these with water.”


Huamo was quick-witted, instantly realizing Qiang Nantie’s intention to sell Spirit Spring Water.

Yet, she queried with uncertainty, “Why not use the spring water for irrigation first?”

“The Spirit Spring Water will improve in quality once upgraded. Wouldn’t water from a higher-grade Spirit Spring yield better results for the crops?” Qiang Nantie had already considered this.

“I see.”

Huamo grasped the idea; she hadn’t thought it through as thoroughly.

She admired Qiang Nantie’s attention to detail.

In no time, the bamboo was brimming with spring water, each piece containing a nearly equal amount. He doubled the water in the larger pieces.

Each bamboo segment could hold approximately 100 milliliters of spring water.

Qiang Nantie perused the International Trade Hall and discovered no listings for Spirit Spring Water.

Searching for items akin to Spiritual water, he found some being sold.

Within the International Trade Hall, Magnificent Nectar was available, its effects far surpassing those of Spirit Spring Water.

Yet, at 100,000 spirit coins for 100 milliliters, the Magnificent Nectar’s steep price deterred buyers.

Qiang Nantie mulled it over. He knew he needed to consistently consume Level 1 Spirit Spring Water to enhance his physical attributes.

Therefore, he set the price of a jar of spring water at 1,000 spirit coins.

This meant that a small bottle of mineral water was priced at 1,000 spirit coins. Selling one liter would net him 10,000 spirit coins.

He grouped ten jars together to make one liter.

Each group sold for 10,500 spirit coins. Ultimately, the round figure of 10,000 spirit coins was what mattered to him—it was simpler to count.

The territory notification read: “The International Trade Hall has sold a set of Spirit Spring Water, earning 10,000 spirit coins.”

Qiang Nantie had barely finished listing the Spirit Spring Water when he discovered a set had already been sold, much to his surprise.

“Are these people constantly watching the trade hall?”

Another territory notification announced: “The National Exchange Hall has sold a set of One-star Spirit Spring Water, and the seller has received 10,000 spirit coins.”

He had planned to promote the spring water in the chatroom while it was on sale, but it seemed they weren’t going to give him any chance to do so.

In no time at all, Qiang Nantie had made over a hundred thousand spirit coins from selling water. The speed was astonishing.

Then, he received a flurry of notifications.

The territory alerted: “As a hidden seller in the National Exchange Hall, you’ve attracted attention.”

Another message stated: “As a hidden seller in the National Exchange Hall, you’ve caught the eye of the Lord of the Moon Pavilion.”

A further notification read: “As a hidden seller in the National Exchange Hall, you’ve been noticed by Irbive’s Ming Lan.”

The message was clear.

His seller identity was concealed. Yet, when people noticed his high-quality goods, they wanted to connect with him. Once he listed any product, others could immediately see what he had offered, prompting them to set up alerts to follow his activity closely.

However, they couldn’t reach out to him unless they, like Tung Quanpan before, used a special item to directly add him as a friend.

Of course, once others started following him, he could reveal the name of his territory.

But Qiang Nantie disliked complications and chose not to disclose his identity.

Within the territory, you could remain anonymous if you preferred not to share any details about it, making it tough for others to discover who you are.

Only with the use of certain exceptional items, similar to the one Tung Quanpan used to friend him, could one bypass this anonymity.

The number of followers he had was on the rise.

Clearly, there was a lot of interest in the Spirit Spring he possessed, with some even seeking to make bulk purchases.

He decided to ignore these inquiries. They would have to purchase it through the Exchange Hall if they were interested; he simply didn’t have the time to deal with them.

Nevertheless, Qiang Nantie did open the chat room.

National Channel:

“Shocking! Spirit Spring for sale in the Exchange Hall. Who’s got such incredible luck to have found this treasure on the second day? Did they venture into the Fog Zone?”

“He’s sold quite a bit already. Too bad I’m broke, or I’d buy some myself.”

“Spirit Spring is amazing—it’s not just for drinking. You can use it to water crops or even take a bath.”

“Have you lost your mind? Bathing in Spirit Spring is a waste of a precious resource!”

“I’m requesting the contact details of the Spirit Spring’s owner. I represent Irbive Group and am keen to purchase a large quantity.”

“I’m with Flate Group. I’d like the friend selling Spirit Spring to reach out. You’ll be pleased with the price we offer.”

“I’m an independent Lord, focusing on agriculture. Can anyone share where this Spirit Spring comes from?”


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