Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 13

C13 – Obtained Huge of Spirit Coins

In the chatroom, the sale of Black Scaled Snake meat sparked a fervent debate.

Many were green with envy and resentment.

It was a typical reaction. Had someone else been the vendor, he too would have been consumed by envy and resentment.

He empathized with their emotions.

As Qiang Nantie was gearing up to list more wild rabbit meat for spirit coins, a friend request popped up, leaving him bewildered.

This Lord was extraordinary; she had managed to send him a friend request.

Surely, she had used some enigmatic artifact to do so.

Qiang Nantie wavered over whether to reject this Lord.

He wasn’t one to act impulsively.

He was a man of principle.

He didn’t just accept any offer that came his way.

But upon seeing the name of her territory, he promptly accepted her friend request.

The territory notification read: “You have successfully added Tung Quanpan from the Rikrovaria Dynasty’s Lord’s army, squad number 9527, as a friend.”

She was affiliated with the military of the Rikrovaria Dynasty.

Not just anyone could wield this prefix; it was certified by the Overlord Space.

It was akin to an official endorsement.

Bearing this emblem was sufficient proof of their national affiliation.

He had always been told that the Lord’s Trial was, in essence, an international contest.

The top hundred on the international leaderboard would receive coveted prizes. These individuals were Lords meticulously groomed by their respective nations.

Independent Lords rarely stood a chance at these international rewards.

The prizes were typically awarded to military personnel or those backed by powerful financial conglomerates.

Independent Lords couldn’t hold a candle to the state-sponsored Lords.

He had been skeptical, having only heard rumors and never witnessing it firsthand.

Now, the evidence was before his eyes, and he was a believer.

The friend message read: “Hello, I am Tung Quanpan, a Lord from the Rikrovaria Dynasty’s army.”

Qiang Nantie responded, “Hello, are you interested in purchasing this snake meat?”

Clearly, Tung Quanpan hadn’t added him as a friend without good reason.

Tung Quanpan glanced at the message and was taken aback. She quickly responded, “Absolutely, you won’t be shortchanged. I’ll purchase each piece of snake meat for 1,500 spirit coins.”

Upon reading this, Qiang Nantie hastily replied, “I’m out of snake meat; it’s all been sold.”

Tung Quanpan felt a twinge of regret. She had missed the information in the trading hall earlier. Seeing Qiang Nantie’s message, she responded, “Well, that’s that. But if you come across any other valuable items, let me know right away.”

Qiang Nantie offered, “I do have wild rabbits and roosters available. Interested?”

Tung Quanpan was about to wrap up the chat when the message caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless.

She hadn’t anticipated Qiang Nantie having such goods. If not for the undead creatures roaming her territory, she wouldn’t have had to purchase food at all. Plus, she possessed only one artifact capable of directly adding friends.

Adding other teammates who lacked food would just squander the artifact’s purpose. That’s why she preferred to buy food from Qiang Nantie with spirit coins rather than add him to her team. They had ample spirit coins to secure a spot on the leaderboard.

Upon learning that Qiang Nantie still had food for sale, she eagerly replied, “I’ll take it!”

“Do you think you can handle the entire stock?” Qiang Nantie inquired.

“I’ll buy as much as you’ve got,” Tung Quanpan assured confidently.

“Fair enough. Each wild rabbit and rooster will cost you 1,010 spirit coins,” Qiang Nantie stated, setting a round figure. After transaction fees, his net gain per sale would be exactly 1,000 spirit coins.

Tung Quanpan was somewhat surprised; she had expected Qiang Nantie to quote a steeper price, but he hadn’t. He could have made more money selling these items in the International Trade Hall.

“Thanks. In the future, if you ever need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll be there to help if I can,” she offered.

Her respect for Qiang Nantie had grown significantly.

Qiang Nantie’s actions were undoubtedly influenced by her military connections.

“We’ll talk more later.”

After setting aside a couple of chickens, Qiang Nantie placed the remaining wild rabbits and roosters on the shelf.

Tung Quanpan speculated that Qiang Nantie had ventured outside his territory to hunt monsters, and his luck was evident. The monsters near his land were relatively weak.

“He’s quite daring,” Tung Quanpan remarked.

For a Lord new to his role, venturing beyond his territory on day one was a bold move indeed.

Without the substantial resources provided by her nation, Tung Quanpan wouldn’t have risked exploring outside her own lands.

Regrettably, her fortune wasn’t as favorable. Despite awakening the orange legend Overlord Space, she found herself in a realm of undead.

Moreover, she had summoned a troop of Dragon Knights with voracious appetites, significantly increasing her need for food.

Upon reviewing the quantity of wild monsters listed for trade, she was astounded.

“So many!”

She was surprised and pondered whether the Lord from the Heavenly Court could be someone cultivated by a major domestic consortium.

But she dismissed the thought as unlikely. If that were the case, he wouldn’t be selling food.

It suggested that this individual was either very powerful or had summoned an exceptionally strong hero.

“Perhaps he’s just a lucky fellow,” Tung Quanpan mused with a smile, and proceeded with the transaction.


Qiang Nantie accepted.

Having another friend, especially one from the military, was always beneficial.

The territory notification read: “You have successfully completed a trade with Tung Quanpan, a member of the Rikrovaria Dynasty’s army, and have received 33,000 spirit coins.”

Tung Quanpan was ready to wrap up the chat when Qiang Nantie sent another message: “Oh, by the way, do you need any stone?”

“Stones?” Tung Quanpan was even more astonished.

It was only the first day of the trial for newcomers!

Qiang Nantie had already secured stone on his very first day. Could he be a child of fortune?

Where on earth did he find stone?

“Of course, I need stone. I’ll buy as much as you have!” Tung Quanpan responded eagerly.

“Not many left. There are only 2240 One-star Stones, 117 Two-star Stones, and a mere 28 Three-star Stones. Are you sure you can afford all of them?” Qiang Nantie inquired.

Tung Quanpan was at a loss for words.

This guy must be incredibly lucky.

He probably stumbled upon some deserted stone mine.

“Speaking of which, what’s the going rate for these stones?”

“Let’s stick to the market price.”

They negotiated and both agreed on a price they were happy with.

Qiang Nantie successfully netted a hefty 300,000 spirit coins.

Furthermore, this transaction would aid Tung Quanpan in developing her territory, a contribution to the nation in its own right.

Even though territory buildings don’t require wood and stone during the newbie trial, using them to construct walls can bolster the defenses, significantly enhancing the safety of the territory.

The creatures encountered later on are no easy foes; if the walls aren’t sturdy, they could easily be toppled.

“Make sure to trade with me first if you come across any more valuable items.”

Tung Quanpan’s curiosity about Qiang Nantie had piqued. Having such a partner was immensely beneficial to her territory.

At the very least, she wouldn’t have to fret over food during the Trial.

“Absolutely, no problem at all.”

Qiang Nantie was elated.

His haul this time was truly substantial.

By selling just the wild monster meat and materials, he had raked in nearly four hundred thousand spirit coins.

He knew he had to capitalize on the early days’ opportunity.

Once everyone reached level five, selling meat for profit wouldn’t be nearly as easy.

Flush with cash, Qiang Nantie wasted no time in upgrading his buildings.


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