Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 23: Selling Oneself into Servitude

A few days ago.

“A person?!” The sailor on watch duty suddenly shouted as he nervously gripped his spear.

A suspicious human silhouette emerged from the bushes and after taking one look at the sailor, fell unconscious and dropped to the ground.

The sailor froze and then cautiously


walked up to the mysterious person’s side and poked his shoulder with the spear, flipping over the body towards the sky.

Although the face was blackened with terrible burns, the sailor only frowned for a moment before recognizing this mysterious person.

“It's Huang Zao!!!”

“Huang Zao is still alive.”

“Team Leader Lan Zao


, your younger brother is alive, he is back.”

The sailor made a big fuss that alerted the entire exploration team camp.

A crowd of people gathered together and was led by Lan Zao, a man with the majestic physique of two adult men combined with a deep bronze aura.

Finding the unconscious Huang Zao, Lan Zao first found it incredulous and was then delightfully surprised as he promptly crouched down and lifted up Huang Zao’s head, leaving him half-lying on the ground.

“Younger brother, younger brother wake up quickly!” Lan Zao called out loudly.

Although Huang Zao was still unconscious, his mouth murmured: “Water…..water…”

As soon as Lan Zao held out his hand, the other sailors immediately passed over a water canteen.

After being fed water, Huang Zao began to wake up slowly.

When his sight grew clearer and saw Lan Zao’s rough face, Huang Zao almost burst into tears: “Older brother, it’s me Huang Zao, I came back alive!”

Huang Zao’s voice was very hoarse as he was in extremely poor health.

He did not have a good time chasing after this group on his own in this dangerous forest.

“Huang Zao, what happened to you? We all thought you were dead. Team Leader Lan Zao tried to go back to find you several times but the others stopped him because no one thought you would be still alive. Lan Zao cried his heart out for you several times.” Then an elderly man broke through the encirclement of people.

He had a round face, a thin and shrivelled physique, and wore a pair of cracked spectacles. He had a large white beard which had not been maintained properly for a long time. It now resembled a grey and dirty cleaning rag.

This was old man Cang Xu.


He was an old scholar who had served the nobility for many years.

Old or young, all members of the exploration team greatly respected him, it was because of his guidance the exploration team managed to get out of the desert.

“Thank the Gods and fate you are still alive. God, this truly is a miracle!” Shouted Lan Zao.

“Quickly tell your older brother what happened to you?” Lan Zao was very curious as to what happened.

Huang Zao coldly snorted: “I didn’t die at that time. I only fell unconscious temporarily…”

He briefly elaborated on the events and the results.

Lan Zao sighed emotionally: “Huang Zao, the tale of how you saved your life is indeed very shocking.”

The people around them agreed and gave their words of admiration and wonder.

However, scholar Cang Xu’s complexion was grave: “Trouble, gentlemen, it seems we are in trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” Someone asked.

“No matter what kind of trouble, I will never abandon my little brother! We will fight against the spiders!” Lan Zao’s eyes flashed with killing intent and he displayed a resolute attitude.

But Huang Zao replied: “Everyone be at ease, no spiders have followed me. As long as you escape their hunting grounds, the spiders will just climb back into the canopy. I have stayed with them for several days.”

“Besides, I’m sure all the spiders were burned to death in that large fire.”

Huang Zao’s voice was filled with pride. Now that the danger was gone, his escapade had turned into his bragging rights.

The old scholar shook his head: “I am not talking about the spiders but those two people.”

“Those two are already dead, it's a pity.” Huang Zao said. He hadn’t revealed that he fled like a coward but rather said the spiders attacked Zhen Jin and Zi Di, and that he was lucky to not have been attacked and escaped while he could.

“They are not necessarily dead.” The old scholar sighed.

Lan Zao muttered: “This island prohibits low level magic and battle qi. Do those two youngsters really have the ability to escape from the furious spider leader?”

The old scholar still frowned: “Iron level strength is indeed prohibited on this island. But what about silver level? Or what about the gold level? There is no one of such a level among us, as such we can’t be sure that level of strength is also prohibited.”

Huang Zao uncontrollably gawked with wide open eyes: “Mr. Cang Xu, do you really think those two are silver level or even gold level experts? That’s impossible, they are too young. Besides, I did not sense a silver or gold level aura from their bodies. Actually it seemed the young girl was an iron level magician.”

The old scholar smiled and slightly shook his head: “Arent there a few strong youngsters? The General Bai Lang of Cold Iron City is only seventeen and the Jin Mei Clan’s Magician Shui Si is only a sixteen year old girl. A formidable assassin


that recently emerged from the Assassin Alliance called Luo Shi is rumored to be an eighteen year old inducted from commoners.”

“That’s unlikely, those people are all future major characters, they are too far from us. What are the chances that I casually ran into someone like that?“

The old scholar said in a flat tone: “The possibility is very high, according to your description the girl had iron level strength at such a young age. That means, she alone cannot be ignored, in that case what is the level of the force that trained her?”


“The girl addressed the young man as ‘

my Lord’

, then what is the young man’s status and strength? Reflect over this.”

Everyone sunk into deep contemplation. The face of the two brothers, Huang Zao and Lan Zao began to turn pale.

After waiting for a bit, the old scholar continued speaking: “I feel that not only is the status of the young man high, but he is also strong on his own. Having gold cultivation is unlikely but the possibility of silver level strength is high.”

“Mr. Cang Xu, what proof do you have?” Lan Zao asked. “What makes you think so?””

Cang Xu laughed: “We can view this from a different angle. Suppose you found someone crying for help and to rescue them you would need to face more than a dozen bronze level spiders. There is just you and your teammate. If you do not have silver or gold level strength, how can you dare to provoke the spiders and attempt to save someone?”

Lan Zao’s mouth opened wide and was speechless for a moment.

“Basically, these two are most likely not dead. And I have offended a silver or perhaps even a gold level expert?” Huang Zao said to himself and the corners of his mouth twitched.

“I shouldn’t have run away, I should have given them the dagger at that time! I messed up, I screwed up big time!” Huang Zao screamed repeatedly as he gripped Lan Zao’s arm tightly.

Under the immense psychological pressure, he finally confessed.

Everyone‘s faces changed as they heard that he ran away with the important dagger.

“Mr. Cang Xu, what can we do about this?” Lan Zao had no idea


what to do and could only look to the old scholar for advice.

“Don’t panic everyone.” Cang Xu lifted his hand and steadied them. “This matter has not gotten out of hand yet.”

“Everything that is said is just my speculation. It is possible those two have already become spider food or died in the sea of fire. Right?”

“But you just said it is even more likely that these two have already solved their troubles and are chasing after us. We’ve left behind traces during our entire journey.” Lan Zao said with a twisted face.

Cang Xu nodded and stared deeply at Lan Zao: “Therefore, we need to turn around now. We need to confirm whether both of them are dead or alive.”

“If they are dead, we could maybe pick up some excellent equipment.”

“If they are alive and they are caught in some kind of predicament. We will need to go out of our way to help them to repay them for saving Huang Zao’s life and to atone for Huang Zao’s last second escape.”

“If they are pursuing our lives, I strongly suggest to everyone that we do not resist except as a last resort. Think about it carefully, are we really their opponent if they have the strength to deal with the spider group?”

“Surrender! Surrendering is the best option.”

“Don’t forget that we were all together on the same ship and we all fell here together. They need us, all major figures need underlings, or at least they need to have sufficient manpower to control a ship.”

Everyone nodded at Cang Xu’s words.

“Then, what about me?” Huang Zao anxiously asked.

“Don’t worry, you have me little brother.” Although Lan Zao said this, there was no confidence in his tone.

Cang Xu sincerely looked at Huang Zao: “Stubborn resistance will only bring about your own death, even if you tried to escape, where would you go? Would you escape into the forest only to get eaten by ferocious beasts? Following my instructions is your best chance at life. Remember, if those two major figures are still alive, make sure to display your worth so you can continue to live. Don’t be stingy with your belongings, even if they don’t need it, still offer it to them. You must present complete remorse.”

Huang Zao nodded repeatedly as he memorized Cang Xu’s words like his life depended on it.

And so, the group turned around and went back the way they came.

At the mountain spring, they encountered Zhen Jin and Zi Di.

They took the initiative to reveal themselves and Huang Zao left the group and walked up to the couple.

“It’s you! Hmph, we finally found you Huang Zao.”

Zi Di was annoyed while Zhen Jin silently looked at him in a displeased manner.

Huang Zao’s heart shuddered.

Oh how he wished that Zhen Jin and Zi Di had perished back then. But now, these two stood in front of him completely well and fine.

Although Huang Zao was a boorish man, and was inherently foolish, Cang Xu had clearly explained the implications of the situation.

Then, Huang Zao saw Zhen Jin’s “new weapons”.

There were spears, sickles, and longswords that were clearly made from spider legs and wood!

“They actually killed that silver level spider leader!”

“Am I really so unlucky that I ran into these two big shots?!”


Huang Zao threw his cutlass at a rock.

Huang Zao plopped down to the ground, fiercely hit his head on the floor, and begged for forgiveness: “My two Lords! I am Huang Zao, the one who fled. I was wrong, I have committed an unforgivable crime! I will not resist death or dismemberment, no matter the punishment, it is my Lords’ decisions!”

The couple looked at each other somewhat confused.

What kind of situation was this?

They had thought that these people had surrounded them with ill intent. But in the end, Huang Zao directly pleaded his guilt and surrendered.

“My Lords, this old one is named Cang Xu. I once served for thirty-eight years as a scholar for the Sha Ta clan.” The old scholar walked over to them.

Behind him was a robust man, Lan Zao.

Zhen Jin didn’t speak so Zi Di stepped forward and took the initiative to speak: “I am Zi Di, the current master of the Wisteria Merchant Alliance. Now I have the honor of introducing to everyone here——the lord in front of you. His noble blood traces back to the legendary golden needle queen bee magic beast. He is the sole heir to the Bai Zhen Clan, a templar knight, and a candidate for the position of White Sands City Lord.”

“The Wisteria Merchant Alliance? When Zi Di mentioned it, everyone could not help but whisper to each other.

This was a famous merchant alliance that these people more or less had heard about.

“Templar Knight?” When Zi Di mentioned it, there was a cry of shock.

Lan Zao’s body shook and Huang Zao dared not lift his head from the ground as his ears began buzzing.

“The Bai Zhen Clan…” The old scholar Cang Xu’s pupils shrank.

He understood nobles far better than Lan Zao or Huang Zao. Cang Xu understood clearly: The Bai Zhen Clan was not simple. Although the Bai Zhen Clan was seriously damaged when it had fought against the Empire, they were still a former great southern noble clan with a deep background. The current Bai Zhen patriarch was at the gold level, despite his heavy injuries one could not afford to look down on him. And this young teenager in front of him was the sole heir to such a clan?

Cang Xu’s face had a respectful look as he bowed and said with a deep voice: “I, Cang Xu, pay my respects to the two Lords.”

Lan Zao also knelt on the ground: “I, Lan Zao, kowtow to the two Lords. Great Lords, Huang Zao is my own younger brother. I am willing to use my life as payment and request the two Lords to forgive his offense.”

“Older brother!” Huang Zao raised his head and straightened his torso to look at Lan Zao, his forehead was a blood stained mess.

Zhen Jin’s face was expressionless and he stayed silent, which caused the onlookers to feel more and more pressure.

“My Lords.” The scholar spoke once again, “Please allow this outsider to state all the facts I have seen.”

“Speak.” Zhen Jin spoke for the first time.

Cang Xu let out a ragged breath and continued: “Huang Zao set aside his unforgivable offense so he could use all of his strength to return to his older brother’s side. He was confused, flustered, and also unconscious for a while.”

“This impulsive and gutless youngster did flee from death. But after he calmed down, he was burdened and tormented by the guilt of his sins.”

“He became mired in guilt, blamed himself, and did not cover up the truth. After telling us the truth, he begged that we return to the spider forest to save you two Lords.”

“It was because of this reason that we were fortunate enough to meet you Lords here.”

“I ask the two Lords to consider Huang Zao’s repentance and atonement for his sins and be lenient in dealing with him.”

Huang Zao and Lan Zao gave Cang Xu looks of gratitude.

Zi Di looked at the two kneeling brothers and couldn’t help but sneer: “This lowly and cowardly villain deceived Lord Zhen Jin by selfishly hiding the fact that there was a silver level magic beast. He then got cold feet and escaped at a critical moment, putting a noble bloodline in danger, and bit the hand that fed him! Scholar, how can you advise that we deal with such a leech lighty?”


Cang Xu nodded repeatedly and smiled: “This is the first time I have seen you two Lords, it was indeed rude and offensive of me to say such words. However the truth is that, these two aren’t soldiers of the empire, they are only sailors of the Hog’s Kiss. Should we really include them when talking about escaping in the middle of a battle?“

“Actually, these two brothers are quite pitiful. They were born as fishermen and lost their parents early, forcing them to rely on each other. If your Lordships were to execute the younger brother, I fear the older brother would not survive on his own.”

“Lord Zhen Jin, you are a templar knight, a knight amongst knights. You were born noble and your future is as great as the skies. To you these brothers are nothing more than ants in the dirt. Lord Zhen Jin, you will surely be White Sand City’s future lord. When that happens, you will shine radiantly throughout the city and your benevolence will benefit the inhabitants. Why would you bother to be so petty to these two ants?”

“If your Lordship forgives these two pitiful and lamentable ants, I believe these two will surely repent for their entire lives and remember your kindness and mercy, and they will certainly serve your Lordship to repay your kindness.”

Zi Di raised her eyebrows and looked deeply at Cang Xu, but did not say anything.

Cang Xu lightly kicked the kneeling Lan Zao.

Lan Zao quivered and promptly yelled: “Great Lord, please be merciful and give us brothers a chance to atone for our sins and to repay your life saving grace. Please be merciful, please reluctantly accept us as your lowly servants, from now on we will be at your Lordship’s beck and call!”

Huang Zao did not speak, he just kept prostrating.

The two brothers’ earnest pleading had emotionally moved the crowd.

“My Lord.” Zi Di looked at Zhen Jin as she waited for his decision.

Everyone looked at Zhen Jin.

The old scholar Cang Xu however, bowed his head and looked at the ground.

Looking at the two brother’s bloodstained faces, Zhen Jin slowly spoke with an expressionless face: “To save the dying and help the weak and small, this is my knight’s creed. It is because of this, that I entered the spider forest to save you.”

“You cannot overestimate nor can you underestimate people. This is the Bai Zhen Clan’s motto. Therefore Huang Zao and Lan Zao, I am willing to give you both a chance. I hope you can serve loyally and earnestly and change my opinion of you two.”

“Thank you! Thank you my Lord!” Cried Huang Zao and Lan Zao in exultation.

Everyone around them let out a sigh of relief. Many of them couldn’t help but look at Huang Zao and Lan Zao with envy.

Although these two sold themself into servitude, losing their freedom from now on, they could now rely on this major figure like Zhen Jin, maybe they could soar to success in the future.


Cang Xu once more bowed and said: “Lord Zhen Jin, your magnanimity is like the earth, and your benevolence is like the sun. Praise be to you! You will be like our banner and under your leadership, we lowly men will be able to take the correct path forward.”

Zhen Jin looked around him with his body straight as a spear, his calm voice reaching everyone’s ears.

“The light of the temple will cover every inch of land. The banner of the empire will shelter every person of the empire. Follow me and I will lead you all out of here alive.”

“Yes my Lord!” Everyone responded in unison as they half-knelt one after the other.

Translator’s corner of rambling

“Yes yes master-lord”

  • Cannon fodder


Dang this chapter was long. If you weren’t aware, the author used up all his consistency on the story and left none for the chapter lengths. This has resulted in one of the most sporadic chapter word counts I have ever seen. Seriously the last two chapters combined are shorter than this one. What’s worse is that this isn’t even the longest chapter or even a double chapter. Oh no, those chapters are far longer. The graph detailing all of this resembles a coughed on petri dish more than anything else. But I shall persevere despite all the difficulties, for only through trials and effort can I get better. However if anyone ever translates this book as work I pray that they get paid by the word count rather than by chapter. But I suppose that doesn’t really apply to me because I only translate this book out of passion and the belief that this book deserves to be translated.

Translation Notes

  1. (小心翼翼: cautious and solemn (idiom))

  2. (so uh one translated version of this name is dark blue beard...)

  3. (恩将仇报: to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom))

  4. (飞黄腾达: lit. the divine steed Fei Huang gallops (idiom)


    fig. to achieve meteoric success in one's career

Editor Notes

  1. (I want to refrain from using ‘captain’ as they are sailors and Lan Zao isn't their ‘captain’ and as such team leader is more appropriate)

  2. (Is assassin really best here? Maybe reading ahead will provide some clues?)(lol it hasn't even appeared in the latest chapter. This is the only time it's mentioned. And assassin isn't too bad)

  3. (I’m guessing he he asking, since the girl is so strong, what clan or faction trained her to be this strong at a young age)

  4. (author typo here (没了注意);original means lost attention which makes no sense. (没了主意); what it's intended to be means no ideas which makes more sense in this context. This typo has also been corrected on the qidian site)


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