In This Life, I Will Be The Lord

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

I am done revised, so please enjoy the chapter...

“Estira, come here for a minute.”

Estira, who was writing a treatment journal for a patient who just visited, got up from her seat at the call of her teacher, Dr. O’Malley.

Dr. O’Malley was not a particularly strict or scary teacher, but today somehow, his expression wasn’t good...

Estira noticed and quietly sat down in the chair next to Dr. O’Malley.

"I heard a rough story from Jason. And it looks like you making something strange these days."


No more words were needed.

Estira noticed what Dr. O’Malley was saying and tried to explain it urgently.

But Dr. O’Malley came first.

"Give up."


Estira looked at the doctor.

But Dr. O’Malley only shook his head.

"I don’t like it because you seem to be playing with Miss Florentia’s impulses, Estira."

“Impulsive... "

"What can she know, she is just a kid who is only eight years old now. I know you are so desperate and too excited about a joke like that."

Dr. O’Malley was accusing her.

Although he did not raise his voice or expressly impressed, Estira could fully feel it.

"No, sir! Miss. Florentia is really trying to help me!"

Estira said, blinked her eyes.

It doesn’t matter if he underestimates me, but I can’t stand it when Miss. Florentia is spoken of like that.

"She sincerely trying to help me...."

"Hugh, Estira..."

Dr. O’Malley sighed as if the ground was fall.

In the end, there was a sound of clearing his throat.

"I understand your desperate desire to go to the academy, but not this year, just give up."

Dr. O’Malley had pushed her a second time.

"It’s all for you."

’Are you really thinking about me?’

Estira bowed her head to hide her doubts about her teacher.

"Besides, I’ve already written a recommendation for Jason. You must have someone else to write you a recommendation letter..."

Dr. O’Malley continued to try to persuade Estira.

“Don’t be greedy. Will I write a letter of recommendation for you next year?"

Even if it was greed, there was nothing to say.

Estira bites her lower lip.

It was almost a miracle even for her who is an ordinary girl and comes from the countryside.

She got a job where she could make money while working on the medicine, and even got the chance to learn pharmacy under famous Lombardy’s doctor.

So Dr. O’Malley was right.

It could be greedy to aim for a job as a researcher at the academy too.

Estira understood the criticism in the doctor’s eyes.


Said Estira in a quiet voice.

"I want to do as much as I can."

"Estira, even though I said this!"

"I want to live up to the expectations of Miss. Florentia, sir."

Dr. O’Malley, who was trying to push again, shut up when the name of Florentia came out.

"My lady told me I could do it. She said she would help me, and she would let me go to the academy."

Estira laughed strongly as she recalled that time.3

“As you said, she may be still a kid, but I do believe.”

She said she would make Estira’s dream come true.

She did not laugh when she heard a dream that was too big for the common people never mind a woman.

Rather, she will help her, she promised to her.

Those pretty green eyes of that time were engraved in Estira’s heart.

“You keep doing reckless things like this, even if I say I won’t write a letter of recommendation?”

Dr. O’Malley ended up swaying.

Originally, it was a conversation meant to end soon because Estira was silent.

She was a disciple who usually speaks a little and always obeys.

He didn’t know she would be stubborn like this.

If he can’t beat Estira’s will, his position as the doctor becomes difficult.

Yesterday, Viese Lombardy called Dr. O’Malley.

When he arrived, he thinks that it was a regular visit, But Viese and Jason’s father, the president of the Plan Medical Company, sit together.

It was not surprising because he knew the relationship between the two of them, where money and friendship go hand in hand.

But when the president of the Plan Medical Company complained about Estira in front of Viese, he was truly surprised.

He didn’t even think that he would have such ambitions.

The president said, “I don’t think it makes sense for such a girl to dare to ask for a doctor’s recommendation, so why don’t you throw her right away?

And he said that he was concerned because his student was not aware of her place, and he said the doctors shouldn’t make him worry about it again in the future

In a word, he said that he should not write recommendations to anyone, including Estira, for the time being.

In response, Dr. O’Malley made the oath, saying that he would take responsibility and make Estira give up on the academy.

It was because he thought about the timid personality of Estira, he thought that if he just says a few words, she would calmly give up on the Academy.

"Think well!!."

Dr. O’Malley was convinced this time that Estira would break her stubbornness.

She hesitated for a while.

But like a lie, Estira nodded her head.

"Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I’ll trust Miss Florentia."

"Ha! Oh."

Dr. O’Malley was shocked. He thought that he used a word firmly no matter what Estira’s will.

And, now he looking at Estira disgustingly, he clicked on his tongue.

It was nonsense from the beginning anyway.

She believes the words of an eight-year-old kid, and she doesn’t care about what her teacher says.

The doctor then had the idea that he should cut Estira’s salary because of this problem.2

"You’re making me troubled in the end."

"Yes? Troubled?..."

Estira head’s tilted, but Dr. O’Malley’s turned back and said coldly.

"You don’t need to know. Go."

With pent-up feelings, Estira could only say goodbye.

However, it couldn’t be helped that one corner of her heart was steamed continuously.

* * *

My heart was pounding.

I took my palm-sized tube and breathed slowly and deeply.

The lid was covered, but the pungent scent of the hipsee leaves irritated my nose.

"I’ll open it."

Estira nodded her head, in agreement.


With a small noise, the lid opened and a hardened ointment appeared.

I carefully touched it with my finger.

The flat surface inside the container reaches the tips of my fingers.

This time, I applied the ointment on my fingertips to the back of my hand.

Beeswax with vegetable oil melted at body temperature and gently applied.

At the same time, it seems a little hot, and a feeling of cold spreads through the skin.


It was perfect.

"In case you don’t know, I’ve been using it in the same place every day for the past five days."

Said Estira, showing her wrist to me.

"Sometimes the sore wrist pain disappeared, and my skin improved strangely. Maybe it also has such an effect, Miss."

Compared to the other wrist, it felt strangely smooth, as Estira said.

I put the ointment lid back on and gently put it down.

Then I asked Estira.

"Estira, do you have anything you want?"

Estira shook her head quietly at my unexpected question.

"Think carefully, what Estira needs, regardless of the amount."

"Well, regardless of the amount?"

Estira complained seriously for a while, then replied cautiously.

"Then, I want to have a small house in Lombardy town."

As if she was embarrassed while talking, Estira scratched her cheek.

"Is that so? I see."

"By the way, why are you asking such a question all of a sudden, Miss?"

"It’s a waste to change this medicine to just two letters of recommendation and a scholarship."


Estira was confused as she alternately looked at the ointment and me.

But I was serious.

This ointment wasn’t just for Grandpa and Broschl.

I smiled at Estira, who was still confused, saying don’t worry.

* * *

It was a day when it rained softly. It was a nice rain after a long time, but it wasn’t very good weather for Lulak, who had poor knees.

But while rubbing his uncomfortable knee with his hand, he looked at the smiling face, the librarian grandpa, Broschl laughed in vain.

"Are you not in good condition?"

"Definitely good. While you?

Lulak still said with a big smile.

"I was regretted that Clerivan was going to work as a side job. He said that his business partner was Gallahan....."

Lulak first questioned his ears.

He suddenly visited and informed that he was going to do business with Gallahan.

And he said, ’Gallahan-nim seems to be a very smart person,’ and he rarely even praised others.

"No matter how it is. I don’t know what kind of business he’s talking about until the end."

Lulak didn’t stop laughing while complaining that much.

Broschl laughed together as he looked at him.

"But why did you call me today?"

"Oh, that’s it. I mean, a crazy guy is asking you and me to write a recommendation."

As if suddenly thinking of someone, Lulak’s eye wrinkles became thicker.

Now the tail of his mouth was getting caught in the ears.

Broschl knew him for over thirty years, but it was the first time he had ever seen Lulak’s nasty look.

Broschl tilted his head.

Then, he heard a little knock.

’Come in’ as if Lulak waited.

When the door opened and the little girl appeared, Broschl wanted to see what kind of joke this was.


It was Lulak’s eight-year-old granddaughter, Florentia, who nodded.


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