In This Life, I Will Be The Lord

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"You don’t usually carry a bag, so what’s in it?"

"A gift!"


"Yes! A Gift to The Prince!"

The Second Prince is also a true Prince, so it is not wrong.

The Melcon medicine I prepared was for Prince Perez, the Second Prince.

The Empress began poisoning the food around the time Perez’s mother fell ill and died.

But I don’t know exactly what poison was used.

In my previous life, seeing him become Prince and Lombardy under attack, I looked for the Intelligence Guild, wondering if there would be any help.

I paid with the money I had accumulated over the entire months and bought an envelope with information, but it did not say exactly what poison the Empress used.

It was that Perez himself couldn’t figure it out until the end and only healed the aftereffect of terrible insomnia left by poison.

However, it was evident that for quite some time, they continued to use small amounts that were not easily noticed.

The Emperor did not pay much attention to the child, who had been mistaken for one night with a maid, and left it to the Empress.

Of course, the Empress promised to take good care of himself on his own and then moved closer to avoid the Emperor’s eyes.

But for some reason, Perez survived without being poisoned, and three years later, the Emperor noticed the Empress’s lies.

Sadly, there was no significant difference in Perez’s life.

The Emperor only used the Empress’s fault to contain Angenas, who had grown in size but still had no affection for the Second Prince.

It was also because around that time the Emperor began to see new heirs from several aristocratic families with concubines.

I was so inclined to think about Perez, but I heard my father’s weak voice.

"Yeah, Tia is too old, now."

But my father’s reaction is a little strange.

"I thought this would come someday, but......."

"No, not like that......."

Something seems very hurt. But I can’t tell the truth.

I’m going to get lost after a while looking around the interior of the Imperial Palace with my father.

Of course, the destination is where the Second Prince Perez is.

Luckily, I knew the approximate location of the palace where the Second Prince lived with his mother.

The Empress wanted to put the hat where her eyes could reach.

So she threw a small stellar palace in the woods west of the palace, and Perez said he lived there before going to the academy.

What will he look like now, 11 years old, the same age as twins?

"What is it?"

"That, it...... The Imperial Palace Guard will check the gate, so stop the wagon... "

A checkpoint in the Lombardy family’s wagon?

Without panic, the door of the carriage was opened from the outside, and two imperial knights were standing.

"Is this the Empress’s order?"

It was the cold voice of my father I heard for the first time.

The knights did not give any answer.

At the end of a small rung, my father looked at me as if not to worry, and got out of the car.

In fact, I wasn’t worried about this situation, but I was surprised to see my father for the first time.

It was obvious what happened.

Something that will never happen to Grandpa’s carriage is just happening to us.

It was very cowardly and dull for the shame of a person who became an Empress.

It was when I sighed and looked out of the window on the other side from where my father had left.

"The Second Prince?"

I could see something like the back of a boy with dark hair passing through the trees in the distance.

"The real Second Prince?"

Heaven must have helped this.

What I knew was a really rough location, so when I was thinking about how to find the palace where the Second Prince is located and whether I could meet him if I went to it, I accidentally found him like this.

This is an opportunity you can never miss.

After confirming that my father was still fighting with the knights, I very carefully opened the door on the other side of the carriage.

Fortunately, the door opened smoothly without making any noise.

With my bag in one hand, I ran into the grass right in front of me.

Looking back, my father and the knight still didn’t know what was going on.

I felt a little guilty when he realized that I wasn’t there and thought that my father would be surprised, but I can’t help it.

If this is not the case, there is no way to meet the Second Princes without the Empress’s knowledge.

I have to give Perez this medicine and come back as soon as possible.

I, who hid my body behind the low grass, ran hard to the side where Second Prince disappeared until I was out of sight of my father and the knights.

"Oh, huh! Oh my!"

It seemed that I was far away from my father and the knights as I moved without hesitation, but there was a problem.

"Where are you?"

Apparently, the Second Prince who ran this way I couldn’t even see his nose, and I lost my sense of direction because I was in the woods.

I try to pretend to be lost and I really lost.

I have to give up finding Perez and go back to where my father is.

At that time, I heard the sound of ’burst’.

As I turned my head, I could see the bushes not far from where I was standing.


I approached carefully, swallowing heavily.

Bruises, bruises.

I could hear the sound of my footsteps approaching, but there was no response from the grassy side.

I further killed footsteps.

And finally, a small seal began to appear.

The first thing I noticed was the black hair that had grown to cover the neck slightly.

It didn’t have a name tag on it, but I was sure.

It was the Second Prince, Perez. I was right.

But I couldn’t call or speak his name.

After a few puffing attempts, I was only able to speak out.

"What are you doing now...... ."

The Second Prince, squatting in front of the bush, was plucking one type of sharp leaf with a familiar hand movement.

And it didn’t stop there. The leaves were ripped off roughly, and Second Prince took it right into his mouth.

It was clear that his small mouth was already full of something like grass.

It goes on.

Even if the green liquid poured into the corner of his mouth, he accidentally wiped it through his sleeve and never stopped eating the leaves in front of him.

It was so mechanical and desperate that my conscience was awakened.

I barely moved my frozen body and walked a couple of steps closer.


When I spoke urgently, the busy movement of the Prince stopped at that moment.

The boy, whose face I only saw from the side the whole time, turned his head and looked at me.

Vivid red eyes with dark brown color.

This boy was definitely the Second Prince.

"What the hell are you doing? Why do you eat that grass?"

I was getting angry without even realizing it myself.

Young Perez, looked at me with eyes that seemed to have no feelings. And replied.

"Because my stomach hurts."


"Since a while ago, my stomach keeps hurting for no reason. The book said that eating this herb makes it okay."


I couldn’t connect.

My head was blank as if I was hit in the back of my head.

The reason why his stomach hurts was obvious.

It was a symptom of poisoning, showing the poison slowly accumulated in the body.

The pale complexion only caught my eyes.

The Second Prince survived this way.

Like a wild beast, he wandered around in the woods, found helpful herbs, and ate them.

Second Prince looked at me for a while, then sat back.

Since he is three years older than me, he is eleven this year.

It was the same age as the twins.

But Perez was too small to say that he was eleven years old.

At best, he only looked less than ten years old.

The color was too poor to be called a Prince.

The clothes he was wearing seemed to be made of high-quality materials, but they were wrinkled and dirty all over the place.

Maybe he was wearing one clothes for a few days.

No way, is there no attendant to take care of?

An ominous premonition ran over my head.

At that time, Perez tried to pluck the leaves again and eat them, and I took the hand in fright.

"Don’t eat anything like this. If you’re sick, you should take medicine!"

"But, even when my mother was sick, the doctor did not come?"

"Well, that’s..."

"So I found it in the book. It looks like a useless weed, but it might work."

Sitting squatted next to me, the height of the eyes was similar to me, and the Prince’s wrist in my hand was too thin.

Unbeknownst to me, I was amazed and quickly relieved my hand.

When his mother was dying of sickness, the Empress prevented the doctor from entering there.

So, when Perez became the Crown Prince and exercised full power of the fallen Emperor, he first sent the First Prince to the battlefield.

It was the northern front, famous for having the most casualties and fiercely.

And, let alone a the Empress, and a doctor or medicine was not allowed to enter the palace of the Empress, who fell in shock.

When I heard the story, I thought for a moment that it was a little too much.

He’s a very cruel person, I thought so.1

But now, I don’t think I can say that even for a moment.

A child who wasn’t as big as his age chewed on grass like this and endured it.

He survived fiercely alone.

I brushed off the remaining grass from Perez’s hand and said as I opened the bag I had.

"I have medicine, so don’t eat anything like this."

The Prince tilted his head and asked.

"Who are you?"

He also asks very quickly.

I replied with a small sigh.

"My name is Florentia. Florentia Lombardy."

"I am Perez."

The Second Prince said, looking at the leaves that fell on the floor with easy eyes.

And he looks up and looks at me.

The eyes, which were like the color of dark blood, were empty.

The Second Prince asked me.

"But, why are you crying?"

"What are you talking about."

"You are crying."

"What nonsense...... ."

I was amazed when I grinned and put my hand around my eyes.

Tears were really falling from my eyes.

"Oh, this, this is it."

Why am I crying?

When I was confused and stumbled without giving a proper explanation, the Prince said.

"Am I pitiful?"

Oh, damn it.

To make such a word come out of a child’s mouth.

I was embarrassed, so I made a louder voice.

"No! It’s not like that!"

"It’s okay. My mom and nanny did that too. I’m sorry, I’m pitiful."

In front of this boy, I keep losing my words.

But Perez shrugged as if he didn’t know the meaning of the word ’poor’.

"Neither of them is next to me right now."

"No nanny, no nanny?"

The Prince’s mother died a while ago, but I thought somebody would remain next to him.

Perez shook her head from side to side.

"She got kicked a while ago. The nanny said she didn’t want to go, but the soldiers took it away."

The cruel Empress.1

No one is left with a child who is only eleven years old.

Well, there’s no way a person who tried to kill him by slowly drying it with poison could see such a situation.

Thinking of the Empress, I was working hard on my teeth.

At that time, the Second Prince said to me.

"So I also like that you don’t help me. You might even die because of me."


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