In This Life, I Will Be The Lord

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

The carriage, which had left the Imperial Palace heading to the North, was already free of the Emperor’s command.

Perez was lost in thought as he watched the scenery quickly pass through the window.

"What is the reason Pellet corporation collects the Triva tree?"

This question hasn’t left his mind lately.

Like me, did Pellet Corporation collect the wood for the Empress’s development of the West?

But in that sense, Pellet Corporation only bought wood and did not sell a single bar to Angenas.

It was also more than a year ago that Pellet began buying Triva wood in the North, according to Lignite.

At first, without a sound, little by little.

Secretly, without even revealing that it was Pellet Corporation.

After filling several such large warehouses, rumors of Pellet Corporation changed his attitude.

As if Pellet Corporation had waited, he sent someone from the central to start an aggressive purchase.

And a week before the landslide, like a lie, every movement stopped.

Stopped trading and pulled the Pellets from the logging grounds scattered throughout the North.

"As if he knew when, where, and in what form a landslide would occur."

However, it was impossible to make such an accurate estimate based on the geologist’s report submitted by Lord Lombardy at the conference.

"Clerivan Pellet."

The owner of Pellet Corporation.

He wanted to be honest and ask him everything.

What kind of eyes are you looking at the world with.

What are you planning for next time?


"Wouldn’t he like to be my person?"2

He knows that Clerivan Pellet is close to Lombardy.

But since leaving the Lombardy family and start Pellet’s business, his move has been far from loyal to Lombardy.

Like a diamond mine, he took it from Lombardy’s.

It didn’t seem to be particularly close to his one-time partner, Gallahan Lombardy.

Considering those points, he was walking on his own path.

The remaining relationship between Clerivan Pellet and Lombardy was overshadowed by the years they spent in Lombardy.


It just so happened that Florentia sniffled.

She was the only one who has a long relationship with the teacher-disciple whit Clerivan Pellet.

"Who swears at me?"

Perez immediately moved on to the sound of a small grunt with her mouth covered.

"Use this."

Perez said, taking off his robe and covering it over Tia’s shoulder.

"Thank you, Perez."

She smiled as she wrapped her face around his clothes and smiled.


A blue tendon popped up in the hand that meticulously opened the robe to the heart that was shaking with a single smile.

Pellet Corporation, which had just filled his head, melted away in front of her presence.

* * *

My nose tickled for a long time and I ended up sneezing.

"Who swears at me?"

Or is it a cold?

What does it mean summer cold?

It’s not like a fool won’t get caught.

"Use this."

Perez took off his robe and gave it to me.

"Thank you, Perez."

Without hesitation, I wrapped myself around my slightly cold body.

I was going to read a book, but I think I need to sleep well.

If I catch a cold and the whole procession slows down, there’s no inconvenience like that.

"I had to go to the North quickly, so I decided to go all night long, and I’m in this shape."

"If we turn now, we might be able to reach the Vogeli estate by sunset."

Perez said quickly.

"But that’s a couple of days back. I’m fine. I’ll be fine when I wake up.”

"I’m sure there’s a cold medicine among the things. Hold on a second."

Perez pulled out a large box in the corner of the carriage and opened it.

My head is numb as soon as I think it might be a cold.

Leaning against the carriage wall, I looked at Perez, looking for medicine with a serious face.

"The Second Crown Prince, that fellow. He knew very well how to keep up with Jovanes."

After the conference, my grandfather gave Perez such an assessment.

An amercement of 10,000 gold.

And 5,000 gold of them is used for reconstruction funds in the North.

Perez soothed the Emperor’s unwillingness to punish Angenas on the spot while causing them a great loss of 10,000 gold.

In addition, he made a good impression in front of the aristocrats by taking care of the North at the same time and was given an easy and effective mission to deliver Imperial relief supplies to the North.

He’s so smart.

My grandfather seemed very unhappy with Perez’s actions, which ended in an amercement, but I don’t care.

All I wanted was to keep the Empress from sourcing Triva trees from the North and to twist her relationship with Ivan.

Then suddenly I had a question.

I snapped at Perez, rummaging through the medicine box.

"Why was it an amercement, Perez?"


His movement stopped and the bottle of medicine made a small noise.

"The Empress seems to be spending a lot of money on Western development these days. I was going to make her spend more money."

"Yeah, that’s the way it was."

And it’s the Monak Top that’s siphoning off the Empress’s money.

"As expected, Perez, you’re smart."

It’s not something anyone can do to become a Crown Prince from the lowest to the top, of course.

"...Thank you."

Perez replied with a small smile, looking embarrassed, closing the medicine box, and said.

"Maybe cold medicine is in another carriage. Hold on a second."

Perez immediately opened the window of the carriage.

He was calling a knight to stop the procession.

He said it in a hurry.

"No, I’ll take the medicine later..."


Perez shook his head uncharacteristically firmly.

"The sooner you take the medicine, the better."

And the back of Perez’s hand touched my forehead.

"It’s a little hot."

Perez, who said so, immediately called the knight.

"What’s the matter, Your Highness?"

"Stop the procession."

The carriage stopped immediately at Perez’s command.

"Because of me..."

"It’s time for a break anyway. Don’t worry too much, Tia. I’ll be back in the middle of a conversation with the Knights."

"...Thank you."

This time it was my turn to thank.

Perez, who smiled at me for the last time, opened the carriage door and went outside.

In the fresh air coming in from outside, I stepped on the ground, taking off the robe for a while.

I was standing with my legs stretched out in a few hours, and a bright voice spoke.

"Lady Florentia."

Dark skin, handsome face, and bright platinum blonde.

"Sir Avinox."

The Eastern man, the successor to the Luman family, joined the relief procession as a representative of the East.

Ever since the day we first met in my debutante, Avinox has stayed in the Capital and consistently attended the social gathering of young nobles.

He was as good in character and eloquent as his outstanding appearance, and none of the central nobles didn’t know Avinox.

In particular, he was so popular with the women.

"You don’t look well. Are you all right?"

Avinox asked me anxiously.

"Yes, I just have a slight cold. I’m not used to moving this long in a carriage. But Sir Avinox looks very happy."

Avinox, with a fresh smile, looked really good, it’s not sarcastic.

He’s like an idol who promote fresh drinks.

"It’s my first time visiting the North."

"I know that you were originally going back to the East soon. Aren’t you sad?"

After a moment of agonizing over my question, Avinox smiled and shook his head.

"Everything happens at the right time. My hometown will be the same after I go to the North. It’s that kind of place. But."

Avinox’s bright, subtle colored eyes looked at me.

"Our Luman family has been isolated for a long time and has not had exchanges with other regions, and the North needs help. Is there another better chance than now to reach out for friendship?"

Oh, that’s right. East’s direct speech...

It was so honest that I was embarrassed at the moment.

But it’s also the charm of the East.

I laughed with Avinox.

"Tia, I got your medicine."

Then Perez approached and said.

"Your Highness."

The eyes of Avinox, still a fan of Perez, sparkled.

"Sir Luman, Lady Lombardy is not feeling well, so excuse me."

Perez led me to the carriage, leaving a short word.

"Sir Avinox likes you very much. Even if it’s awkward, he greets you well."

Perez opened the carriage door and said.

"Later, Tia, you look worse now."


I think it’s messier.

Perhaps Perez ordered it, the set a seat of the carriage turned into a small bed and a soft blanket and pillow were ready.

Not long after we got into the carriage, the procession began to move again.

"Eat this and sleep well."

Fortunately, the medicine Perez brought was not very bitter.

Rather, it was easy to swallow at the sweet aftertaste.

Maybe it’s because of the medicine, and the movement of the shallow carriages and the cozy blanket.

I fell asleep quickly.

"Then I’ll sleep a little and wake up."

With my eyes closing heavily, I managed to murmur it, and I fell into a deep sleep.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a small fire that lit up the dark carriage.

"Is it already... night?"

How many hours did I sleep?

Fortunately, the medicine seems to have worked well, and my body is much lighter.

As I opened the carriage door and left, the knight who was guarding it looked back at me.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes, you had a hard time because of me. Are we settled in the campsite now?"

"Yes, it is."

A little far from the carriage I was sleeping in, I could see knights and soldiers sitting together and talking.

But Perez was not seen.

"Where is the Prince?"

"He’s away for a while."

"I want to walk a little. Is that okay?"

"Yes, this area is guarded by security guards, so you can rest assured. But don’t go too far."

I was feeling a little down, but that’s good.

I thanked the knight and walked slowly.

Inside the forest, some young soldiers were seen picking up firewood.

"It looks like it’s okay in there."

A forest in the middle of the night was a rare opportunity.

My cold was all gone, so I took a light step and came all the way to the place where the trees were thick.

To the bright moon with the quiet sound of grass rubbing.

It wasn’t that scary.

"But they might still be worried. Let’s get back to..."


I heard the sound of water.

Bloop, bloop.

It was exactly the sound of something moving in the water.

I walked to the place where the sound came from.

Soon, an open space appeared through the towering trees.


It was by the lake.

Underneath the big moon, there was a big lake with dark blue water.



Once again, with the sound of the water, a man suddenly rose out of it.

It was from behind, but I could tell.

It was Perez.3

Droplets of water from a completely wet black hair trickled down his spine like a glittering jewel.


With a low sigh, the sound of water dripping rang once again.


The muscular naked body, shining under the cold moonlight, was gradually trying to reveal the narrow line that led to the lower half of the body as Perez moved.6


I stepped back, covering my mouth unconsciously.


A dry branch on my foot broke and made a small noise.

But the sound was enough for Perez to realize that there was someone.

Splash, splash.

Perez turned around with the sound of waves crashing.


With his low voice, I come to my senses and realized.

What kind of pervert is this now!

"Ah! I, I mean! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!"

It was a bit late, but I quickly closed my eyes and turned around.

"I wasn’t trying to look! I heard something, so I came here! I was bewitched for a moment... I’m so sorry!"

"...Wait a minute."

I could hear a clearer sound through my ears, which became sensitive with my eyes closed.

The sound of Perez coming out of the water, looking for something, and putting it on his body.

And the sound of trudging, barefoot approaching me.

"I’m sorry, Perez! I didn’t see anything important, no, I only saw your upper body! Seriously... Ugh!"1

While I was taking half a step back with my eyes closed while gibberish, my heels got stuck in something and my body faltered.

And the next moment, I felt a hard arm gripping my waist.


I opened my eyes unconsciously to the voice I heard right away.

In front of my nose, I could see black hair dripping with water and clear red eyes.

Perez, slightly frowned, spoke in a low voice.

"It’s dangerous. You have to be careful.1


I thought I swallowing my saliva without realizing it.

The most dangerous thing here right now is your crazy beauty.


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