In This Life, I Will Be The Lord

Chapter 140

Chapter 140


"What kind of rain is this..."

Violet murmured as she looked up at the sky pouring out so much rain that she couldn’t see properly.

Even the voice was buried in the loud rain.

Even the environment gloom because of the dark clouds.

Violet stood on the balcony of a tall building with long eaves, looking down at the interior of Ivan Mansion, which is simple compared to Lombardy.

People running around covering their heads, trying to get livestock into their house.

Even though it was a rainy season that came back every year, everyone was confused by the heavy rain that had never happened before.

’There is a high risk of landslides around logging sites due to high precipitation.’

Yesterday morning, Violet said to Lord Ivan.

Of course, she didn’t just predict the future event.

Along with the research results of the geologist, who had been very helpful since the diamond mines, and a letter from the mountain keeper, who had been protecting the lumbering grounds of the Ivan estate for several decades.

In particular, the mountain keeper informed the urgency of the situation, saying that a small garden on the outskirts had already collapsed a few days ago, even though the rainy season had yet to begin in earnest, signaling the urgency of the situation.

"There’s no harm in being prepared."

Fortunately, Lord Ivan wasn’t a blind person.

He understood how dangerous it was for a landslide to occur defenselessly and how much time and resources it would take to restore it.

In addition, considering the recent logging of considerable numbers of trees, simple preparations immediately began.

Until the rain subsided, each gate was sealed to block the passage of the mountain path and to withdraw the manpower of logging fields deep in the mountains.

"I hope everything’s okay..."

Even if her position of informing Lord Ivan of the danger was somewhat embarrassing, she hoped that there would be no landslide.

However, Violet’s eyes, which look at the high mountains peculiar to the north, concerned.

’There’s going to be a landslide, Violet. When the rainy season begins, Lord Ivan must be informed of the dangers.’

On the day she left for the North, the voice that was talking to herself was still clear in her ears.

"What Lady Florentia said was never wrong."

And ironically, that fact was making Violet more anxious.

"I’m telling you to open the door!"

Then a loud voice came through the rainy sound.

It was the side of the nearby mansion gate guard, which had been closed a while ago.

"I am Ferdick Angenas! I’m the Lord of Angenas family! Who dares to stop me!"

Violet who frowned, went out into the street with an umbrella.

The scuffle continued until she arrived in front of the guards.

"Are you the Captain of the Guard?!"

Ferdick Angenas asked the person who had just come out of the building.

"What’s the matter?"

"Open this gate right now!"

"It was sealed at the order of Lord Ivan. I can’t open the door until I have another word."

"Do you know who I am? I am the father of the Empress and the family of Angenas! I must leave this mansion to carry out the order of the Empress, open the door!"

When the word ’Empress’ came out, the captain of the guard hesitated.

And he said in a much softer voice.

"The gates were closed due to the high probability of a landslide because of the rain. It’s dangerous to leave now..."

"I’ll take care of myself! Open the door now!"

The captain frowned and shook his head.

It seemed like he didn’t want to deal with that overbearing Lord Angenas anymore.

"If you say so..."

At this rate, the guard captain is really going to open the door.

Violet, who was watching, quickly cut in between the two.

"It’s dangerous to go out now, Lord Angenas."

"...Who are you?"

Ferdick Angenas asked, looking up and down at Violet.

"I’m Violet, from Pellet Corporation. Not only landslides but also heavy rain that make it dangerous to move through rough mountains. So, first of all, being in a mansion is safe..."

"Violet, the commoner of Pellet?"

Ferdick Angenas muttered with contempt at Violet, who smiled kindly and approached him.

And he got angry.

"How dare a commoner to talk to me? You carried Pellet on your back, unaware of the subject... oh, oh."

While speaking, Lord Angenas squinted as if he had realized something.

Then he took a step closer and pushed Violet roughly on the shoulder.

"You know I’m going to the log cabin now, don’t you?"

"It’s not like that. It’s really dangerous out there..."

Violet stumbles and tries to explain properly, but Ferdick Angenas doesn’t listen.

"Do you think I’m gonna let you monopolize Triva wood?"

Lord Angenas, who said so, looked at the guard captain again.

"What are you doing without opening it!"

"...Open up."

Ivan’s guard chief spoke to his subordinates with irritating eyes.

He saw with his eyes how ignorant he was to those who stopped him, and there was no reason to stop him anymore.

It was an order from Lord Ivan, but the captain of the guard didn’t want to get involved anymore when they called the Empress.

Eventually, the closed-door slowly opened, and Ferdick Angenas, who glared at Violet, got back on the carriage.

"Let’s go!"

When he shouted loudly, the shaky-faced coachman slapped the horse on the back.

Dagedag, dagedak.

Seeing the back of the Angenas carriage disappearing through the heavy rain, Violet once again recalled the voice that had reached her.

’There’s going to be a landslide, Violet.’

* * *

"Landslide. How serious is it to send an urgent letter?"

Jovanes asked, half-butting her hips from where she was sitting.

"Well, that’s... Once sent by Lord Ivan states many large trade routes were cut off and small mountainous areas around the logging site were sunk. Even the walls of Ivan Castle have been partially torn down..."


"It"s a big deal!"

The nobles who were listening together lamented.

Jovanes was no different.

He took the glass to his mouth and clicked his tongue a few times.

At that time, Lulak, who was sitting in front of the left camp and listening to the report, asked the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, how many casualties does it have?"

"The casualties? Ah... so what did Lord Ivan say?"

Only then did Jovanes realize his duty as Emperor asked his aide who came to report.

There was no mention of casualties in the letter from the Ivan family, so the aide handed the red paper in his hand to Jovanes.

The Emperor who got it checked it out, but there was really no mention of casualties.

"Another family is contacting us, so we’ll gather them and report to you soon, Your Majesty."

"Yes, hurry up."

The aide hurried out of the conference room, and the remaining aristocrats’ murmur grew even louder.

"Deputy Patriarch Ivan, come this way."

Deputy Lord Ivan, who had remained in place with a firm complexion, walked in front of Jovanes.

"You may read it."

It was only a small piece of paper, but the emergency letter was also a stark official document sent by Lord Ivan to the Emperor.

It was the Emperor’s consideration for Deputy Lord Ivan, for allowed him to read it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The hand of deputy Lord Ivan, who accepts the paper, was shaking.

"Apparently, the damage to the Ivans wasn’t that great. Why do you have such a dark complexion?"

Jovanes asked, wondering.

"What? Oh, that’s..."

Deputy Lord Ivan hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"No, even in the rainy season, I’m a little surprised that there’s been a landslide at a time when there’s not much precipitation, Your Majesty."

"Hmm? Come to think of it, it really is. Even if the North is a mountainous area, landslides don’t happen very often."

Despite the Emperor’s question, Deputy Lord Ivan only sidestepped his gaze but did not give a significant answer.

"We’ll have to come up with measures against the situation in the North. What do the Lords think?"

Jovanes asked the nobles who remained in the conference hall.


But this time again, the right answer didn’t come back.

They were reluctant to say anything wrong and then pay a lot of money for relief.

"Let’s hold the conference again."

Lulak Lombardy stood up and said.

"If you give us a few days, why don’t we all come up with a solution?"

Lulak’s cool gaze glanced through the inside of the conference hall once.

Jovanes also said in unison.

"Then we’ll have another conference meeting in two days. Come up with measures against the Northern landslide."

The Emperor, who said so, turned around and looked at Perez and Astana.

"The same goes for Princes. Then I’ll see you in two days."

Jovanes and Lulak Lombardy leave the conference room together.

The remaining aristocrats also grumbled and left the conference room in twos and threes.

"Lord Angenas? Why you don’t look so well?"

Someone moving with Duigi Angenas asked.

"I just remembered my father who went to the North to do business."

"Is everything all right? He’ll be safe and well in Ivan’s mansion."

"The Ivans are like allies with the Angenas. He was probably the first one to take care of."

"That’s right, if anything had happened, there would have been a mention in the emergency letter. Isn’t he the father of the Empress?"

"Yes..., I guess?"

Duigi Angenas left the conference room, nodding his head at the words of his acquaintance.

* * *

Today is the third day of the week.

In other words, it means that there is a small meeting between the grandfather and the second generation.

Grandfather started working early in the morning, but the meeting didn’t start until almost noon.

I was waiting in front of the office with sandwiches and fruit for my busy grandfather.


Maybe the meeting was over, the door opened and Viese came out.

And Laurels with a sleepy face.

Those two were over.

"Hello, uncles!"

I greeted Viese and Laurels with a smile as fresh as the green grapes I was holding.

"Uh, yeah."

Unlike Laurels, who answered awkwardly, Viese stared at me with disapproving eyes and came up to me and said.

"Yeah, this kind of job suits you a lot. Just carry food and take care of tea water. Do what suits your subject." (This ’subject’ maybe means ’position/origin’)2

He’s really.

I’m laughing it off, but I’m getting a little angry at the words that dig up my past.

I said with a bright smile as much as the lid was open.

"I’m good at business and I’m good at this. Well, it’s understandable that uncle is very upset because there’s a big problem with the construction business. Now that the fuss is over..."

"What? What’s the fuss?"

He didn’t know that.

Well, I’ve known him since he was attending my grandfather’s meeting today.

I think Shannanet, who works closely with the mines in the North, has already come to work after hearing the news.

I covered my mouth with one hand and said with my eyes wide open.

"Oh, my God, haven’t you heard yet?"

"Hearing? What do you mean?"

"Oh, no one has told you yet..."

"Don’t beat around the bush and say it right!"

Why me? Who do you want?

I stepped aside from Viese and snuck into the Oval Office and said, closing the door.

"Good luck, uncle!"


Outside the closed door, Viese was heard swearing low and running with a quick step.

Humph, you’re going to get in the shit line.

Arriving at the construction company is the beginning of the real nightmare.

I hummed softly and approached my grandfather.


"Oh, Tia is here!"

"I brought some for grandpa!"

"Oh, Tia is the only one who cares about this grandfather!"

Grandfather was pleased with my visit.

Sitting face to face, eating affectionately, I asked secretly.

"I heard something went wrong in the North, grandpa?"

"Huh? How do you know that?"

"I stopped by Pellet Corporation early in the morning. These days, I go to the company more often because of the delivery business."

"Yes, well, I’m afraid there’s going to be a blow to businesses based in the North."

"Our Lombardy will be affected, too. Especially the mine, the top, and the architecture. "

I was a little surprised when my grandfather opened his eyes wide.

"Tia, I can’t believe you counted that far. Oh my, when did you grow up like this?"

My grandfather’s slightly rough hand strokes my head.

It was still a touch like treating an eight-year-old granddaughter, but I laughed and became childish.

"I’m the smartest person in Lombardy these days. The only grandpa doesn’t know."

"Huh! Yeah, you’re right. You’ve done a great job in the delivery business."

"So now you’re acknowledging my abilities? Everyone says I did a good job. I haven’t heard from my grandfather yet, a compliment."1

My grandfather’s smile became a big smile when I spoke without disliking it.

"Is this grandfather’s praise so important?"

"Sure! Who is my grandfather?"

"Huh, actually, I went to the briefing session with the vassal families’ householders! How proud I was of my granddaughter!"

Grandfather laughed loudly.

Hmm, I think the atmosphere is good enough.

"So you’re going to admit me now?"+

"Of course!"

Grandfather nodded his head in a big way.

"Grandpa, I have something to tell you."

Then, get ready.

"Landslides in the North. I have a good idea, would you like to hear it?"



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