In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 528: The Second Time

Chapter 528: The Second Time

The very moment these purebloods present made their declaration.

A loud bellowing sound suddenly resounded!

Dazzling flames appeared at the location where the Death Eaters had gathered, instantly engulfing two of the black-robed villains, while the rest reacted and quickly ducked away.

The scene instantly became chaotic, those Death Eaters who were already wavering began to become flustered, they knew very well that the only one who could suddenly launch an attack at this time would be the Aurors, and it was obvious that Voldemort hadn't fully managed to rise up and make a splash at the moment, which meant that none of them was able to completely stake out their positions just yet.

Once the Aurors found out about their participation in such a gathering, it would inevitably be a big trouble later on.

These Death Eaters who had just finished taking their oaths, before even a few seconds had passed, the thought of escaping had already risen in their hearts, only that Voldemort was still in front of their eyes, so for the time being, no one had put it into action yet.

They had come to this place to show their loyalty to Voldemort, to show their attitude, and likewise, in the current situation, it was time for Voldemort to build up their confidence.

After more than ten years, this Voldemort who had come back had no physical body at all, and could only show himself in an illusory form, so whether he still had the ability to be an enemy of the entire British magical world could be demonstrated right now.

And the moment the explosion rang out, those Death Eaters closest to Voldemort who had escaped from Azkaban had stood up alertly.

Their loyalties were tried and tested, and after enduring more than a decade of torture from the Dementors, that loyalty had turned into an almost perverted obsession.

Wormtail hugged the golden cup with all his might, knowing what was more important to Voldemort at this point in time.

Of course, it wasn't that he is more loyal than Bella and the others, but among these people, he is the least courageous and knows very well what his only dependence is, only when Voldemort is present, he can live.

Floating in the middle of the sky, Voldemort's gaze became incredibly sharp as he looked towards the shadowy entrance, from which Dumbledore in his blue robe stepped out.


Black mist was filling the air as the name squeezed out of his mouth.

Dumbledore was looking at him as well, the appearance of Voldemort presented from the golden cup came from a time when he had just recently graduated from Hogwarts and was still working at the Borgin and Burkes shop.

Younger, and more compelling.

"It's been a long time, Riddle."

Dumbledore responded softly with a greeting while not pausing the movement of his hands, golden-red fire flaring from him before the countless Death Eaters around him could subconsciously aim their wands at him!

Behind him, the Aurors also came out in a line! Jon didn't hesitate at all, focusing on the golden cup, and like an arrow, he flew through mid-air!

The scene became incredibly chaotic.

In the second that Dumbledore and the Aurors appeared, Lucius and a group of most peripheral Death Eaters, their subconscious reaction was not to counterattack, but to quickly put on the hood of their robes and pull the brim of the hat down to cover their faces.

The Aurors had already arranged their tactics a long time ago, knowing that these fence-sitters were the lowest threat in such a situation, their first target was not them, and they simply aimed directly at those core Death Eaters surrounding the Golden Cup!

"Avada Kedavra!"



"Petrificus Totalus!"

Countless incantations rang out, casting a colourful glow on the sky that had already dusked with the setting sun.

Voldemort's black mist rose in mid-air, fighting against Dumbledore's flames, but even the worst wizard in the area could tell that the black mist was already at a disadvantage at the beginning of the collision.

At this time, Jon had already rushed to a place less than five metres away from the golden cup!

There were five or six Death Eaters in front of him to fend off, and almost all of them were acquaintances of Jon.

Bella and her husband Rodolphus; Rabastan, Brandon, Dolohov, Wormtail.

It was almost too familiar to be true.

"Where did this little brat come from!"

Bella screamed, the tip of her wand already glowing with a miserable green light!

However, before she could even utter the killing curse incantation, an invisible and shadowless sharp blade had already slashed across her white, almost sickly pale neck!

Scarlet blood gushed out, and even while Bella's face still maintained that hideous expression, her eyes had already lost the gleam of vibrant life in them!

Regarding killing Bella one more time, Jon didn't even have the slightest bit of psychological pressure, he could only lament that his current self was in the end not the same as before, before he had to fight to the point of slashing a sharp object, but now he only needed a single spell to finish her off.

Blood splashed through the air, and Rodolphus and the others hadn't even reacted until Bella's body fell.

At that time, Jon had already grabbed both Lestrange brothers by their collars with one hand before either could even proceed to start casting the spell, and an invisible sword curse crisscrossed around him, Jon's control of this curse had clearly reached the point of perfection, each sharp blade finding the fatal part of their bodies, and without much of a bloody scene appearing, the two of them snapped out of life together.

By this time the empty chamber was wide open, and Jon had only left the Wormtail who was near the Golden Cup alive!

The male wizard, who looked like a fat rat, clutched the golden cup in his arms as if it was his only lifesaver, and looked at Jon, who had already arrived in front of him, with a face full of fear.

But without Jon to make a move, a spell had already brushed past him, hitting the Wormtail whose body was shivering!

Lily walked across the battlefield with a cold face, following Jon's footsteps to the very core where the Golden Cup was located.

Just like Jon killing the Lestranges one more time, Lily wasn't even remotely concerned about killing Wormtail one more time.

By now she had long since gotten past the low-level revenge, killing Wormtail and Snape was nothing, when she could kill Voldemort for real, that would be the real revenge.

At the same time when Wormtail's eyes widened, and he collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, Hufflepuff's golden cup also fell to the ground with him!

In mid-air Voldemort, who was still in a stalemate with Dumbledore, had no way of wasting any more time as his eyes saw the situation deteriorating, he hadn't thought that his own men would be this bad and hadn't even lasted more than a few minutes.


The angry curse was abrupt amid a clamour, and then the black mist completely abandoned Dumbledore and surged towards the direction where Jon and Lily stood.

But Jon didn't even look at him this time, just aimed his wand at the golden cup.

The Fiendfyre flared up!


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