In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 33: Christmas

Chapter 33: Christmas

After Professor McGonagall returned from Dumbledore's office, she simply warned all the students to first ensure their own safety if they met a stranger on the wagon, and then find a way to notify the professor, after which she dispersed the students gathered in the great hall.

Not only the freshmen but even the senior students were also a bit puzzled by this sloppy way of handling the situation.

"I thought the Professors would do a full search through the whole wagon." Neville said with a frown, "Isn't this a little too relaxed."

From the moment when Jon learned that someone had secretly opened the restrictive room when he had first arrived at the great hall, he was lost in thought about it, and when he heard Neville's words, he said reassuringly.

"Don't worry about it, Professor McGonagall and the others certainly won't joke about our safety, there may be something we don't know about."

In this regard, Ron and the three of them are not that worried, they have absolute trust in every professor, and have no objection to Professor McGonagall's decision personally.

Thus, another two days passed, and the wagon remained calm and peaceful, nothing unexpected happened.

It was also at this time that Christmas arrived.

In normal circumstances, Christmas is a break between the first and second semesters of the school year in the UK, and after the Christmas holidays, the second half of the school year will officially begin.

But for Hogwarts which is in exile, the students don't even have a summer holiday, and naturally, the students are not allowed to go home at Christmas.

Even those pureblood students who still have their families, such as Ron and Neville, must also have to spend Christmas at school, but after Christmas is over, there will be no classes at school for two weeks, and they can go home and reunite with their loved ones for a few days at that time.

In the early morning of Christmas Day, Jon woke up to see a gift box half his size in front of his bed.

He looked at Neville's bedside with some confusion and saw the same gift box along with a few more small boxes than him on the side of the bed.

"Who sent this gift."

Jon muttered as he grabbed the colourful ribbon on the gift box, and then saw a simple message written in beautiful English fancy font on it.

[Wishing Jon Green Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays]

Underneath the well-wishes is not a person's name, rather it simply reads "Hogwarts".

"I heard that every year at Christmas, the school would prepare a gift for every little wizard on the wagon, which actually turned out to be true!"

Neville had already started to open the large gift box with great enthusiasm as he made his way to Jon.

The box contained a dark blue robe, large bags of magic sweets they had seen and not seen, as well as fruit-flavoured sodas, and sufficient parchment, ink, and seventeen or eighteen quills which would last them for the next two or three years.

There was also a small gift box inside this large gift box. Neville opened the small box, and a gasp of surprise came out of his mouth.

"It's Hellebore!"

He looked at the flower planted in a pot in the gift box, revealing a fascinated look.

Of course, Jon recognized this plant, which is known as Hellebore in the wizarding world, one of the ingredients of the Draught of Peace, and it is also commonly known as Christmas Rose in Muggle society, an evergreen flower that blooms during Christmas.

Neville loved the Herbology class so much that he became obsessed with some magical plants. Ever since he saw this pot of Hellebore in Professor McGonagall's office, he had been chattering about it with Jon in private for who knows how long.

Now he finally managed to obtain this flower as he desired.

Jon also opened his own share of the gift box, in addition to the bulk of sweets, snacks and school supplies similar to Neville's, he also received a dark green robe.

The body measurements were taken by Professor McGonagall during the Transfiguration class a week ago, at that time he was quite curious about the reason why they had to be measured in Transfiguration Class.

Other than that, he also received a small gift box, which Jon opened and took out three thick books from inside.

They are "Encyclopedia of Low and Intermediate Level Spells", "Transfiguration and Metamorphmagus", and "Hogwarts: A History".

The three books belonged to Charms, Transfiguration, and the History of Magic, and these three categories were the books that Jon had checked out the most in the library from the beginning of the school year until now.

The Professor who prepared Christmas gifts for the students really did put a lot of thought into this.

Looking at these presents in his hands, a smile unconsciously appeared on Jon's face.

Just when they were opening the gifts, the wagon, which had been moving continuously, suddenly shook and then stopped.

Hagrid's thick voice sounded throughout the wagon.

"Children, you can get off and prepare for the celebration today!"

Jon and Neville tidied up their gifts and then walked out of the dormitory together.

The other students quickly ran along the long corridor and headed toward the entrance hall. They had been in the wagon almost every day since the beginning of the school year, which had long ago suffocated them, and today was certainly a day that allowed them to relax.

"Hurry up! You guys are too slow!" Instead of getting off the wagon first, Ron and Justin both waited for Jon and Neville to come out at the door of their dormitory.

The four grouped together and then met up with Lavender, whose dormitory was located right next to the entrance hall at the girl's dormitory side, and then all five walked out of the wagon together.

Outside there is completely snow-covered woods, surrounded by a variety of spruce trees, some dozens of meters high, others only as tall as an adult.

The place Hagrid selected looked very picturesque, the wagon was parked in a clearing in the woods, the ground carpeted with snow, the students stepped out of the wagon when he and Flitwick waved their wands together to clear the snow in the clearing.

The first to rush out was the Weasley twins, they cheered and leapt off the wagon, and half their calves were buried in the snow.

Then they squinted at each other and moved uniformly as they flicked their wands at the snow on the ground, two snowballs converged at the tips of their wands, and they hauled the snowballs and waved their wands in a heartbeat towards the boy who had just stepped off the wagon, who also had red hair along with glasses on his face, with a violent fling!


Snowballs burst in Percy's face, one after the other.

A roar of laughter erupted from all the young wizards around Percy, and Percy turned red and roared the twins' names.

"George! Fred! I'm going to write and tell Mom!"

"When are you going to change this line." Fred made a dismissive face toward him and then ran off through the woods with George.

Flitwick shouted at the backs of the two boys.

"Remember! Not to go out of the boundaries I drew out for all of you!"

"Of course, we are the most obedient students, Professor!" The two boys responded in harmony without turning their heads.


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