In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 259: Exactly the same

Chapter 259: Exactly the same

In their eyes, Jon's current behaviour is purely a wish to die.

What can be done with a general counter-spell that is not even cast with a wand and is even pronounced wrongly, or released in advance?

Although they did not have the idea of killing, if the opponent was already in the way of the goal, then the death eaters had no reason to rush to try to avoid him, not to mention the fact that no spell can be aborted by the wizard themselves when the incantation has already been pronounced.

Everyone's eyes were filled with mockery, George on Hogwarts, and Neville's face was full of unexplained alarm.

They had no idea what Jon was up to with such a suicidal act.

However, just before the deafening roar of the Exploding Charms, and the blinding light just lit up, as if there was a rubber wiping away the stains on the page, the burst of light disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

The entire world seems to have suddenly quieted down, the Death Eaters still maintained the gesture of releasing the Exploding Charm, but there was no sound of the explosion that they had already prepared to hear in advance as if it could tear the eardrums.

In the distance, seagulls were sweeping low along the sea, the cold sea breeze blowing across the sea, carrying the sound of surging waves.

Everything was so peaceful, but in the next moment, such peace was shattered by Jon's voice!

"Wingardium Levios!"

The common levitation incantation which couldn't be more generic and couldn't be mispronounced by any standard wizard rang out with wrong phonetics.

Jon's entire body flew up into midair, holding his wand high above and aiming it at the Death Eaters.

It was only then that Rabastan and the others finally came back to their senses!

The exploding charms were bizarrely erased, and this professor named Johnson was able to float up into midair just by an incorrect levitation charm, which made Rabastan's heart leap with fear and at the same time, his heart rose with a sudden burst of ecstasy!

This man has a problem! A big problem!

This is obviously different from standard magic, although he is not sure that Jon is the one who Voldemort asked them to look for, it has greatly raised his suspicion!

And this kind of thing also does not need any tangible evidence to prove, as long as there is suspicion, that can represent everything.

Coupled with the taunt that Jon had just made to him on the ship, Rabastan sternly aimed his wand at Jon, who had already flown into mid-air!

"Catch him!"

The very next second his order was given, Jon waved his wand and recited the incantation for the next spell.


No trace of the spell appeared, only an imperceptible buzz emanated from the air!

In the next second, in the direction that the tip of Jon's wand was aimed, the Death Eater who had previously claimed to be Helgi's body suddenly burst open with countless wounds!


He screamed out in pain, scarlet blood spilling like rain from mid-air to the sea!

The pain was so severe that he could no longer maintain control of his flying broom, and then his whole body fell helplessly from mid-air and plunged into the sea!

"Go save him! Heinz!"

Rabastan did not mean to give up on his companion so easily. The Invisible Sword curse is an extremely powerful dark magic, but it does not belong to the Unforgivable Curse, because the inventor of this curse, when he created it, also created the counter spell together.

The male wizard named Heinz turned his flying broom and swept towards the sea, while the remaining Death Eaters, led by Rabastan, together turned their attention to Jon!




"Petrificus Totalus!"


All sorts of spells were launched towards Jon! More than twenty of them are enough to form a dense curtain of bullets, blocking the space where he could dodge altogether.

But Jon did not have the slightest intention of avoiding them, he just deliberately pulled away from the Hogwarts ship that is gradually travelling into the far distance, and while these Death Eaters used a spell on him, he did not make any defensive move, but just chose to return fire!


When the magic spells were less than twenty centimetres from Jon's body, they were once again erased without a trace, just like the previous explosion charm.

While Jon's explosion charm played its intended role!

These death eaters covered themselves with a shield charm in advance, the shock wave generated by Jon's explosion charm could not break such defence after dispersing, but their charm could only protect them personally, not the flying broom below them.

The violent explosion blew the tail of a Death Eater's broom apart on the spot, and the magic broom lost control, like a kite with a broken string. At this time, Heinz just rescued Helgi from the sea.

Not only this one Death Eater but also three or four brooms, although they were not that badly damaged, they were also damaged by the explosion charm, the original normal flight began to become crooked, forcing their owners to try to stabilize to keep hovering in the sky.

Rabastan's face became as gloomy as water at this moment.

He suddenly remembered an incident at this time, an incident that happened in Hogwarts Castle a year ago.

At that time, he, his brother and his sister-in-law were still in France eroding the central power of the French Ministry of Magic, when three major events had occurred within the British magical community.

In one day, first, there was a massive jailbreak in Azkaban, then Dumbledore himself went to the Ministry of Magic under Whitehall to meet with Voldemort, and then in Hogwarts Castle, a rebel from the Order of the Phoenix infiltrated and saved part of the Mudbloods in a pompous manner!

And that rebel who disguised as a mudblood student, at that time showed an extremely bizarre general counter-spell.

The spell was as if he had cast it on his own body and was so amazingly effective that no matter what the magic used on him, they were ineffective except for the Unforgivable Curse!

The most crucial thing is that at that time, that person also flew like this without the help of any external power, just by using a plausible levitation charm.

All these things, when Rabastan just returned to Britain from France at the end of last year, he knew from other people's mouths, and at that time he just took it as a strange story to listen to, because no matter whether it is the strange general counter-spell or the levitation charm that can make the wizard himself fly, both are too bizarre.

And now, this "Johnson" who claims to be Durmstrang's Professor of Transfiguration, the method he used is exactly the same as the rebel who infiltrated Hogwarts Castle a year ago!


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