In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 220: Nothing Under the Sea

Chapter 220: Nothing Under the Sea

But as Dumbledore analysed, the memory charm, a means of forcibly changing people's minds, is not a permanent solution.

The first batch of wizards who were released from the camp is indeed just a group of sacrificial victims, and this group of sacrificial victims can certainly attract the required prey to the people who made this move.

Unlike the outside world's imagination, there is actually no long-lasting wailing inside the re-educational camp, nor is there any gruesome torture and brutality.

Compared to the prison, this is more like an alternative school, and Voldemort is the school's Headmaster.

He is sitting in a windowed Headmaster's office, his eyes looking at the waves lapping at the seaside reef outside the window.

"The Dementors left behind in Azkaban, is that all the information reported up?"

The man's voice is very quiet, making it hard to hear what kind of emotions he actually has at this moment.

And under his feet, Rodolphus Lestrange, who is the nominal chief of the re-educational camp, hung his head down, not daring to look directly at the gentleman who seemed to be very easy to get along with.

"These are the statements given to us by their leader himself, Legilimency and truth potion are all ineffective against them, my lord, we have no way to determine the authenticity of this information, but I think they should not dare to lie to you."

Voldemort's face looked bland as he picked up the statement recorded from the dementors on his desk again, the corners of his mouth curving up slightly.

"Two wizards and a ghost forced their way into Azkaban Island, captured the Aurors who were stationed on the island, then used an extremely powerful Patronus Charm to repel the Dementors from the castle, and finally disappeared without a trace with their captives."

Rodolphus did not hear a hint of sarcasm in the man's tone, and if he had dared to look up, he would have noticed an ironic sneer overflowing on his lord's face.

"After receiving the dementor's confession, I sent a small team to check out the situation in that prison my lord. From the signs left there, the dementors should not have lied, our men did find traces of two extremely powerful Patronus charms being summoned in the prison."

"The two men who broke into the prison both consumed the polyjuice potion, and they assumed the appearance of Scabior and Macnair, but there was no way for the ghost's appearance to be altered, and through Dementor's description, we found a profile of the ghost, who being-"

Voldemort casually tossed the statement back onto his desk.

"He is one of the resident ghosts who escaped from Hogwarts castle."

Rodolphus looked at his lord with astonishment, he had just found out about Nick, and there was no mention of him in the statement.

Voldemort analysed it with interest.

"Let's see, that stupid woman Gray certainly will not go to help Dumbledore to do this kind of thing; Baron, he took most of the ghosts away to figure out their own way, the fat friar is a good old man, but his character is not worthy of being entrusted with such a task, if I am Dumbledore, then the only one choice is Nearly Headless Nick."

Rodolphus swallowed nervously, he nodded his head and said.

"My lord, your wisdom is unmatched in the world, it is Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, he is the ghost who appeared at the prison and assisted the other two in kidnapping Aurors."

"Kidnap Aurors?"

Voldemort raised his voice.

"If that's all Dumbledore sent them over there for, it's nothing much. Lift your head and look at me, Rodolphus."

Rodolphus shuddered and looked up to meet his lord's gaze.

In that man's dark pupils, there was only indifference like dead water.

"At a time like this, I must stay here, so send your men to Azkaban once again right now, there is a hidden cellar on the first floor of that prison, find it, there is a flap door found under the barrel in the cellar. Open that door and go into the room behind it to look for a diary for me. If, they can still find it, bring that diary back to me immediately."

"If there's nothing in there, send someone north along Azkaban, across the North Sea, to find a tower called Starr in the middle of the Norwegian Sea, and see if there's anyone else there besides an old punk who only studies astronomy."

His tone was not intense, and could even be called calm, but Rodolphus heard the gloomy coldness in it that was enough to make half of the magical world tremble.

"If. What should our people do if there is someone else in that tower?"

Voldemort stared at him.

"Except for one person to immediately apparate back to report to me, everyone else has to stay behind to keep an eye on those people, and I will personally go over in a few moments after that!"

Rodolphus heavily re-bowed his head.



Hermione, who was looking for clues to the floor below at the foyer on the ground floor, was suddenly startled by a voice that rang out from her side.

"Miss Granger."

Without a sound, Rabier appeared at Hermione's side, and he looked at Hermione calmly with those big, wide, scary eyes.

"Lunch is ready, we should go to the living room to eat."

Hermione's whole body was shocked with a shiver, and only later it eased up.

Luna, who had come over to the side, looked at Rabier and tilted her head with a thoughtful gaze.

"Mr Rabier?"

Rabier turned his head to look at the girl with light blonde hair.

"Just call me Rabier, no elf is entitled to be called Mr."

Hermione and Luna looked at each other, and Hermione discerned what she was thinking.

"We are rather curious about one thing." Luna spoke softly and asked, "Is this floor we're on now, the very bottom of the whole tower that we can reach? Is there a floor to go to in the part that is hidden in the seawater as well?"

There is nothing to hide, from the current point of view, that Sir Stoker's attitude towards them can be completely described as friendly.

Even if this tower really had a section under the surface of the sea, it was not something to be hidden.

Faced with her question, Rabier's ugly face did not have any change of expression, he just shook his head and said.

"To resist the corrosion of the seawater on the tower, hard stone foundations were erected under the surface of the sea, and there is no way to reach it as there is no undersea floor."

His answer is reasonable, and his behaviour to this unusual question is also very calm, whether it is Hermione or Luna, neither saw any problem.

Originally, it was just a whim and some curiosity, since they had already got the answer from Rabier here, they did not persist in this issue.


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