In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 166: Muggle Freighter

Chapter 166: Muggle Freighter

Nikolai Anderson is the captain of this Maersk Moller.

He is a Danish man whose main job on weekdays is to steer the 5,000-ton cargo ship between Esbjerg, Denmark, and Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Maersk Moller is engaged exclusively in the pork export business, selling pork across borders on behalf of several pig farms.

Danish pork is of high quality.

Denmark is the largest importer of bacon in the UK, and Danish bacon was the first bacon to be advertised on British television and was so boastful at the time that it always had the phrase "Good bacon has Danish written all over it" on the packaging.

Anderson has not held the position of captain for that long, he previously served as first mate for seven or eight years under his father, and then ventured out on his own, entered a freight company and worked in it for many years as a sailor, and only now in his forties has he become the captain of this small cargo ship.

For this route from Denmark to the United Kingdom, Anderson no longer knows how many times he has gone, now that winter has not officially arrived, there will be very few storms, so at this moment, he is leisurely setting up a beach chair to lie on the deck in the sun.

The cargo ship is not too big, and the staffing is also in accordance with the most basic one, in addition to him, the captain, the ship only has a first mate, a second mate, two sailors, a total of five people; their longest voyage is less than two days, so there is no need for any too complicated staffing.

"Damn! How long has it been since you've hosed the deck! Hans! There's dust blowing in my eyes from the wind!" Anderson suddenly rubbed his eyes and shouted rudely, "A seaman ought to work like a seaman! Only seamen who wash the deck clean are qualified to drink rum, that's what I knew from my first day on board!"

Apparently, Anderson is quite a chatterbox or most people who spend a lot of time at sea are chatterboxes, after all, in this era, there is not that much technological advancement for the crew to pass the time at sea, and mouth-to-mouth communication is the most common way for them to relax.

The seaman named Hans responded to his captain from afar but did not immediately want to come over to wash the deck clean.

They will soon reach their destination, and the first mate is leading the rest of the crew to do a final inventory of the cargo compartment.

Anderson naturally knew they had work on their hands, and only muttered twice before lying back down to sunbathe.

However, before he could relax his mind for even two seconds, a "thumping" sound like something hitting the deck caught his attention.

He instantly raised his head alertly, looking in the direction where the sound came from, and actually saw two children jump up beside the edge of the deck guardrail!

The older one has red hair, tall, wearing an odd black robe, holding a small wooden stick in his hand, with a face full of inquisitive excitement, looking left and right at his cargo ship, looking at the physique and looks, he must be at least 15 or 16 years old, just ready to go to high school grade.

The younger one is relatively lean, also wearing the same exact robe, holding a wooden stick, with slightly long black hair, and a little elongated nose, as well as beautiful eyes, which have the capital to cheat women in the future, looking like only 13 or 14 years old.

It's just that the big red-haired kid gave Anderson a feeling of being out of tune, on the contrary, the young one truly has an honest and cute appearance.

Not true!

He shook his head sharply and blinked his eyes to look over again at the two kids.

His focus shouldn't be on that, but who are these two boys? How did they get on board?

"This is a muggle ship? For the first time in my life, I've seen one made of iron! How do they keep something so heavy floating on the water without magic?"

From the moment he first boarded this muggle freighter, George began to chatter endlessly, he seemed to have inherited his father's hobby of being so curious and fascinated by all muggle things, despite his pureblood origins.

It simply annoyed Jon so much that he regretted bringing George along, he should have known to let Neville follow him in the first place.

"Well, we'll talk about these matters when we get back, don't forget we're on someone else's ship now."

Jon held George in case he took advantage of his inattentiveness to wander off on this other man's ship, and then looked over at the middle-aged man who was staring at them in bewilderment while sunbathing on the deck.

"Hello sir, we're sorry, we might have startled you, but we meant no harm, we just wanted to ask you about something."

Anderson didn't care about Jon's politeness, his eyes were wide with confusion as he asked incredulously.

"How did you climb aboard my ship?"

Jon did not intend to use coercive means easily, and besides, even if he wanted to use it, neither he nor George actually knew spells like Imperius Curse, the most they could do would be use a full body-bind curse to control this man's movements, but to get information from him, you would have to communicate with him.

He patiently explained to this muggle.

"We have come from our own ship, to introduce ourselves, I am the captain of Hogwarts, Jon Green, and this is my first mate George Weasley, because of some accident, we are lost at sea, so we took the liberty to board your ship to inquire what place is this, or what sea is this area?"

Anderson felt ridiculous.

Jon's words gave him the feeling of a child playing house; he had been on deck the whole time but hadn't noticed any ships around from beginning to end, let alone who would let a teenager be the captain.

"Where's your ship?"

Jon pointed behind him and George, with his thumb.

"It's always been there."

Anderson looked in the direction of his finger and actually saw a wooden ship right next to his freighter!

That ship looked like an ancient one!

Vintage style, old hull, and long sails that have been largely eliminated in the last century, in today's Earth's ocean, unless deep under the ocean or in museums, you simply can not find any similar ships like it!

And the most bizarre thing is that it is indeed there, less than a nautical mile away from Anderson's own cargo ship, obviously so conspicuous, but he could only notice it under the guidance of the boy.

This made a chill rise in Anderson's heart.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of his pops who had stopped going to sea last year, who told him the legend of the ghost ship.


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