In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 160: Tombstone Stained with Sin and Blood (2 in 1)

Chapter 160: Tombstone Stained with Sin and Blood (2 in 1)

The impromptu council meeting, a circular conference hall, was fully occupied with wizards.

The three wizards who commanded the highest authority in the French magical world, the Minister of Magic, the Speaker of the Wizards' Council, and the Chief Wizard Chancellor, were seated right in the only opening available in the circular conference hall, directly in front of everyone.

This conference hall was not an isolated room, it was surrounded by glass walls, and right outside was the administrative hall of the French Ministry of Magic.

Almost all visitors to the Ministry of Magic will pass through here, so every process in the meeting will not be concealed, anyone can observe, only the most important meetings of the French Ministry of Magic will be initiated within this conference hall, to show the fairness of issuing various policies.

And at this moment, wizards had already gathered outside the glass wall, and there were many magical newspaper reporters with cameras, with flashing lights lit up one after another.

Throughout the history of the French magical community, impromptu council meetings have rarely been held, only when the Wizard Chancellor, together with more than 70 percent of the members of the Wizard Court, believe that the current Minister of Magic is harmful to the French magical community it will be held.

During this session, all the wizards' councillors will judge and vote to determine whether the current Minister of Magic should stay or go.

And now the current Minister of Magic - Eric Amalric has only been in office for just over a year and has already gotten his turn in such a showdown, no minister in history has had such an "honour" as him.

But in the face of such a dilemma, in the eyes of some members of Congress, Amalric actually continued to sit in his chair as if nothing had happened, snapping his fingernails in boredom.

This caused a lot of murmurs in the conference hall, and even the French wizards who were watching from outside the glass wall frowned and pointed at their minister.

The one who presided over this meeting was naturally Roland.

She maintained order throughout the meeting and then stated all of Amalric's sins during his tenure as minister.

Surprisingly, her speech was not a long speech, and could even be described as brief.

But this did not affect the final result in any way, not to mention within the Ministry of Magic, in the outside world there are already many wizards who have a lot of dissatisfaction with the political attitude of the current minister.

The purebloods all know that he only wants to reap money for his own benefit, and actually does not provide any substantial aid for the implementation of the bloodline supremacy philosophy in France.

The Muggle faction was even more disgusted with his attitude of publicly singing praises to purebloods, and simply put, getting him out of office was the people's will.

So when the final vote was taken, those who agreed to drive him out of the Ministry of Magic accounted for more than 90 percent of the total, and from this moment on, Amalric was no longer the minister of magic in France.

Outside the glass wall, the wizards on the sidelines were jubilant, and the journalists were in a hurry to get the pictures in their cameras, wanting to quickly return to their newspaper offices to be the first to report this news.

However, just as some of the council members in the hall were about to leave the hall, the newspaper journalists were about to leave.

Roland cleared her throat and said in a loud voice using the amplification charm enchantment that had not been cancelled.

"Since the resolution to expel Amalric has been passed, we can now move on to the second issue of this session."

Everyone who heard her words quieted down, and those councillors who were ready to leave the hall realized that most of the councillors in the meeting hall did not move at all, as if they already knew in advance and were waiting for Roland to announce this second issue.

The Speaker of the Council, who was also preparing to get up beside Roland - Gerald Cassel froze. He turned his head and frowned at Roland, and was just about to ask in a whisper what the second issue was and why he hadn't been informed before when Roland's calm voice echoed throughout the meeting hall.

"The Ministry of Magic can not be without a Minister of Magic, the second topic is about the new Minister candidate selection push."

After her voice was heard outside the glass wall, the meeting hall showed an eerie silence, a small number of councillors looked at Roland with a shocked face, some even doubted if she was under some kind of memory charm, of course, the Minister of Magic had to be re-elected, but not now at all.

Gerald Cassel's brow furrowed even tighter as he stared at the woman who suddenly made him feel a bit strange, and looked around the conference hall where most of the council members were sitting very calmly in their seats, and a very, very bad feeling suddenly rose up in his heart!

"I'll start by proposing a candidate." Roland said in a loud voice, "As we all know, the French magical world is not stable right now, and all the wizards are arguing over what kind of future should be chosen for this land we live in, so it's the most important moment for us to have a leader who can really lead us to a bright future!"

Her words made the entire conference hall silent, while outside the hall, the vast majority of Muggle wizards were excited.

As they listened to Roland's speech, they thought that she wanted to use this opportunity to run for the position of Minister of Magic, and she had been known for fighting for the rights of Muggle wizards in the magical world and had enlisted a large group of elite Muggle wizards under her, who were all working for her in secret.

But her next sentence made all the onlooking wizards outside the glass wall open their mouths wide.

"At present, I haven't seen a single wizard in France who can have such ability, and if we look around us, there is only one person who is qualified to be our leader - the one who is leading the British magical community to glory, the greatest gentleman!"

She glanced scornfully at the dumbfounded Muggle wizards and said in a still calm voice.

"Now the voting begins, those who agree with that gentleman being the Minister of Magic, please raise your hands."

In the conference hall, more than eighty percent of the council members raised their hands without hesitation, while those remaining council members, looked around at their fellow council members with bewildered faces, while others were already red with anger as they pointed at Roland's nose and began to swear.

"You are betraying the interests of all French wizards!"

"I propose to screen Adele Roland to confirm whether she is under an Imperius Curse! She's being controlled by those demons in Britain!"

"This vote is null and void! Councillors have no right to vote on the election of a Minister! This meeting is meaningless except to show people your hypocritical face!"

Outside the glass wall also began to boil, those muggle wizards only reacted at this moment, but Roland's voice still did not change in the slightest.

"The vote is passed, let us welcome the new lord of the future French Ministry of Magic, a very great gentleman!"

The moment her words fell, a black mist filled the conference hall, and those councillors who did not know of all this today all fell helplessly into their chairs.

Outside the glass walls, some of those who were resourceful had already started to run outside the Ministry of Magic, while the majority of them still looked at the man who appeared in the centre of the meeting hall with an incredulous face!

"Good evening, everyone."

He sat gracefully in the chair at the very centre, and after smiling and saying good evening, he leaned back in his chair and propped his head with one hand, looking at the councillors with an encouraging look in his gaze.

"I have always been very democratic, whether in Britain or France, if anyone has a complaint against me, they can raise it now."

A pale councillor stood up from his chair abruptly.

"Dark Lord! France will never submit to your rule!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

In this burst of shock, the former Minister of Magic, Amalric, who had already been removed from his post, expressionlessly used the Killing Curse on this old wizard, in public!

No one was able to react at all, and the old muggle wizard, who was highly respected among the councillors, just fell to the ground with an incredulous and powerless expression.

"Oh, perhaps everyone might have misinterpreted my words a bit."

Voldemort had a smile on his face.

"Mudbloods, in my opinion, do not count as human beings."


The night wind blew the dark fur on Sirius' body, and he stared dead ahead at the rat that was running for his life, his bloodshot eyes could no longer accommodate any other creature!

Lily and Lupin were flying in mid-air on their flying broomsticks, and they were high up in the air, constantly casting spells on the grey rat.

But Wormtail's body was so small and responsive that Lily and Lupin's spells basically landed on the dirt earth beside it, causing no direct damage to him.

And when Lily lowered the handle of her broom with a grim look on her face and began to accelerate at low altitude, trying to fly in front of Wormtail to intercept him, a "dark cloud" suddenly loomed over their heads!

Wormtail, who was running wildly forward, became energized.

He rolled on the ground and turned into a tall, thin, balding male wizard, waving his hand at the black-robed Aurors and Death Eaters in mid-air!

"It's me! Peter Pettigrew! I have completed our Lord's mission! Come and save me!"

However, his plea for help did not receive a half-hearted response, those wizards who flew in the sky acted as if they did not even see the situation on the ground, and continued forward in the direction of the Hogwarts wagon without looking back.

The original excited expression on Wormtail's face began to become staggered, but Sirius, who had been following behind him, didn't stop in his tracks!

Without hesitation, he leapt up from the ground, his huge body pouncing Wormtail to the ground on the spot!

Lily and Lupin, however, looked at each other in unison, their brows furrowed, but without any hesitation at all, they turned around and returned towards the place where the wagon had stopped.

"Don't kill him so easily!"

Before she left, Lily said a final word to Sirius, who had already started biting the wailing Wormtail.

She and Lupin had not yet been completely blinded by hatred and knew that the wagon needed their protection even more now, not to mention that with Sirius here, it was unlikely that Wormtail would have another chance to escape.


The wagon has completely disappeared in the middle of the wilderness.

The wizards of the Order of the Phoenix kept the Aurors and Death Eaters firmly within their blockade!

The two sides have nearly five times difference in numbers, but Dumbledore alone nearly suppressed all the wizards of the other side.

The crimson flames turned half of the sky into a sea of fire, and the black-robed wizards were unable to break through half a step further.

Incantations rang out one after another, people began to fall from the flying broom, and then people were rescued by their companions.

The battle lasted until midnight and ended with the defeat of the Death Eaters.

Or perhaps their intention from the beginning was not to defeat the Order of the Phoenix where Dumbledore is present, but only to keep him from interfering with their Lord's plans at such a critical time and on certain other important occasions.

As for the Hogwarts wagon, it will be an extra surprise for Dumbledore.

The wizards of the Order of the Phoenix cleaned up the mess left behind on the battlefield, as long as it is a war it is impossible not to die, but with the protection of Dumbledore, they were fortunate enough to only lose two people this time, most of the others were only wounded.

McGonagall whose robe's cuffs were torn with a big hole looked at Dumbledore with a worried expression.

"Will the student side be okay?"

Dumbledore who was pouring Fawkes' tear on Arthur's blasted, splintered thigh said softly.

"Trust them, Jon created miracles twice in front of my eyes and never let any of us down."

They did not continue to stay here, and after clearing the battlefield entirely, they used the Apparition together and left this wilderness.

The next moment, all the Order of the Phoenix wizards appeared together on the cliff that bordered the sea.

The sea waves lapped against the reef.

The wizards buried their two fallen companions here, while Lily, Lupin and Sirius grabbed a confined male wizard and arrived in front of a small and large tombstone.

Wormtail, who had already turned back to his original short and fat appearance, cried and howled, constantly wriggling his blood-stained body.

"Lupin! Sirius! Lily! My friends! Forgive me! Please, you guys! Forgive me! I was forced to do it! It was the Dark Lord who was forcing me! I couldn't fight back in any way in that case!"

"How do you have the nerve to call our names!" Sirius growled as he waved his wand, "Crucio!"

The unforgivable curse stimulated Wormtail's soul, his screams even drowned out the sound of the wind and the waves, the surrounding wizards of the Order of the Phoenix looked at him, but no one's face showed any semblance of sympathy.

"My Lord, save me! I have done my best for you! Don't abandon me, my Lord!"

He was huddled on the ground, stretching and festering, begging and praying, but getting no response.

Lupin kicked him in the face, sending him squarely in front of the two tombstones in front of him.

"Look at the two! Peter Pettigrew! Look at them!"

Wormtail was forced to lift his face, and he saw the names on the large and small tombstones.

[James Potter] [Harry Potter]

"Remember them? Wormtail, do you remember them?"

Lily didn't scream, didn't roar, just asked in that weird, calm-to-the-bone voice.

Snot and tears were streaked all over Wormtail's face, and he was still wailing in pain, only the sound of pain was interspersed with, not sure if it was a sincere admission of fault or words in an attempt to survive.

"- I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... It was my fault."

Lily's face was expressionless as she gently tapped a branch beside her with the wand in her hand, a sharp blade with a glinting cold light then took shape in the next second.

Wormtail's body trembled even more, and his whole body shook like a sieve.

"-I've already apologized. Lily, please take pity on me. I don't want to die."

Lilly gripped the sharp blade.

"I accept your apology."

She aimed it at Wormtail's chest.

"But you need to ask James and Harry whether they will accept your apology by yourself."

She stabbed down hard.


Scarlet warm liquid spurted out, and the cold sea breeze blew the robes of everyone present there with a whistling sound.

The moonlight of revenge and hatred just illuminated the two tombstones stained with sin and blood.


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