In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 153: What is this? (2 in 1)

Chapter 153: What is this? (2 in 1)

Lily Potter has always been a rather special professor on the wagon.

She did not have the same kind of friendliness when dealing with students that professors like McGonagall, Flitwick, as well as Lupin, expressed without reservation from their hearts.

Whether in the usual classroom or privately in the wagon when meeting with students, most of the time she is cold, regardless of who she looks at, she has a flat expression.

Only after getting along with her for a long time, many students will find that Professor Potter is actually not as unapproachable and uncaring as she appears to be, but has the same level of sincerity and patience as other professors have toward the students.

It's just that her emotions are being suppressed by herself due to something different.

About Lily's past, the other professors never talked to the students, even Neville and Ron, whose family and Lily's family were originally well acquainted, knew some secrets, they never really talked to Jon and the others about Lily's "family".

After getting some tips from Lupin, Jon knocked on Lily's office door during that weekend.

The Potion professor was brewing a potion in her office.

After Slughorn left the wagon, she was arguably the busiest person in the entire school on a regular basis.

There is no school healer on the wagon, so Lily, who is a Potion class professor, has become the healer for all the students in this school.

In general, she will stock some potions for common diseases, and some of the magical plants and herbs specially cultivated in the greenhouse also need some special potions for nurturing and irrigation, plus since Lupin came to the wagon this semester, the job of making wolfsbane potion for him also naturally fell on Lily's body.

Therefore, no matter what time of day or what kind of person came to Lily's office, they would see a cauldron bubbling up in the middle of her office.

"Good morning, Professor Potter." Upon entering, Jon greeted the witch sitting in front of the cauldron.

When he walked into the office, a chair automatically slid up behind him. Lily didn't bother to look at him, instead, she was concentrating on dropping two drops of green liquid into the boiling cauldron, and the next second, the originally boiling liquid instantly calmed down, and the colour of the liquid turned into an indigo colour.

Lily closed the lid of the cauldron before she looked up at Jon.

"Something wrong?"

She didn't call out Jon's last name or first name, yet her flat voice was not sounded as distant as it could have been.

Jon didn't just jump in and say that he needed advice on the Patronus Charm, he first expressed his gratitude to Lily respectfully as he had forgotten to do so properly face-to-face before.

"I haven't properly thanked you, Professor, for lending me that invisibility cloak since I came back last time."

"That was more than just to help you." Lily sat down in the chair in front of her desk, she seemed to have the luxury of chatting with Jon for a while, "It was beneficial to the whole school for you to do what Dumbledore told you to do. Besides, since you dared to take such a great risk to sneak into the castle, I'm certainly not that selfish that I wouldn't even bother to take out a piece of invisibility cloak."

If one only listened to what she said, the average person would subconsciously think that the cloak of invisibility that Lily lent to Jon to use was just an ordinary piece of a commodity that could always be bought with a little bit of effort in the magical world, but Jon knew better than anyone else what this cloak of invisibility that had been passed down from the Potter family really meant.

"Besides that cloak of invisibility is not something I intend to gift you, it's just that with me, it can only be put in a box where it wastes its usefulness, and although the thing is lent to you, I hope you will use it in a way that truly reflects its value, not for some petty crime that violates school rules."

She looked to Jon, her tone changed little, but from it, Jon heard a great deal of earnestness than solemnity.

"If I ever find out that you have done such a thing, I will take back the invisibility cloak and will punish you more severely than Filch."

Even if Lily didn't say such a thing, there was no way Jon would go and do something like that with the invisibility cloak; he wasn't really a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager, nor was he bored enough to take a night trip on a wagon wearing the cloak and break into random rooms he shouldn't.

"I can assure you, I'm certainly not going to misuse that cloak, Professor."

On the desk, a teapot flew up on its own and poured a cup of tea into the teacup that had slid in front of Jon, and it was at this time that Jon finally said what he had come here for.

"I've been learning the Patronus Charm from Professor Lupin lately." He looked at Lily, and didn't see any surprise displayed on her face at this news, "Professor Lupin told me that you have a very high level of mastery in this spell, Professor, and told me to visit you for advice."

Lily lifted the teacup in front of her and took a light sip of the black tea inside.

"The other day, Remus talked to me about this, he said that your progress in learning the Patronus Charm is very fast, in less than half a year except for the fact that you still can't summon the real Patronus, you have already been able to reach the level where this spell can have an effect."

"But there is something he does not know, if before I could indeed teach you something, but at this moment, I am barely able to use the Patronus Charm myself, let alone teach you."

She didn't look like she was looking for an excuse to brush it off, and when Jon thought about it, he could understand that Lily's understanding and mastery of the Patronus Charm had likely changed as a result of her past experiences.

This spell is originally a spell closely related to the caster's emotions and state of mind, each wizard's Patronus is not always static from the time it is summoned, it will change with the shift in the mindset of the caster.

For example, in the original story, Tonks initially had a rabbit as her Patronus, but after she fell in love with Lupin, the rabbit turned into a wolf.

The Patronus is not a specific creature, it is more like a reflection of the wizard's own heart, a powerful emotional force that is magically manifested.

Lily's Patronus in the original is supposed to be a doe, her husband James Potter and son Harry Potter's Patronus are both stags, and Snape's Patronus is exactly the same as hers, also a doe.

It is because the Patronus charm reflects the wizard's heart, Snape and Lily's identical Patronus is what makes people feel reassured that he is going to be a double agent, and as long as he still loves Lily he can't and won't hurt Harry Potter so that he will be in natural opposition to Voldemort's side.

But now this world has obviously undergone very drastic changes.

After the dramatic changes in her life, except for Lily herself, no one can imagine how her Patronus has changed, and even as she herself said, she might really have difficulty in using it.

Jon understood this, but was still a little disappointed, he always felt that he was still a little short of something when it came to the Patronus Charm, but could not grasp what it is; he was not able to mobilize the positive emotions, which is why he could not summon his Patronus in the end.

But although Lily could not teach him anything that would give him enough of a boost as he wanted to, she did give him a word of advice on learning the Patronus charm.

"Don't just assume that the emotions that form the Patronus Charm are simply positive emotions in a one-sided way. People are complex creatures, and emotions are the key to this complexity, the so-called positive emotions are also relative, in some instances, when you recall some scenes, your mood will inevitably become sad, but in some other different situations, maybe it can give you a higher level of joy."

Jon didn't end up staying in Lily's office for too long, after he finished his cup of tea, he excused himself and left.

He didn't go back to his dorm room immediately, he went straight to an empty classroom that was usually used for charms class, and when he pushed the door in, Hermione was practising her wand-waving skills inside.

Jon leaned against the door and stared at Hermione for a while before giving a piece of advice.

"I would suggest that when you swing your wand at the end, don't add too obvious personal habitual movements and try to correct it, it will help you well in learning more advanced spells in the future."

Any classroom on the wagon, except for the astronomy classroom and the greenhouse, is allowed for private use when there are no students in class, and the common room is usually used by students to rest and relax, so for the most part, students who want to practice spell casting practically will choose the empty classroom.

Especially the charms' classroom, where the walls are enchanted with a protective spell that protects this side of the wagon from spell damage. If it is in the corridor there will be no such protection, a random spell may leave a hole in the floor, that's why it's prohibited by the school rules to cast a spell in the corridor, and that kind of conduct will make Filch more angry and raging.

Hermione turned her attention to Jon, she rarely goes to the common room after class hours in general, even among the students who were rescued from the castle back to the wagon, she belongs to the most diligent one.

And during this time, Jon's practice of the Patronus charm was not hidden from others, and the two would often meet in this charms' classroom.

"What happened to consulting Professor Potter about the Patronus Charm?" Hermione asked, and she obviously knew what Jon had just gone to do.

Jon thoughtfully raised his wand in his hand, he waved it gently and recited the incantation as he had done before.

"Expecto Patronum."

The silvery light bloomed like a flower at the tip of his wand, but the light that was gathered soon scattered all around, it didn't look like it was going to coalesce into something more substantial.

Looking at the effect of the spell on the tip of the wand, Jon shook his head.

"This spell even if the professor taught me more clearly, it is necessary for me to see whether I have figured it out myself in the end."

Hermione looked at the silver light on the tip of his wand, her gaze revealed an unspeakable complexity.

To be honest, Jon's worries today are really a bit fanciful, they are all in the same grade, although Hermione just came to the wagon this year and has just started to learn wand casting, she is well aware that Jon's study in magic has actually surpassed his peers by a long shot.

This is still the progress he made after wasting most of the last academic year at Hogwarts Castle to save them.

There are times when natural talent really doesn't mean anything if you can work hard, and Hermione thinks she is already considered a diligent enough student, but compared to Jon, she is a little ashamed of herself for actually having such a mentality.

In fact, she does not understand Jon's psychology.

Because he knows what the world should have been like, Jon feels more urgent about the current situation. The Voldemort seen in the book only exists in the book after all, not to mention that the dark lord in that story has long since become an incomprehensible madman.

The madman is fearful, but his harm is also limited, but in this world, this madman has become much more sane, which is what really makes people feel terrified.

Especially without knowing the reason for such a change; Dumbledore, whose strength should have exceeded that of Voldemort, even lost to him, which is what made Jon feel suffocating oppression.

He desperately wants to improve his strength, to protect the other people on the wagon if possible, as well as to protect himself, and all of them require sufficient strength to provide a solid basis.

The ring he got from Slughorn gave him a direction to become stronger, but likewise, he couldn't completely rely on the ring.

Even Voldemort knew that a wizard's strength should be built on himself, and Jon was equally clear that he couldn't be overly dependent on one thing, which is why he worked so hard even when he wasn't studying the ring's spells and learning the usual spells.

And it was precisely this kind of attitude on Jon's part that gave Hermione a great stimulus.

When she felt that she might have tried hard enough, she would think of the boy who had rescued her from that "prison", and then she would keep on pushing.

This was also the case with the other people Jon spent most of his time with.

For example, at the beginning of the school year, Ron was a bit lazy and didn't even want to do his own homework, "borrowing" from Jon or Neville.

But after the second year, he never mentioned borrowing anyone's homework, and usually did not waste his time playing wizard chess in the common room, but went to the library with Justine and Lavender.

In the Charms classroom, Jon pondered his emotions and thoughts on the Patronus charm for a while longer and then began to practice a few spells and transfigurations he had already mastered over and over again.

His natural talent allows him to learn magic faster, but if he wants to use it in combat without a second thought, he needs to practice night and day to eventually form muscle memory to do so.

And while he and Hermione chatted, practising magic spells, Jon waved his hand at the table and bench in front of him, and used the levitation charm, among the targets of a spell, there was something extra floated that wasn't part of his target that drew his attention.

His eyes did not look at those tables, chairs and benches that had floated in front of him, but his hand reached out, and carefully pinched a pinch of hair from the middle of those floating things.

This pinch of hair is very special, not resembling human hair of any kind, with an overall dark grey colour, and each one is very short and thin.

"What is this?"


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