In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 148: Three investigations

Chapter 148: Three investigations

"Disgraceful traitor!"

George said through gritted teeth, and Fred's face was gloomy as he said

"If he wanted to do this for so long, then why does he still have the face to show us that head boy badge of his at home!"

Ron clenched his fists, he didn't lower his voice, half of the common room could hear what he said.

"And he also said let's wait and see! This is what he wants me to see him do? A shameless betrayer, a hypocritical villain!"

For her part, Ginny, who is only 11 years old, sat with a sad face beside her brothers and did not speak.

Everyone else in the common room tried to comfort them for a few moments, and no one was going to pin Percy's actions on the rest of the Weasley children.

The students on the wagon were not all that hostile to take these things out on others, not to mention whether it was Fred, George, Ron or Ginny, they all got along well with their fellow classmates.

"He didn't do anything bad to us, too." Neville struggled to find the words to comfort him, "He left quietly, probably just felt he is different from us."

"Different from us?" Ron sneered, "He's just doing it for his ambition to be superior! He's always thought he is different from all of us, complaining that mom and dad took our family to live in nowhere, saying that we at least had Burrow before! So he chose to become a lackey of the Ministry of Magic? To be a noble pureblood who manifests his status by oppression and slavery?"

The crowd around fell silent, no one could refute Ron's words, he was indeed right.

Even if Percy had just left the wagon without doing anything adverse to anyone on the wagon, his choice today would be enough to make everyone in this school resent him.

He stood on the side of the Ministry of Magic, and even joined the Ministry of Magic that enslaved and abused the Muggle wizards, what kind of status he had for the Muggle-born students who had been his classmates on the wagon in his heart before?

This made Ron and the rest of the Weasley children feel ashamed, and even if no one on this wagon was complaining to them, they would not be able to hold their heads high about it.

Jon felt some surprise and also not surprised after knowing Percy's whereabouts in the end.

Not surprised because, in the normal development of the plot, this ambitious and power-hungry boy will also part ways with his family, in the current situation of the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore where there is no way out, he will naturally have grievances in his heart.

Some surprise because, like the professors thought, he felt something was wrong with Percy leaving the wagon just like that.

Even without seeing the image Percy left behind, with just the previous conversation with Dumbledore, Jon could guess that his departure must be related to the person who infiltrated the wagon.

The original Percy even if he got grievances, he did not have enough courage to betray them and go out, so there is definitely someone behind the scenes, contributing to the events that happened.

But since he had been able to get in touch with Percy and entice him to betray, then why not try to do more?

This is like in wartime, one side of the spy corrupted the excellent cadet in the military academy of the other side, but without waiting for him to play a greater role, he directly helped him to defect before he even grasped the power and even before he graduated.

This not only does not help to reap any benefits but also exposes the evidence that spies do exist.

No matter how you look at it, this is not normal.

Unless the person who infiltrated the wagon, and Percy established a deep feeling, so he was unwilling to see him continue to suffer even one day in this place that does not fit with his vision, and simply wanted to help him escape from the suffering, so he did this.

But such a style of painting, no matter how you look at it, feels wrong, not to mention whether there is such a person in the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort's side, even if Percy truly does not share the same beliefs as other students to a certain point, it is not that unbearable that he can't stay on the wagon for a while.

Dumbledore and the group couldn't understand this matter, so naturally, Jon also couldn't figure it out.

But even if they do not understand the reason for this, things have happened.

Percy's betrayal really did not cause any substantial impact, other than making the students of the wagon indignant for many days, these young children apparently most disgusted by the act of betrayal, no one is willing to mention his name, which even affected the opening of the new school term as they can't find anyone to replace Percy as head boy, no one seems to want to inherit that position.

Eventually, a seventh-year boy was reluctantly appointed as the head boy under McGonagall's persuasion and assisted the professor in managing student affairs in general.

After that, Dumbledore did not treat the incident as if it had never happened, since that person could instigate Percy, it means he can do more things on the wagon.

This is different from the Slughorn incident that happened in Jon's first year, when the whole undercover presence in the wagon was just a sham, whereas now it's obvious that someone really did somehow infiltrate, and it wasn't Dumbledore's arrangement.

On two occasions before the start of the school year, the wagon found a suitable spot to stop, allowing all the students to leave the wagon for a while, with the professors checking every room, but without any luck.

It was as if that person had become a ghost as if no one would ever be able to find that person if he/she did not want others to see him/her.

And after Percy left the wagon, and even after two successive fruitless searches, no other accidents happened again.

As if that person's purpose had been achieved, Percy's betrayal was what he ultimately wanted to do, after which he completely disappeared from the wagon.

But the professors didn't just relax, they scheduled a time to conduct a third search on the wagon on the night of September 1, the day of the orientation dinner for new students.

They must ensure the safety of this school, because the students living here, is all their future hope, if they have an accident, then the person who becomes unattached is definitely not only Dumbledore, there will be many people in the Order of the Phoenix will become a complete desperado.

The professors did not hide this matter, the students were also briefed about the dangers on the wagon, everyone was asked not to move alone, even to the lavatory to prevent accidents occurring with a minimum of two people going together.

It was in this way that the whole wagon was in a state of alarm, and this year's orientation dinner began in a field with a great view, which was specially chosen by Hagrid.

Early in the morning students left the wagon, to prepare food on the meadow, and in addition to McGonagall who stayed to watch over them, other professors, including Dumbledore, were all in the wagon for the third round of inspection.



This volume is a bit complicated, but also the beginning of another big event, I will write more slowly, let me slightly adjust two days before adding more!


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