In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 129: Ghost girl

Chapter 129: Ghost girl

But as the headmistress of one of the top three wizard schools in Europe, it is reasonable to say that Madame Maxime would never live in such a place and dress in such an ordinary way.

Jon's heart filled with doubt as he glanced at the interior of the cabin, where the decoration was very simple, not like a place used for permanent residence, but more like a temporary shelter.

Madame Maxime did not seem to pay much attention to Jon, after Dumbledore's introduction, she just nodded to Jon who greeted her, then invited the two to sit down and poured them a cup of tea.

"You should have seen the letter I wrote to you." Madame Maxime looked crestfallen, "I was dismissed from Beauxbatons."

Dumbledore did not bother to touch the tea on the table, his face turned a little gloomy too.

"That's why I came over on this trip to find out why."

Madame Maxime did not immediately open her mouth to explain, but turned her head to look at Jon.

"Since I brought him with me, it means that I have complete trust in him, madam." Dumbledore said calmly.

The half-blood giantess, who is now become ex-headmistress of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, let out a long breath.

"Well, your decisions are often the right ones most of the time." She stared into Dumbledore's eyes, "The Ministry of Magic appointed someone to take my place, they said I was twisting students' minds and teaching them improper things, and threw me out of the manor!"

Dumbledore frowned.

"Such a ridiculous charge?"

"Everyone found it absurd too!" Madame Maxime agreed, she looked emotional, "I denied their accusations, the entire school faculty and students all can vouch for me, under my management, Beauxbatons only taught students magic, there is no way to distort any minds, and I have no ideology to impart upon them! "

"I demand proof, otherwise I will never leave Beauxbatons, even if it is an order issued by the Ministry of Magic!"

"And then what?" Dumbledore asked.

"And then." Madame Maxime's agitated expression began to fade, her face began to turn white, and her lips were trembling as if she was thinking of some awful memory, "And then, they said, they said I am half-giant. And presented evidence in front of the whole school that I was hiding my origins, that as Headmistress of Beauxbatons, I was in fact privately promoting giants, and that I was trying to whitewash the students' perceptions of giants and thus twisting their opinions"

As if due to a psychological effect, she felt Dumbledore and Jon looking at her with a somewhat piercing gaze, her eyes faintly reddened, she said in a trembling voice.

"I swear! Albus, maybe-maybe I did never tell anyone about my bloodline, but I definitely didn't do what they said I did! I have always devoted myself to educating children, and I absolutely never promoted giants"

Dumbledore gently reassured the witch, who is more than a meter taller than him.

"I know, I know, madam, of course, you would never do such a thing, we have to think of the reason, the reason why they are speaking about your origin now." Dumbledore obviously wasn't going to despise Madame Maxime's origin, "I believe your origin was investigated by the French Ministry of Magic when you became Headmistress of Beauxbatons, but why did they have to bring this up now and dismiss you."

Jon could hear that Dumbledore was trying to be as polite as possible with his wording to prevent the witch in front of him, who was about to burst into tears, from having an emotional breakdown.

"I don't know." Madame Maxime's voice had gotten a little choked up, perhaps because being half-giant makes one's emotions a little more pure, she couldn't hide her sadness, "And not only did they kick me out, but after dismissing me from Beauxbatons, they restricted me from going to my own home, saying that Aurors were launching an investigation into my years as Headmistress, and if the charges are confirmed formally, I have breached the wizarding law."

"I sensed something was wrong and felt that no matter what the final outcome of the investigation would be, they would eventually arrest me! So the very night I wrote to you, I sneaked up on a couple of Aurors guarding me and ran away from home, and now the Ministry of Magic has issued a bounty on me, they could find me here at any time now!"

Dumbledore's brow furrowed deeper, he obviously realized something.

"Who did they appoint as Headmaster after you left?"

"They parachuted a male wizard in." Madame Maxime's tone was tinged with hatred, "I thought that even if I had been driven out, my original Deputy Headmaster would have been elected as interim Headmaster, but they simply were impatient and directly appointed a male wizard that no one had even heard of before to be the Headmaster."

"What is the name of that male wizard?"

"Ivan Gallas, I've never heard of this guy before! It's like he came out of nowhere and became the Headmaster of Beauxbatons as soon as he appeared!"

Madame Maxime sounded agitated as if she was trying to restrain her emotions, but she couldn't calm down in any way.

"The French magical world has become a mess now, and I have no idea what the Ministry of Magic has been doing all this time!" Her voice was alarmingly loud, "Some time ago those people actually arrested many families to eliminate dissidents, and also issued a wanted notice for the Delacour family!"

"Apolline Delacour escaped with her husband and her eldest daughter, and the younger daughter stayed in my house as a guest at that time, so I could only accommodate her with me temporarily. However, those Aurors actually searched my house directly, and they were aware that the youngest daughter of the Delacour family was staying with me. I had no choice but to feed her a vial of Draught of Living Ghost, which put her body into a deathlike slumber and turned her soul somewhat like a ghost and made the Ministry of Magic's Aurors assume she was dead!"

Madame Maxime had a sad face, the Delacour family was obviously close to her.

"The reason I wrote to call you here, also, was for this matter. I can't stay in France any longer, so I need your help, Albus, take the girl with you."

With that, she pulled out a rose-red bow hairpin from the open pocket of her robe, and as she held this hairpin out, an illusory, timid little girl of about six or seven years old appeared.

The girl's features are exquisite, with long, silky silver-white hair, but even if Jon had never seen a ghost before, he could recognize at first glance, this is definitely a ghost!

As soon as the girl appeared, she hid behind Madame Maxime, only daring to peek at Jon and Dumbledore with only half a face.

Dumbledore's face became a little ugly.

"The antidote for the Draught of Living Ghost is not well formulated, and if she is unlucky, she may never be able to wake up again, and will turn and become a ghost forever."


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