In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 115: Another Hogwarts Professor Never Lies

Chapter 115: Another Hogwarts Professor Never Lies

At the end of the secret passage from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, Hanton stopped in front of the flap door with the escaped first and second years.

"We, should we just leave Hermione behind like this." Ariel suddenly whispered.

Everyone stopped in their tracks at once, and even the first-year students who had been feeling some hazy excitement and thrill at their impending freedom, all lowered their heads with downcast expressions.

They are not very old, but they are not naive children who do not know and understand anything, they know what kind of price they have to pay to escape from the old castle called the school, which is in fact a prison.

When Jon brought them out of the underground dormitory, everyone saw Hermione hanging up in the entrance hall, and no one who saw that scene would be calm and unmoved inside.

But they are the object of rescue, even if their heart is filled with resentment and sadness, they have no way to give any assistance.

Seeing the sullenness of the people around, Hanton was a little angry.

"Is that how you all feel? Not even capable of helping ourselves, but instead we are dragging others down with us, so you feel sorry for and blame yourselves? My thoughts, however, are simple! If Randy and Hermione can still escape from there alive, then I will spend the rest of my life trying to thank them, but if something bad does happen to them, I won't let them regret this decision of rescuing ME from this place!"

"They're trying to get us to look forward! Thankfulness is not supposed to be spent on remorse for not being able to help them and ourselves! We are supposed to remember today's powerlessness and then try not to be in the same situation as today in the future, instead of stopping at the door they have created for us!"

His words let some of the first-year students who had begun to sob wipe away the tears that had yet to leave their eyes, these words may not be right or wrong, but it is certainly useful in helping everyone else to step out of the sad mood, not to be overwhelmed by emotion, cool their hot heads that urged them with stupid thoughts of going back to die with Hermione and Randy.

Hanton walked in front of everyone as he spoke, and then pushed open the flap door as other eyes watched!

Soft light shone in from behind the door, and there were two tall, slender figures standing there, an elderly witch with a stern gaze but an exceptionally gentle expression, and a middle-aged man with dark skin, golden earrings, and a smile on his face.

Together they held out their hands to the child behind the flap door, who was still looking at them in a daze.


Dolohov was completely defenceless.

He never thought he would be struck by a spell from behind, this Hogwarts castle has been ruled by Voldemort for as long as seven years, these seven years although there are still resistance forces roaming outside, but none of them can infiltrate this school.

Coupled with the panic brought to him by the alarm, he simply did not have any time to react.

The tall body collapsed down right there, the full-body bind curse restricted his body, but it didn't make him lose his vision, and as he fell backwards, he saw the soles of a pair of worn-out shoes with some bird droppings still left on them gradually enlarge and step on his face the next moment!

Jon did it on purpose.

In the first instance he used the full-body bind curse, he also crushed the feather in his left hand together.

A golden-red flame burned up in his hand, but he did not feel a semblance of burning, instead, there is a different kind of warmth emanating from the flame.

Jon loosened his grip, but the red fire remained in the air, Fawkes did not immediately appear, when Dumbledore handed him the feather, he specifically warned him, the Anti-Apparition Charms inside Hogwarts Castle were strengthened by Voldemort, especially against the Phoenix's unique Apparition.

This feather is equivalent to providing Fawkes with a coordinate point, but it will take a short time to break through the Anti-Apparition Charms in the castle to get here now!

Jon did not think it would be a terrible thing to stay here for a little while, he came to the castle under a false name, and he could not just leave with nothing left behind.

This is not in line with his soul's fundamental core, not returning a gift for their "hospitality" to him is not in line with his character!

This sudden attack not only did not let Dolohov react, causing him directly fell to the ground, but the surrounding pureblood and half-blood students who just came out of the great hall, as well as the three Professors of the Astronomy, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures Classes at the end of the staircase, who were surprised by the alarm sound of mudbloods escaping from the school, were all also froze!

During the time they were in a daze, Jon, who was stepping on Dolohov's face, did not wave his wand; he simply recited the incantation that was too familiar to fail.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

The levitation charm that everyone in this castle is exceptionally familiar with, the first magic spell that non-mudblood students started to learn officially in the school, just made Jon's body fly lightly into the sky!

The magic-filled second gem gave Jon a very strong boost to this spell, allowing him to stay in the sky longer, and be more flexible and faster!

But the colour of the original blood-red gem also faded a lot the moment he used the levitation charm, turning from blood-red to bright pink.

The magic stored in it does not belong to Jon, and every time he uses the magic on it to strengthen his spell casting, it will cause it to deplete, not like the magic in a wizard's body, no matter how many magic spells are used, there will be no half change.

But Jon did not feel distressed to use it, the magic on the ring can only be used for the spell on the ring, and now he can only use the magic power on two spells.

Hermione, who was hanging in mid-air, also looked at Jon in disbelief.

She didn't cry when she was hung up by Dolohov, she didn't cry when she was ridiculed by countless people around her, and she didn't cry when she thought of her miserable fate afterwards without being able to see any hope of survival.

But when she saw Jon fly up to her, her eyes could not help but moisten up.

"Professor ... why did you come back ..."

Jon had already aimed his wand at the shackles that locked her hands and easily unlocked them with one shot of the unlocking charm.

"I told you, the professor at the other Hogwarts never lies."

He carried Hermione, the little girl physically frighteningly light.

There was no deafening speech, no righteous rhetoric, he just gently said, like how he had tricked this little girl that night, telling a truth with a lie.

"I just promised Hanton, that no one will stay behind today!"

Just the moment he saved Hermione from the shackles, three incantations rang out together.



"Petrificus Totalus!"

The three professors who were standing at the stairway made their shot!

But they did not use the Killing curse directly in the first instance, after all, they still have no idea about the unexpected situations happening today, and they still have the home-ground advantage, so they tried not to kill if they could capture them alive.

However, Jon did not make any movements, he did not even have any intention to raise his wand in his hand.

In full view of all the students who were still dazed and did not react, he once again recited an ordinary magic incantation.

"Finite Incantatem!"

The original bright pink gemstone quickly faded and changed back to the exact same light blue colour as the first one.

And just at the same time, a surge of energy abruptly spread that diffused the magic in the spells!



This is not a cliff chapter, it is a complete chapter, there are two more chapters to be posted in the evening, it's time to check out. [ TL; this is the last update for the day]


#MrOtter and #Gabriel Nevacchi, Thanks for all your love and support.

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Happy Reading!!!


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