In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System

Chapter 98 - Smashing Konan

Ino was happily watering the plants at her home as her parents were watching her.

"Dear, Ino seems to be a lot happier than before. Maybe, it's because she was worried about us not accepting Akihiko before."

"Hmph. INO!"

"Ah! Yes, dad?"

"Tell Akihiko to visit us often. I've taken quite a liking to him." Inoichi said as Ino happily jumped.

"Yes! I'll tell him."

Inoichi had a slight smile on his face as he watched his daughter being happy.


Akihiko teleported away from the office as he appeared in a small alley near his shop.

He walked out and his lips immediately twitched. The reason was because of his customers who started celebrating.



'This is boosting my ego. My ego is originally huge. Now it is even larger.' Akihiko thought as he smiled and waved his hands.

After a while, he walked away as he sensed someone following him. He continued to walk and when he reached a place where there are fewer people, he started dashing at a slow pace. He increased his pace a few minutes later.

The person still followed him as Akihiko dashed away from Konoha. After a while, they both reached a few kilometers away from Konoha as Akihiko stopped.

"Why are you following me?"

Akihiko asked as there was nothing but silence. Akihiko turned around as he now saw a hooded person whose body figure shows that it was a female. His facial expression slowly changed as he now had a smug smile on his face.

"Are you a stalker? I know that I'm handsome and a top-tier husband material but if you stalk me, I won't like you. You should probably gather your courage and confe-"

A paper shuriken flew towards his neck as titled his head to dodge the shuriken.

"Ooh. Nice shot. I would have died if I didn't dodge." Akihiko said as he gave her a thumbs up.

Konan didn't say anything as she just wanted to test out his strength to report back to Nagato about whether he would be strong enough to fight Deva Path or not.

Konan took off her hood as she revealed herself to Akihiko.

"Sorry sorry, I won't joke around." Akihiko said as he stretched his arms and legs.

"You're definitely here to buy cookies. Well, since you're a beautiful lady,I'll give you a discount. 20%. How about 20%?" Akihiko asked as Konan's expression didn't even change.


However, this time, several paper shurikens flew towards him as he dodged all of them by moving his body slightly.

"I would choose a more peaceful method to talk to you but it seems like I'll have to use violence." Akihiko said as he took off his hair tie and threw it into the inventory.

The fight might include explosions as Konan had too many explosion tags with her, so he couldn't let the hair tie that his daughters gifted him to be destroyed.

Akihiko smirked as Konan's lower body disappeared and turned into pieces of paper. The pieces of paper then formed two large wings behind her as she flew up.

Akihiko just yawned as Konan used Paper Drizzle. Paper Drizzle was a technique where Konan uses her paper wings to launch a multitude of paper towards the target rapidly.

However, the opponent she was facing was Akihiko. He just moved his right hand swiftly at a rate that Konan couldn't even see. He caught all the pieces of paper between his index finger and middle finger.

During this time, he threw one Hiraishin kunai a few hundred meters away from him.

Konan's eyes widened in surprise as Akihiko just smiled. Blue flames busted from his fingers as they burned the paper down to ashes.

"Why are you this surprised? There are more to come." Akihiko just said as he took a deep breath. Konan was ready for a fire jutsu but she didn't expect Akihiko to just jump.

Akihiko used some of his strength to jump up as the ground as it created a massive crater. The crater was around 100 meters and the depth was around 2 meters. He arrived in front of Konan in a split second as he just grabbed her face with his right arm.

He immediately teleported towards the Hiraishin kunai that he placed as he smashed Konan's head to the ground.

This also created a crater with a diameter of 20 meters.

"Ah. So annoying." Akihiko muttered as he scratched the back of his head. The reason was that Konan just scattered into paper.

The pieces of paper spreaded as Konan created several paper clones.

The pieces of paper spreaded as Konan created several paper clones. Akihiko just appeared in front of the nearest clone as he punched it to oblivion.

However, the clone exploded as Konan put some 50 exploding tags in them. She was already aware of his strength.

'Did I get him? I put 50 exploding tags. I don't think it's enough. I need to use more exploding tags.' Konan thought as she controlled more of her clones to go near Akihiko and explode themselves.

After she finished exploding around 20 paper clones, she thought,

'This is still not enough. I'll have to use even more exploding tags.' Konan thought as she created a Paper Chakram with 1000 exploding tags.

She threw it towards the smoke where the explosions occurred. However, as soon as the chakram went into the smoke, a large explosion occurred.

Konan used her wings to cover herself from the impact of the explosion as she watched the smoke clear.

Akihiko was still standing there but there were some differences. His hair was now falling freely as the hair tie got destroyed. His shirt also got destroyed and he was now topless. With some plot armour, he managed to keep his pants.

Another thing that was different was that he decided to let go of his transformation jutsu.

"This is getting boring." Akihiko muttered as Konan was speechless. She was charmed by Akihiko's face before she started shaking.

It was not because of an orgasm. Akihiko used Aura of Despair and it caused Konan to start shaking due to fear. She was so afraid that it broke the charm caused by Akihiko's face.

Her mind was telling her to run as fast as possible but her body wouldn't move. Akihiko immediately appeared in front of her as her face was grabbed once again.

"This is why I told you that I wanted to talk peacefully."

She wanted to use Shikigami's Dance to turn her body into pieces of paper but she couldn't even gather her chakra.

She got smashed into the ground as it created another crater. However, this crater was only 2 meters large. Dust came out of everywhere, shattered pieces of rock. However, Akihiko controlled his strength so that it would not shatter Konan's body and turn her into a meat paste.

Konan spat blood as the blood hit Akihiko's face.

"Ah fuck." Akihiko exclaimed as blood flowed down Konan's head. He grabbed her neck as he placed a transparent Hiraishin seal on her throat.

The transparent Hiraishin seal was something he developed during these years. It was a normal Hiraishin seal but right after the seal has been drawn, it will become transparent.

"Konan, be gr-"


Akihiko heard someone yell at him as he turned around for a split second. However, that split second was enough for Konan to turn into paper butterflies as all the butterflies flew away. In the air, the butterflies reformed back into Konan with wings as she said.

"Akihiko, right? Mark my words. Vengeance will be mine."

Akihiko just dismissed it as he just replied, "Yeah, yeah sure."

Konan seeing Akihiko dismissing it just turned around as she flew back to Konoha. However, before she turned around, she saw Yugito Nii, the Two-Tails' Jinchuuriki.

She decided to report it back to Nagato but firstly, she was thinking of how to beat Akihiko up.

'Maybe two billion explosive tags might do.'

She flew away on her wings as two blonde women dashed near Akihiko.

"A-are you alright, Akihiko?" Yugito asked with a slightly red face as Akihiko nodded.

"I don't even have a scratch." Akihiko said as Yugito took a cloak and gave it to him.

"P-please wear it. This is a spare cloak that I brought."

She said as she closed her eyes and tried to stay calm.

"Thanks." Akihiko smiled as he took the cloak and wore it.

Yugito was tapping Samui's shoulders as Samui was just staring at Akihiko's face without blinking.

"Oh. Sorry about that." Akihiko said as he used transformation jutsu.

Samui finally noticed that she had been staring at him as she blushed a bit.

"No, you don't have to apologize. I was the one at fault." Samui said as she waved both of her hands quickly.

"So, why are you two here?" Akihiko asked as Yugito answered.

"The Raikage sent us here to apologize for the previous letter. The council has already been punished."

"Oh, I see. How is Bee doing?" Akihiko asked as Yugito closed her eyes.

"Raikage is still confining him. But he's still trying to sneak out from time to time." Yugito said as Akihiko chuckled.

Samui's eyes were darting back and forth between Yugito and Akihiko as she just listened to their conversation.

Just as they were talking, Kakashi and some other Konoha nins arrived at the scene.

"Yo! Kakashi-san." Akihiko said as he smiled and waved his hands.

"*sigh* What happened Akihiko. We came here because we heard the sound of explosions."

"Hmm, do you want a short answer or a long answer?"


"I fought against an Akatsuki member."

Kakashi's face became serious as he asked.

"What happened to him?" Kakashi asked as Akihiko replied.

"Well, it's her but yeah, she escaped."

"Alright. I'll report this to Lady Tsunade later." Kakashi said as Akihiko shook his head.

"It's fine Kakashi-san. I'll just report it. I'll have to lead these ladies to the Hokage after all."

"Thanks Akihiko. I can return home earlier now." Kakashi said as Akihiko smelled something fishy.

"Kakashi-san, why are you rushing to go back home?"


"Oh, come on. Kakashi-san, we're friends, aren't we?" Akihiko said as he placed his hand over Kakashi's shoulders.

Kakashi remained silent as Akihiko just smirked.

"Are you hiding a girl in your home?"

Kakashi tensed up as Akihiko nodded.

"So, I was right. It's fine. I understand. I wish you good luck, Kakashi-san." Akihiko said as Kakashi just nodded and swiftly dashed away.

The other ninjas examined the craters as they concluded that an extremely tough fight happened here.

Yugito and Samui just looked at the scene that happened in front of them as they just looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"Well ladies, shall we go meet the Hokage now?" Akihiko said as the two nodded.

Akihiko just placed his hands on the two's shoulders as they teleported outside the office.

*Knock Knock*

Akihiko immediately knocked the door as Tsunade immediately replied.

"You may come in."

Akihiko went inside as he saw Shikaku, Shikamaru, Shizune and Tsunade. He smiled towards Shizune as he also smiled and nodded towards Shikaku and Shikamaru.

After all, they were still childhood friends even though they haven't been that close for a few years. Shikaku also smiled as he remembered when Akihiko visited his home to play shogi with him and Shikamaru.

"Tsunade, two envoys from Kumogakure have come." Akihiko said as Yugito and Samui introduced themselves.

"Also, I guess you guys must have heard the explosions, right?" Akihiko asked as everyone in the room nodded.

"I was just fighting with Konan, a member of the Akatsuki. Sadly, she escaped." Akihiko said as he sighed.

"Well, that's all. I'll take my leave now." Akihiko said as he just nodded once to show respect.

He walked outside the door as Shikaku and Shikamaru also excused themselves from the room.

Outside, Akihiko, Shikaku and Shikamaru talked to each other.

"Shikaku-san, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to visit you. Do you want to play some shogi this weekend?" Akihiko asked as Shikaku smiled.

"Sure, Akihiko. Let's test our skills."

"Shikamaru, the same goes for you. Want to go out and have fun as we used to as a kid? Together with Choji, of course." Akihiko said as Shikamaru scratched the back of his head and smiled.

"What a drag. But since it's you, sure. I'll tell Choji too."

"I'll be leaving now. Bye."

Akihiko waved his hands as the two father and son also waved back.

Akihiko walked down the stairs as he teleported to the Uchiha house mid-way.

"Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"



The title is not clickbait. Akihiko really smashed Konan.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

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Why? You might ask?

No reason. Or maybe there's a reason, Who knows?

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