In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 27: Attack of Voldemort

Chapter 27: Attack of Voldemort

After the exams were over, Hogwart's students were super excited for the final Quidditch match. This one game, tomorrow, will finally decide the house cup winner and they can go on holiday after it. No more classes and no more unending homework.

However, Neville was planning his own big event. One thing Neville never actually cared about was the story written in books for our lord saviour Harry Potter. In this life, Neville is going to write his own story and it won't be the PG-13 version.

He asked Dean to call his uncle Kingsley Shacklebolt and a few of his auror friends last night. He told Dean that he was sure that the Dark Wizard who attacked him in the forest was no one else other than their DOD professor. However, their headmaster won't believe him and due to his old age, he won't accept that he hired such a person to be their professor.

During breakfast, three Aurors entered the Hogwarts castle. They came via the main door and thus headmaster Dumbledore was unable to stop their visit from his floo channel.

"Well, what a surprise dear Kingsley! I never thought even relatives will come to watch the final game in Hogwarts." It was still our old headmaster who reacted first after seeing the small group entering the main hall.

"C'mon Professor. You know I love Dean and he requested me to come. I also brought my friends with me. I hope it won't be an issue with you." Kinglsey walked towards the professor's table while maintaining his smile.

The two Aurors were visibly uncomfortable meeting the greatest white wizard like this but they came to help their friend. They also smiled and gave a small salute to the headmaster and moved at the ends of their table covering both ends. They were holding their wands tightly in their hands covering them inside their robes.

Dumbledore felt something amiss but he was not sure what. He felt this might be related to either Quirrell or Snape or even himself considering the latest reports in papers. Anyway, he believed everything was in his control.

"No issues Kingsley. Any parent or relative is surely welcomed to Hogwarts after the exams. I just hope you inform our vice-principal in future. She might want to make some future preparation regarding it."

"Sure Professor." Kingsley gave a courteous bow to him and a polite smile to Deputy Headmistress, Professor Minerva McGonagall.

He walked backwards and just when professors were thinking he is going to sit near Dean at Gryffindor's table, he attacked with his wand.


Kingsley with his accurate timing and with surprise factor managed to launch a direct attack on the DOD professor, Quirinus Quirrell who in his panic lost control of his body and fell down from his chair.

This did save him from the spell but the anger and resentment that were hidden deep in his heart came loose.

"You imbecile! Since you rats are already aware of me, let my master speak to you!" Quirrell who would always look like a weak and stuttering fool suddenly changed into a confident madman. He threw his turban away in front of the whole Hogwarts and a face that appeared on the other side of his head, shocked and scared all the students and professors at the same time.

"Ha ha ha... Hello, Dumbledore! Did you miss me? Do you really think a newborn child will be able to kill me? I will never die old fool, I will always come back!"

Kingsley and other Aurors went pale with this revelation. They never thought that the dark wizard they came to capture was Lord Voldemort himself! Even if they grew balls of steel, they would have brought dozen if not hundreds of Aurors and attacked him with a better plan.

Voldemort made the biggest roar and attacked the professor's table with a killing curse.

Dumbledore used all the food placed on the professors' table to create a wall in front of them to prevent the curse. Knowing he was in an extremely bad situation, Voldemort looked at the kids. Giving a cruel smile, he used explosion curses on different areas of the room blasting the wall and pillars to create chaos and confusion.

While Dumbledore tried to protect the kids from falling debris, Voldemort attacked professor Pomona Sprout with a "Crucio".

Looking at Voldemort who attacked professors like this, Kinglsey used "Petrificus Totalus" to bind him in the hope to capture the dark lord but Voldemort is not a fool. He simply waved his wand and the curse deflected directly.

Knowing he can never escape Hogwarts with his body after he is exposed, he directly looked towards the Gryffindor table.

Ron who was hiding with others under the table cried (like a little girl) "The Dark Lord is here! He is going to kill us all!"

With this panicked cry, all hell broke loose. The students who still had faith in the headmaster and other professors lost their fighting spirit. Some weak ones tried to outrun each other in their desperate run towards the main door. 10 students became 40 and then all the students tried to push the one in front to rush outside.

The stampede together with all the fallen food made the messy situation more critical. Some fell in chaos, some were pushed on tables and some were injured by the falling debris.

Professors sitting at the table already attacked Quirrell this time and tried to help first and second-year students who got caught in the panic while Quirrell avoiding their attacks tried to capture Harry Potter.

Neville grabbed Dean and Seamus and moved along with the crowd. Harry Potter tried to run and Hermione grabbed him by arm and they both ran towards the Gryffindor common room. Ron looking at his friends moving in two different directions hesitated for a few seconds and then ran after Harry.

Voldemort without a pause flew like a ghost and attacked Harry. Ron who was last in their run got hit by this curse.

"AHHH!!!!!" He let out a very painful cry and fell on the floor. Thankfully it was not the killing curse but it was still an unforgivable one. The Cruciatus Curse.

Ron felt unbearable pain and twitched like a dying man on the floor and lost consciousness. He was bleeding from the nose and mouth and eyes. Harry who was running ahead with Hermione noticed his friend's cry and looked back.

"Ron! .... Nooo..." Looking at dying Ron on the floor, he ran towards him.

It was at this moment when Voldemort was inches away from Harry, the headmaster, professors and Aurors attacked him at the same time.

Harry was focused on Ron and he didn't notice the wand pointed at him by Voldemort.


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