In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 23: Fighting Voldemort/Quirrell

Chapter 23: Fighting Voldemort/Quirrell

"AAAHHHHH...." The figure stopped for a few seconds and then looked towards us. Feeling the strong killing intent from the figure, I moved in front.


Our Dark arts professor pointed his wand towards us in seconds and knowing this might be some serious dark spell, I just pushed the girls with me on the ground.

A second later, a huge blue beam of magic just passed our heads.

'Fuck this!' I thought. 'Why the hell am I fighting him? This job is for our future saviour. I just need to hide and escape.'

"Bombarda Maxima" I threw the spell with all my power towards Voldemort. I know he will try to dodge and that was my plan. I didn't aim the magic on him but near his feet.

"Boom." A huge explosion shook the nearby vines. However, I can see the volde standing safely inside his shield.

"Let's hide behind the tree. The professors will definitely come after this noise!" I told the girls and pushed them towards the tree.

Just as I was pushing the girls, I saw a green beam towards me. Fuck! Death curse. Shit.

Without thinking anything, I just threw the Pygmy Puff that was in Pansy's pocket. I threw multiple Engorgio charms on it and it became a huge ball of fur that blocked the spell.

As soon as it was hit, it fell sideways and started shrinking. I cast "Confringo" on the professor. This time I made sure to target him directly.

Fuck the cannon! Fuck harry potter and his Saviour future!


Volde easily escapes my spell but now he starts floating towards me. I feel his killing intent has gone through roof and he even threw away his plan of running.

'Fine. You want to fight bitch! Come!'

I know maybe he wants to kill me or something but his repeated use of magic in weak form and weak body will affect his spell casting.

He threw broken branches around him like bullets or missiles towards me. All his spells are silently cast which makes fighting him tougher. He ain't a kid in the first year so yeah this is also something I expected.

"C'mon partner. Time to unleash everything!" I said to my wand and I can feel the wand vibrating.

I used multiple shield spells and then used "Alarte Ascendare" (the spell volde used to throw things like projectiles) on broken objects near me. While our projectiles collided and created another loud noise.

My eyes met the glowing red eyes hiding inside the cape and we attacked at the same time. For me, I first used 'Mobiliarbus'. Using this to move the nearby vines like a lasso I tried to keep volde busy and then hit him with 'Take Root' to confine his mobility.

My plans were good but his were better. He used a fire spell, and it was like chains of fire. My plants were directly burned in the air, and he used the fire chain to bind me.

I cast another shield charm around me to protect myself but his chains directly broke my shield and hit me on my chest.

"Thud!" I was pushed in the air and the attack definitely broke one or two ribs. Thanks to my strong body I managed to take that hit otherwise it was 'the end' for me.

I spit a mouthful of blood and looked towards the floating figure in the air. I felt extreme anger and rage boiling inside me and I cast a big AOE spell that I recently learned.

"Folium ferrum!" (Leaf Blade)

This was one of the specialised affinity-based charms that are not taught in classes but it is something I researched and practised because of my affinity. Casting a fire spell or other elemental spells will always take more magic from me and be less effective than these and hence, I learned a lot of plant-based spells last year.

Thankfully this caught our floating volde by surprise. A huge storm of leaves attacked him from all directions and empowered by magic, these leaves were strong enough to do big damage.

Hundreds of leaves attacked him and broke his shield and our volde casted repeated fire spells around him to tackle this.

I had a huge grin now. Why? Because this was exactly what I wanted.

"Folium explodere"

I cast this spell that took all my remaining power but it made volde run like a bitch. Hundreds of small explosions took place simultaneously. Because of the large number of leaves, the small explosions became deadly.

I could see his robe on fire and heard his scream a few times.

He gave me the last glare before he ran directly inside the forest and I could hardly keep my eyes open now. Casting two big AOE spells like these and fighting Volde squeezed almost all the magic inside me. I may have powerful spells but my body is still of a child. My magic reserve is not big enough to cast so many spells in such a short time.

It was the first time I felt so weak. I could not even get up now. Giving up, I just lay there on the ground. Darkness was slowly taking over me and even though I was unwilling to leave myself in such a state here, among the people I never trusted, I had no option.

I think I heard a girl cry somewhere. Then some water droplets fell on my face and I lost consciousness.

-----Pansy POV----

I could hardly watch the duel between Neville and that dark wizard. Neville was like a small giant and he attacked with such powerful spells. However, that dark wizard was really scary. He even used the killing curse on us. I never felt so afraid. My legs were shaking and Milli was already crying while holding me.

Somehow I dragged her and myself and then we hid behind the tree. There were some explosions and loud noise. I felt so scared. I closed my ears and covered my head. Milli was already crying loudly and kept saying it was all my fault.

How was this my fault? I did nothing! They hurt me. They tormented me and then they threw me away. But Neville is fighting a dark wizard now. Is this really because of me? Will he die?

I kept thinking these things when a lot of small fireworks type explosions brought me back from my thoughts. I wanted to take a quick glance but what I saw scared me more.

Neville was on the ground. Bleeding. The dark wizard was gone.

"Neville!" I shouted loudly and ran towards him. He is still alive. I can see him breathing but he is injured. There are so many bruises and blood around him.

"Help! Hagrid! Hagrid! Help!" I shouted as loudly as I can. "Please don't die, Neville. Please" I keep on saying it and my tears won't stop falling.

I saw a firebird, Phoenix I think, suddenly dropping from the sky and our headmaster came with it.

"Professor Dumbledore!" I shouted at him. Oh, Merlin! "Professor help him. Professor..." I wanted to say something more but he just levitated Neville's body towards him. "Now hold tight and don't let go!" He said to me while stretching his hand. Milli also came running at this moment and we both hold his hand tightly.

Then we apparated near the hospital wing and Madam Poppy was already waiting with other professors there.

"Poppy take him. He has exhausted his magic reserve and there are a few broken bones. I think he needs immediate treatment!" Professor Dumbledore just instructed Madam Poppy and she took Neville into the hospital wing.

I followed her silently. I don't know why but I just want to be near him right now. I could hear other professors whispering something but I don't care about anything related to them. Madam Pomfrey just put Neville on a bed and started pouring some potions in his mouth.

"Dear, you alright?" she looked over me and asked but I had no reply. Am I fine? Physically, yes. Just had minor scratches at most but If I say yes, she will throw me out.

"No. I mean...yes but..." I tried to think of an answer but she just stopped me.

"He needs to take a dip in the medicinal bath and I don't think you can stay for that. Why don't you lie down on the beds on the opposite side? I will call you when he is done." She told me with a small smile and I nodded.

I found a clean bed and saw our matron covering Neville's bed in a big white cover. Then she went and bought a few cauldrons and herbs. I felt safe now and I think Neville will be fine.

Waiting to be called, I just tried to close my eyes and unknowingly fell asleep.


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