In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 21: Going to Dark Forest

Chapter 21: Going to Dark Forest

-----Few days later----

Today Harry and Ron were supposed to go to the forbidden forest for their punishment. Both of them managed to screw up royally when they picked a fight with Slytherin boys.

On one hand, they lost 100 points in one day bringing us down from first place to third and on other hand, Slytherin snakes managed to get ahead of everyone again. So, even after 7 years, it felt like they will win again if they didn't lose Quidditch matches in future. Considering their strong 'performance' in the game, it was highly doubtful.

Harry skipped most of the bullying thanks to his performance in the recent Quidditch matches but Ron...well let's just say...if he was any normal Gryffindor without big brothers, he would have experienced what it means to feel like one man vs the army.

Gryffindors stayed away from him even in the common room, Ravenclaws will throw dirty charms and silly spells during classes while Hufflepuff students sent him various poisoned chocolates and cakes.

Somehow this greedy guy even after repeated warnings, will eat most of them and then will be rushed to meet our nurse, Madam Pomfrey every third or fourth day.

Anyway, I felt a little pity for him but that was it. Little pity is all I will give him. When our classes were over, both of them headed towards the main door. I was watching them from the second floor when I noticed the plot going wrong.

Harry and Ron followed our Squib, Argus Filch but then the not-so-bitch-face, Pansy along with another Slytherin girl joined their small group.

How the hell did Pansy manage to get herself in detention now? And how could Bats send her along with another girl towards the forest? Have they lost their minds or Snape seriously has no idea about the danger?

I rushed after them. I truly hated these magical stairs at this moment and saw Hagrid entering the main door and talking to Filch.

"Wait...Wait...Stop right there Hagrid! I shouted loudly from the stairs getting his attention. Thankfully he waited a few minutes for me to reach them.

"Neville, what's the problem?" Hagrid asked me in confusion.

"Ah...Pansy...I mean these two girls. Why are they going with Harry and Ron?" I questioned him while panting.

"Why loverboy? Don't pretend you don't know! It is you who turned her against her own house!" The girl who was with Pansy shouted in anger. I saw her twisted face and was seriously confused.

Loverboy? Me?? I mean first, I am barely 12, second this is Pansy who is a Slytherin and blood purist supporter and finally third, I hardly had any interaction with her after our Troll incident!

"Wait...What?" I was so confused. 'What is wrong with everyone? Why are you not following the simple plot! The first year was the easiest in the series, so how come this new change is happening?'

I was thinking these things while looking at Pansy who avoided my gaze. There was a story here but now was not the time she will share anything with me.

"Neville, I have to take them to the dark forest. Principal orders. But don't worry. I will keep the girls safe." Hagrid said with a booming voice but my face was going dark!

'You half-giant! A unicorn that can run faster than most of the beasts and has enough power to dominate any fight. Yet, such a unicorn was getting injured in the forest and this half-giant who loved giant spiders never felt any true fear! Fuck!"

"Bombarda Maxima!" I shouted loudly and used my wand to cast a big explosion charm on the nearby pillar in the hallway.

No way, I am not going to let Pansy and this girl go into the forest with Hagrid. Using charms in the hallway especially the big explosion charm was definitely against the rules in Hogwarts.

"BoooMmmm!" A loud explosion and candles, some broken furniture and wall went flying with a loud enough noise to bring our head of the house, Professor McGonagall running to the scene along with a few other professors.

"What happened here, Hagrid? Who used the explosion spell?" Professor McGonagall asked Hagrid who was already looking at me with strange eyes.

"It was me, professor. I am truly sorry. I was scared for Harry and Ron as they were going to the dark forest and wanted to show off this new spell, I learned during the holidays. But I forgot to not use it in the hallways." I answered the professor with a slightly guilty tone and kept my head down.

I had to show that I was sorry and it was just an accident. Before Hagrid could explain my actions,

"Your little demonstration would cost 30 points for Gryffindor and now you, yourself will go with Harry and Ron. A powerful charm is not something to be taken lightly Mr Longbottom and I think this should make you understand its importance of it. Hagrid you got another boy now. Please leave. I will fix this mess." Professor McGonagall said resignedly.

One of the most gifted students in Hogwarts managed to create a scene near the main hall door just before the final exams. Why? Why can't Gryffindor win house up again? Huh! She sighed and started using repairing curse on the scene.

Meanwhile, other professors went back to their rooms while Hagrid took the group to the dark forest.

"Neville, you know I was also a student once? I can understand your feelings but you should not feel jealous of Harry and Ron? This is not an adventure but a punishment for them." Hagrid tried to explain to me something which just made me feel more confused.

"What??" I questioned Hagrid trying to understand what kind of gibberish he was speaking.

"I know young Gryffindor boys trying to get inside the forest, and this whole year, I have seen you with those other two boys practising your charms near the forest boundary. I think you always wanted to go inside right? But this is not the way and you should have come to me. " Sighing he started walking us towards his hut while we followed him like young ducklings.

"What spell was the Neville? Are you learning from Seamus?" Ron asked me and I had to admit, using the explosion charm was definitely Seamus rubbing on me.

"Just shut up Ron. Hey, Pansy, wait a minute." Pansy stiffened at my call and the other girl just snorted and walked ahead of all of us.

I left the confused Harry and Ron and walked with Pansy to the last position and tried to understand the whole story.

"Neville, why did you do that?" Pansy asked me in a small mosquito voice while trying to not look at me.

"Can you look at me for a minute?" I asked her and just as she tried to speak to me, I used Legilimency on her silently. I have practised mind-arts for almost whole 2 years and unprotected minds like Pansy were not a big challenge for me.

Being subtle and trying to make her think of relevant memories, I questioned her "What was the girl saying about you being against the whole house?"

Just as I asked, I could see her memories of when she was being bullied by a group of girls in her dormitory. Then I saw her being bullied on various occasions and it was amazing to see that she faced a life tougher than our lord saviour and his sidekick but she never made a scene.

"Nothing. I just had some issues with friends." She replied and tried to hide her experiences and I saw her most recent memory where this girl cut some dresses she had with a scissor and then Pansy had a huge fistfight with her.

It was like Pansy exploded in the final fight and then Professor Snape walked in when both of them started using spells to throw chairs at each other in the Slytherin common room.

This still didn't explain my role in all this.

"Oh...Okay...But what was that lover boy? I mean why this nickname?" I asked directly and she tried to find the proper words but her memories showed me the right answer.


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