In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 14: Christmas, Twins and New gifts

Chapter 14: Christmas, Twins and New gifts

Since the end of November, the weather turned colder and most of the students would spend time near the fireplace. I am closer to my roommate Dean and made friends with the often neglected Seamus in Gryffindor.

Also, I noticed that the fated trio would spend more time together now searching for something. Clearly, they have started this year's adventure and after the Quidditch incident of Hermonie burning Professor Snape's hem, the trio were convinced of Snape was going after Harry and trying to steal the 'Philosopher's stone'.

Was it even the real Philosopher's stone? I doubt it highly.

Anyway. I had no more intersection with the three and my focus was earning more money for my possible future potion. I had requested permission from the ministry for breeding the 'Pygmy Puff ' and while the permission was still awaited I had ordered one of the main shops in the Diagon Alley to create space for selling it.

The magical posters were already printed and it was the 'perfect pet as a Christmas gift' as mentioned in the title.

The breeding process was fairly simple and hardly required any advanced knowledge. Yet the wizards and their dull brain. This was creativity that the Weasley twins will show in their magical spells but it is rarely found in the wizarding world.

"Fred and George, I have a business proposition for you. If you are interested in making a lot of money before the Christmas holidays, follow me to my room," I gave the offer to twins in a low voice and looking at their sparkling eyes I knew they loved the idea of earning gold.

The twins nodded like chicken and I brought them to my room. Harry, Ron and Dean were near the fireplace outside trying to study whatever they can with the help of Hermonie's notes.

I picked a new suitcase that I recently received from our shop in America. It was a suitcase that can be used to store pets in their natural habitats. For now, it is empty apart from having colourful families of 'Pygmy Puff'.

"Follow me," I told them and went inside my suitcase.

The twins were surprised to see the suitcase and different living habitats in different sections. Well, this was an expensive item and mainly breeders and animals lovers had this kind of suitcase. Not something a poor or middle-class wizard family can afford. (Hint: Weasleys)

"Amazing, Fred if we have this kind of suitcase, we don't even need a shop outside" - G

"Exactly my thought George" - F

"We can keep our experiments safe," - G

" And our Galleons away from mother!" - F

The twins started talking in their sync behaviour and finally, I brought them to showcase my creation ( or theirs in a different possible future).

"These are Pygmy Puffs, small cute beasts bred from Puffskein. Completely safe, harmless, easy to feed and easy to keep. Come in various sizes and colours and are best at charming little wizards." I tried to pitch these as a professional salesman and I saw them smiling.

"I am going to sell them from our stores in Diagon valley but in Hogwarts, I can give this thing to you. Every Puff is valued at 2 galleons and every time you sell it, you can earn 200 knuts more than 20% as your commission. So what do you say?"

"Fred, I think Neville is most special boy most in the first year" - G

"Ever since the first day George, Ever since the first day" - F

"Our Money god" - F&G together

This is how before the mid-december winter holidays could begin, a lot of Hogwarts students could be seen with their new cute furry pets. I had to work a lot extra as many senior girls often ordered a dozen of these.

Ministry approvals came after I sent them a reminder and a lot of shops all over the world, started selling these. I had asked local shop managers to find local breeders and made them sign strict magical contracts. Within weeks, we had enough supply in our shops.

After all, everyone loves to gold. Especially during festival season. I even got an article in The Daily Prophet with these. Somehow I ended up looking like a cute chubby boy with a pink wand who bred cute furry animals. A total harmless and shy boy.

I don't know If I should cry over this or use this as my cover.

Our house elf Winny along with the two others were working daily on making the potion. Getting the right amount, the right order and making it effective is not a task that can be done in a day.

It's more of an invention like the light bulb where I have to fail 100 or 1000 times before getting success. If this was this easy, potion makers would have done it ages ago.

Anyway, it was more of a peaceful first semester and I am heading back to my home. Oh yeah! today was the day for the train journey and I had ordered my elves to take a break and come to Hogwarts.

I brought them silently to the ROR room and made them take all items away from there. From the books to the crucibles to the gems. Everything. I made sure I took even the black magic items as they can act as the perfect tests for my potion.

My new Professor choose several books from the book mountain and was happy with finally a clean place. Anyway, I need money and clearly, people here like to use this as a store toom. So, finders keepers!


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