In Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom

Chapter 10: Bitch face and Bushy head (Re)

Chapter 10: Bitch face and Bushy head (Re)

"You know what this is Bitch face?" I asked her showing my family knife which I keep with the Reducio spell as a locket. The knife grew up bigger in size once I removed the spell and her eyes widened.

I moved closer to her. I put the knife very close to her lips, "One more time, say one more time anything about my family and I promise before you can scream, I will give you enough reasons to hate me forever. This bitch face will forever become a scar face.

Oh, also, it will take at least 8 minutes for anyone to come for your help Pansy. 8 minutes is more than enough for me. So think carefully next time before you decide to open this bitch mouth and say anything."

I left her there standing and shaking with fear and walked towards the library. I think I heard her sobbing loudly but it should bring this bitch down to the living world. All these blood purist kids are nothing but future troubles and I have no shame in putting my fear in them.


"Can I sit here?" Hermione asked me when I was going to read the books on runes. Instead of going frequently to ROR, it was better to read these books in the library.

"Sure," I nodded and moved my notes to one side.

"What are you reading there Neville? I know you pretend to be a fool but whenever a professor would ask you a question, you will always have the answers." She questioned me finally. I think her curiosity was killing her. She was like a cat anyway.

"Well, no one likes a showoff. First thing. Second, I am reading these books on runes and you can find them here."

"Why don't you raise your hands to answer then if you know the answer?"

"Well, what will I get apart from looking like a looney Ravenclaw in Gryffindor who likes to pretend to be smarter than everyone else in the room if I do that? I asked her the simple question I had for her looking at her behaviour in recent months.

I mean her habit of raising hands and answering was not even liked by professors and this is how I was caught. I would not raise my hand like her every time but professors noticed me after a few months and I could not act like a fool anymore. I mean, the bushy head was a smart girl but seriously her behaviour was a key issue in making friends. If not, why would she be friends with Ron Weasley? She could have done a lot better.

Well, I am not jealous or anything. Am I? Will think about this later.

I was reading the book silently with the bushy face here when I saw our long-lost bat professor storming through the library with a crying pansy.

"Mr Neville, I would like you to come to my office. There are some accusations Ms. Pansy has put on you which need some clarification from your side. Now!" He demanded angrily. Wow. Never knew the bat can raise his voice.

"I don't think you are my head of the house professor. If Ms Pansy has any issues with me, you should speak with Professor McGonagall and we can go to her chamber now if you like."

I told him and started walking towards professor McGonagall office. I am not stupid enough to test my occlumency skills against someone like Snape. I have my secrets and I would like them to remain as such.

----In Professor McGonagall's office-----

"Is this right Mr Neville? If what Ms Pansy is saying is true then you threatened a girl with a knife?!"

Professor McGonagall was losing her composure listening to the sad tale Pansy told her. Well, I was horrible but there is obvious exaggeration on her part. Well, time to play my drama.

"No professor. You see, Pansy said she wants to see my locket but I told her it is a symbol of my lordship and I can't hand it over. She said my parents are blood traitors and it is better she teaches me a lesson. She tried to grab my locket and I ended up pushing her accidentally. Then she started crying and ran off. It's the truth professor.

If you don't believe me, you can ask her if I accidentally pushed her or if she said my family was a blood traitor or not?"

This was the only thing I had in my favour. And when Professor McGonagall looked at Pansy with her eyes that were clearly burning in anger, Pansy almost fainted I think.

"No NoI mean I joked. I didn't mean it, professor. I am sorry professor it was a joke,"

Pansy tried to defend herself but she knew she fucked up. Everyone knows the sacrifices Professor McGonagall made during the war with Volde and she hated these blood purists.

Before Professor Bat could say things against me, Professor McGonagall made her final remarks "Since it was a joke for you Ms Pansy and an accident from you Mr Neville, I think deducting 10 points from both houses would settle this. Next time, I hope I never come across such jokes and mistakes.

"Sure Professor," I said in a low tone and disappeared into my room. No matter how much that bat hates me, he can't find a chance to dig up any good dirt on me.

Well, time to read books here then. I spent the rest of the time in my dorm before going for dinner where I saw Harry and Draco were arguing like bitches.

I mean if you really want to hurt someone, pick up the chair and bash his skull with it when you find him alone. Why waste so much time thinking and using Magic charms when you hardly know any good charm in the first place?

Stupid and silly tricks.

Malfoy never crossed me after our train ride. I think he wanted to use some pranks or his cronies but seriously, even Crabbe and Goyle would not dare to cross me. They would only choose Harry or Ron because these boys seriously looked like someone, they can overpower with their physique but not me.

In this way, my first year was going on silently and peacefully. I would spend time with my roommates to appear friendly but it was just keeping tabs on their quest.

Instead of using ROR frequently or the library now, my new spot was near the lake. It was a place surrounded by small shrubs and covered with moss. I was also practising my patronum charm here. I noticed my Patronus was becoming more corporeal and I could see a little fox in the shape. This was the same fox I had noticed when I first picked my wand.

I am also polishing my ability to communicate with animals here as little birds or small Puffskein, cute little furballs who would often come to eat any snacks I offer them here. It was easy to talk to simple birds and beasts here as they had simple thoughts. Talking or communicating with more complex animals was not possible as of now.

Hermione was the first one to notice my trips there but she would spend more time with the fated duo so I skipped her questioning. Months were passing and my time for rune test with Professor Ravenclaw was coming nearer.


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