In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

"Ah, Father, it's falling over there too"

"Yes, yes."

I was collecting pieces of colored crystals scattered throughout the snowfield from one end to the [Storage].

I was enthusiastic to show my son a good place, but the result was a ravage drama by my son, and I didn't get to come out.

Because you can't defeat it just by staring at it...? "I don't know how to fight them.

"Even so, I managed to defeat you..."

Thanks to this, the area is full of scattered shards of colored crystals. Collecting it is also a hassle. Usually, I open [Storage] on the ground and drop it, but it falls on top of the snow, so I'll drop it like a snowbag.

So, is this piece of crystal? It's more like a gemstone because it's colored than a crystal.

I tried using magic power on one of the shards, but it had the same effect as the crystal material.

However, compared to the crystalline material of Freys, I feel that the quality is quite poor. Magic power saturation was immediately full, and the durability wasn't that high. It's like fake crystals.

"Fake things...? Are these the artificial flares that Yura was researching...?"

After collecting the shards of the gem Freise, we walk to the center of the empty zone in the snowy forest.

It's okay to fly, but in this conifer forest, the view is obstructed and it's difficult to see from below. I think you should walk down the tunnel and look for it.

Kayu, are you okay? If you get tired, you can tell me.

I looked back on the eternity of my wandering through the snow. If it seemed harsh, I thought I'd let it float with Levitation .

“Yeah, especially if it's about this. Ah, Father, please wait a moment."

Huh? Is something wrong?

Shit! When I looked to the side, the blue jewel that seemed like Freys was just staring at Eternity was about to crumble. One of the eyes of Eternity glows red gold.

No, really, isn't eternity their natural enemy?

Collect the scattered blue shards as well. This looks like sapphire. I guess Ruby and Sapphire were the same thing.

While recovering with such thoughts, the group appeared again from the depths of the forest.

Come on, how many of them are there?

The gemstone Freys attacked me with no questions asked.

But before I could pull out the Brunnhilde, the gemstones that attacked us, the Freys, were awesome! Damn it! It was destroyed one after another by an eternal demon eye.

It's been forever...

We defeated the attacking gemstone Freys (though mostly eternal), and we headed further into the woods.

The number of gemstone flays that were coming at us as we moved forward grew, but eventually the raid broke off.

Did you give up?... I don't think so.

"I don't know. I just heard a tinnitus..."

"My father, too? Me too."

The high, keen sound has been coming into my ear ever since. Apparently, it was still going on for a long time.

As we held our ears down, Silver, who was on the eternal waist, spoke to us.

”That's not my tinnitus. Waves of sounds are being emitted from the point where the aphrodisiac advances. It's a sound that ordinary people can't pick up."

Proceeding? There's definitely something ahead of us.

Proceed even more carefully. If we think that we have eventually left the forest, we will be stunned by the sight that has spread in front of us.

A crater appeared in the woods with a pocket and a hundred meters in diameter.

It's not just a crater. Inside, there are a number of large crystal pillars that stand like crystal clusters.

The sight of columns of crystals of various colors growing from all over the place was something beautiful and frightening.

Looking closely, each crystal pillar contained a nucleus of the same color, the size of a baseball.

"I can't believe this...!"

"Father, look at that."

The yellow crystal pillar pointing at the end of the eternity broke sharply from the root.

The crystal pillar that had fallen to the ground was shaped like a patchy patchy growth, and quickly stood up in the shape of a yellow crystal bear.

Well, at the same time that I got up, I was crushed by the Eternal Demon Eye.

Is this pillar by pillar Freys?

"Apparently so." The people who attacked us must have come from here. "

Is this how the real Freys come into being? Suddenly, when I looked at the center of the crater, I saw something standing. The Crystal Pillar? Unlike the others, it's tall and transparent. Even though the tip is pointed with a square column.

As expected, I was hesitant to walk through this cluster, so I used Fly on my back and approached from the sky.

It was like an obelisk. Well, maybe it fell here?

Craters are spread around that pillar, forming clusters. It's normal to think like that.



I saw that the eternity of my back was breathtaking. Unusual, I can't believe she's so surprised. What's going on?

There was nothing unusual about the crystal obelisk.

...... No, there's something inside. I can't see well, but it's round... Could it be the core of the gemstone Freys?

When I landed in front of the Obelisk, Eternity, which had descended from my back, approached with a small run.

"After all, this is from that time..."

“What's the matter? Do you recognize this?"

Ask for eternity when you touch the obelisk.

Some of the transparent obelisks were like the nucleus of a gemstone Freys, but they were a bit different from ordinary nuclei.

The core of the gemstone Freise was about the size of a baseball, but it was about the size of a ping-pong ball, and it had a strange color. It can be red, it can be blue, it can be yellow. Should I say rainbow colour?

"This may have inspired us to enter this era."

"Nh...? What do you mean?" Isn't Kunari sent to this era by dimensional tremors? "

"In the future world, we were asked by the Adventurer's Guild for a holiday." This is the crusade of the Kaiser Ape swarm that appeared in the Belfast Forest. Everyone was in the mood for a picnic and was exploring the woods..... "

"Kaiser Ape is not a demonic beast that hunts in a picnic mood with the upper species of King Ape..."

I gently closed my heart and decided to listen to Eternity's story for the time being.


[Crystal Cutting [Prismagirotin]!



The blow from Alice and Linne blows the Kaiser Ape at the same time. Let them play and fall apart.

We did it! That's the thirtieth one!

"I was ahead of you!" I'm the thirtieth! "

Alice and Linne fight over which one of them they defeated first.

While looking at the sight, haaaaa...... and deeply breathing Eight Clouds and Frey, as well as the three elders of Koon.

"That's why I'm telling you to attack without damaging the material..."

Yakumo-san, it's no use saying anything to those two anymore.

Well, Kaiser Ape materials aren't that expensive, and they're acceptable.

For now, Frey collects the torn body of the defeated Kaiser Ape in [Storage]. Even if the value falls, it's worth a lot of money. I don't do wasteful things like throwing it away.

Arcia, what's the next Kaiser Ape?

"Um... about five of them are solidified from here to the north."

Arcia was able to use Search to answer Yakun's questions.

"Five... I thought I'd hunted a lot, but I didn't know they were still there..."

"It seems that the Kaiser Ape can explode once every few decades." Maybe that's the year. ”

The counsellor explains that he listened to Yakun's voice. Every species of magic beast has a breeding season, and when the conditions are right, it can explode.

With that in mind, there was no feeding nearby, and they began to move greatly in search of feed to distant places, and other demon beasts moved around the habitat to be chased by it, and eventually it became a group rampage [Stampede].

Because of this, too many demonic beasts are dangerous and subject to subjugation.

"Rinne, you guys are just naughty!" I'll do Stef too! "

"Um... if Stef does it, he'll knock down trees and stuff."

Stef's main attack was to move fast around [Prison] and hit his body with [Axel]. It was quite simple.

However, if you use this method of attack in a dense forest of trees, it will destroy the surrounding trees from one end, making it a very annoying environmental destruction technique.

"I plan to collect the trees that Steve tumbled down and distribute them to the lumber wholesalers, so it's okay."

"I don't think so, but..."

Elna smiled as if she had been in trouble for a long time.

Perhaps it's OK if you don't waste your time in the eternal world, but that doesn't mean you can lose more and more.

"Okay? This is a proper request, so don't be careless." Stef should also move attentively around. Got it? "

"" "Yes..." "

Linne, Alice, and Steffe were delighted by Yakun and sent a slightly confused reply.

All right, then.────

"Wait a minute, can you hear me?"


Yoshino turns his gaze toward the sky and puts his hand on his ear, blocking the words of the eight clouds.

Yoshino's ears are not as good as those of her mother, Sakura. I stopped to ask what Yoshino was. Everyone on the spot breathes and shuts up.

The sounds of birds in the forest, the rustling of trees by the wind, and the sounds of nature jump into each ear, but I don't hear any strange sounds in particular.

"There's a strange sound coming from here." Something's breaking... "Here, again."

Everyone listens to Yoshino's words, but I still can't hear them.

"I can't hear you, but I'm sure there's something because Yoshino says it. Shall we go?"

“That's right, the Kaiser Ape knows where it is, and it shouldn't be a problem later.”

Eternity nods to Coon's words. No one in particular objected, so everyone walked to Yoshino's way of walking.

Eventually, when I came out to the open place of the forest, [it] floated in the sky and jumped into everyone's eyes.

There's a crack in the sky.

As if cracks had entered the mirror or glass, cracks entered the sky, and the cracks became louder and louder over time.

"This is..."

The first time I saw it, everyone who was there was paying attention to it.

If they and their parents had seen this, they would have definitely distanced themselves from it.

Eventually, with the sound of destruction as if breaking glass, the sky torn apart, creating a bumpy tear in the space.

From there, something drips and falls.

Transparent, liquid... viscous, slime [it] falls from the sky with a dimensional tear to the ground.

Eventually, the soft object that fell to the ground began to peristaltically wave slowly.

I wonder if it's a slime...?

Isn't it big for a slime?

Arcia and Yoshino look at the stupid object in front of them and leak their thoughts.

It was definitely bigger than a slime. A normal standard size slime is big enough to fit in a bucket, but I think this slime has about three or four buckets.

"I've heard of a species called Big Slime, but..."

A big slime is a big slime that is not a giant beast. Slime is said to assimilate into a large slime when there are multiple individuals in the same place over the years.

However, this Big Slime is slow and easy to spot, so it seems to be crushed quickly.

"I wonder if it's really slime...?" If it's slime, what about water slime? "

"The one who mimics water? The colour is transparent, maybe."

Alice nodded to Erna's guess. Water slime is a slime that mimics water and preys on prey. Cowardly nature does not attack prey bigger than yourself. A slime that is relatively harmless to humans.

However, even humans can be predators if they are this large.

"Ah, move it."

As Frey spoke up and everyone noticed, a portion of the slime grew tremendously.

It struck the children like an arcing spear.

However, the clear spear is fixed in the air without the everlasting eyes emitting yellow gold light or reaching the children.

It was an eternal [Eye of Fixation].


The unleashed Eight Clouds Sword slashed Slime's tentacles. When Eternity's eyes blinked, the fixed tentacles fell to the ground.

With a heavier sound than I expected, Frey's fallen tentacle arm was lightly poked at the tip of the spear, and it felt hard like a metal sound.

"The detached part solidified in an instant." Does it harden when you leave the body? Was the slime of this nature? "

"There are many kinds of slimes." If it's a special kind... well, it's probably not a proper slime at the time it comes out of the sky gap. "

Frey twists his neck and Coon gives his opinion. The special slime was still peristaltic with Gnigny, but it didn't attack like before. Are you watching us? and the Eight Clouds shimmering.

"Ah! Look! Look!" There! There's something round! "

Around the center of the slime that Linnet points to, you can see something like a small round metal like a ping-pong ball.

Red and blue, yellow and purple, small spheres of rainbow colour that change into various colors.

"What is it...? Something like a 'nuclear' of a golem...?" Then maybe we can break it. "

According to Coon's words, Yakumo and Frei were each holding swords and spears.

The slime recedes slightly. The peristalsis slows down and gives everyone the impression of being weak.

"...... that girl, something's going on"

"That's... well, that's weird." I've never seen such a slime before. "

When she suddenly said such a thing, Eternity raised her eyebrows a little.

"Not that... but somehow I know how she feels." are you trying to do something...? "

"I know how you feel...? What the hell does that mean..."

When Eternity tried to question Steff, suddenly, Dogan! Everyone who was there was blown up like something exploded nearby.

No pain at all while being blown away by your body.

The sense of equilibrium is lost, and we don't know where we stand. I noticed that each of them stood in a different place than before.

That said, I wasn't standing anywhere else at all. It's only a few meters from its original position, going forward or backward.

"Look! The sky...!"

Everyone turned to the sky in response to Linne's voice. There I saw the sun about to set at a tremendous speed. When the sun sets in the western sky in a panic, the moon rises from the eastern sky in a chase.

But this time, the rising moon stopped and returned to the eastern sky. And in the sky to the west, [...] [Yang...] rises [...] (...).

"What the hell is this...!"

A part of the forest disappears and you can see the view of the town. Suddenly, underfoot becomes cobbled, wasteland, and ice.

Thinking that the tree had withered, the young tree grew gently and grew green leaves.

"Time and space are rampaging...!?"

The sky quickly warped as the counties muttered as they looked around.

As that happened, the cracks in the space spread loudly. The rainbow core of the slime emitted a flashing light that eventually began to shine so bright that it couldn't open its eyes.

"Eight Clouds Onee-sama! Open the [gate]!"

"I'm doing it! I can't open it!"

[Teleport] is no good either!

Hearing the voice of Eight Clouds and Yoshino, Coon was impatient. Can't use transfer magic? The coordinates aren't set because the space here is distorted?

At that moment, the counties were struck by an unparalleled shock and fainted instantly.


Everyone found themselves in the pitch-dark darkness. Even though it's supposed to be dark, we can see each other clearly. All ten of them woke up and seemed to be safe without injury.

It's like being in a gravity-free space, floating up, down, left and right in various places. No, I don't know the heavens or the earth, so I can't tell if it's floating or not.

Yuuki looks around, but he can't see anything but himself, he just sees the darkness of the abyss.

For a moment, the worst idea comes to my mind that I might have died in that shock.

Gently shake hands. I can breathe, I can feel my heartbeat.

He's alive. As a result, the question arises as to where this place is next.

"This place is..."

"This is the intersection of dimensions. Outside the barrier between the outside world and the blocked world."

I turned to the one who suddenly spoke, and there was a figure of an old woman I knew.

Grandma Tokie!

Yes, it's Grandma Tokie.

The Space-Time God, who commands time and space, smiled at the children with a smile.


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