In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

"Are the other Freys still in this world...?"

The other day, I was curious about the sighting of Freys from His Majesty King Zadnia, so I came directly to Mel, the former [King] of Freys.

“I think it's unlikely. If Freys had appeared in this world, we would not have missed the [Sound of Life] that it emits."

But sometimes you can't hear the barrier if it's blocked, right?

It's too hard, but where the big and powerful barrier is stretched... you wouldn't know if it appeared in a royal castle or something, would you?

"Isn't that quite impossible...?"

"No, I think so too..."

What are you saying to Mel? I can see it with my own eyes, and I will reconsider whether it is impossible.

"If Freys appears in such a place, it should be a big fuss..."

"If you're in a suspended state, I don't know because I don't make [Ringing Life Sounds [Konmei Onn]......"

It's like you've exhausted your magic and sealed it up, right? Looks like the cricket-shaped Freys we found at the ruins of Belfast for the first time.

Was it 5,000 years ago, no, 1,000 years ago? Survival of the Freys, who appeared in Belfast a thousand years ago.

It was left to succeeding generations by the "Red People" Arcana tribe to convey its horror a thousand years ago.

I guess Mel and the others wouldn't be able to feel it in that state, but the snail that was seen in Zadnia was moving... "

Mmm, when I put my arms around her, Mel opened her mouth as she remembered.

"Oh, there's no other possibility, but..."

"Huh. What's that?"

"If it's a [made] Freise, there's no [Ringing Life Sound]."

What do you mean, it was made? Surely Freys was talking about giving birth to a child (the next generation's core) alone. So, I heard from Ende before that only the dominant species can create a fused nucleus between men and women.

"There was an attempt to make artificial Freys in the crystal realm [Freudia]. I was wondering if it would be possible to mass produce the nucleus of Freys artificially and have a completely different crystal evolution. It's like a golem in this world. As far as I know, it didn't work.”

Well, that means Robofraze? No, it's not a robot, is it? Natural and aquaculture products are also different...? What, like natural diamonds and artificial diamonds?

"I don't know if this has anything to do with it... but it was Yura who led the plan in the Crystal Realm [Freudia]"

"That's him..."

The dominant species that sold Freys to the evil gods to gain the power of Mel and this world.

As for me, I only have the impression of being a foolish man fooled by an evil god, but I wish I was called a genius in the Crystal Realm [over there].

Is it possible that Yura left something behind...?

However, if it was the artificial flares that were witnessed... I know you can't hear the [Sound of Life [Today]], but what do you mean you can't even find my search magic? If my search magic looks like Freys, it should be judged as Freys.

I hate what I don't know.

"Artificial Freys... I used to call it Quarth in the Crystal Realm [Freudia], but I don't know what happened to the plan after I left the Crystal Realm [Freudia]." whether Yura completed it or not.... "

Ney, who was next to Mel, took over the words.

"Indeed, the plan should have been frustrated. With Mel gone, Yura's research has shifted to finding a way to cross the world.”

I see. And the Artificial Freys... was it a quarce? The mass production plan was cancelled.

"Yura herself must have completely withdrawn from the plan. If it had been completed, this world would have been more desolate."

Nay makes it clear that she's not related. Five thousand years ago, this time, what do you say?

Based on the fact that I was not caught by search magic, I still thought that I had mistakenly seen the Ice Demon Beast.

Searched for in "Cold Snail", there are quite a few people in the extreme cold region of Zadnia. The size was explained by the fact that it was made into a giant beast.

In the meantime, I have no more answers, so I have no choice but to shelve it. I feel so dizzy.

"By the way, Winter Night. What about Alice's ladies' education?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's very memorable when you talk about Yumina and the others." There's a need to teach because it absorbs everything from dance manners to general education. "

"Hmm! That's right, that's right!" Alice is our daughter! "

Nay puts his chest to my words as if it were his own. "This guy has changed too..." I used to kill people with a murderous spirit that would cut them off if I touched them like a knife. The power of children is great.

"If she decides to do it, she will push straight for the purpose." It's a thought that the field of view narrows so much that it doesn't matter what else.... "

”The Crystal Realm's [Freudian] and [King] status was abandoned, just like Mel's running with the Endemion”

"Woah!? Lise! That's the end of it!?"

Mel's face became red as Lise, who had been silent until now, pushed her like that. Surely they looked alike. If you decide to do it, I'll do it. There is such a thing in this mother-daughter Oyako .

But at this point, Alice's not feeling well because she's studying every day.

"Hmm. That's for sure. I ate only two cups of curry yesterday. You may be mentally tired."

Ney nodded tinyly at Lise's words.

Eh, curry? Oh, no, that's because I ate curry at home yesterday at lunch... It might be a little tricky for me to go home and eat the same thing again. I was late for lunch yesterday. Still, I think it would be great to have two cups.

Mel also put her hand on her head and gave a troubled expression.

"I wish I could do something to distract you..."

"Like the ocean between us?" Ah, that's because of the evil god apostle..... "

"It seemed like that was fun." Endemuon was lazy, though. "

Ende was also suffering from the effects of the Divine Magic Poison (weak). As for Alice, she moved the Dragon Knight (Dragon) to her heart's content, so it must have been a pleasure for her.

After all, Alice seems to be more energetic than being a lady.

If you're going to be a queen, you can't miss the ladies' education, but that doesn't change Alice's character. I just want you to be able to switch between public and private.

Nay sighed a little bit at me.

"Isn't this the time when your fiancée, your son, should comfort Alice? Something to give as a gift or something."

Oops, the tip of the spear is coming to my fiance's dad. I think you're a regular follower. Suu told me that "that kind of attention is not something for winter nights". When you have a good son, your father has a tall nose and a narrow shoulder...

But Alice wasn't feeling well, was she? Surely you've packed too much in a short period of time. I had a great dance performance at the last party, so I think it would be nice to have some reward.

"Alice seems happy..." Long-lasting loan rights? No, I can't let you rent my son.

As a reward for Alice, what would you be happy to do?

"Alice will be delighted to rent out Eternity for a day."

"... otherwise"

Lise answered with a doya face, but it was already rejected in her brain.

"Is it Alice's favorite..." I like sweet treats, though. "

"Sweet treats..."

I don't think Nay's suggestion is bad, but I think it's a little too cheap...

Besides, there are snacks in the castle on days when the ladies' education lessons last until the afternoon, and I still feel like it.

What about clothes?

"Hmm, I just bought a dress for this party..."

It's not because she's an eternal fiancé, but the dresses and shoes Alice wore to this party are out of my pocket money.

As a souvenir, I gave the dress to Alice as it was, so I couldn't even say that it was a reward... "

"Hmm, what should I do for you?" it's difficult.... "

Well, why don't we ask ourselves?


I'm so convinced by what Ney said.

I was thinking of a surprise somehow, but it would be best to ask him.

There will be hope for what you want, what you want to do, where you want to go. If you can't do it, just think about it.

Yeah, if that's the case, I'll ask the person directly.

◇◇◇ f r e e w e b n o v e l. c o m


“Yes. Is there anything you want me to do?”

After finishing today's lesson at the castle, I asked Alice, who was with Ende who was picking her up, straightforwardly and hopefully.


"I don't want to rent out Eternity for a day."

When she stopped Alice's line ahead of her, she pulled her eyebrows up.

I don't care about dating or anything, but it's not like I'll order it forever as a reward.

"I don't mind, but..."

"No, that's another story."

I refuse to stay next to you forever and ever. [M]

Even if Nagaya accepts and dates Alice on her own terms, it won't be a reward from us. It's a reward from the ancient times. You can do that yourself, Eternity.

Hmmm... it was Alice who was leaning her neck and thinking about it, but eventually she clapped her hands slightly as if she had come up with something called "ah". Hey, what's going on?

"Um, I'd like you to teach me martial arts like I'm a martial artist."

"What!? Alice! Don't risk your life!"

As soon as she heard Alice's words, Ende, her uncle's disciple, went mad. "No, what did you seriously do to Uncle Wu Liu..."

No matter how much Uncle Wu Liu would let him die.... maybe there's a step ahead.

Uncle Wu Liu, a martial god, is a sword god. Like Sister Moro, the strength criterion is strange... "Their 'little' is a terrible level..."

Couldn't you teach me about the future [Muko]?

"Master Wu Liu was not very present in Brunnhilde because of his martial arts training, so I didn't have the chance to teach him how to stop like this."

Oh... I'm going somewhere with her... Then I came back sometime. It seemed like I'd been to the Kingdom of Martial Arts in Lase recently.

Because that country is a country that respects martial arts, there are many people with brain muscles... well, there are many people who have memory in their arms, and there are also many different schools along with it.

Uncle Martial seemed to want to see an unusual fighting technique, so he did something ruinous in the dojo. "I want you to stop bothering other countries so much..."

Well, Laze's Majesty Wu told me that if it was the result of a fair fight, it was not for others to intervene.

Uncle Wu Liu should have just returned. "There's nothing wrong with asking about Alice..."

When I stared at Ende, I said, "No! Stop it! 'I was shaking my head at high speed.

I know how you feel, but come on. "This is just a reward for Alice... I don't know if it would be a reward for the Musketeer to train the demon..."

It's not like you want to join a disciple, right?

No, I've thought about it before, but I have something to do.

What you have to do is educate yourself to be queen of this country. So far, my country, no, my son is doing the best he can. I can't say no. [M]

If I weren't going to take it as an apprentice, I wouldn't think that my Uncle Wu Liu wouldn't even train so tightly. In fact, even my Knights sometimes get kneaded.

Then the problem is my dad [Ende]. I have to say it somehow... "

"Well, I don't think Alice is strong enough to be taught by Uncle Wu Liu yet"

When I said that, Alice gave a slightly stunned expression, and Ende, on the other hand, was right! and nodded deeply.

"So why don't you take a tour of where Ende and Uncle Wu Liu fight?" I think it's part of my training to watch and steal moves.

"N-No, no, no!?"

Ende, who was nodding deeply, opened her eyes with a pale face and turned her face towards me. Well, of course. Because it is certain that I will be spoiled in front of my daughter.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, Winter Night, what do you think about that!?" Ah, so a battle with too high a level might lose confidence, or an extra idea that doesn't fit your height would inhibit your growth!? I thought it was important to train like a local! "

I see. Then I guess I should have Uncle Martial teach you properly and politely.

"That's right! Ah, no! I don't care about that either...!"

It's already too late for Ende to say goodbye. I took the pledge.

Alright then, Alice. Let's go ask Uncle Martial.

Yeah! I did it!


Leaving Ende with a face that looked like she bitter bite, we turned our legs to the training ground where Uncle Wu Liu was.


"Hmm. It doesn't matter." I was just going to use something interesting for the Knights' training today. In the meantime, I can deal with Miss Alice. "

Uncle Wu Liu, who was at the training ground, accepted me lightly when I explained the circumstances of the incident.

But what's funny about training for the Knights? I felt some disturbing air.

Everyone in the Knights had an atmosphere.

Basically, the training using the Knights' swords was handled by Sister Various Blades, but my Uncle Martial Style taught me to strengthen my strength and use martial arts.

However, Uncle Wu Liu's training was unexpected, only when he felt like it.

As for whether the knight needed melee magic, I couldn't be foolish enough.

If we were to look around the city, there would be plenty of situations where we would have to disable the enemy without hurting them. Like a fight between drunks.

If you have to, you better have a way to fight without a weapon. In anticipation of that, Uncle Wu Liu has been asked to become a temporary instructor.

However, it is rumored that the training method is quite unique...

"I thought I'd use this for training today."

Looking at what Uncle Wu Liu took out to the training ground with storage magic, everyone's expressions froze.

The lion's torso had a scorpion's tail, and the bat's wings had monkey-faced beasts tied to the ground with black chains.

The demonic beast opened his mouth wide and was about to shout something, but his mouth was filled with something like a mouth shackle [kink], and only a voice that could not be heard leaked out.

"Uncle Wu Liu, this is..."

"That's Manticore. I've been capturing people who were rampaging in the Rase Kingdom." It was quite powerful, and it was a troublesome demonic beast that used fire and magic. And this one eats human flesh. "

[Grrrr!?] The knights screamed. Hey, don't you have a human-eating demon beast in my castle!?

Ignoring everyone in the daring Knights, Uncle Wu Liu picked up the pebbles and folded both the bones of Manticore's wings with his fingers.

"For now, I'll keep the plane that can't fly. In the winter evening, surround the training ground with Prison . Just make sure you don't get out of the manticore."

As I was told, I deployed Prison to the training ground.

You can come and go as you please outside of Manticore, so you can just run outside if it's dangerous.

There are about thirty knights in the training ground right now, but are you alright...?

Only about thirty knights and chained manticores were left in Prison .

"You can use your weapon this time." That's right, two is enough. I'll take you down in twenty minutes. "


Time limit!? And the moment the knights all turned away, Manticore's chains and mouth shackles shattered and disappeared.


"Whoaa!? This way!?"

"Form up! Shields up!"

"I'm not throwing up! I'm scared!"

Everyone managed to fight the Manticore opponent. As usual, this Musketeer's training is too much for Sparta... "

"That sounds interesting..."

"No, no, it's not funny, I swear."

Alice muttered as she peered inside [Prison]. Seeing them screaming and running away, why do you feel that way?

"Then let's train Miss Alice until the other side is cleared up." Let's start with a match, shall we? "

Yes! Thank you!

In contrast to Alice, who replied with glittering eyes, Ende's face faded blue and became obliterated.

It's okay. Looks like Uncle Wu Liu is a gentle and caring god to a girl. I heard from Else that it was tough, but I didn't hear it was scary.

Hey, ahhhhhhh!

First of all, I thought... lightly, Alice turned to Uncle Wu Liu with all her might from the beginning. Uncle Wu Liu paralyzed the attack without panic.

Hmm, is this really going to be a reward...?

Sounds like fun.

"Well, that's for sure..."

You're right, Alice seems to be having a lot of fun, but come on. "Is it really okay, this is it..."

“I haven't been feeling well lately, so I think it would be a good distraction. Thank you, Father."

I have been thanked for a long time. Well, if it seems like I'm having fun in person, I guess it's okay...

However, whenever Alice was blown away by Uncle Martial, I had to close her arms to make her jump.

Why do I have to do this? I feel a little depressed.


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