In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 548

"Prismatis' ritual? What is it?"

"Basically, Freys is monogenetic... ah, you can have a child by yourself.Naturally, I don't need a husband or a wife.However, the child born at this time is only a copy of the parent.Ability is also born with similar abilities and similar personalities.If you want a stronger child, you need to get the "core" from someone else and have them become your companion. "

"Hmm. Well, in this case, the partner is just a 'nuclear' provider, and it doesn't end up like a human for life."

Nay adds to the description of Ende.

The dominant species of Freys can produce children individually, but there are no larvae or childhood.The nucleus grows and comes into being as an adult.

However, this is what should be called the parental divide, and it does not exceed the parent in ability.

If you want a new strong child, you need to get the nucleus of another dominant species and fuse it.

"Of course, when you become a [king] or royalty of Freys, you will be looking for a strong child for the next generation."Therefore [the king] hardly makes a son by himself.It's not much of an emergency, it's just a problem. ”

"Of course, it's not like anyone can do it."The ritual for sorting it is the "Prismatis Ritual". "

I see.

Listening to Nai and Ende's explanation, Gu Yu nodded smallly.It was a dowry ritual.

The traditional ritual of formally contracting an engagement is "tuberculosis".

If it is only a proposal, it is only an oral promise, but it is the tie that attaches the engagement promise to each other's houses.

In recent years, there has been an idea that marriage is only a matter between the two of them, and 80% of people do not pay.Still, the two families seemed to meet.

Even in this world, it is customary to give things or give money to a son-in-law in cases such as getting a wife or taking a son-in-law.

It may be a sign of the feeling of cherishing your daughter-in-law or son-in-law, but in this world where there are many political marriages, there are many dowries and son-in-laws for that purpose.

Shut up.

"I mean, to make Alice my fiancé, I have to accept the Prismatis ritual."


Ende gave a gentle smile.Meanwhile, Mel frowned slightly and opened her mouth.

"Isn't that the [king] of Freys, or the ritual in the case of royalty?"We're already abandoning our homeland, so we don't have to be stuck in Freys' habits, do we? ”

It was Ney, not Ende, who surprisingly refuted this statement.

"However, Alice is the one who inherits Mel-sama's 'nuclear', the orthodox 'king'."This is the "Princess" of Freys. I think it would be nice to ignore the habit of Freys as a branch house, apart from the [King] who is in the crystal world [Freisia]. ”


As usual, Mel thought it was a tough idea, but she didn't say it out loud.This serious boy, Freys, caused a lot of trouble.Even with that responsibility, Mel could not argue strongly.

As for Mel, she is no longer a "king" or anything, so I think it is okay to ignore such a custom, but for Ney, "king" is still Mel.

"So what's the content of the 'Prismatis'?"

"To overcome the trials that the royal family puts on it.This will be a different test every time.By the way, my time was a battle with that sidekick.I managed to win.

"Hmm, what are you saying with your hands out?"I guess Mel-sama asked me to do it anyway.

It was Nay who once fought him in "The Ritual of the Prismatis" to discern the power of Ende.

No matter what the difference in power was, the other servants had no choice but to shut up.

"Ah! Endemuon, you're not going to tell me that you're going to fight Eternity-kun."Since you're going to be Alice's father, is that against the rules? "

"Well, that's not true."... wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, waitI'm Alice's father, right? "

"Ah, no, it's about the future."In fact, it's still there.It doesn't mean anything. "

Cut back by Ende, Mel rushed around.

"We will discuss the trial contents together."It's okay, it's definitely not going to be an unattainable test. ”

I will tell you forever as Lise adds.Looks like it's not something we need to get to right away.

The point is that it's a condition for Alice's marital family to be accepted.The option of not accepting it was not forever.

"Okay, I'll take the 'Prismatis Ritual'."But since this isn't just my problem, can I tell my family about it? "

"I don't mind." I was going to go to Yumina's tomorrow, but at that time, I'll tell you more about it again. "

Got it.

Everlasting answered calmly.Anyway, I had to clean up my fiancée's problem.If Alice knows her heart best, she can get along with her parents and sisters without any problems.

Normally, when it comes to king's matchmaking, there is a strong diplomatic connotation of political marriage, but in the case of Brunnhilde, the father's winter night is against it, so there is no problem in that regard.

The question is, can Alice really behave as a queen...? "

Alice is in a good mood, but once she has made a decision, she has the willpower and tirelessness to penetrate it.The point is that I hate losing, but I wasn't really worried about Eternity who knew about it.

If Alice is going to do her best, then she has to respond to it.Although unconscious, I have been thinking positively about this engagement for a long time.

◇ ◇ ◇

"... what are you talking about?"No, it's not that I disagree with it..... "

"Come on. That's what they're asking for."As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a problem. "

From what I've heard from Eternity when I got home, am I unfolding too soon?I couldn't hide the confusion and confusion.

"No, it was even more rapid when I was there..."So it's normal, then? It's a tough one.

"I see. It's a trial to get Alice to be your daughter-in-law, isn't it?"It's quite a burning development! "

Next to me is Yumina, an eternal mother. [M]I'm more excited than my party, Eternity.

"Is that really enough for you?"If you're just in a situation, I think you should think about it. "

I'm telling you, it's true.If I had noticed, I might have had nine daughters-in-law.No, I ended up being very happy.

“Thank you for your concern.However, I've thought about this before.I'd rather check with my father and mother to see if Alice is a queen of this country..... "

"Hmm, there's something too cheerful about it, but Alice is a good girl, and I think I don't mind..."

"As my son's daughter-in-law, I have no problem."As the Queen of the Future, I can only say at this moment that I expect nothing more from you, but I'm sure Alice will be fine. "

Yumina wasn't against me either.It seems that as a queen, there is still something caught by the unknown, but I wonder if I can handle it now...?

Alice is honest for better or worse, so she doesn't seem to like running away, but is it okay...?

"But was it the [Prismatis' Etiquette]?"There's no danger, is there? "

"It seems that the trials will be different depending on the opponent, so that's what it is."Well, you said you weren't going to die. "

No, no, no. That doesn't mean we're gonna be cornered to the brink of death.

I was just worried about the Freys ritual.When Eternity is gone, Ende will undoubtedly be struck by Yumina. Perhaps even Alice.

I just wanted to see the painting [Eh], but I can't expect you to get hurt.

Well, I'll cure you of any injury, but I've never hurt you before.

"To tell you the truth, I want my children to get engaged after they really like each other..."

I like Alice, don't you?

"Um, hmmm..."

When I look at you, my son, who tilts his neck so much, I can't dispel the discomfort.

I wonder if this' I like 'is not my' I like '.

When Eternity went to bed early, she left the room and was alone with Yumina, but I was still drowsy.

"Well, Winter Night, even when I pushed as my fiancée, there was some confusion and puzzlement, right?I didn't think I liked it that much. "

"No, well, that's true, but..."

"I'm sure you care about Alice.It seems that it is common to think that the existence that I thought was only familiar as a child will become a subject of love from a certain time.According to the "Girl Cartoon" borrowed from Lindsay,

I don't care if you refer to the cartoons of the earth I bought on my honeymoon...It was definitely a classic development.

In this world, traveling as far away as possible is rare, so there are few encounters outside the place where you were born and raised.

I usually marry a childhood friend who grew up in the same village in the same way.

Because I grew up in the same way, my values are together, and I don't need to fix myself because I've been spending time together for a long time.It's easier to live together.

If you look at Eternity, you can say that it is not so different from the general flow of marriage in this world.

There are conditions for my daughter to be my daughter-in-law, and you listen to the common things.

However, in this case, it would be better to be a daughter-in-law.Young people from the village and girls from the merchants.

In the case of Eternity, I feel the opposite, but after all, that idiot father [Ende] must have spoken... "You'll have a hard time dealing with the idiot who dares to drown her daughter.

"Wow, I'm scared I'm not aware of it..." I spilled the story to Yumina, and she pulled me slightly.

Oh, my God.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Then, in the presence of both families, we will conduct the" Prismatis Ritual "."Are you ready? "

Nay says such a thing gracefully for a long time, but I can only question it, and I just hold my tongue for a moment.Since you are a parent on the eternal side, you should have the right to ask questions.

"I knew that the 'Prismatis Ritual' was like a Freys ligation ceremony.So, what's it all about? It seems that it changes every time, but do you need to do it here? "

Ney and the others asked us to come to a vast wilderness in the Euron region.

The central region where the Heavenly Capital, Shenhai, once stood, was completely abandoned due to the invasion of Freys.With no more people coming and going, the beasts have become an undeveloped place where the beasts are beaming, and now no one is coming near them.

Since there is no longer a country called Euron, there is no problem in entering it on your own, and it is a good place to do something bad when you can see it.

Our family and Alice's family are gathering at that location. Everyone is in the mood for a tour.

"Our Freys are divided into dominant, advanced, intermediate, and inferior species, as you call them."But besides that, there are other individuals that the dominant species can create on their own.Well, let's just say "Crystal Beast."This is the same thing that you say to me. "

Golem? You mean like an autonomous lifeform that humans can create...?

Well, I could certainly mass-produce with absolute obedience on the golem and on the flies.It's similar when you think about it.

"From now on, you will fight against the crystal beast that we have created for a long time."I'll show you how to protect Alice. "

When I hear those words, I'm still in a rush. [M]It is common to other ruling species that I have fought, including Nay, but they first need to identify the opponent by "whether or not they have power".

Let's just say it's a weak eating idea.Nature is often called a weak eater, but it seems that the fittest survive correctly.If you're really a strong predator, you'll only survive one of the strongest species.

If we are weak enough to evolve to suit the environment, we will survive.

However, Freys first seeks strength.Power to defeat and obey the opponent.First of all, nothing starts without power.

What do you mean, defeat something like the gorem you prepared for me?

"That's right, you can use that weapon."Anyway, show us all the power you have. "

Ney replied by pointing to Silver, the crown of [Silver] that wore on her eternal waist.

Against that, a big sigh (?), Silver talks in a whisper with Katakana.

"I don't feel like a dick dowry..."Boy, why don't you stop now?"There are as many better women as you deserve......"

"Hey! Don't say too much, stupid sword!"I'm going to sink into the sea! "

Alice, who heard Silver's voice, protested.Apparently, Silver was against making Alice his eternal fiancé.

I don't know what a Crystalline Beast is, but any opponent would be an easy match for Silver, right?

Well, that's great! "The one who wants to make an enemy of Ashi and Bao-chan's combination..."...... you're in the castle...... ”

At first, Silver was confident in his persuasive words, but his voice gradually decreased.

Well, there were Eight Layers, Hilda, Eight Clouds, Frey, and an eternal swordsman headed by Sister Various Blades.

I was wondering how strong the Crystal Beast was.It wasn't purely a sword technique, it was like an ant, so if you used the power of the Demon Eye, you'd be able to do something about it.

Of course, if Eternity was in danger, I would break it down and enter.

"Well then, let's get started." Ney, Lise, are you ready? "

Yes, Mel-sama.


When the three of them faced each other like a circle, each of them held their hands towards the center.

A small round shard of crystal appeared in the empty space, and it gradually grew larger.

"It looks like Kimpei sugar..."

I thought that something like round eraser grains would resemble the appearance of small protrusions as they grew larger, but it was similar to the process of making Kanehei sugar seen on TV.Although it was not as fast as Kimpeh sugar.

Eventually, Kimpei sugar grows from rounded forms to crystals like patchy patchy and crystal, and grows even larger.

Mel and the others were also away from the scene, watching for crystals that multiplied themselves.

Growing over and over again, the crystal clumps grew larger.It's already bigger than Eternity.How much bigger is this?

Paki Paki and the crystalline body continued to grow, and eventually took out some shape.It's a four-legged thing like a dog or a cat.The crystal is called "Beast", so what kind of beast does it take?It is half the size and half the size.

"... Winter Night, isn't there three necks?"

"... there is one."

As Yumina said, the crystalline beast that was getting better and better had three heads. Cerberus.

What makes Cerberus different is that each of the three heads is different.With the lion in the middle and dragons and eagles on the left and right...?

Hmm, this is how it is.

Sounds pretty strong.

"The joint work of the three of us is strong".

Each of them nodded as they looked up at the crystal beast that had stopped growing.It was about the size of a small dragon.The crystal-like body is like a lion, but the tail is like a dragon, and the wings grow from the back.

Did Mel have the attributes of a lion, Ney a dragon, and Lise an eagle?

Is this going to be a fight with Eternity?

"Not yet. This has no contents yet."It's no different than a statuette that you can't fight with.That's why we need to teach him how to fight. Hey, Endemuon. "

"Yes, yes."

As Ney called out, Ende stepped forward and put his hand on the crystal beast's head.A hint of light enveloped Ende and the Crystal Beast.Something was flowing from Ende to the Crystal Beast.

What are you doing?

"He's tapping me into how I fight."At this time, if I move like this, I'll attack like this, which is the thought pattern in combat. "

Um, so you're inputting Ende's combat data?What's that got to do with anything?Hey, you idiot. Are you trying to make this fiancée talk?

"That's it, now."

When Ende lowered her hand, the crystal beast turned toward the sky and threw a huge flame from the dragon's mouth like a flame thrower.

Hey, are you sure you're okay with this...?

Even though I was a little anxious, Eternity had already started stretching the preparation movement.

"It's kind of plain, but... is there any anxiety?"

“Especially not. Well, I don't think it would be dangerous in the unlikely event that there are so many people here.”

At the end of Kuyu's gaze, there was the usual figure of a god who prepared a table and chairs and poured wine into a glass."When did you get here..."

Sister Hanami, Sister Various Blades, Uncle Kozuke, Brother Funisuke, Sister Kanae, and Drunken Flower are pouring booze like a banquet....... I don't feel like freaking out anymore.

"... well, do your best anyway"

“Yes, I'll do my best.”

After receiving my subtle brew, Eternity walked towards the Crystal Beast.That boldness of not being moved by things is reliable.

Our son's dowry match began.


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