In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 532

"This is...! No way... no way! Oh, my God...!

Eh, what is this atmosphere...?

When we came to Orphan Longfeng, we gave our formal greetings, explained the precautions and rules when joining the World Alliance, and gave His Majesty the Feng Emperor a hundred golden magic medicines that were also requested.

At that time, we talked about the fact that the ingredients of the moonlight tree, Shizukuishi, can also be harvested in this country, and that if we trade with other countries based on them, we can also make healing medicines in this country.

I then offered some mass-produced smartphones and gave them to Emperor Feng and the great people of the country after finishing lecturing on how to use them. I decided to give them the souvenir I had completely forgotten.

To make it look worthwhile, Emperor Phoenix took the liberty of removing the lid and suddenly began to disturb it.

A middle-aged prime minister in blue tuxedo replaced His Majesty the Emperor Phoenix, who was indifferent to himself.

"Here, Your Majesty! Is this not the tail of the phoenix!?

"Well, we call it Phoenix, but maybe it's the same species..."

Red Ball is strictly different, but the material has the same effect. But, "What do you say to the phoenix we worship! 'If that's the case,' this is Phoenix! It's something else!

"This is it... with this, we can get the resuscitation medicine...! Ryuma [Tatama] can be saved...!

"Your Majesty, resuscitation medicine is invaluable! Oh, and don't use it...!

"I don't know what to say! With this, we can save Ryuma! I won't let Feng's" decoy "go on its own!

"Fuck off! The Dragon Clan begins with Dragon Ya (Tatsuya), and there are still candidates for the next generation! I can't waste precious medicine!

"Waste!? I don't know what you say!

Apparently we didn't come to the front, but the red dress and blue dress, probably the family of Feng "The Decoy" and the family of the dragon, became noisy and couldn't clean up.

His Majesty the Feng Emperor was in tears. I need you to calm down a little.

"Ahh... [Silence]"

When I activated the silencing magic, all the noise went out.

The people of Longfeng also spoke to me in a sudden panic to the sound of disappearance.

"Let's settle down. If you tell me what's going on, I might be able to help.

We didn't turn off the noise, so the people of Longfeng should have heard it.

Eventually Emperor Feng nodded to me, so I solved the [silence].

"... I'm sorry. I showed you something shameful in front of the customer... I apologize."

His Majesty the Phoenix lowers his head lightly.

No, well, that's fine. I'd like you to forgive me if I gave it to you and it would cause civil unrest, so I was wondering if you could tell me the circumstances.

"Thank you very much. The story goes back fifteen years...."

His Majesty said that the ancient Emperor of Dragon Feng, that is, the Emperor of Dragon Ma, was a sage emperor who was nostalgic to his younger brother.

The Dragon family and the Feng family are inviolable parts of each other, but they are not hostile. At that time, the dragon emperor, Ryuma, and the next Fenghua Emperor, Fenghua, were close like brothers and sisters.

It was fifteen years ago that those two fates were divided. An incident occurred at the Dragon Treasure Hall, the castle of the Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Emperor Ryuma died in an accident. It was the base of a heavy altar that suddenly fell.

"I was in front of the altar at that time. I was saved thanks to Ryuma-sama who noticed me first. But instead, Ryuma-sama died....."

The resuscitation medicine once existed here in Longfeng Country, but it was not last made more than a thousand years ago. Because the materials you make are so rare.

However, with the hope of resurrection, His Majesty the Emperor Feng decided to preserve the body of Ryuma.

"I can use the unattributed magic you say. I call it" sealing the world ", but it is a force that can stop the time of things and store them. It's a small thing though....."

Oh, can Emperor Feng use Storage ?

In the Western continent, there are magic tools for storing golem called "storage cards", but this cannot be stopped until time has passed.

His Majesty's [sealed] world, but it's the same as [storage] that can't contain what's alive. But if it's a corpse, it's not alive, so I can keep it in there without a problem.

"I couldn't give up. I want to see Ryuma-sama smile again. You must have yearned for it while you were a child. In order not to be ashamed of Ryuma-sama, I have spent the past fifteen years as a Feng Emperor for the sake of Ryufukuni. At the same time, we spent fifteen years sending people a messenger, and let them collect materials one by one. But the last one, the Phoenix's Tail, was unavailable. But now...!

I see. And that tear? My brother and his beloved savior come back to life. I'm glad you did.

I heard a sniffing noise, and when I looked beside me, Erna, ahh, wept. Huh!?

"Emperor Feng, I hope so....!

No, Mr. Elna? He hasn't come back yet.

"Come on, Elna. Wipe your tears..."

Her mother, Else, wipes Elna's face with a handkerchief. I realized that Else was about to cry, and I managed to endure it. Something like that, motherfucker.

And the other pair of parents and children on the other side of them, beside me.

"I see. So His Majesty the Phoenix and the Dragon family are going to use the resuscitation medicine they made for their predecessors?

"Hmm. The Feng family seems to want to keep their rare medicine for when something happens."

Yumina and Long ago were calmly analyzing the situation. I'm a parent-child, too... No, you can give me more of your father's stuff, kids.

"At that time, if Ryuma-sama hadn't saved me, I would have been dead. Now it's my turn to save Ryuma-sama."

"But, Your Majesty....! If you think about it, you're still using this medicine...!

A close relative in red tuxedo sandwiches his mouth against His Majesty the Feng Emperor. This is the same Feng family as His Majesty the Feng Emperor, so I suppose he would like to know what happened to His Majesty.

Hmm? Could there be a 'hello'?

When I think of such a question, Yumina looks at us. [M]

"Mr. Winter Night"

"Hmm? Yeah, I know."

I take out a small medicine bottle from [storage]. [M] It is filled with a clear, blue liquid.

"What is this...?

"The magic potion of resurrection."


Focus on the vials placed on the table in the eyes of the people of Longfeng Country. Well, that's right. I have a finished product of the material I gave you right in front of me.

"Here you go, sir."

"Eh!? Are you sure?

"Yes, it's a privilege to join the World Alliance. Only one bottle. Don't hesitate to distribute it to other countries."

"Ah, thank you...!

His Majesty the Emperor held the vial in her chest and lowered her head in tears.

I would have liked to give it to you after going out a little bit more. Yumina must have prompted me because she checked with the magic eye. I don't think he's as bad as he looks.

"His Majesty King Brunhilde. I apologize for the rudeness of your concern, but can you help us revive Ryuma-sama? Your Majesty has heard that healing magic can be used. I want to heal Ryuma-sama's body and then enter the resurrection ritual."

"Hmm? Well, that's fine, but...."

When I accept His Majesty's request, the surrounding area becomes noisy at once. Especially the people of the dragon family in blue tuxedos began to move in haste.

"I don't know what's going to happen, call a doctor and a pharmacist! Neither is the Boundary Master!

"Let the Dragon Treasure Hall run! Ryuya, get me Tatsuya!

"Clear the red wings! Stay away from anyone until the ceremony is over!

In the noise of going up and down, we were taken to a separate room. Wait till you're ready.

The dragon family's prime minister came and once again lowered his head deeply to us, drinking tea served in a separate room and relaxing.

"Thank you very much this time....! On behalf of Ryuma-sama and the Ryu family, I would like to express my gratitude...!

"Ah, uh, it's not yet a success, so when you do that...!

If the resuscitation medicine didn't work, I honestly want you to stop because you don't have half the pressure.

When I was in trouble, Erna pulled my sleeve, feeling anxious. [M]

"Are there times when resuscitation drugs don't come back to life?

"Oh, the possibilities aren't zero. First of all, if the body wasn't in perfect condition. Apparently intact, but does not resuscitate if there is serious internal damage. To be precise, he resuscitated and died instantly. If you have already resuscitated the next time. When it comes to resuscitation medicine, it doesn't bring you back to life many times. And this is the most likely thing, when for some reason the soul was no longer in the flesh. Without a soul, resuscitation medicine does nothing. There are a few possibilities."

Explain it to Elna and make sure the Prime Minister understands that it is possible.

If you don't come back from this, you'll feel terribly sorry...

Body and organ trauma should heal completely with healing magic. She used storage magic right after she was in an accident and died, so I don't think she's lost her soul.

I think that if there is no previous experience of resurrecting the Dragon Emperor, it can be resurrected without any problems.

Actually, there is a possibility that there will be no other resuscitation. It means that when you die, you don't want to leave a grudge.

If you hate someone or die, your soul will become a ghost (Race) and leave your body. Naturally, resuscitation is impossible when that happens. My precious soul has gone somewhere. Though it may be to someone with envy.

He died trying to help Emperor Feng, so I don't think he had any grudges. However, there are times when you lose your soul because of some carelessness or remorse...

When the body dies, the soul is easily separated. Beautifully separated, it becomes a Buddha, but when the soul leaves a shard in the flesh and leaves someone resentful, the flesh becomes a zombie, and the soul becomes a ghost, Race, and a dead spirit, Spectre.

Speaking of which, I was wondering, who is Ryuya?

Kuyuan asked the Chancellor for tea. Yeah, I was a little worried too. The person's name came up several times during the conversation.

"Ryuya is the younger brother of the previous Ryuma Emperor and one of the candidates for the next Ryuma Emperor."

The brother of the previous Emperor. Well, then I'll contact you first.

Else leans his neck at the Prime Minister's explanation.

"Does one of the candidates mean the next dragon emperor has not been decided?

"Yes. Emperor Longfeng was chosen from the Dragon family, the famous family of Feng, and a total of ten families, but I am ashamed to say that we do not have all five families of the Dragon family... However, if Ryuma-sama, the previous emperor of Ryuma, returns, we would like you to take up the empire again. I wonder if the five families complain about that."

I wonder if the dragon ma-sama of the previous emperor was such a wise emperor. Not only His Majesty the Feng Emperor, but also his ministers have admired him so much.

"But when it comes to emperors, who is now Emperor Feng?

"Emperor Feng felt responsible for the death of Ryuma-sama and assumed the throne. If we let go of that heavy responsibility, we will give up the empire to Ryuma-sama."

Oh, yeah. Emperor Feng is content to quit...

Then I'm a little worried about the attitude of Feng's closest associates.

If Emperor Ryuma is resurrected, Emperor Feng will surrender the emperor, so I wonder if he will be troubled to be resurrected, so he is reluctant to use resuscitation medicine... what an evil push.

... well, it's not good to doubt a lot of people. Perhaps it was purely about Emperor Feng.

As I was reflecting while drinking tea, the door of the room opened and a man in red tuxedo came in.

"We're ready. This way, please. I'll show you around."

Looks like they're ready for resurrection. Okay, let's go... well, what about the kids?

"Jumina, Else. Can you wait here with the kids?

I wonder if we can show them the bodies, or maybe they won't come back alive. There are times when everyone in Longfeng is desperate and I don't want to show such a shocking scene.

"I see. I'll wait here."

"Be careful."

It seems that the two of you who understood my thoughts will remain. [M] All right, let's go.

Take only the red balls and follow the conductor. After passing through the corridors lined with red pillars, he was eventually led into a stylish room.

"I've been expecting you, Your Majesty. Everything is ready."

His Majesty the Phoenix in the room lowered his head. There was a young man lying on the bedding that had been installed before that. This young man is the dragon emperor of the past.

When I was in my late twenties. is wearing a luxurious blue coat and tied back with long, black hair She is tall. He looked well, but there were still vivid wounds and bleeding from the side of his forehead. Is this the cause of death? I wonder if he was under the altar and hit his head?

From His Majesty's [Sealed Realm], Feng's time has already moved again. I don't have time to waste. Let's get to work.

First, use the "Eye of God" to identify the soul that should be in the body.

I saw a round object shining beautifully around my chest. She is shaking to get out of her body, but nothing is missing. Looks like there's no damage to my soul.

Hmm. I'm relieved because this was my biggest concern.

"Well, then. [Light, healing of the goddess, mega-heel]"


Surprising voices are heard from those around me. The body of Emperor Ryuma is wrapped in light and emits phosphorescent light. The scratch on the side head was repaired as soon as it was seen, and the physical damage was perfectly healed.

"The wound disappeared....!

"The physical damage has now healed. All you have to do is anchor your soul in your body with resuscitation pills."


Emperor Feng slightly lifts the neck of Emperor Ryuma and removes the lid of the vial of resuscitation medicine.

"Please come back, Ryuma-sama...!

Slowly pour resuscitation medicine into the mouth of Emperor Ryuma. You don't have to swallow this medicine as long as it goes into your body. Because it has the effect of pouring in through the nose.

The resuscitation medicine is quickly absorbed into your body, encouraging your soul to settle and your body to awaken... I've never seen people come back to life with resuscitation medicine, so I don't know how long to wake up.

When it comes to Flora in the "Alchemy Building", it won't take long...

"Ryuma-sama...! Please....!

His Majesty the Emperor Feng and the people around him are watching the young man on the sleeping bed with a stiff spit. I don't feel like I'm going to fail either. If you're going to come back soon, please! I'm not under enough pressure!

"Look! Ryuma-sama's complexion...!

Eventually, the redness appeared on the skin of Emperor Ryuma, which was gradually pale. Tingling and slight convulsions in the lid.


He quietly lowered his head and watched over the Emperor Feng.



The Emperor Ryuma's body moved to cough a little. After that, the eyes of Emperor Ryuma, who repeatedly coughed several times, slowly opened.

"... where are we? How long have I been here...?

As soon as Emperor Ryuma shouted out, a lot of cheers burst out in the room. The family of dragons, the family of Feng, were all delighted with tears. You were so admired...


His Majesty the Phoenix was impressed, hugging him as if he were covered by a sleeping Emperor Ryuma.

"Ha!? Hold on, hold on! Who are you!?

The words of Emperor Ryuma, whose face turned bright red, calmed down as the room that had been boiling so much... Don't tell me you lost your memory!?

"It's me! It's Fenghua from Feng" The Decoy "!

"Fenghua. Don't be ridiculous, Fenghua is less than ten girls.

The people around me laughed at the same time as they were relieved by the words. It has been fifteen years since he died. It is too much time for the child to grow up. Don't you know right away?

"Yes, Fenghua!? I'm sure the altar is falling...!

"So! I am Fenghua! Ryuma-sama died protecting me and was resurrected with resuscitation medicine 15 years later!

"Don't be stupid... Wait, you there... Yongsan" Ryuza "? Why are you so old?

Emperor Ryuma was beside Emperor Feng, looking at the Prime Minister, his eyes round.

Is the Chancellor forty or so? I would have been in my late twenties before Emperor Ryuma died. If you have grown up to a certain extent, will you change that much as you age?

"Fifteen years after that, I'll get old myself. I didn't expect you to be under the age of... Hahaha, I'm getting old again."

The Chancellor is laughing and weeping. Was it the same age? I wonder if it was a friend.

"No way... fifteen years later... is that true?

"I'll explain that to you from now on. So please calm down."

"... okay."

The resurrected dragon emperor nodded with a mysterious face.

Hmm. Did you manage to finish the resurrection ritual without any problems? From here on out, it's a matter of Longfeng Country, so I'll leave the rest to you.


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