In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 474

"Hey, winter night. Me, should I win the game...?

"It's a difficult problem..."

On the way to the training ground, Ende sneaked up on me.

Needless to say, it would be about a match with Alice walking around in front of everyone.

"You'll have to win to keep your father dignified. A father is a wall to cross, and it's not an exaggeration to say he's the first target for a child."

"Ya, I guess so?

"However, I also feel that this is prefixed 'in the case of boys'. I don't know if I'm serious about the girl opponent, and more importantly, when I beat him, I said, 'Dad, something's wrong!' I don't know..."

"Don't threaten me...! Which one is it after all?

Ende looks at me like she's in deep trouble. Whatever you say, I don't know either. Honestly, I'm likely to meet the same eye, so I'm willing to refer to Ende's behavior. I'll pick up your bones, don't worry.

We came to the north training ground about the troubled Ende. Unlike the training ground used by the Knights, this place has a very strong connection by divinity. That means it's okay to go wild.

It is used for magic experiments, test shots, and when Sister Blades and Uncle Wu Liu show their moves. And then you transfer the Warcraft, and you use it for a mass battle with the Knights.

And there was a martial arts field a step higher in that corner.

Ende and Alice began wearing each other's open-finger gloves made of the skin of a warcraft. We can't beat each other up with a gauntlet.

I didn't have anything to match Alice's hand, but Lindsay took out the sewing tools and quickly changed the normal gloves for the kids. Wait a minute, what is it now?

[Fast sewing] Or is it Lindsay's family trait?

Alice grips and opens the resized glove to see how it feels.

This protects your fists as well as reduces the damage done to them. Nevertheless, the shock you give remains intact, so if you get hit, it doesn't change the pain. Is it really going to be okay......

I guess it's okay that Grandma Toke won't stop......

"Okay, let's get started"

Ende and Alice move to the center of the martial arts field by the words of Sister All Blades.

"It is forbidden to use magic. And if you fall off the field, you're disqualified. The time limit is five minutes. If I decide it's impossible to continue the game, that's where it ends. Ready?"

Ende and Alice nod small. When I line up, the height difference is amazing, but I wonder if it's really okay. Ende is over 170cm but you don't have 120cm for Alice......

"Okay, here we go!

"Okay, let's go -!

Don! And Alice, who stormed with explosive power like a rocket, wields her right fist.

The moment Ende takes the fist that is rolled out with her left hand, now the left-handed fist that sticks up flies through Ende's jaw.


Alice releases her pursuit to Ende, who pulled herself back and struck that blow. Ende is accurately attacking a fairly fast streak.

"That's a pretty good move."

"Yep. It's a wasteless move that made me go around small. But come on, it feels too honest."

Yae and Hilda divulge that sentiment. Honesty means you're not using a feint or anything?

I'll call Else, who was lying next to me.

"How about as a future master, Mr. Else?

"I can't say anything yet. Maybe he only teaches the basics.... Ah."

"Ha, ha!

Returning her gaze to Else's twinkle, Alice was releasing a large chunk of 'chi' from the front of Ende on the palm bottom. Is that "Hake"?

"Come on!"

It was Ende who had his arms crossed to prevent it, but he would be pushed backwards by a thrust and take a step back. You were aiming for that gap, and when Alice stuck her arms forward, the Crystal Tsubasa popped out of the way.

"[Rose Crystal Thorn" Prismarose "]!


A few tsubos quickly entangle Ende's legs. It was Ende who immediately released his knife and cut it off, but he jumped backwards to avoid being tangled up again and took a distance from Alice.

"Dear Mel, what's that..."

"Yep. That's my" [Rose Crystal Thorn "Prismarose"]...... Surprised. "

"No doubt that girl is Merle's daughter."

I'm impressed with Fraze's mother's, but isn't that against the rules? Ok because it's not magic...... is it? Maybe it's an ant if it's like a limb to Frase. It's probably OK more than Sister All Blades isn't paying attention to.

The retracted crystal tsu wraps around first from Alice's elbow, making an even larger crystal fist at the tip of her fist.



A large crystal fist was unleashed towards Ende as he pulled his ts. like a spring from Alice's protruding right fist. It's like it has a spring on it.

You've seen a game online where characters like that fight... The one with the spring on the boxing glove that pops up.

"That's also the application of my [Jing Hui Cut Off" Prismagirothin "], isn't it? We use it well."

As opposed to me, Mel nodded small as she was impressed. Is it Alice's style to fight utilizing the characteristics of her mother, Frase?

"Come on!"

The fist of the crystal avoided by Ende returns to Alice so that she can be pulled back by the spring. and, at the same time, now the opposite fist struck Ende as arcing loudly. Oh, that's inevitable.

"Wushen Stream" Bushin Ryu "- Shockwave" Today "Rapidly Breaking" Eppa "!

Against a large crystal fist coming towards him, Ende released a right palm bottom poke.

Pah! And the crystal fists smash fine with the loud noise.

"Not yet. Yo! Powder, crush!

Alice's positive fist poking forward as she slipped is rolled out to Ende's dovetail Misochi. It's like we're tracing Else's movements. Is it obvious that you are a master?

But I feel bad about that. Because Ende and Else play games under Uncle Wu Liu as they do every day. You know what they're doing, so you can take it.

That's why the rush to get behind it, to read ahead is important. Compared to Else, he said it was Alice's move that Hilda rated as' honest 'earlier...,

Ende pulled Alice's attack sideways, grabbed her wrist and pulled her all the way down.

When an unbalanced Alice is in a forward position, she quickly pays off her leg and plugs her left arm into its torso and jumps up.

"What? Wow!

Alice floating in the air twirls beautifully half a turn and falls from her back to the ground. Ende's fist swung down Alice's face trying to get up immediately. Naturally, that fist is stopped by inches.

"That's it. Winner, Ende"

Sister Blades raises her hand and announces the end of the game. Hmm. Did you win? No, I thought Ende would win, but there was also a pattern of deliberately losing. It's a secret that I've been thinking about laughing all I want if I lose out on you.

"Mmm! Dad over here would have seen it for the first time, and I thought I could. No!

"Ha. Sweet sweet. You can't lose anything to a kid."

Ende walks over to Alice, who regrets while falling to the ground, answering so lightly.

"... hey, my face is pulling on you"

"No, it was dangerous...! What, that girl!? She's like a surprise box, not at all......!

Ende bluffs like me in a small voice. [M] Oh, my God, she's your daughter. You may not feel it.

Gassi Nay and Lise's sisters hold such an endeavor from both sides.

"What!? What!?"

"Can't you get a little more out of your hands?"

"Mm-hmm. Endemion's not being nice enough to his daughter"

As it is, Ende is taken to the corner of the training ground with the cheats. Wow, unreasonable.

Alice at the time stood up, not even the wind she cared about.

"Hey, sire! Your Majesty will be next!


After a glimpse of Ende preaching in the corner of the training ground, I realized I was in a dangerous situation. I can only see a future lined up next to Ende. We have to avoid this at all costs.

"Eh, I appreciate the invitation..."

"I'll deal with him next. Fine, isn't it, Winter Night?

When I manage to make an excuse and say no, Else, wearing an open glove, leaves softly in front. That's our wife. Thanks.

"With my teacher when I was younger. Oh, that sounds interesting! All right, let's do it!

Tensioned Alice confronts Else. You look so excited. I knew you were just a kid.

"I don't know how to do it, though it's small. But when this happens... we must not be disappointed, Lord Hilda."

"Yep. It stayed that way because it's not for real, but why don't we just go up to the silver ranks too"

Yae and Hilda are nodding at each other.

Hachi and the others have registered for the Adventurers Guild, but since that is not the main business, they have not done anything to increase their rank. In my case, there are requests for Gold Rank nominations, but the Yaeks sometimes go to Dungeon Island, so much so that they hunt for Warcraft for scouting purposes. So they both remain in the red ranks.

If Alice is the gold or silver rank, as Grandma Toke put it, it would mean a higher rank than the Yagami. Of course, he's actually enrolled in the Alliance of Future Adventurers, so he's probably unregistered at this time.

Or did you often get permission to register for a six-year-old...... Is it the hand-working of Mr. Lerisha, the guild master? Though adventurers are meritocratic, I wonder where they are.

Well, it won't be long before the Yaes get serious about silver rank. All you have to do is choke around the bad dragon. All you have to do is defeat one giant beast and you'll be promoted to Gold Rank.

Gold, silver rankers are going to be busy. Mostly in you......

After the game with Else (Else won, of course), Alice wanted to see past castle towns, so she sent them out without family water. It's wild to follow.

Else, Hachi, and Hilda went to the Adventurer's Guild. He's going to increase his rank just now. There are no big guys in Brunhild, so I asked them to look into it and they said that two subspecies of Cyclops are rampaging up in the mountainous state of Rhodmere. They were inferior to the dragons, but for now they sent the three of them to Roadmere at the [gate] that they were going to crusade. I'll call you when I'm done.

Coming to Babylon's "Library" to find out about space-time magic, I was telling the Doctor and Elka technician, Fam, the "Librarian", about all this.

"That's going to be pretty funny. But timeless magic? I'm just a genius. I don't know about all this.... No? Back to the future, Alice, if we let you have the dimensional gates and create singularities in space-time, we'll have a time shift..."

I let go of the doctor, who came up with the bump, and I turned my gaze back to the Elka technician in front of me.

"Surely the black 'crown', the noir also uses space-time magic, right?

"It's a pretty limited ability in that kid's case, though. Speed up your time or pull your strength from other chronological order."

"Can we go to the future or the past?

"Um, I can't... can I? But it must take a lot of [price] to use your ability to go back in time. Well, [the price] itself is going back in time."

Noir's [price] is the contractor's 'time'. Only flesh rejuvenates as it is remembered. That's really envious if that's all, but if you take a wrong step, you'll even wind up in the fetus. It is a terrible price.

"Noir is called the swing of time... can we feel those who come beyond time?

"Come on... what do you think? If you activate your abilities at all times and share your senses with the future noirs, you may understand.... You're not gonna let Norn pay [the price] for that, are you?

I shook my head sideways with a boom against the Elka technician, who shifted his glasses and glanced at me with Zito's eyes.

For her, Norn is her sister. You thought I was trying to make my sister do something dangerous. [M] Of course I don't mean that at all.

I wondered if Noir could predict when the children would come from the future. Of course I was going to dismiss it if [the price] was going to be needed.

As far as Alice is concerned, it turns out our kids are pretty strong. I guess those warcraft and demon opponents won't lose. But that's not the only danger in the world.

Some scumbags trick or use children to sip sweet juice. Even slave traders still exist.

I was wondering if I might be more involved with those guys... I know Grandma Toke will tell you if the kids come from the future, but Alice was also entangled in an adventurer collapse, and I'm honestly worried.

The Doctor, who rises from the sea of thought, asks about me.

"Is that what caused the dimensional earthquake? Alice, did I ask you?

"Uh, no, you haven't heard. Well, the future of dimensional earthquakes seems unshakeable, so from what I've heard, there's nothing we can do."

Alice came here because of that dimensional earthquake in the future.

There must also be some cause for dimensional earthquakes, as a subsea earthquake creates an earthquake fault on the seabed, which generates a tsunami.

Once five thousand years ago, we drove the Frays into a narrow space of dimensions, 'rewinding' the world kingdom, a rampage of 'crowns' in black and white.

This dimensional earthquake could also be a runoff between the black 'crown' noir and the white 'crown' albs.

Why don't you ask me later? I don't know if you can tell me. Wouldn't you tell me if my children didn't have a direct relationship?

We checked Palerius's old leftover space-time magic book from one end, but there was no new discovery. It still seems difficult to aim and go beyond time.

If the kids come this way, it would help if they honestly contacted me on the phone... I'll pick you up as soon as possible.

Even though nothing has happened yet, my hard work is already amazing. Father, there's going to be a hole in my stomach......

That's how many days have passed since Alice arrived.

"Kids are good, winter night"

"... who are you?

Ende talking nimanimally about lines that are likely to be misleading if asked. What is this guy? After a tight smile......

Ende is smiling and looking at the kids playing with the capsule toy at the Strand Chamber of Commerce store.... You're gonna get caught?

"No, I didn't really get a pin when they told me I was a daughter or something, but while we were living together, I thought she was cute. Come on. The laughing eye or something is just like Mel's. You know, I know what it's like to be a father to adore the world's daughters."

"... so who are you? Right, the Ende impostor."

"Well, one of these days you'll find out on winter nights. Looking forward to it."

"Something's annoying"

An enlightened face claps at it again. Shall I slap him once? I might go back to sanity.

"I didn't call you to listen to me like that. So, what did you hear?

"Uh, well, some of it"

The Endes who live with Alice would have heard a lot about the future from her. Let us know that information, too. Mostly information about our children.

"First, there are nine children in winter and night. The boys are alone, and then they're all like girls."

"I know that!


Oh, didn't you explain that to Ende? Fine. Next time, give me the next piece of information.

"Eh, the rest... Eleven years old up there, five years old down there? The girl at the top is already ranked gold."

What, nine people are born in six years? No, two or three of them will be the same age, so isn't it strange to be like that...

But you're eleven years old, and that's pretty much the same age as when you first met Yumina. What do you mean, you already have a fiancée, and you read seconds to marriage? Hey, your father is crying even though I haven't even met him yet...

I wonder if this is how a father feels about doing his daughter to his wife......

"No, he's saying that he won't admit it as a marriage if he's not someone stronger than himself. There's no way they're above the gold rank, so it looks like they still don't have a fiancé."


Take a big gutsy pose. I don't know what it's like as an education policy, but let's just say OK now!

Even if it is small, the royal family is royal. I was born a princess. There is also the option of a political marriage.

But as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to choose that option. If the purpose is to avert war, promote aggression, or provide economic assistance in the first place, we don't care.

So I want your daughters to marry in free love. My wives agree on this.

But unfortunately, unfortunately! There is such a thing as a relationship between countries. Sometimes it's called family dating.

Because there's also a route where you meet princes and other people from other countries in those seats, fall in love, nurture love, get married early - etc. - Come on!

So I don't think this development is bad. All right, let's work out the first kid so bad. To the extent that you don't hate me.

... Is that it? Is this information from the future that determines the future?

What kind of paradox is that for sure... no, let's not think about it. Grandma Toke did something, I guess. I left those contradictions to God.

Suddenly Ende slapped me on the shoulder when I was throwing problems at Grandma Toke in my heart. [M]

"By the way. From what I've heard, my daughter loves her son by winter and night, but what do you think about that?

"What? My shoulder hurts..."

"I'm talking about Alice becoming the daughter-in-law of that child, what do you think?

Oh, Mr. Ende... is something pretty? Because I'm stronger at grabbing my shoulders, and it hurts, it hurts!

"What do you mean, think about getting married at six! My daughter's not gonna do it yet!

"I don't know! I don't even know if my son's kicked me out yet! You're too fast!

There was a guy in front of me who was currently experiencing what it was like to have a daughter as his wife.

By and large, what if it's from our son? Is that compassionate? Maybe it's a one-sided thought of childhood familiarity.

When I put things in my mouth, I almost worked with Ende.

Mm-hmm, this father's a pain in the ass!


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