In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 443: Destruction God Visits and Preparing for Marriage.

Chapter 443: Destruction God Visits and Preparing for Marriage.

"I see. Then everything went well."

"Yes. For the time being, His Majesty the King of Nokia may have a bad physical condition, so the first princess, Refia-sama, will take over the throne. Her sister, Paffia-sama, will assist her.

Upon receiving a report from Yumina, I was relieved enough to stroke my chest. Kanaza was sentenced to death, and the people who were being manipulated got their free will restored.

Princess Raffia was afraid of the power of Kanaza's "Legacy of Elks" getting abused … and she said she had destroyed it. She probably worried about the uprising of a second or third Kanaza if it was left alone…

"Well, I'm glad everyone is safe."

"Oh, were you worried?"

Leen asked me that with some laughter in her voice.

"No, I thought you’d be okay? I wasn’t worried …"

"Master has been restless and was very drowsy in the mornings. Every time he saw the incoming call screen and realized it wasn’t you, he got disappointed … "

"Kohaku …!"

Kohaku, riding on Yumina's lap, said something that he agreed to not do. It's true that I was worried when the girls wouldn't call me, but still …

Everyone else, who are in a circle around the round table on the balcony, look at me. Elze sighs with a bitter smile.

"Hey, why were you worried? Didn’t you say it was okay?"

"No, I understand it in my head, but when I don’t know if you’re okay I can’t help but feel worried…"

I feel that when they’re out alone. Am I anxious just because they’re not in the castle? Maybe the reason why I couldn’t sleep was because I didn’t know if the girls were safe. How could I just sleep while they are fighting?

When I think about it, I also make everyone think that way when I go somewhere without them … I feel a bit bad. Because of Kohaku, I was made to think about various things that I could go without……

"Well, Nokia seems to be thinking about increasing its diplomacy little by little from now on, and is in a stable state."

"Yes. By the way, Touya, we’ve been wondering about it since a while ago, so …"

Hilda and Yae turned their eyes to the person sitting on the sofa, facing Grandma Tokie from indoors. Well, I'm also curious …

"You look fine. You haven't gotten so old yet, Space-time God."

"Fufufu. You should stop talking, this naughty kid. Shall I sew that mouth of yours?"

It seems like a verbal battle if you only listen to the words, but since there is laughter mixed in there, it seems like a civil conversion, maybe?

Grandma Tokie called the person in front of her a naughty kid, but she doesn't look like a kid.

She looks as old as Grandma Tokie, but her body is covered with trained muscles that look like steel armor. She’d be a good match with the old man Baba. The old man with black eyes and hair and a beard reminds me of a Japanese person. The clothes he wears reminds me of a monk.

"Is that person also a God-related person?"

"Yeah, well … I didn't think I would come down here …"

She laughs back at Linze's question.

"What kind of god are you?”

"Um ……………………… Destruction God."


When the Destruction God honestly answered Hilda's question, everyone around me was frozen.

Lou quivered, lowered the cup and opened her mouth.

"Huh … God of Destruction-sama, what are you doing here …?"

"I have a proposal, and if you accept, it would be helpful for me. Here, I’ve brought sake and didn’t tell her so as to not have it quickly disappear."

On the table in front of the God of Destruction, there is a big sake bottle and cups. As a matter of course, Suika is accompanying the God of Destruction since she seems to be everywhere there is a drink. (Note: Suika= God of Alcohol. Also, I’ve decided to call Gods and Goddesses “God of ____”.)

"Are you technically Touya-san’s aunt …?"

"Is the God of Destruction-sama his aunt?"

"She looks pretty strong …"

"Yeah, I don't think that's the case."

I think it's different … I don’t think she’s my aunt. Kousuke is a good uncle, but I don’t want an aunt. I don't think she’s a sister to the meek Farming God. Kousuke and that buff Destruction God look far too different.

Oh, Grandma Tokie is beckoning me.

"Speak a little to her."

"Good luck!"

"No, I am just going to talk. Why do I need good luck?."

While laughing to the good luck wish of Yae, with a cup with sake in my hand, I headed for the table surrounded by the three gods.

"Well, sit down.”

Prompted by Grandma Tokie, I decided to sit next to her. In front of me is the Destruction God who swallows and drinks sake at a fast pace.

"Do you drink a lot?"

"Oh no. I don't like alcohol."


While I said that skeptically, the God of Destruction poured herself some sake from the sake into a cup and swallowed it, and repeated the process.

"I'll get straight to the point. Can you be my successor?"


Successor of what?

"I'm asking you to replace me as the Destruction God."

"Huh!? No no no! Why me !?"

Why do you want me to become The Destruction God!??! God Company, is this your type of relocation!?

"Right now, there’s no one who can succeed me if I retire from active duty. I think you're surprisingly talented and, with a little training, you can become a type that can destroy a world without having any feelings! "

No, even if her judgement is made unofficially, I cannot become the God of Destruction. What is it that can destroy the world coldly? Is it a devil?

"If you become the Destruction God, you will have a lot of flexibility. You can be free of all responsibilities except in case of an emergency, and you will not be forced to do anything by other gods. And, what I personally like, you can crush any world as you like. "

"You can say something so horrible so calmly!?"

. This person is a god in a bad way. Is destroying all you want to do?

"Don't get me wrong, the existence of a Destruction God is necessary for some reasons. A world that is out of the gods’ control becomes very terrible which is then called a demon world. Then, we need to have an existence that ends it. That existence is the Destruction God. After destroying that world, a new world will be created to replace the destroyed one."

Grandma Tokie follows up the Destruction God’s statement. Is that so? So creation is born after destruction?

"Well, think a little. This world will also have to be destroyed one day so that a new one can be created. Nothing lasts forever."

"Please say something that is a bit more auspicious.”

How can you talk about destroying this world so easily? Even though we all had a hard time trying to avoid its destruction from the Fraise and such things……

When the God of Destruction drank the last of the sake from the sake bottle, she stood up.

"Well, I’m now done with what I wanted to do here, and want to go to a bar in this mortal world. Sake God, may you guide me?"

"Oh! Oh, Touya-oniisan, please give me some money."

"Huh!? You want me to pay for your drinks?!"

I mean, why do you even need to go to a bar?! I don't think it’s okay for the God of Destruction to wander around our world!

However, if I don’t give her money, she’ll come back tomorrow, asking for it again. Also, she may misbehave and get it some other way— one that isn’t morally good. I really don’t want that type of pestering. I wonder if this is a kind of blackmailing?

I give Suika a generous amount of money and tell her to call me if anything goes wrong, which she probably won’t do. I wish she would do it.

I don't think even the God of Destruction will break the rules and use her godly powers in the mortal realm … However, there is something called being drunk and forgetting. But there also isn’t an excuse like “It doesn’t matter since I was drunk.” as well.

"It doesn’t matter because I was drunk." is no excuse for being drunk while swearing and being violent. If you're drinking for the first time, and you know you'll maybe get that way when you get drunk, don't drink.

I think that those people just want to shift responsibility onto the excuse of “because of alcohol.”. I really feel sorry for people who can’t take hard alcohol and need to blame it to get out of trouble.

Well, I think it doesn’t matter to the God of Alcohol, though, since it is basically a tradition of hers to get drunk.

Suika is now leaving the room with the God of Destruction while skipping. I wonder if they will go out to the bar in the castle town. Should I contact Ende later? He said he wouldn’t get drunk no matter how heavy the drinks are… But will he be able to stand the pressure of the Destruction God? He’s already nervous just being around Kosuke-san, Karen-nee, Moroha-nee, and the other gods who’ve come down.

"You’ve called on me so many times to monitor the activities of those gods. I turned off my smartphone because of you, Touya-san!"

"One sacrifice will prevent the sacrifice of a lot of others …"

"Terrible !?

There's a lot of work to do here. There is no time to deal with the whims of the gods. Ende must shoulder that endeavour on his own.


"Hmm …"

I was searching alone in my room, searching for some sites on my smartphone.

For the wedding with everyone, I need to research about the customs and ceremonies. However, there may be a few minor differences between Earth and this world.

Well, I guess I’ll just have to adapt to the way this world works!

By the way, I even searched for a "List of things to do before the wedding".

□ Propose. (No wonder)

□ Report to each other's parents and get their consent.

□ Decide on the wedding venue and date.

□ Choose an engagement ring.

□ Decide on a new home.

□ Decide where to go for your honeymoon.

□ Decide on a wedding reception program.

□ Send invites to guests.

□ Report to your employer.

□ Decide on a wedding dress.

□ Consider decorations, gifts to your guests, etc.

□ Create invitations.

□ Arrange for photography, video recording, etc.

□ Decide on the menu for the reception.

□ Decide who is in charge of the reception and venue of the after party.

□ Place an order for a bouquet.

□ Decide the order of seats.

□ Decide who to ask for a speech or reception.

□ Prepare a wedding ring.

□ Do a rehearsal of the customs.

□ Take a pre-photograph.

□ Prepare the letter to the bride.

etc., etc…

This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I need to make this a great thing… but it is so hard to do …

Well, in our case, the venue is this castle, and our new house is also this castle. Also, the workplace is crossed off since I don’t exactly work.

Besides, I don’t even need to do everything since Kosaka-san, Cecile-san, and Liam-san, the butler, are working on it, so I don’t have as many things to do.

Still, there was some work I had to do …

"First of all, I guess I need to get the wedding rings? I’ve already given them engagement rings, but I'd like to design new and official wedding rings that are much simpler and can be worn in day-to-day life …… "

Mithril seems to be the material mostly used for royal aristocrats’ wedding rings. There seems to be a tradition where the king’s ring is made out of Orichalcum and the queen’s is made out of Mithril.

I will make the wedding rings by using [Modeling].

"Now, the thing I need to think about is the honeymoon …"

Actually, I have an idea about this. I want to let everyone who gets married to me meet my parents.

Of course, I'm supposed to have died on Earth, so I'm going to take the form of "a dream."

I also want to show everyone the world in which I was born.

It is possible to go back to Earth if I use [Space-time Magic] that uses divine power.

This privilege to be able to go back to Earth is probably the best part of me becoming a god. Originally, I was supposed to never return to Earth.

"Well, first of all, let’s get ready for the wedding ceremony.”

It's not just a wedding. The wedding is also a place where every king of each country will gather at. Of course, as always, safety is taken into consideration, but apart from that, I can't show a bad appearance in front of those people.

Exaggeratedly, it's the honor of Brunhild. It doesn't matter if I'm the only one laughed at, but it's unbearable for Yumina and everyone who worked hard to be laughed at.

Therefore, I cannot cut corners. Kosaka-san is making a list of invited guests, but in my case I have to manage my own invited guests.

"Is it okay for the God of Strength to be an uncle who is proud of the power of his family? Is the God of Glasses … an uncle who likes glasses in the family …?"

I’m making a list of invited guests on my smartphone, which also contains some gods. No, I can’t decide who to invite……! I hope that this isn’t like I’m cutting corners.


Suddenly, my smartphone notified me of an incoming call. Lapis-san?

"Yes, hello?"

"Your Majesty. Zanac is here. I heard that the dresses were made. "

"Oh, I see. I'm going to his store now."

I answered Lapis-san and hung up the call. The dress I talked about with her was not for me, but for my fiancees.

I sent an email to all of the girls at once telling them that their dresses were ready, since broadcasting the information to all of them at one time is much easier to do than to tell them one by one.

After cleaning up the desk, I leave my room. When I entered the dressing room next to the room with all of the purchasable clothes, everyone had already worn the wedding dresses given to them by Zanac-san with the help of some maids.

However, it's spectacular to see the nine dresses in their white dresses.

"Can I touch the dresses for a moment?"

"Did you wash your hands?"

"I’ve already washed them."

I lightly touch the hem of Elze's dress. It is created from a mesh-like material with a smooth feel and is light. It feels like this dress’s materials are different from Linze’s fabric.

"Are they created out of different fabrics?"

"Of course. Each has its own characteristics, and we carefully selected materials that are suitable for the design and created them with delicate work. Only the best can be accepted in my stores, Fashion King Zanac!”

Zanaz-san has a proud look on his face. Zanac's store has become quite large compared to when I first met him. He has a branch office for both Leaf Lease and the Regulus Empire.

All of the girls are wearing clothes that I told Zanac-san to prepare. In other words, clothes designed from Earth. The kings who saw it at the World Conference placed an order directly at Zanac's shop, and a link with some aristocrats, and some Royal Families was created…

"Then we need to make some final adjustments such as size. Please get out of the dressing rooms."


According to the words of the head maid Lapis, both Zanac-san and I are kicked out of the room. Well, can't it be helped, can it?

While sitting in a chair in the hallway and talking to Zanac-san about the recent situation, it turned out that he was beginning to incorporate fasteners into his clothes. I was surprised.

"Where did you learn of such things?”

"Haha, what are you talking about? When I first met His Majesty the King, weren’t they on the clothes you gave me?"

Ah. Ah! Really! Is it a zipper that fits in the blazer pants?

Nununu …, I feel something subtle when I hear that it was made from the crotch area of my pants……

It seems that the techniques to make the metal go into correct shapes and sizes were by the dwarves. It is quite amazing to think that they did all of that with just my pants as an example.

After discussing fasteners for a while, the door opened and everyone came out of the dressing room.

"Huh? Can you please show me how you look when you are wearing the dresses, now?"

"This kind of thing is left until the actual wedding. Does that make you feel excited?"

Yumina smiles mischievously. Muu. I guess I will have to wait until the day of the wedding to find out how they look in their dresses.

"Your Majesty ~~. I will fit your clothes, so please go inside ~~"

I was called by Cecil who came out of the door. Oh, my clothes …

I asked for them to be as plain as possible, but I wonder what they look like this time. The last time we did this, there were pretty flashy clothes … Let's stop these thoughts for the time being. The girls have a tendency to make flashy clothes…

Well, I guess it can't be helped. The girls are the protagonists of the wedding. I went into the dressing room with a sigh, whispering, saying that the man was nothing more than an adjunct to the brides.


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