In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park

Chapter 130 Task 1 Completed


As expected, Chu Che's words woke Leisho and the other elders standing aside from their stupor.

Was this guy always like this?

They looked into his eyes and found that he wasn't pretentious at all!

He actually believed those nonsense words from his mouth.


Kadiri looked at them and could only shake her head before giving them a little scoop on things.

After all, Boss Chu had also made a similar comment when they left the gaming Hall.

Well, geniuses like this can't be overall perfect, so this one defect is to be expected, no?

Thinking in this way, everyone agreed more and quickly overlooked it all.

After all, within the sect, they and a few other famous geniuses were also known for some quirky things.

That was just his things rolled here.

Plus, the fact that Boss Chu could grow buildings from the ground was enough for them to forget about Boss Chu's belief defect.

This was a privilege he, as a genius, was entitled to.

What a joke!

The man had just raised the building from the ground, causing them to almost have heart attacks.

So they were willing to overlook it all.

As for the building before them, it was very much similar to the Teleportation building back in Wenji town... Except, it didn't have a luxurious outside space and its decor.

Here there were no outside fountains, seats, and whatnot.

It was just this one-floor building there.

Since this was their own sect, they could line up and do as they liked here, but no line cuts would be allowed.

The building might be a single floored one, but it was indeed a wide building.

The massive doors allowed for up to 5 lines to be formed around the entryway on the left.

And at the same time, the exit way on the right also allowed for a massive flow of people to leave the building all at once.

Anyway, the lineups should be able to go by fast with 5 lines there. And one should bear in mind that those going in would either be heading towards the registration desks or the portals themselves.

So everything should go fairly fast.

The building name, coupled with the rules and hours of operation, were all there.

So like usual, all troublemakers would be punished, no matter how high and mighty they are.

Everyone looked at the simple but majestic building before them before finally turning their attention to Boss Chu impatiently.

Can they go in now?

Chu Che looked at them and grinned hard: "Com'on. I'll show you around."


With that, everyone took giant steps towards the building, trying to make their faces as expressionless as possible.

Too bad their brisk steps and movements had collapsed the image they were trying hard to keep.



The door opened automatically, and before they even had time to look around, 3 Rosies hurried along to Chu Che as usual.

Just like how Kadiri was stunned a while back, this made everyone speechless.

A perfectly built structure had grown from the ground, thoroughly decorated, furnished, and even had puppets in it.

You say!... Wasn't this enough to make one doubt their vision?

Could it be that they were under some mirage spell or something?

They looked around and realized that space formations had been used here too.

The place was very massive but had no other floors.


Unlike the one in Wenji Town, this one had only one floor.

Nonetheless, it was very wide inside too.

Everyone pointed around in disbelief.

"Boss Chu.. what's that?"

"Boss Chu, how do we use this?"

"Boss Chu..."

"Boss Chu..."


The excitement on their faces was akin to that of children on their first field trip adventure.

To them, the entire image was like undiscovered land waiting to be explored.

Chu Che looked around and could tell it was structured like an Airport... at least to him.

Very quickly, he took them to the left side of the building, which was also made to resemble the tickets and baggage check-in areas in airports.

There, several Rosies were ready to register them, check if they were frauds or not and give them their passes.

Only when they arrived at Wenji town and got their registration cards would the passes be a thing of the past.

They had just 2 weeks to get it done before the passes expired.

Another exciting thing was that there were several A.T.Ms around too that could be accessed in future when they get their cards.

But in addition to this, there were also several Map-retrieving stations around too.

So when they arrived at Wenji Town, they knew exactly where to go.

Of course, it was only free for the first time one took it.

After that, anyone who lost theirs would have to pay for it.

Needless to say, when they all retrieved their maps and rolled them open, the shock they received was too great.

What was this?

The initial blinding lights, light but exciting melody from the map, as well as the fact that it knew their names and could write and fade words away at will, made them hold onto the maps as if holding onto treasure.

The floating images, walking footsteps, color descriptions, and whatnot, told them all they needed to know about the maps.

And one thing they found stunning was that their footsteps were actually active within the map's Teleportation station.

It showed as if they were present in Wenji Town.

But if one looked closely, one would find that the name floating above the Teleportation station was called 'Profound Sect T.S'... meaning that when they arrived at Wenji Town, the title should probably change too.

And now, it was Head Formation Master Seju who wanted Chu Che as his master, earning hate from Trigumn and the rest.

Please join the line, alright?

Chu Che could only shake his head and proceed to the right side of the building.


They just left the Baggage check-in airport-style area and headed to an automatic check-in area for those who already had the passes or membership cards.

Everything was indeed well thought out.


Leisho looked at the machines before him in wonder while reading easy instructions on how to use them.

At present, there were more than 12 automatic check-in machines typically seen within train stations.

Looking at Chu Che pass through, Leisho did the same by tapping his pass on the machine, causing a green light to come on.

Leisho's eyes lit up excitedly as his heart just birthed a very playful spirit within him.

Green meant his access had been granted.

And just like in the case with Boss Chu, the metal bars opened up, allowing him to pass through.


Good. Good.

Everyone was thrilled to pass through, although some wanted to do it repeatedly as if the machines were toys.

Well, now that they had passed this stage, they walked through a brightly lit hallway until they arrived at a massive circular room with 8 Portal gates within them.


So far, there were a total of 8 gates; 4 for exiting and 4 for re-entry.

The portals would remain open nonstop, meaning large groups of people could move in or out as they pleased.

And finally, another distinctive thing to notice was that within this building, there were a few food machines around too that could only work for those with membership cards.

That said, they could only have 1 of everything once a day.

So if they ate their popcorn here before enjoying it at the cinema or even at the gaming hall, then it was too bad.

At the same time, they could also enjoy such delicacies within the sect if they were too busy to go to Wenji Town.

Either way, it was a business Win-Win for Chu Che, and he couldn't be bothered by it all.



[Congratulations on completing your first task, host.]

Chu Che smiled broadly.


Now, he could start preparations for the Inter-Sect Competitions!


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