Imposter System

Chapter 77: Brave New World

Chapter 77: Brave New World

The meat looked normal. Unlike the bloody sausages, many people started to eat and enjoy the dish. Alexis, whose instinct wasn't as sharp as Matt's started eating as well and only discovered it wasn't normal meat after the first bite. She looked over at Matt and he nodded his head. However, instead of stopping, she kept eating. There was even a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

Matt turned his attention to the other guests and it seemed everyone was enjoying the dish. The captain was eating his meal and sipping wine, but was occasionally glancing at other people. Matt finally started on the food in front of him and savored the evolution points. After finishing the dish, the next course came out. The serving size of the meat was smaller so it only netted six points, but it was still gladly received by Matt.

After starting on the second dish, Alexis immediately leveled her DNA absorption to six. This would give her an additional point for the rest of her meal and the final dish. Most people were very satisfied to be treated with such a fancy meal. Unknown to them, this meal contained some interesting ingredients.

Not long, everyone completed the second course and the third one came quickly after. The third dish contained eight points for Matt and he gladly eat it all. Once the third course was finished, the tables were cleared and moved.

The remaining time for the reception, music is played and the guests went around talking with their acquaintances. Matt made his way from group to group introducing himself and having conversations with everyone while using hypnosis. He didn't ask anything in particular, just tried to trigger the proficiency gain. He occasionally peaked over at Alexis and saw that she had gathered a following.

"It's simply appalling, don't you agree Dr. O'Connely?" One of the people in his current group said. Matt took a moment to recall what they were just talking about and it seemed to be a controversial subject. Until conversing with people at this party, he didn't realize at which degree classes were separated on the ship.

"I don't think about it. Does an elephant bother with the ants?" Matt said. He didn't care to look like some sort of saint, and simply said what the people wanted to hear. The issue they were discussing were the workers in the lower decks. The irony is that no one on this ship is of low status. However, there is still a demarcation. Those that do the hard labor and maintenance on the ship are considered lower status among these who live in luxury on the first deck.

If it were up to him, he would make everyone equal below him and his direct subordinates. They were all just prey to him anyway. Although, the especially intelligent or strong people would likely give him a better meal. In that case, they would be treated a bit better.

Matt blinked in confusion when he realized the line of thought he went down. Considering humans as cattle, and the prized cows getting better treatment is a bit dark. He decided to go through some more rounds of autohypnosis tonight. That kind of thinking could put him in big trouble.

"That's exactly right. There is no reason to get upset over them. Besides, they do all the labor so that we can use our skills at the highest efficiency. In the end, they are quite useful." One of the larger men said as he took a small cake from his plate and shoved it in his mouth. Matt didn't see his chin or jaw moving. Did he inhale it all in one go?

"It was nice speaking with you all, I'll be off now." Matt said as he slightly raised his champagne glass and moved onto the next group. It seemed that the separation of classes was something incredibly difficult to get rid of. People in power will always push those below them down and then those people will push others below them.

"Doctor O'Connely, congratulations again." As Matt walked up to the next group, one of its members spotted him and greeted right away. Matt smiled as he approached and two people moved slightly to the side to give him a spot to stand among the group.

"Thank you. I noticed you all were having quite the intense conversation; may I ask what it was about?" Matt asked with hypnosis on as he swept his eyes to the person that seemed to be the head of this group.

"Certainly, we were just discussing a new fertility formula" The man started but was cut off by one of the others.

"Doctor Chen, what are you doing? Didn't we agree"

"Nonsense, Doctor O'Connely is one of us. He is naturally qualified to hear about this project." Dr. Chen snaped. The strength of hypnosis reached a point where even external influence couldn't correct the change. Matt was quite pleased with this development. However, he was still yearning for more. His ultimate goal was to be able to order people to do anything without question.

"As I was saying, this new fertility formula that we have been developing, theoretically, should be quite effective in reversing the effect of hyperspace on the reproductive system. This is based on samples we acquired from those that have already successfully given birth. The next step is testing it." He said excitedly.

"How safe is it? The animals onboard would be good test subjects and deal with the long-term problem of food." Matt replied.

"Of course, we considered this, but we were denied experimenting rights by the group managing the pig population." One of the others in the group said with a sigh.

"Well, I have a bit of influence over the goat population. I would be willing to take a look at your proposal." When Matt said this, some of the members in the group smiled like a fisherman that successfully hooked a fish. Matt rolled his eyes and easily saw through their little play, but it would only help him if they tested on the goats.

The original Matthew O'Connely would never have accepted such a deal because it would take away his accomplishments if they were able to create a formula like this. However, the current Matt really didn't care. To him, more food meant more evolution points. This was a benefit no matter how he looked at it. However, to these sly foxes, they believed they just pulled the rug out from under him.

"Wonderful! We knew you were a cut above your peers, Doctor. No wonder you are able to accomplish so much at your agetruly brilliant." One of the other people in the group started saying. Matt wasn't opposed to the excessive praises and simply nodded his head toward the man. As long as they supported him on the surface, he didn't mind what plans they had. Eventually, everyone would be under him.

They began to talk about some specifics about the compound they were creating and Matt listened for a while. However, the information was really above his head and it seemed they were doing it on purpose in order to show off in front of him. Matt occasionally touched someone's arm, shoulder, or hand. He slowly spread his mesmerism and could see the subtle changes in their attitudes.

{Matt, come over here!} Alexis sent a message over their telepathic connection and Matt excused himself. The feeling behind the thought seemed urgent so he didn't dawdle. When he arrived, he had to push through a large group of people. In the center, in front of Alexis, two men were taking off their coats and rolling up their sleeves.

"What's happening?" Matt said in a confused voice.

"Hah, Doctor, you're here for the show. It seems these two are vying for your wife and are going to solve it the old-fashioned way." One of the spectators mentioned.

"Idiots. What do they think we are, cavemen? Everyone here is an intellectual, I can't believe they are behaving like this."

"It's embarrassing."

"" Many people were commenting and Matt only looked over at Alexis that had an amused look on her face. These two must have upset her in some way. He walked over to her side and put his arm around her waist.

"What did you do?" He whispered.

"Shh, just watch the show." She said while pressing her finger to Matt's lips.

Matt shrugged and turned to the two fighting. No one bothered to stop or prevent them. Although they all admonished the two and pretended to be offended, they were excited to watch. There aren't many interesting things to do on a ship like this, so it made sense that people would be interested in a show like this. There was a big difference between watching recorded fights and watching a live fight.

"Fight already!" someone in the crowd said. No one knew who said it first, but once it was said, others began to shout as well. Some even wanted to see blood.

'What a vicious bunch.' Matt thought.


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