Imperfect Desires

Chapter 946 - Once In Blue Moon

Chapter 946 - Once In Blue Moon

As Xiu presented the cupcakes, Dylan and Nora again got into a fight. Again!

"Can't you be content with what you have?" asked Nora. "Let me enjoy my portion!"

"Enjoy!" said Dylan. "But stop eyeing mine!"

Xiu shook her head and sighed out before she raised her voice and shouted, "Say another word and I'm not giving anything to both of you!"

Dylan and Nora became meek just hearing that. They looked at Xiu before sitting down to enjoy their cupcakes. They didn't even want to take them out to the garden in case someone would get the idea to snatch it. The fewer people to share, the better!

Xiu had turned around to put the dishes into the dishwasher when her eyes moved outside the window. Right above the sink was a window that overlooked the garden. She could see everyone talking on one side but her eyes got stuck on to the other side where Jackie was sitting on the outdoor bed swing with her son.

Obviously, with Rowan around, it caught the attention of Asteria and Ava who ran over to his side since neither of them could understand the ?du?t talk.

Xiu's frown deepened when she looked at Jackie's eyes and said, "Is he using my son to flirt?"

Hearing her comment, both Dylan and Nora shared a look. Holding a cupcake in hand they came behind her and followed her gaze. As they also saw the scene playing outside, they had a complicated look.

"Is your brother interested in my niece?" asked Dylan. "I'm telling you, don't even think about it! I won't give my cutie niece to a playboy who is already harboring such thoughts about her."

Nora punched his arm, "You can eat anything with that mouth of yours but don't even think about saying anything you want!"

Dylan cleared his throat watching the threat in Nora's eyes, "Relax! I mean your brother is a genius. How can I not like him?"

Nora smiled at him in agreement while Dylan just went back to sit down and eat in peace. As for Nora, she turned to Xiu and whispered, "Do you really think he is interested in Asteria?"

"He is too young," reminded Xiu.

"Yeah right!" scoffed Nora. "He is my brother, I know him best. He is anything but young. Only his height is little, he is not."

"Even if he is m?tur? than people his age, he won't have any designs for Asteria right now," said Xiu with certainty. "After all, Asteria is young and she can't understand those feelings. As for Jackie, I believe he just wants to get close to Asteria."


"Because Asteria has closed off herself," said Xiu. "Besides, even if he is interested in her, what does have to do with you?"

"I'm just saying, it'd be really complicated if he really gets together with Asteria in the future."

"Oh? And how is that?" inquired Xiu.

"The relationships in this family are already pretty complicated!"

"How so?"

"Xiu, what am I to you?"

"You're my best friend. You're like a sister to me."

"What is my husband to you?"

"He is my brother!" answered Xiu without thinking. And noticing Nora's gaze, she added, "He is my cousin."

Nora nodded her head, "Exactly! My point! There is no one way to define even our relationship. I'm your sister, for now, soon I'll be your cousin-in-law."

"No, I'll prefer to call you sister-in-law!" said Xiu.

"That's not the point right now," said Nora. "Think about it. How is Asteria related to us? She is my brother-in-law's daughter."

"I know."

"Let's see it this way," continued Nora. "What is Dylan to you?"

"He is a fool!" answered Xiu without any hesitation.

"I mean who is Dylan?"

"A fool!" said Xiu again.

Nora ?r??n?d at her, "I mean what is he to your family?"

"A fool!" Xiu's answer didn't change at all.

Dylan was so tired of listening to it that he stopped Nora from continuing as he said, "Nora, whatever you say, I'll just be a fool to her. Don't waste your breath, girl!"

The way he didn't even seem to mind it make Nora see him in another light for a minute. But it only lasted for one minute. Any longer than that and Dylan's image might crumble in her mind which was unacceptable.

Xiu placed her hand on Nora's shoulder and said, "I don't know what you're worried about but let me tell you this. As you said, the relationships in this family are more than just complicated, so what? So what if another complicated relationship comes up? It really doesn't matter at all. At least, not to me." She took a pause and went on, "Also, don't forget, Jackie is our brother. He is just as stubborn as us. Do you really think if he likes Asteria, he'll change his likes just because of you?"

"Who said I want him to change his likes and dislikes? If he likes Asteria, I'm more than happy about it."

"Then what's the problem?"

Nora lowered her voice and said, "The problem is her mother. What if she caused a mess after getting out of the prison? I don't want my brother to deal with that!"

Xiu slapped her head, "Just because of her mother, I won't let Jackie miss out on such a nice girl."

"Aren't you both really thinking far ahead?" questioned Dylan. He didn't hear what they were whispering at the end because they had lowered their voices but it didn't stop him from chiming in. "They both are young. Let them live their lives. What the future holds, only future will tell!"

Xiu patted Dylan's head saying, "Once in blue moon, Dylan does say something sensible."

Dylan allowed her to pat his head. In fact, he quite enjoyed it now. Even though sometimes, Xiu used it as an excuse to pull his hair. But when it reminded him how once upon a time they pulled each others' hair on the highway, it'd bring a smile on his face.


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