Imperfect Desires

Chapter 903 - Where To Look

Chapter 903 - Where To Look

While was fam was getting together downstairs, Darren had been trying to put his mother in a good mood. From the moment Francesca came over, she had been in low spirits.

And when Darren finally managed to convince her to share what's wrong, the answer was, "My future daughter hates me."

Darren was so shocked to hear that he choked on air. He looked at his mother with a horrified expression and asked, "Mama, you're having a daughter?"

Francesca gave him a look, "Regi, my boyfriend has a daughter."

"Ohh..." Darren finally understood what she meant. He did know that Han Yiheng had a teenage daughter but he never met her. And neither did he knew about the specifics. From the time he learned that Han Yiheng had managed to convince his mother to date him, he was already feeling relaxed and let go of all his worries.

As long as it was someone who loved his mother, he'd be happy for her. And he knew that Han Yiheng loved her a lot. Because he felt satisfied with Han Yiheng, he never tried to probe his mother about their relationship. Of course, he'd listen what she had to say but he won't do anything that could hurt her or made her feel like he was stepping out of his boundaries. It was her relationship. Just like she respected his relationship with Xiu without any issue, he'd do the same for her.

After all, she was the first woman he loved.

"Mama, tell me in detail what happened? Why do you think your future daughter hates you? Because I don't think anyone can hate my Mama. She is the best in the world."

Francesca looked at him lovingly and hugged him, "As I always say, it's not that I'm the best. I got lucky to have the best son like you."

After pausing to collect her thoughts, she told him everything in detail. Han Yiheng had taken her out on dinner last night to meet his daughter. Francesca had been nervous about meeting his daughter for the first time. In fact, during the dinner, she felt like she was sitting before a judge.

She knew that Han Yiheng wanted to marry but the final decision lied with his one and only daughter. For some odd reason, she did want to give a good first impression. She knew she wasn't as good of a mother as Darren claimed her to be. She knew her shortcomings better than him. And she also knew that her amazing son would always manage to hide all her shortcomings for her. That's why even people thought she was an amazing mother.

But it seems the universe was conspiring against her last night. When she wanted to help put a piece of chicken on Han Yiheng's daughter, the chopsticks and her hand had a fight eventually the poor chicken fell on the teenage girl's clothes.

Han Yiheng consoled her that it was alright but she didn't think so. She tried to find common things to talk with Ashley, Han Yiheng's daughter but wasn't succeeding at all. After all, she raised a son and his interests were different. Although she was woman herself, she had long started to pay attention to cars, sports, fights and stuff. Because she wanted to do something for her son. And now that she was asked to talk to a teen girl, she was at a loss.

She thought it couldn't get any worse but clearly, she had underestimated the schemes of the universe.

At home, she continued to cry because of her own incompetence. She had been a successful career woman and yet, she made such silly mistakes. How? Just what was wrong with her?!

Darren looked at the tears brimming in her eyes again and hugged her tightly, he rubbed her head saying, "Mama, why are you so cute?" He really didn't think it was a big deal. If Han Yiheng's daughter ended up hating her mother for such a thing, she'd be really petty. "You should calm down first. It's such a small matter. No one can hate my mama for being real."

Francesca looked up at him, "But I really wanted her to like me."

Darren rubbed her back, "I know. And I'm sure she'll understand it as well. As long as she is open to the idea of having a step-mother, she'll be fine with you. Because let's face it, she can't find another mother like you." He took a pause and added, "Besides, she should be honored that I'm willing to share my mama. Aren't I the most petty one around?"

Francesca snorted at his words.

Darren chuckled softly, "Stop worrying so much. If the first meeting was a disaster, we'll aim for the second best impression. Let's see it this way, since the first meeting was already the worst one. There is no way the second meeting can get any worse, right?" Francesca slowly nodded thoughtfully. "So, we'll work hard for the second meeting."

How was it possible that Darren was the one coaxing his mother and she won't be able to forget what really bothered her? That was truly not possible.

"By the way, you guys held a family meeting without me? I'm no longer a part of the family?" Francesca's eyes widened slightly at his question. "Isn't it usually that both parties bring their kids for the meeting? How come I didn't even know anything?"

"Silly, it's nothing like that," said Francesca. "We thought we should let Ashley get a little comfortable around me before introducing to you. After all, you're a lot older than her. It'll be a little difficult for her to accept an older brother who is about to become a father himself."

"Hey! What's wrong with being a father? Is it a crime? How can you hold such prejudice?"

Francesca knocked on his head, "Looks like Xiu is getting to you. You're also getting dramatic."

Darren smiled sheepishly at her, "Can't help it."

After Francesca sorted out her own feelings, she looked at Darren and asked, "By the way, where is my daughter-in-law?"

"She is baking cookies," replied Darren.

"Cookies? Why?"

"Because today is a special day," he answered vaguely.

"A special day? What is special about today?"

"You'll know once we go down."

"Then what are we doing here?" retorted Francesca. "You talk too much. Wasted so much of my time. I should go down now."

Watching her retreating figure, he pointed at his own nose as he muttered, "I talk too much? Who was the who came to talk to me?" He shook his head and scratched the tip of his nose.

"Oh, Darren, it's good I found you here."

Darren turned his head to look at his doctor and smiled at her, "Dr. Ling, do you still have to do this?"

Dr. Ling pointed at the sofa to ask him to sit down before she replied, "I'm sorry, I'm just doing my duty. I have strict orders to not be lax. I know you made a quick recovery but we still have to make sure everything is okay with you."

"You've been working really hard," he said to her. "You have been stuck with me for months, your family must be missing you now. You team of doctors got the chance to leave but you are still here."

"Don't worry, no one misses me," replied Dr. Ling and did some check-up. "Okay, you're good to go."

"Dr. Ling, why don't you come downstairs to join us? Everyone is gathered around for a happy event. You should become a part of it."

"Isn't the happy event that you're having a boy?"

Darren stared at her, "How do you know?"

"Your wife's gynacologist likes to talk a lot," replied Dr. Ling. "But anyway, doesn't everyone already know that you guys are having a boy? I remember your wife had been claiming since the beginning that it's a boy."

"But that's different," replied Darren. "This time, we have a confirmation. Besides, there is no harm is celebrating smaller things. If nothing else, it can bring a smile on my wife's face."

Dr. Ling patted his shoulder and sighed, "And here I thought after seeing Mr. Xin Zimen, my standard in men was high. After coming across you, I feel like I'm hopeless. There is no way I'm gonna find anyone remotely similar to you." She stared at him, "Let a single soul like me live! I don't wanna die a single ghost and become vengeful ghost."

Darren chuckled at her, "If you know where to look, you might find someone better than me."

"Huh?" Dr. Ling was dumbfounded by his response. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Darren shook his head and called back to her, "You should still join us. My wife bakes the best cookies and cakes. If it wasn't for her cupcake, we would have never been where we are today."


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