Imperfect Desires

Chapter 16 The Victim Is The Culpri

16 The Victim Is The Culpri

Xiu blinked her eyes as she saw him walking out the wooden door. Suddenly, her eyes grew large and she rubbed her face with slightly more force than it was needed. After that, she immediately sprinted behind him.

Since he didn't seem to be in a hurry, he was walking leisurely and Xiu easily caught up with him. She didn't trust her voice and held his jacket to stop him.

Feeling a slight tug behind, he stopped to turn his head and when he saw Xiu glaring at him with her bloodshot eyes, his brow quirked up instinctively. Xiu's face was completely red but from anger. She pointed her finger at him accusingly as she shrieked in a hoarse voice, "Pervert!"

The beautiful gray eyes before her darkened, turning a bit dangerous making Xiu want to take a step back but she didn't do so. She held her ground persistently. From a demure looking broken-wreck, she turned into a feisty wild kitten baring her fangs and ready to claw at him.

"Yo-You were in a female bathroom! And also, who are you to advise me? Do you feel pity just because you saw me crying? Are you feeling sympathy for me?" Seeing her untimely surge of emotions, the frown between his brows eased up slowly. "You don't even know me. Who gave you the right to judge me? Who asked you to give your stupid advice?" Xiu saw him cooly raising his eyebrows.

Xiu was flabbergasted for a moment because of this simple gesture. The way he raised his eyebrows gave her an iconic feel and it added a great deal of intensity to his already good looks. Yes, she was indeed accepting that he was good looking. Actually, calling him good-looking made her feel like she wasn't doing justice to his strong and fierce looks that made him appear like a knockout.

Adding the fact that he had a very masculine square jaw and perfectly sun-kissed skin, he was the well-deserved definition of drop-dead gorgeous. He really had the quirks of being a natural handsome hunk.

"First of all, I don't have the mean or reason to feel pity for you at all. I'm certainly not a sympathetic person. The girls that I despise the most are those who try to lure people with their tears. I find it highly repulsive." His rich velvety smooth voice broke the train of Xiu's eyes that were openly ogling him. "Second of all, yes, I don't know you at all. But you seem to have a habit of talking out loud and that's enough for people to get the gist of things." All this while, he wasn't even looking at her. His attention was at the cellphone in his hand. But when he lifted his eyelids, he saw her narrowing her eyes at him. "Third of all, don't raise your voice at me. I run out of patience very easily. And for the most important part."

He pointed his finger behind her and Xiu subconsciously followed suit by turning her head. Her mouth opened as a gasp escaped involuntarily. Behind her, it was clearly stated that she was in the Men's Bathroom.

Xiu had to bit her tongue as she realized that calling him pervert was so wrong as it turned out, this was absolutely her own fault. She wasn't the victim anymore as it seemed like she just became the culprit!

If her own shame wasn't enough, she heard his cello-like voice again as he said, "Me, pervert? Are you sure it's not the other way around?" There was a hint of amusement behind his words but in her shame and embarrassment, Xiu didn't catch up to that.

She closed her eyes like a pigeon who just saw a cat. Because her mindset was similar to that of the pigeon who thought that if he closed the eyes, the cat won't eat it. But problems don't go away just because we turn a blind eye to them.

"I-I'm not a pervert. It was a mistake. I didn't see in a hurry." She stammered while trying to keep her voice at a calming level. The man before her was even more amused to see the flush that had crept up from her neck.

Xiu felt a tickling sensation as a soft breath fanned the side of her face, her eyes shot open and she saw his face only inches away from her ear as he whispered, "Not that I care, but although it's a highly reputable restaurant with award-worthy hygiene. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors?"

Xiu understood the implication behind his words. She had lost her control and actually kneeled on the floor of the men's bathroom. Eww!!! Her face immediately turned pale as she felt disgusted. Pushing him away, she made a dash for the private room where Nora was and left the restaurant as fast as she could.

Watching her running like that, a reverberating sound of laughter could be heard in the hallway.

"Daz, are you alright?" The man turned to see his best friend walking towards him with a worried expression.

"What do you mean, Dylan?" He inquired with a smirk still stuck on his face.

Dylan was rather confused as he said, "You don't laugh like that unless..." he left his words hanging as he didn't know how to complete his sentence without irking this best friend of his.


The man's expression shifted a bit but he composed himself as he said, "Forget about me. It's time to talk about you. I have been waiting for an hour. It was you who wanted to eat this hotpot and it's me who had to wait here for you. Why are you always testing me like this?"

Feeling a drop in the temperature, Dylan gulped visibly as gave an awkward laugh. "Heh heh... Cough! I wasn't going to be late. It's because I bumped into that couple of girl from last night again." Dylan replied with a sour expression at the reminder of Xiu.

"Looks like you're fated for that threesome."

"Darren!" Dylan couldn't believe that his best friend was still stuck on this topic. Didn't he make his stand clear?

"Stop whining like a girl. I'm famished!" Saying that the man who was called, Darren made his way towards the private room he had booked for an hour now.


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