Immortality Through Array Formations

Chapter 150 - 150 Searching the Mountain (Four Updates) _1

Chapter 150 Searching the Mountain (Four Updates) _1

The Monster Hunter began scouring the mountain under the cover of night, but Mo Hua didn’t go.

Both Mo Shan and Elder Yu forbade him from going.

Because a conflict with the Qian Family might occur, the night was dark and windy, and it was still on Big Black Mountain, which would be rather dangerous.

Although Mo Hua was not afraid, he had no intention of taking risks and honestly stayed at home, practicing formations.

The next day, early in the morning, Mo Shan returned, looking exhausted, his body damp with dew, but with no wounds and no signs of having engaged in a fight.

“Didn’t find anything?” Mo Hua asked.

Mo Shan nodded, “The Qian Family has hidden themselves deeply, not a trace to be found.”

“How about taking me with you tonight?”

Mo Shan furrowed his brow, “It’s very dangerous.”

Mo Hua said, “I’ll just stay inside the camp, I won’t go out.”

“Then what are you going there for?” Mo Shan was somewhat puzzled.

Mo Hua chuckled, “You’ll know when the time comes.”

After thinking for a moment, Mo Shan agreed.

With Mo Hua’s movement technique, as long as there wasn’t a melee with the Qian Family, a situation where swords and spiritual power flew indiscriminately, staying just on the outer mountain would be enough to protect himself.

As dusk fell, Big Black Mountain became hazy, as if covered with a layer of black gauze.

Mo Hua followed the Monster Hunter up the mountain, the mountain color pitch-black, too dark to see one’s own fingers.

Only the cold and damp mountain wind blew, rustling the leaves, with the distant howling of Monster Beasts.

Mo Shan took Mo Hua to a campsite, secured the gate, lit a lamp, and took out a fur blanket, wrapping Mo Hua up like a little rice dumpling.

“The mountain nights are cold; don’t catch a chill.”

Mo Hua poked his little head out from the blanket and nodded.

“Be careful, try not to go out, and if you encounter danger, set off your fireworks. Some Monster Hunters will come over,” Mo Shan instructed, not tiring of his caution.

Mo Hua nodded again, “Don’t worry, Dad, I’m familiar with the outer mountain.”

He had run around it countless times, Monster Hunting and drawing blood, searching for spices, mining ores, gathering herbs, and when making maps.

To him, the outer mountain was almost the same as his own backyard.

Even though Big Black Mountain was more dangerous at night, Mo Hua’s Divine Sense was also strong. As long as he was careful, there generally wouldn’t be any major issues.

Besides, many Monster Hunters were now within the outer mountain searching for traces of the Qian Family, and he knew a lot of them.

Mo Shan shook his head with a smile and patted Mo Hua’s little head, “I have to go now, take care of yourself.”

After Mo Shan left, Mo Hua opened his Storage Bag, took out the Compass Mother Formation Disk, and placed it to the side.

Then he released his Divine Sense to check the surroundings, ensured there were no abnormalities, and took out some ink and a brush to redraw a formation on the campsite gate.

The formation was a Compound Formation including the Solid Earth Formation, which could fortify the soil and rock, making the gate much more impregnable.

After all, Mo Hua was going to spend the night in the camp.

As a Formation Master, staying within a formation he had drawn himself was the only way he could feel at ease.

Mo Hua thought silently to himself.

Then he took out some beef and fruit brew, eating and drinking, while under the lamplight, he studied the nine-pattern formation and occasionally glanced at the Compass Mother Formation Disk.

He spent the night quietly this way.

Nothing happened.

Early the next day.

Mo Shan, looking exhausted from searching the mountain all night, saw Mo Hua, who was well-fed and relaxed, feeling somewhat bittersweet.

“Will you come again tomorrow night?” Mo Shan asked.

Mo Hua nodded, “I will.”

In this way, on the second and third nights, Mo Hua followed Mo Shan into Big Black Mountain and stayed in the camp overnight.

Still, nothing happened.

But on the fourth night, as Mo Hua, wrapped in a little blanket, ate lamb and flipped through Formation Books, a light suddenly appeared on the Compass Mother Formation Disk.

Mo Hua’s eyes lit up.

Finally, a slip-up!

The Qian Family Cultivators could hide from the Monster Hunters, but not necessarily from the Monster Beasts.

If they encountered Monster Beasts, there would inevitably be a battle.

As long as there is a battle, there would inevitably be fluctuations in spiritual power; once there are fluctuations, they would trigger the Compass Child Formations laid out by Mo Hua in the mountains. Then, through the Mother Formation Compass, one can determine their location.

However, such battles don’t necessarily occur every day, so it requires a bit of patience, like guarding a stump waiting for rabbits.

And today, the rabbit has literally run into Mo Hua’s arms.

Mo Hua spread out the map, checked against the Compass Mother Formation, and quickly confirmed the location.

It was a small hill at the border between the outer and Inner Mountain, extremely barren, seldom visited by cultivators.

Mo Hua extinguished the lamp, packed up his things, and then left the camp.

Outside, the moonlight was hazy, and the mountain was filled with layers of tree shadows. Everywhere one looked was shrouded in darkness.

Mo Hua closed his eyes and extended his Divine Sense to its limit.

The surrounding area instantly shifted from pitch black to a void of white.

A moment later, Mo Hua opened his eyes and walked towards a direction.

There, a Monster Hunter was carefully searching the mountain.

The forest was dense with the presence of the Mountain God, and the Monster Hunter was completely focused on his search. Suddenly, he felt a small hand patting his shoulder, which startled him so much that his soul nearly leaped out.

Mo Hua quickly “shushed” him and called out, “Uncle Wu.”

Recognizing Mo Hua’s voice, the Monster Hunter calmed down, though his heart still raced.

“Mo Hua, oh my… you scared me to death.”

Mo Hua was puzzled. He had simply walked straight over and patted his shoulder. Could that really be so frightening…?

They’re grown-ups; shouldn’t they be more composed?

Regaining his composure, the Monster Hunter whispered:

“What are you doing here? Didn’t your dad tell you to stay at the camp?”

“I’m looking for my dad,” Mo Hua replied.

“Oh.” The Monster Hunter nodded and said, “Your dad is over by Big Mountain Rock.”

“Thank you, Uncle Wu.”

The Monster Hunter surname Wu looked at Mo Hua with concern and said:

“It’s dark and windy tonight, and the mountains are dangerous. Do you want me to escort you there?”

Mo Hua shook his head, “No need, I can manage. Please go on with your work, Uncle Wu.”

The Monster Hunter nodded, “If you run into danger, just shout, and I’ll come over.”

After thanking him again, Mo Hua headed toward Big Mountain Rock.

After Mo Hua left, the Monster Hunter continued his search. As he searched, a sudden realization shocked him:

“How come there isn’t a single sound when Mo Hua walks?”

It was as if his feet didn’t touch the ground, as though something was carrying him as he walked.

Moreover, why didn’t he notice Mo Hua approaching just now?

Whether it was Divine Sense, breath, or sound, he noticed nothing…

As the cold wind blew through the mountains, the trees made eerie noises.

A chill washed over the Monster Hunter, and he shivered uncontrollably.

“Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore. If I do, my soul might really take flight…”

The Monster Hunter shook his head fiercely and refocused his attention, continuing his search.

Meanwhile, Mo Hua was hurrying along using the Water Passing Step.

A faint layer of spiritual power, like water ripples, supported the soles of his feet.

With such a light step, he made no sound, and his speed was also faster.

By the time Mo Hua reached Big Mountain Rock and released his Divine Sense, sure enough, he found his father, Mo Shan, not far to the left.

Mo Shan was also searching carefully when he sensed something, looked up, and saw a small figure approaching him.


“Dad.” Mo Hua quickly walked up to Mo Shan’s side.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay at the camp?” Mo Shan was a bit worried.

“I know.”

Mo Shan was taken aback, “Know what?”

“I know where the spiritual mine is!”


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