Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 102 Domination

"You've gotten yourself in quite the situation haven't you?" Klive's ears perked up at the voice of an unknown figure. The voice rang out over the snowy planes and reached the ears of almost every creature in a mile radius despite it sounding as if the person hadn't raised their voice at all.

The Blizzard bears also paused where they stood and looked towards the direction the voice had come from, yet their eyes only widened in surprise after they looked at the figure.

I stood tall before all of them, a bloodthirsty aura constantly emanating out of my body, but in reality, what shook them to their core had been my cultivation level of a peak ethereal being.

"What are you doing! Run and get help! I can hold them off for a bit, you take the other kids along with you and call for back up!" Klive roared out, a semblance of hope flickering in his eyes as he said those words.

"Run?" I asked coldly, not even trying to pull an expression of mockery or anger at his words. It all seemed a little... below me.

"Quick!" Klive roared again and began to concentrate mana between his fingers.

Surges of mana formed between both of his index fingers, and in the next second, lightning began to crackle between them.

'A lightning affinity?' I mused but still chose not to move from where I stood. I wanted to watch this from start to finish, but something told me it wouldn't go on for very long.

'According to our cultivations, those kids over there are stronger than me by an entire stage, yet he still chose to ask me to help them. Maybe he can detect my power? No, what am I thinking? If that was the case, he would have already realized...' My eyes narrowed towards the beastkin that stood in the middle of a horde of beasts.

In the next instant, I watched as silver lightning shot out of him in every direction, immediately burning down several corpses and leaving nothing but their ashes as remains. Simultaneously, Klive quickly used the last of his lightning and directed it towards the mini-boss, yet to his dismay, the mini-boss was already ready to counter-attack.

Releasing an enormous beam of silverish-cyan mana, Klive could only watch as the beam of ice mana swallowed his lightning attack whole while destroying everything in its path and closing the distance between them in a matter of seconds.

"You're telling me to run while you can barely handle this little bear by yourself." I commented while stepping forward.

[You have activated flash-step]

My body vanished; before anyone could realize it, I was already in front of the beam of ice mana with blood claws coating my hands.

"Blood swipe." I muttered under my breath.

Swiping up, give distinct lines of blood energy appeared in front of me and instantly ripped through the ice beam before-


Klive watched in shock as the mini-boss he struggled against fell and turned into five different pieces, each one cleanly cut as blood gushed out of them and stained the snow below.

"Now... Which one of you wants to play?" I asked before turning my head to the sky with a devilish grin.

"What, have you lost your wits. Gaia the almighty doesn't dare intervene in mortal matters?" I chuckled.

[Outside intervention detected]

[Hell-Mode has been activated]

A grin stretched up from the corner of my lips.

The sky was immediately dyed with a tinge of red while the snow slowly but surely started to become pink in color. Everyone realized what had just happened, and all those who could form proper thoughts looked at me as if I were a monster.

'This means I'll get more points. I don't have a shortage of immortality points, but I am confident that I will need them in the future.'

Taking out my reaper blades, I brandished my blades and pointed one of them at the main boss.

"Are you not going to go berserk, or is Gaia waiting for the right moment again?" I asked with an innocent smile.


[Peak Liquidous stage Blizzard bear has gone berserk]

My grin widened and became slightly more vicious. At the same time, I watched as hundreds of bears lunged toward Klive and me at blurring speeds, yet to my blood eyes, their speeds were comparable to an ant's.

[Earth control activated]

[-50 mana]

A cyclone of mana appeared around me, but in the next instant, everything seemed to pause.

The word itself became silent while every movement would have boomed through the air and would have been heard by everyone


As if marking the calm before the storm, the silence disappeared as rumbles of great magnitude shook the very earth we stood on. Without pause, hundreds of spikes shot out of the ground and pierced through the bears' bodies, yet as if that was not enough destruction for one attack, an earth spear formed in front of the blade that I was using to point at the main boss.


The wind snapped and clapped onto itself, shooting through the air and appearing in front of the boss in less than a second.

Seeing this, the boss opened its maw and let out a frightening beam of ice mana that destroyed the spear in one go, yet that was all a part of my plan from the start.

That attack was nothing but a diversion.

The main boss's ears twitched, and its head immediately moved and looked to the right.

"Over here..." I whispered, yet before the bear reacted to my sudden ambush, it felt pain surge from its left side.


I did not let it recover and instantly used flash step to appear at its left. Slashing down, a large arch created out of blood energy shot out and pierced through the air. The moment the arch touched it, another roar resounded in the area, yet even then, I did not choose to slow down my attacks.

[Pinpoint has been activated]

Using flash step, I appeared in front of it, my two blades held high as I slashed down for the final time.


My two blades cut diagonally, and before the bear could understand what hit it, it already had two arches of blood energy carved through it, killing it on the spot and simultaneously absorbing the rest of its life energy through my life drain ability.


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