Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

573. Lin Fei’s Back

573. Lin Fei’s Back

"What's going on? Why is Mount Ascension shaking so violently? It has been silent for so long."

"The Interdimensional Passage, look, it's trembling, and there's even light emanating from it."

"Could it be that someone has arrived in the Ancient Continent through the Interdimensional Passage?"

"Is it someone from the Divine Realm?"

"Who would return to the Ancient Continent from the Divine Realm?"

Everyone widened their eyes, even the Celestial Strategist True Person, who stared at the Interdimensional Passage.


Finally, a brilliant light burst forth from Mount Ascension, and a figure suddenly emerged before everyone.

"Hmm? Where is this... Mount Ascension?"

Lin Fei glanced around, taking in the familiar surroundings of Mount Ascension. He had initially entered the Interdimensional Passage through Mount Ascension to reach the Divine Realm, and now he had returned!

However, he couldn't help but wonder about the Deity Transformation cultivator before him and the sudden gathering of people on Mount Ascension. Lin Fei remembered that Mount Ascension was a restricted area with very few visitors.

"Are you... Martial God Lin Fei of the Ancient Origin Sect?"

At that moment, the Celestial Strategist True Person seemed to recall something. He widened his eyes, showing astonishment in his gaze.

Lin Fei! Martial God Lin Fei!

In recent decades, the most legendary figure in the Ancient Continent. Even though the Celestial Strategist True Person was confident in his own abilities, he had to admit that Lin Fei's deeds in the Ancient Continent were legendary.

The entire Ancient Continent knew of Lin Fei, and he couldn't match Lin Fei in terms of fame. Despite challenging Lin Fei to a contest, the sight of Lin Fei now left the Celestial Strategist True Person cautious and even somewhat excited. As the Celestial Strategist True Person's words fell, many on Mount Ascension also recognized Lin Fei.

"It's Martial God Lin!"

"It really is Martial God Lin, but how did he return?"

"Yeah, isn't it said that once you go to the Divine Realm, you can't come back?"

"Whether you can come back or not is unclear, but Martial God Lin is the first among the many god-level cultivators who went to the Divine Realm to return to the Ancient Continent."

"I wonder how much progress Martial God Lin has made in the Divine Realm during these years?"

"He probably has reached the later stages of the Martial God level, if not, perhaps even the peak Martial God level!"

For a moment, many people were discussing fervently, each with their own questions. Lin Fei's sudden return to the Ancient Continent was definitely out of the ordinary. Why did he return alone when so many other god-level cultivators had gone to the Divine Realm? Why didn't the others come back?

Lin Fei cast a glance at the Celestial Strategist True Person. He didn't know him, but he could tell that he was a Deity Transformation cultivator. The discussions among the people on Mount Ascension also gave Lin Fei a general understanding of the situation.

"Greetings, Martial God Lin, I am Celestial Strategist True Person."

"Celestial Strategist True Person, I've heard of you. You want to enter the Divine Realm through the Interdimensional Passage, right?"

"Indeed, but I'm not sure about this Divine Realm..."

The Celestial Strategist True Person hesitated, as he was naturally worried about the unfamiliar and information-scarce Divine Realm.

Lin Fei nodded gently and said, "The Divine Realm is good, you won't have any problems. However, when you go to the Divine Realm, you should focus on your cultivation. It's not like in the Ancient Continent, where you're already at the peak of the Immortal Dao. In the Divine Realm, Deity Transformation is just the beginning."

Lin Fei stood with his hands behind his back, exuding the air of a mentor once again.

The Celestial Strategist True Person didn't dare to say much but felt somewhat relieved. "Thank you, Martial God."

With that, the Celestial Strategist True Person didn't linger any longer and directly stepped into the Interdimensional Passage.


In the next moment, the Celestial Strategist True Person arrived in the Divine Realm. Seeing the guards from the Ancient Covenant outside, he immediately became nervous.

"Another god-level cultivator?"

"True Monarch Lin has just entered Ancient Continent, and now another god-level cultivator arrives. Could it be related to True Monarch Lin?"

"If it's related to True Monarch Lin, we must make appropriate arrangements."

Hearing the words of these guards, the Celestial Strategist True Person felt curious. Although he had some speculations in his mind, he still asked, "Fellow Daoists, may I know if the True Monarch Lin you mentioned is the Martial God Lin of Ancient Continent?"

"Martial God Lin?"

The people exchanged glances and smiled, saying, "It's been a long time since that title was used. When True Monarch Lin was still a Martial God, he was a legendary figure throughout the Divine Realm and even hailed as the number one Martial God in the Divine Realm.

However, now True Monarch Lin has long surpassed the Martial God level and ascended to the rank of True Monarch. If you stay in the Divine Realm a bit longer, you'll learn about the legendary deeds of True Monarch Lin. By the way, who are you in relation to True Monarch Lin?"

The guard's words surprised the Celestial Strategist True Person. It seemed that Lin Fei had developed quite well in the Divine Realm. To be known as the number one Martial God in the Divine Realm was an incredible honor. The Celestial Strategist True Person's thoughts raced as he carefully replied, "I am a junior of True Monarch Lin. True Monarch Lin has been very gracious to me..."

The Celestial Strategist True Person couldn't help but exaggerate a bit. After all, Lin Fei's status in the Divine Realm was extraordinary, and being considered his "junior" would undoubtedly come with many benefits.

"As expected, you have a connection with True Monarch Lin. For True Monarch Lin's sake, we'll make sure you have a good place here."

With that, the Celestial Strategist True Person followed the Ancient Covenant guards out of the Interdimensional Passage.

Meanwhile, on Mount Ascension, Lin Fei had no idea that he had gained another "junior".

Lin Fei took a step forward and arrived in front of the people on Mount Ascension.

"Respectfully welcome Martial God Lin!"

Many people immediately knelt down and paid their respects. Their eyes gleamed with excitement, and their expressions were filled with anticipation. Clearly, Lin Fei's return had greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Ancient Origin Sect, how is it now?" Lin Fei inquired, as he was most eager to know the current state of the Ancient Origin Sect and the well-being of his loved ones.

"Martial God Lin, Ancient Origin Sect remains largely unchanged from when you left," replied one of the people.

"And the Feng family?" Lin Fei asked.

"Are you asking about your wife?" The person responded, "They are peaceful, with no significant issues."

Lin Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief. It made sense when he thought about it.

How long had he been away?

At most, it had been three years, possibly even less. In just two or three years, it was no time at all. Despite all the events and progress he had made in the Divine Realm, becoming the number one Martial God and even a True Monarch, almost achieving the rank of Martial Ancestor, his time away from the Ancient Continent had not been that long. From the perspective of Martial Kings, it was just one brief period of seclusion, and they might not even have had enough time for that.

There was no reason for anything significant to have happened to the Ancient Origin Sect or the Feng family within that time frame.

In just two or three years, Lin Fei's reputation had not diminished in the slightest; it had only grown stronger, making him a legend of the Ancient Continent.

Lin Fei had two places on his mind—The Ancient Origin Sect and the Feng family, specifically, Feng Ling.

Lin Fei considered his options: should he return to the Feng family and reunite with Feng Ling first, or should he go back to the Ancient Origin Sect? Eventually, he made a decision. He wanted to see the person he missed the most: Feng Ling.

"Thank you, fellow daoist," Lin Fei said, waving his hand, and a pure force enveloped the Martial King, granting him immense benefits.

With a swift step, Lin Fei shattered the void and traversed through space, heading toward his destination.


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