Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

569. The Rewards of Nine Heavenly Tribulations!

569. The Rewards of Nine Heavenly Tribulations!

Lin Fei's World Dao had remained stagnant for quite some time now. At this moment, he waited patiently.


In the next moment, the Sea of Origin trembled. Immediately afterward, a rainbow-colored radiance descended upon Lin Fei, enveloping him entirely. Lin Fei found himself once again within the illusion.

Inside the illusion, Lin Fei beheld a world—a small world. This small world had already given birth to life, much like what he had witnessed the last time he entered the illusion. However, back then, it was towards the end of the illusion, while now, it was just the beginning.

Lin Fei, however, became lost in contemplation. The previous illusion had already seen the birth of life within the world, making it a complete world. Now, with the appearance of this small world, could it undergo any further changes?

Lin Fei pondered relentlessly. At least in his understanding, once a world had given birth to life, it had reached its completion, and there was nothing more to comprehend. So, what purpose did it serve to continue encountering illusions of such worlds?

However, Lin Fei couldn't control these illusions. They were governed by the Sea of Origin. Even if he didn't wish to experience these illusions again, he had no choice but to endure them and quietly observe.

As time passed, Lin Fei observed that within this small world, life was increasing rapidly. Moreover, these life forms were constantly cultivating and growing stronger, giving rise to individuals akin to Golden Core cultivators, Nascent Soul cultivators, Martial Kings, and even Martial Gods. However, it seemed that Martial God was the limit they could achieve, and further progress was unattainable due to the limitations of this small world.

Yet, the life forms within these small worlds were not content with this limitation. They were determined to forge a path beyond the realm of Martial Gods, to reach greater heights. They were willing to go to any lengths to break through, to surpass the boundaries imposed upon them by their small worlds.

Despite their efforts, the small worlds had decided that they could only reach the level of Martial Gods and no higher. There seemed to be no way to break through this barrier. Nevertheless, the number of Martial Gods continued to grow.

Finally, one day, hundreds of Martial God-level individuals collectively engaged in profound contemplation. They managed to deduce a groundbreaking method, a path that could elevate them to new heights.

Dozens of Martial God-level individuals were willing to take the risk and practice this revolutionary technique. Sadly, the vast majority of them perished in their attempts, leaving only one who succeeded.


This lone individual, who had transitioned from the Martial God level, ascended to the True Monarch level. Throughout this process, the small world underwent a profound transformation.

Lin Fei was deeply shocked.

What did he witness?

A small world was slowly metamorphosing, starting with its laws, followed by its world's source, and even the small world itself, all undergoing rapid expansion. The world's origin, in particular, multiplied immensely, and all the laws seemed to be elevating themselves.

This small world had utterly transformed into a True Monarch-level world!

Seeing this scene left Lin Fei in profound astonishment, surpassing even his wildest imagination. He no longer wanted to leave the illusion; instead, he desired to stay within it for a more extended period. He wanted to understand what had prompted the small world to undergo such a remarkable transformation and ultimately "ascend" to the True Monarch-level world.

"Wait a moment, ascending to a True Monarch-level world is truly unheard of. Could it be that True Monarch-level worlds aren't inherently born but can be elevated afterward? Furthermore, it seems that the ascension to a True Monarch-level world is related to life within the world. One must forcibly elevate to the True Monarch level to have a chance at world ascension..."

Lin Fei carefully recalled and analyzed the situation, and faintly, he seemed to have grasped a clue.

"Your World Dao, by witnessing the ascension of the small world to a True Monarch-level world, has gained enlightenment."

"Your World Dao has increased by 20% in progress."

"Your World Dao has reached 73% progress!"

Suddenly, the system's voice rang in Lin Fei's mind. Subsequently, when Lin Fei regained consciousness and raised his head, the illusion had already disappeared. He was back within the formation.

This ninth Heavenly Tribulation had been completely overcome, and Lin Fei had received his rewards, including profound enlightenment.


Lin Fei immediately accessed the system for further information.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Realm: Martial God (Nine Heavenly Tribulations)

Great Dream Heart Sutra: Fourth Layer

Four Symbols and Five Elements Creation Technique: 5,300 Particle Worlds

World Dao: 73% Progress

Lin Fei glanced at the progress of his World Dao, which had indeed reached 73%, a significant increase of 20% in a single instance. This was the result of his enlightenment, triggered only after successfully overcoming the nine Heavenly Tribulations and resisting the nine Heavenly Thunderbolts. This was far beyond Lin Fei's expectations. He hadn't anticipated that his World Dao could make such a remarkable leap.

"It seems that the ascension of the small world to a True Monarch-level world had a profound impact on my World Dao. Hence, the significant enlightenment and the 20% progress increase. If I can elevate the particle world within my body from a small world to a True Monarch-level world as well... how powerful will my physical body become?"

An audacious and wild idea took root in Lin Fei's mind. If all of his particle worlds could transform into True Monarch-level worlds, then his physical strength would likely rival that of a Martial Ancestor, even if he hadn't fully mastered a complete Dao or achieved the title of Martial Ancestor.

Of course, ascending to a True Monarch-level world presented a daunting challenge. It was related to life within the world, but Lin Fei's particle worlds currently had no life within them. How could he possibly achieve world ascension? This was something Lin Fei could only ponder for now, as it seemed impossible to accomplish in the short term, with no apparent opportunity in sight.

Furthermore, even if life were to be born within his particle worlds, ascending them to True Monarch-level worlds would be equally challenging and require continuous experimentation.

"However, it's very difficult to deduce how to ascend my particle worlds to True Monarch-level worlds slowly. But within the Divine Dream Realm, I can deduce it completely. And the method of deduction doesn't matter."

Lin Fei had a thought. He remembered the various advantages of the Divine Dream Realm. While he was helping the Great Dream Ancestor improve the realm, it was also providing tremendous benefits for him.

"Time to go back."

Lin Fei left the formation. As he emerged, he was greeted by a scene in the Thunder Tribulation area that left him awestruck. It was densely packed with Martial Gods, Deity Transformation Realm cultivators, and many other powerful beings. When they saw Lin Fei emerging, they all loudly congratulated him, "Congratulations, True Monarch Lin, on passing the ninth Heavenly Tribulation!"

Their congratulations came from the heart, and they were filled with genuine admiration. Lin Fei's tribulation had brought great benefits to many Martial Gods after all.

Lin Fei nodded slightly in response, saying nothing, and took a step forward, leaving the Thunder Tribulation area and returning to his residence.

With a thought, Lin Fei conjured nine World Laws into his hands, the ones he had acquired during his recent tribulation. Combined with the fifty-two World Laws he had previously collected, Lin Fei now possessed a total of sixty-one World Laws.

Originally, Lin Fei had planned to comprehend how to create a True Monarch-level world in the future and then use these World Laws to establish True Monarch-level particle worlds. However, it now appeared to be an extremely challenging endeavor, akin to an insurmountable obstacle. Achieving True Monarch-level particle worlds in a single step was incredibly difficult.

"Regardless, I need to visit a true True Monarch-level world first, to get a better understanding."

Lin Fei refrained from creating a particle world for now. Instead, he wanted to explore a genuine True Monarch-level world, one that wasn't on the brink of collapse but a fully functioning True Monarch-level world. This, Lin Fei believed, he could achieve.


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