Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

563. A Collapsing True Monarch-Level World!

563. A Collapsing True Monarch-Level World!

"Saber World!"

In the next moment, Lin Fei, without any hesitation, deployed Saber World.


With the arrival of Saber World, the interior was isolated from the exterior. Simultaneously, fifty-two world laws fully integrated into Saber World, elevating Lin Fei's Saber World to the level of a top-tier True Monarch, even capable of suppressing one.

As Saber World descended, the Hydra immediately felt the pressure. Each moment, a relentless force bore down upon its nine heads, and it had to resist. Otherwise, its heads would truly be suppressed.

Therefore, the Hydra expended most of its strength to counter Saber World, which allowed Lin Fei's physical body to be freed and rapidly begin restoring its lost particles. In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei was fully restored.

Lin Fei's strength was already formidable, and now, augmented by Saber World, he was the strongest beneath the Martial Ancestors.

Therefore, Lin Fei had nothing to fear from the Hydra. Seeing the Hydra being suppressed by the power of Saber World, Lin Fei's particles vibrated. The power of his 5,300 particle worlds erupted.


Lin Fei unleashed a punch, not just with the strength of his physical body but also bolstered by Saber World.

Lin Fei's Saber World could enhance his physical body, especially now that its power had reached the level of a top-tier True Monarch, making the augmentation even stronger.

With this enhanced strength from Saber World, Lin Fei's punch carried an overwhelming power, capable of challenging the might of the Hydra. The battle between these two formidable beings had escalated, with Lin Fei now having the upper hand.

The fate of the Hydra and the secret of the True Monarch-level world fragment it swallowed hung in the balance, as Lin Fei continued to exert his newfound dominance in the clash.


In such a scenario, the power of Lin Fei's punch was immense. Even the Hydra, with its nine heads, could no longer withstand it. One by one, Lin Fei burst eight of the Hydra's heads.

With the enhancement of Saber World, Lin Fei was unstoppable, invincible. No force could resist his punches, not even the Laws unleashed by the Hydra's heads.

"Stop, stop! True Monarch Lin, I am willing to reveal the details of the True Monarch-level world."

Finally, the Hydra could no longer endure. Although it had nine heads and was reputedly immortal, in reality, once all nine heads were annihilated, it would die.

Not wanting to perish, the Hydra, having lost eight heads and facing total annihilation, chose to submit and save itself. It knew that if it did not speak, Lin Fei might burst its last head. The Hydra couldn't take that risk.

So, Lin Fei stopped. He didn't continue to attack and obliterate the Hydra's last remaining head. The Hydra immediately began to restore its annihilated heads.

This was a True Monarch's immortality trait. As long as even a single particle remained, it could quickly recover. This trait, vastly different from Void Transformation True Monarchs, was an incredibly potent recovery ability, also considered a form of immortality.

However, facing Lin Fei's combined power of Saber World and his physical strength, the Hydra felt bitter. It had to acknowledge that Lin Fei possessed the capability to slay it.

As the Hydra slowly restored its heads, Lin Fei stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze coldly fixed on the creature. He didn't hinder the Hydra's recovery.

What difference would it make if the Hydra restored itself? Lin Fei, who had defeated the Hydra once, could do so again, two or three times, or even slay it altogether without difficulty.

After the Hydra restored its nine heads, it looked at Lin Fei, its expression complex and filled with a mix of emotions.

"Indeed, worthy of being True Monarch Lin from the Ancient Covenant. Surviving nine heavenly thunders truly sets you apart. This time, I admit my defeat. And I am thoroughly convinced. As for the True Monarch-level world you seek, I don't mind telling you. That world has indeed collapsed. Its world origin is gone. But it hasn't been completely annihilated. What benefits you can derive from it depends on your fate and fortune." The Hydra spoke frankly.

"Oh? There really is a True Monarch-level world? Regardless of whether it has its world origin or not, lead me to it." Lin Fei immediately responded.

"Follow me, True Monarch Lin," said the Hydra. Then, with a step, it shattered the surrounding void and opened a spatial channel. Both of them stepped into the channel and vanished from sight, traversing through the void.

Taotie watched this unfold with a fluctuating expression, seemingly lost in thought and somewhat gloomy.

"It seems True Monarch Lin won't kill the Hydra. If the Hydra survives, will it come after me again? Even if I escape death now, what about the future?" Taotie was indecisive, seemingly wrestling with a difficult decision.



Ripples appeared in the void, spreading out in all directions like ripples on water. Two figures flew out from the spatial channel.

The Hydra, looking at a crumbling, fragmented True Monarch-level world ahead, spoke with a complex expression: "This is the world. I'm not sure of its exact name. When I discovered it, it was already collapsing and quite fragmented. Even its world origin had been plundered. I planned to wait for this True Monarch-level world to collapse a bit more before devouring it. But before I could, True Monarch Lin you arrived..."

Following the Hydra, Lin Fei arrived in front of the collapsing True Monarch-level world. His gaze fixed on this world, he immediately noticed that its world origin had indeed been plundered. It wouldn't take long, perhaps a month, half a month, or even just a few days, for this True Monarch-level world to completely collapse and turn to dust.

The Hydra could devour such a world, and doing so would bring it great benefits. However, now that Lin Fei was present, it was uncertain what he would do with this world.

Lin Fei pondered for a moment before stepping into the True Monarch-level world.


As he entered, the void in all directions began to collapse. Entering a True Monarch-level world at such a time was incredibly risky. If the world collapsed, Lin Fei would also be annihilated. The destructive force generated by the collapse of a world is tremendously powerful.

However, Lin Fei entered this collapsing world seeking benefits. Though the world origin was gone, he immediately sensed that the world laws were still present, albeit not entirely intact and somewhat damaged, which was expected given the ongoing collapse.

Nevertheless, the laws retained about eighty to ninety percent of their integrity, which was sufficient for Lin Fei. Without the world origin, these True Monarch-level world laws were still a valuable find.

Realizing this, Lin Fei didn't hesitate. He reached out and grasped, causing the entire world to shake even more violently. With his grasp, a complete and intact law was forcibly extracted from the void—the world law!

As soon as the world law appeared, the collapsing True Monarch-level world shook even more intensely. Laws are the fundamental forces maintaining a world. Extracting them could bring a world to the brink of collapse or accelerate its destruction if it was already collapsing.


With a flicker of Saber World, Lin Fei instantly captured the True Monarch-level world law and absorbed it into Saber World. Then, without any delay, he swiftly left the True Monarch-level world.


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