Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points

Chapter 152 - 147: Many Congratulate - Part 1

Chapter 147: Many Congratulate – Part 1

Translator: 549690339

Before, he was just a nobody, and even if he wanted to see Yan Ruohai, he wouldn’t have had the chance.

Moreover, he wasn’t the type to fawn over the rich and powerful, wagging his tail for pity.

Now that the Yan Family had taken the initiative to extend an olive branch by sending a gift, it would be somewhat rude for him not to pay a visit in return. It would appear conceited and make others think he was arrogant and difficult to deal with.

It was like when an elder visited one’s home, and as their junior, sitting idly by would be quite impolite.

After welcoming Yan Family’s eldest son and others into the house and seating them according to rank, he served them tea.

Xiao Qing, though young, was very sensible and served tea to the guests.

The cups were very clean, but when Yan Family’s eldest son picked up his cup to drink, his brows furrowed slightly.

The tea cup was old and the quality was poor.

It couldn’t even be described as smooth-glazed, as even ordinary poor people used unglazed pottery cups like these.

These were relatively cheap.

For the poor, it was already good enough to have a cup to use.

Even poorer families would just use a ladle or bamboo tube to scoop water to drink.

Qin Niu had just come into wealth recently and still lacked the time to accumulate belongings; he was far from comparing to a prominent family.

It was already quite an achievement to have built this residence.

As for furniture, tea cups, and the like, he could only gradually acquire and replace them with higher-end items.

In truth, he had little attachment to material comforts.

Of course, if he could live a better life, he would be willing.

No one wished for a worse life.

Yan Family’s eldest son probably drank the tea while holding his nose. Whether it was the cup or the tea, both were far from what he enjoyed on a regular basis.

Not to drink would be impolite.

It would make Qin Niu feel regarded with disdain.

Sipping lightly, Yan Family’s eldest son set the tea cup back on the table.

He chatted with Qin Niu about household matters for a while.

Then he got to the point.

Master Qin Niu, recently, locusts have been causing havoc and ravaging the land. I’ve heard you have quite the knack for exterminating locusts. I wonder if you have the time to help our Yan Family combat this locust plague? The matter of payment is negotiable.”

Yan Family’s eldest son seemed to know Qin Niu was not easily persuaded and did not dare to name a price lightly.

In the face of disaster, we humans need to unite to fight against the insect plague. I empathize with the losses your Yan Family is currently suffering. I am more than willing to help protect your family’s crops from being harmed. However, my method of pest control is quite unique and my abilities are limited. I need to stop the locusts from migrating in first, then eliminate them in order to achieve a good extermination result.

Otherwise, if I get rid of them today and a new swarm comes tomorrow, there will be no end to it.”

Qin Niu’s fee was not low, seventy copper coins per mu.

Exterminating pests once a day, unless the Yan Family’s fields were growing crops that bore gold, they simply couldn’t afford such heavy expenses.

What Master Qin says is very true. My Yan Family has already invited two Insect Masters from the city to help fend off the insect disaster. They have found ways to block the locusts’ migratory paths. While it may not completely stop new locusts from coming in, at least ninety percent are being kept out. Right now, what’s most critical for my Yan Family is the tea plantations, mulberry fields, cotton and sesame fields, and over four hundred mu of sorghum and wheat that are approaching the critical time for harvest.”

As far as I know, Master Qin is very thorough in eliminating pests.

You can remove the pests, their eggs, and their larvae all in one go.

If Master Qin has the time, I would like to ask you to help our Yan Family clear the locusts from our fields. With this century’s rare locust disaster upon us, we can only aim to save as much as we can.”

The Yan Family had vast fields and planted a great variety of crops.

Apart from grain, they also planted many economic crops.

Tea leaves need no mention; the profits are astonishingly high.

Mulberry leaves are mainly used for silkworm breeding.

The brocades and silks worn by the powerful are all woven from silk.

Lustrous silk, gauze, and damask are all high-end fabrics that are quite expensive.

Qin Niu’s Insect Master Robe was made of damask, but it was one of the poorer kinds within that category. The truly top-grade materials were enjoyed by the high ranks of the Black Tiger Gang and even higher-class nobles.

I need to go into town to take care of some business today. I will come over to help with pest control at your residence tomorrow. Is that okay?”

Haha, that’s perfectly fine. I was worried when I came here that Master Qin would be too busy to agree! Now that’s great, having persuaded Master Qin, I can go back and report to my father. Since Master Qin needs to go into the city, I won’t impose any further and will take my leave. Tomorrow, I’ll have Steward Qi come to pick you up.”

Having achieved his objective, Yan Family’s eldest son stood up to say goodbye.

Qin Niu stood to see him off.

When sending off a guest, one usually only went as far as the living room door, but in the case of Yan Family’s eldest son, Qin Niu escorted him all the way outside the gate.

With his social status, he certainly deserved such treatment.

No sooner had he sent Yan Family’s eldest son away than Qin Niu, looking at the many high-end pieces of furniture that the Yan Family had sent, was very clear that accepting these gifts meant he now had a personal relationship with the Yan Family.

These many pieces of hardwood furniture were worth at least sixty or seventy taels of Silver Money, which was almost equal to the value of his whole house.

The Yan Family really did things in a grand way.

If they merely wanted to hire Qin Niu for pest control, there would have been no need to send such a generous gift.

The Yan Family, with their deep schemes and foresight as the local hegemon, had a solid foundation with their family business prospering for over a hundred years. Such a grand gift must have a profound significance.

Qin Niu could not fathom their intentions at the moment.

No matter, he would find out in due course.

Master Qin, congratulations!

Wang Furen also arrived with people to deliver gifts.

Looking at the hardwood furniture that the Yan Family had given, Wang Furen was not only envious but also shocked.

This Qin Niu was far more formidable than he had imagined!

Even though Xu Zhenchang had a very close relationship with the Yan Family, when Xu Zhenchang’s new house was completed, the Yan Family had merely sent a junior steward to convey their congratulations. The gift they presented was a hardwood bed.

It was said that Xu Zhenchang treasured it like a precious pearl, placing it as the bed of honor in the master bedroom.

And he bragged about it to everyone.

Now, looking at the furniture sent to Qin Niu, not only was it made of hardwood, but it also used solid wood throughout.

Redwood is extremely difficult to mature.

The materials used are whole woods, implying that each piece of redwood is at least a hundred years old.

Then there’s the craftsmanship, even though the outside is wrapped in palm bark, the sturdy and clever mortise and tenon technique, as well as the exquisite carvings, can’t be concealed. With Wang Furen’s experience, he could tell at a glance that these were of a much higher quality than those marriage beds made by Xu Zhenchang.

The Yan Family really went all out this time.

Their willingness to spend so much proves Qin Niu’s worth.

Otherwise, the Yan Family would never have gone through so much trouble.

The crafting of these pieces of furniture couldn’t have been done in a day or two; they had to be preordered in advance.

This indicates that the Yan Family might have begun ordering these redwood pieces of furniture when Qin Niu was just laying the foundation of his house.

To win over Qin Niu, the Yan Family was truly painstaking in their efforts!

This is a rosewood folding screen that I had made, along with several brocade quilts. It’s a humble gift, not much of a token, but I hope Master Qin will accept them with a smile!”

Wang Furen was quite generous as well.

He couldn’t present gifts like the Yan Family, whose set furniture was worth sixty to seventy taels of Silver Money.

Screens are indispensable and elegant items in a living room.

They involve the privacy of the host and also have implications in geomancy.

The modern foyer is actually an extension of the screen.

Chairs, beds, tables, and other pieces of furniture are expected to be sturdy and durable; heavy and appealing redwood is the preferred material.

But screens often need to be moved around.

What’s sought after is not heaviness, but rather ingenuity, elegance, and beauty.

Many encounters between young ladies and gentlemen are particularly interesting, as the ladies don’t come out to meet the men directly. Instead, they hide behind screens to sneak peeks at the men.

This also fits in with the modest beauty of women.

Wang Uncle, you’re too generous! Please come inside for some tea!

Qin Niu also accepted the congratulatory gifts.

These items were custom-made with a lot of thought, and it would be inappropriate to refuse.

Social interactions are about give and take.

In future celebrations at the Yan Family or Wang Furen’s, Qin Niu would naturally offer substantial gifts in return.

Wang Brother, my dear elder brother, you are always one step ahead of me! Last time when buying ducks, I regretted not buying with you and missed out on a great opportunity to make money. Your eye for opportunities impresses me, as well as Master Qin.”

Xu Zhenchang also arrived with his entourage, carrying gifts.

Master Qin, congratulations on the completion of your new residence, may you be blessed with endless prosperity. These are a few sets of tableware I had fired, as well as two sets of tea sets, please don’t look down upon them, Master Qin!”

Giving gifts is a technical matter.

Otherwise, you might spend money and still fail to win the homeowner’s gratitude.

Xu Zhenchang and Wang Furen, these people, each one a sly fox, knew exactly what Qin Niu needed most.

Because they too came up from poor folks, one step at a time.

Fine quilts, good tableware, and tea sets are precisely what Qin Niu lacks.

As for those high-end redwood pieces of furniture, families of their modest wealth truly couldn’t afford to give those as gifts.

Thank you, thank you! Mayor, you shouldn’t have spent so much! Please come in for some tea!”

Qin Niu ushered the two men inside.

Xu Zhenchang looked at the redwood furniture sent by the Yan Family and felt a pang of sourness in his heart.

Simply having good relations with the Yan Family wasn’t enough, one also needed real strength.

Otherwise, knowing people wouldn’t matter.

Look at Master Qin, who normally didn’t interact much with the Yan Family, yet the magnitude of the Yan Family’s congratulatory gifts was truly shocking.

While he was entertaining the two guests, more people came with congratulatory gifts.

Tang Caixian and her brother Tang Bin came together.

She was dressed particularly brightly and charmingly today.

Master Qin, congratulations on your joyous housewarming. These are a few pots of flowers and plants that my sister has carefully tended, and also two sets of calligraphy and paintings, please accept them with kindness!”

Thank you! Cai Xian, you’ve gone to so much trouble!

After thanking Tang Bin, Qin Niu then turned to Tang Caixian with a smile to express his gratitude.

I was always worried you wouldn’t like them. I didn’t know what to pick!

Tang Caixian lightly brushed the hair from her forehead, revealing a clean and radiant forehead, as she responded.

As long as it’s your choice, I’ll like it!

Qin Niu said and then felt that he might have been a bit too forward.

To his surprise, Tang Caixian responded with a pleased and bashful smile.

Hehe, you always know how to say flattering things! This ‘Seeking the Way Painting,’ I especially requested a master in the city to paint. This ‘Bright Hall of Eternal Spring Painting,’ signifies the hope that your future will be as splendid and bright as springtime, with prospects as colorful as a road of blooming flowers.”

The two paintings she chose were the result of a lot of thought and effort.

The ‘Seeking the Way Painting’ depicts an elder sitting under a pine tree on a cliff, accompanied by a waterfall, with the hidden presence of cranes dancing in the valley, full of an immortal-like atmosphere.

You have such a way with words! An educated girl speaks differently, just a few sentences and you’ve charmed someone senseless!” Qin Niu’s remark made both siblings laugh. “Please come in and have some tea.”

Just as the Tang siblings entered, more guests arrived outside.

It was the Tang Fang brothers.

Beyond that, a horse-drawn carriage was slowly approaching.

After stopping outside the door, a man in his late twenties, quite young, descended from the carriage. Dressed in official attire, his chest sported a red patch, his head was adorned with a black hat, and he wore black court shoes.

This was a real official, at least much senior to any Official Liu or Wang Yue whom Qin Niu had encountered.


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