Immortality Cultivation: I Can increase My Stats Using Clansmen's Qi-Blood

Chapter 43: 43 The Polar Reversal, The Doom of the Zhao Family_1

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 The Polar Reversal, The Doom of the Zhao Family_1
“What exactly have I overlooked?”

“Those remnants from Black Tiger Fortress who have yet to be brought into Qingshi Town?”

“The surviving bloodlines of the Zhao Family outside?”

“No, it doesn’t seem to be these…”

Luo Chuan shook his head silently, just as he was deep in thought.

In front of him, suddenly a figure appeared.

The figure was pale and skinny, with an average appearance.

If placed within a crowd, you might not be able to recognize it at all.

Yet, it was precisely this person who had infiltrated among the Armored Youths conscripted by the Luo Family.

All of this brought Luo Chuan a great sense of disharmony.

“That’s right, it must be him…”

“Black Tiger Fortress has been able to develop so rapidly in such a short time, and it has even swallowed up other fortresses, growing to its current size.”

“There must be someone behind Black Tiger Fortress, plotting and strategizing…”

As Luo Chuan thought to himself, he silently walked towards Gao Qi, who seemed to want to hide in the crowd.

Luo Yong, the strongest in the Luo Family, possessed the state of Bone Refinement Perfection.

His nephew in front of him continued to walk towards those recently conscripted Armored Youths.

He sighed helplessly and had no choice but to follow closely.

His elder brother, Luo Ping, was practically disabled.

The future of the Luo Family was very likely to fall on this young fellow, Luo Chuan.

So, he had to protect the lad.

It was crucial to prevent any accident from befalling him.

“Is it you?”

Looking at the emaciated and pallid Gao Qi, Luo Chuan asked in a low voice.

However, Gao Qi did not immediately respond to Luo Chuan’s inquiry.

“It’s you, without a doubt…” Luo Chuan stared intently at Gao Qi in front of him.

And this time, it seemed that Gao Qi could no longer evade or muddle through.

Left with no choice, he could only silently lift his head, pretending to be somewhat puzzled as he spoke, “My lord, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I…”

Gao Qi’s voice was somewhat trembling.

The look of doubt on his face was also perfectly feigned.

However, it was a pity…

He was facing Luo Chuan of the Luo Family.

Luo Chuan didn’t wait for Gao Qi to finish speaking; he directly drew out the blade from his Third Uncle Luo Yong’s waist by his side.

He swung it straight at Gao Qi’s neck.

The dull sound that came as the blade crossed the neck was heard once more.

A head with eyes wide open, seemingly filled with disbelief, slowly rolled on the ground.

Among those present at the scene, let alone Gao Qi, who just had his head cut off,

Even Luo Yong, who was standing by Luo Chuan’s side, quietly guarding him, was now full of surprise.

“What are you doing?”

Luo Yong looked at the bloodstained, eerily calm Luo Chuan.

He fell silent for a moment before suddenly asking.

“The development speed of Black Tiger Fortress is somewhat unusual. I think there’s someone scheming behind it…”

“And the existence of this person is rather incongruous.”

“When conversing with me, his words were slightly shaky with doubt on his face, which was quite perfect.”

“But deep in his eyes, there was extreme calmness.”

“So you think this person was the one strategizing behind Black Tiger Fortress?” Luo Yong asked again.

“Probably…” Luo Chuan said while inserting the blade back into Luo Yong’s waist, speaking softly, “But in this chaotic world, even if I’ve killed the wrong person, what of it?”

“Compared to our Luo Family, the life of an insignificant person should not be something you’d quarrel with me over, right, Third Uncle?”

Luo Yong: “No, it won’t…”

After completely taking control of the Armored Youth brought by the Zhao Family,

the next matter to handle was the remaining Zhao Family clansmen in Qingshi Town.

“Father, are you going as well?”

On an open ground in the Luo Family Ancestral Land,

Luo Chuan silently approached his father, Luo Ping.

Even though he knew there was a great chance his father would not deal personally with the remaining Zhao Family members,

he still asked his father the question.

“With the fall of the Zhao Family, there are still many matters within the clan that I need to attend to.”

“This matter… let you and your Third Uncle handle it together!”

Luo Ping forced a hint of a smile onto his face.

He extended a hand and patted his son, who seemed to be becoming increasingly more foreign to him.

“If that’s the case, then I will do as Father wishes…”

Having said that, Luo Chuan walked out of the Luo Family Ancestral Land alone.

Luo Yong, who was still within the Luo Family Ancestral Land, saw his exceptionally talented nephew depart.

He could only bring a group of elite house servants, whom he personally trained, to closely follow at Luo Chuan’s side, protecting his safety.

Because the matter between the Luo Family and the Zhao Family was resolved much faster than expected,

the other two major families in Qingshi Town aside from the Zhaos and the Luos, the Jing Family and the Hu Family,

had not yet received news about the Zhao Family’s imminent demise and the Luo Family’s impending rise to power.

Outside the Zhao Family Ancestral Land in Qingshi Town,

Hu Da, the current Family Head of the Hu Family, and his son Hu Min were silently waiting outside the gates of the Zhao Family Ancestral Land.

It seemed these two from the Hu Family were waiting for the Zhao Family to exterminate the Luo Family.

Then, taking advantage of the situation, they planned to hand over the marketplace in their possession, offering the Zhao Family a double celebration.

By doing so, not only would they leave a good impression on the Zhao Family,

but they would also owe the Hu Family a favor.

As long as the Zhao Family continued to grow stronger,

the status of the Hu Family in Qingshi Town would become ever more secure.

“In a while, once we enter the Zhao Family,”

“do you understand what can be said and what cannot?”

“Are you clear on it?”

Outside the Zhao Family Ancestral Land, Hu Da wanted to ensure nothing would go wrong, so he once again inquired of his son, Hu Min, beside him.

“Don’t worry, Father, your son understands…” Hu Min slightly bowed, nodding his head.

“Between families, alliances through marriage are even more important than favors.”

“So, if there is a chance, you must bring this matter up with the Family Head of the Zhao Family.”

After glancing at his son Hu Min, who was utterly respectful, Hu Da once again emphasized softly to Hu Min beside him.

“Rest assured, Father, your son is well aware…” Hu Min nodded quietly once again.

And just as Hu Da seemed to want to continue saying something,

suddenly, from a distance, came the sound of footsteps approaching.

“The Luo Family resolved their issue so quickly?”

Although Hu Da was surprised, it did not interfere with his desire to show his eagerness to the Zhao Family.

“Get ready, and once the Zhao Family Head comes over,”

“we’ll follow behind the Zhao Family Head and enter the Zhao Family Ancestral Land together.”

“Yes, Father. I understand…” Hu Min nodded again.


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